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Academic year: 2022

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以表格呈現、條列出本主題的必備及擴充文法概念,使學生對該主題的學 習內容有初步概念。


透過短文閱讀讓學生先行了解本單元的文法概念在句子中的呈現,同時將 800 單字講義中的相關單字及片語融入短文,並增列與短文主題相關的字 詞,使學生有更全面的學習。


此部分為每位學生都必須學習的基本文法概念,依據學習情報裡條列出的 文法概念逐一進行解說。搭配隨堂練習,讓學生隨時檢視自己對各個文法 概念是否有相當程度的理解。


針對必備概念的所有基本文法,設計出 4 個回合的練習題。第一回為基礎 題型,第二回題目難度加深,同時加入歷屆基測或會考題目,學生可練習、




此部分的文法概念為進階、補充性質,針對會考常見之文法概念補充並加 以解說,讓程度較佳、學習進度較快之學習者做進階的學習。此外,搭配 隨堂練習,使學生隨時檢視自己對各個文法概念是否有相當程度的理解。


針對擴充概念的所有文法,設計出 2 個回合的練習題,期望學生得以統整

綜合 練習

擴充 文法 概念 綜合


必備 文法 概念



主題 文法概念 頁數


必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 過去完成式

 過去完成式的使用時機

 過去完成式句型–肯定句

 過去完成式句型–否定句

 過去完成式句型–疑問句


擴充 文法 概念


必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 被動式

 各時態的被動式句型

 祈使句的被動句型

 授予動詞的被動句型

 感官動詞的被動句型

 使役動詞的被動句型


擴充 文法 概念


必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 連接詞及過去習慣用語

 對等連接詞的用法

 從屬連接詞的用法

 until 的用法

 used to 的用法

 used to 與 be used to 的區別


擴充 文法 概念

Topic 1 連接詞片語

 both…and…的用法

 neither…nor…的用法

 either…or…的用法

 not only…but also…的用法



主題 文法概念 頁數


必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 現在分詞和過去分詞當形容詞

 現在分詞和過去分詞當形容詞的用法


擴充 文法 概念

Topic 1 感嘆句

 以 What 為首的感嘆句

 以 How 為首的感嘆句

 含有 such 的感嘆句

 含有 so 的感嘆句



必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 子句一

 關係代名詞(who / which / that / whom / whose)引導的形容詞子句

 當主詞用的關係代名詞(who / which / that)

 當受詞用的關係代名詞(whom / which / that)

 當所有格用的關係代名詞(whose)

 必用關係代名詞 that 及不可用的時機

 限定及非限定用法

 複合關係代名詞 what 與關係副詞 where / when 的用法


擴充 文法 概念


必備 文法 概念

Topic 1 子句二

 從屬連接詞 whether 及 if 引導的名詞子句

 從屬連接詞 whether 及 if 引導的副詞子句

 從屬連接詞 although / though 引導的副詞 子句

 …so that…、…so…that…及…too…to…




主題 文法概念 頁數


擴充 文法 概念

Topic 1 假設語氣

 可能成真的假設

 與現在事實相反的假設

 與過去事實相反的假設

 wish 的用法


III-7 試題

綜合練習 第 1 回

綜合練習 第 2 回




單字進度:Boyo Fun English 800 Words L31L33

文章單字:celebrate 慶祝;hold 舉辦;costume 服裝;trick 惡作劇;dress up as 裝扮成;witch 巫婆;after school 放學後;neighborhood 鄰近地 區


★ 上面文章出現了 Halloween,同時包含了一些與 Halloween 相關的英文 字詞。想當然爾,與Halloween 相關的英文字詞不會只有這麼一點點。

以下就再來介紹一些與Halloween 相關的英文字詞:

pumpkin 南瓜;jack-o′-lantern 南瓜燈;vampire 吸血鬼;bat 蝙蝠;skeleton 骸骨;skull 骷髏頭;tombstone 墓碑;witch hat 巫婆帽;broom 掃帚;

makeup 化妝;haunted house 鬼屋

Have you ever heard of Halloween? Halloween is on October 31, and many people celebrate it. They often hold costume parties or go trick-or-treating on the day.

Last week my classmates and I had celebrated it when we were free. We wore our costumes to school; some of us dressed up as ghosts or witches, and some wore animal costumes. After school, we went from house to house in our neighborhoods. We rang doorbells and said,“Trick or treat!”We had got a lot of candies, and yesterday we ate them together. Had you also celebrated it last week? Maybe you can try it next time.


※必備文法概念: Topic □



 過去完成式的使用時機

 過去完成式句型–肯定句

 過去完成式句型–否定句

 過去完成式句型–疑問句

閱讀特快車 Halloween celebrations


Topic 1 過去完成式



過去完成式表達的時間點是過去。其最大的特徵是「had + 過去分詞」。那究竟


1. 在過去某時間點出現了二個事件或動作,先發生的用過去完成式表達,後 發生的則用過去簡單式。

例1:She had left for the airport before I got home.


 由上面例子來看,「離開去機場」先於「到家」,所以「離開去機場」要用 過去完成式來表示。

例2:The movie had finished when he went to the movie theater.


 由上面例子來看,「電影結束」先於「去電影院」,所以「電影結束」要用 過去完成式來表示。

必備文法概念 You are the best﹗


1. She_____________________________ a letter to her mom before she ate lunch.


2. Jack_____________________________ dinner when we went home last night.

(昨晚當我們回家時Jack 已經煮了晚餐。)




現在完成式是運用助動詞have / has,而過去完成式無論主詞是第幾人稱均是

運用助動詞had。此外,過去完成式的句子經常搭配 before(在…之前)、

when(當…時)、after(在…之後)等連接詞,以表達過去某時間點出現的二 個動作或事件發生的先後順序,三者在過去完成式句中的運用如下:



His father had read the book


before he fell asleep.


His father had read the book


when he fell asleep.


He fell asleep


after his father had read the



 先發生的事件以過去完成式表達,後發生的事件以過去簡單式表達。

before 與 when 的主句以過去完成式表達,子句以過去簡單式表達。

after 的主句以過去簡單式表達,子句以過去完成式表達。

1. 肯定句之句型:

(1) 有上下文時

a. (後發生)主詞 + 過去式動詞 + …. (先發生)主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + ….

b. (先發生)主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + …. (後發生)主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….

例1:The boy felt happy. He had got a beautiful postcard.


例2:The boy had eaten a big meal. He felt very full.


 有上下文時,依據邏輯去判定哪一件事或動作發生於前,又哪一個 發生於後。先發生的事件以過去完成式表達,後發生的事件則以過


去簡單式表達。如上面二個例句裡的「得到明信片」及「吃大餐」, 依據邏輯判斷,這二件事分別先於「感到快樂」及「感到非常飽」, 因此用過去完成式來表達,而「感到快樂」及「感到非常飽」則以 過去簡單式表達。

(2) 運用 before 或 when

主詞 + had + (already) + 過去分詞 + … + before / when + 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….

= Before


When+ 主詞 + 過去式動詞, + … + 主詞 + had + (already) + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:He had already done his homework before I called him last night.

= Before I called him last night, he had already done his homework.


例2:We had lived in America before we moved to Taiwan two years ago.

= Before we moved to Taiwan two years ago, we had lived in America.


 before 後面接的是後發生的事件或動作,因此使用過去簡單式表達。

而將before 這個字放於句首時,在其引導的子句句末要有逗號,之 後再接過去完成式的子句。

例3:I had eaten my dinner when she visited me.

= When she visited me, I had eaten my dinner.


例4:We had eaten dinner when my sister got home.

= When my sister got home, we had eaten dinner.


 when後面接的是後發生的事件或動作,因此使用過去簡單式表達。

而將when這個字放於句首時,在其引導的子句句末要有逗號,之後 再接過去完成式的子句。


(3) 運用 after

主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … + after + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + ….

= After + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞, + … +主詞 + 過去式動詞 + …


例 1:Jack arrived at the airport after the airplane had left.

= After the airplane had left, Jack arrived at the airport.

(飛機離開後,Jack 才抵達機場。)

例 2:They built a new museum here after we had left Taiwan.

= After we had left Taiwan, they built a new museum here.


 after 後面接的是先發生的事件或動作,因此使用過去完成式的子 句。而將after 這個字放於句首時,在其引導的子句句末要有逗號,


There is no pressure when you are making a dream come true.





( ) 1. He ______ his dinner before you went home.

(A)ate (B) eats (C) had eaten (D) has eating

( ) 2. After she had mailed the letter, she ______ to school. (A) goes (B) went (C) had gone (D) had went


1. Jane 已經喝了水。她不渴了。

2. 昨天她們吃完午餐後,May 才起床。

3. 當 Ben 昨晚上床睡覺時,他已經寫完作業。

4. 昨天我們進入教室之前,老師已經離開了。




在had 後面加上 not 即可形成否定句,而且 had 及 not 可縮寫成 hadn’t。其句 型如下:

1. 有上下文時

(1) 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + …. 主詞 + had not + 過去分詞 + ….

(2) 主詞 + had not + 過去分詞 + …. 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….

例1:The boy felt sad. He had not got a beautiful postcard.


例2:The boy hadn’t eaten anything for a long time. He felt very hungry.


2. 運用 before 或 when

主詞 + had not + 過去分詞 + … + before / when + 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….

= Before

/ When

+ 主詞 + 過去式動詞, + … + 主詞 + had not + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:He hadn’t done his homework before I called him.

= Before I called him, he hadn’t done his homework.


例2:We had not lived in America before we moved to Taiwan two years ago.

= Before we moved to Taiwan two years ago, we had not lived in America.


例3:I had not eaten my dinner when she visited me yesterday.

= When she visited me yesterday, I hadn’t eaten my dinner.


例4:We hadn’t eaten dinner when my sister got home.

= When my sister got home, we had not eaten dinner.


3. 運用 after

主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … + after + 主詞 + had not + 過去分詞 + ….

= After + 主詞 + had not + 過去分詞, + … +主詞 + 過去式動詞 + …



例1:Jack began to smoke again last month after he hadn’t smoked for ten years.

= After Jack hadn’t smoked for ten years, he began to smoke again last month.

(在Jack 沒有抽菸 10 年後,他上個月又開始抽菸。)

例2:They built a new museum here last year after they hadn’t done anything for ten years.

= After they hadn’t done anything for ten years, they built a new museum here last year.

(他們在10 年沒做事之後,去年在這裡建了一棟新美術館。)


( ) 1. Ken ______ his lunch when the class began.

(A)hadn’t eaten (B) hadn’t eating (C) eaten (D) has eating

( ) 2. After she hadn’t drunk Coke for a month, she ______ to drink it again yesterday.

(A) had started (B) starts (C) was starting (D) started


1. 昨天下午 Jane 三個小時沒喝水。她非常渴。

2. 昨晚當 Ben 上床睡覺時,他還沒寫完作業。

3. 昨天我們進入教室之前,老師還沒離開。

4. Mark三個月沒有打籃球後,上星期一開始打籃球。




將had 移到句首即可形成疑問句,而有問就會有答,過去完成式疑問句的回

答也是用Yes 或 No 開頭。其句型如下:

1. 有上下文時

問句:(1) 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + … . Had + 主詞 + 過去分詞 + …?

(2) Had + 主詞 + 過去分詞 + …? 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….


Yes, 代名詞 + had.

(肯定詳答)Yes, 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + ….

(否定簡答)No, 代名詞 + hadn’t.

(否定詳答)No, 主詞 + hadn’t + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:Ken: The boy looked happy yesterday. Had he got a beautiful postcard?


Ann: Yes, he had. 或 Yes, he had got a beautiful postcard.

(是的,他得到了。) (是的,他得到漂亮的明信片。)

例2:Ken: Had the boy eaten a big meal tonight? He looked very full.


Ann: No, he hadn’t. 或 No, he hadn’t eaten a big meal tonight.

(不,他沒吃。) (不,他今晚沒有吃大餐。)

2. 運用 before 或 when

問句:Had + 主詞 + 過去分詞 + … + before / when + 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + …?


Yes, 代名詞 + had.


Yes, 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + ….


No, 代名詞 + hadn’t.

(否定詳答)No, 主詞 + hadn’t + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:Ken: Had he already done his homework before I called him last night?


Ann: Yes, he had. 或 Yes, he had done his homework.

(是的,他做完了。) (是的,他已經做完作業。)


例2:Ken: Had they lived in America before they moved to Taiwan two years ago?


Ann: No, they hadn’t. 或 No, he hadn’t lived in America.

(不,他們沒住。) (不,他們沒有住在美國。)

例3:Ken: Had you eaten dinner when she visited you?


Ann: Yes, I had. 或 Yes, I had eaten dinner when she visited me.

(是的,我吃了。) (是的,當她拜訪我時,我已經吃了晚餐。)

例4:Ken: Had they eaten dinner when his sister got home?


Ann: No, they hadn’t. 或 No, they hadn’t eaten dinner.

(不,他們沒吃。) (不,他們還沒吃晚餐。)

 疑問句需以 had 開頭,before 和 when 引導的過去式子句無法放句首,只 能接在後面。

3. 運用 after

問句:助動詞 + 主詞 + 原形動詞 + … + after + 主詞 + had + 過去分詞 + …?

答句:(肯定簡答)Yes, 代名詞 + 助動詞.


Yes, 主詞 + 過去式動詞 + ….


No, 代名詞 + 助動詞 + not.

(否定詳答)No, 主詞 + 助動詞 + not + 原形動詞 + ….

例1:Ken: Did you watch TV after you had done your homework yesterday?


Ann: Yes, I did. 或 Yes, I watched TV after I had done my homework.

(是的,我看了電視。) (是的,我做完作業後看電視。)

例2:Ken: Did they play basketball after I had left yesterday afternoon?


Ann: No, they didn’t. 或 No, they didn’t play basketball after you had left.

(不,他們沒打。) (不,你離開後他們沒打籃球。)

 疑問句需以其他助動詞開頭,因此 after 引導的過去完成式子句無法放句




1. Jane 昨晚不餓。她昨天下午吃了大餐嗎?(將句子翻成英文並肯定簡答)


2. 當 Ben 昨晚上床睡覺時,他寫完作業了嗎?(將句子翻成英文並否定簡答)


3. 昨天妳們進入教室之前,老師離開了嗎?(將句子翻成英文並肯定詳答)


4. 昨天晚上她們吃完晚餐後,她們有慢跑嗎?(將句子翻成英文並詳否定詳答)





( ) 1. She ______ that simple question for three hours yesterday.

(A) have thought (B) had thought (C) thinks (D) was thinking

( ) 2. I ______ a walk at the park before I took a bath.

(A) take (B) had took (C) taken (D) had taken

( ) 3. By the time we ______, the party ______.

(A) arrived;had finished (B) had arrived;finished (C) arrived;finished (D) had arrived;had finished

( ) 4. Peter ______ this interesting novel(小說) twice already.

(A) readed (B) had read (C) had readed (D) had reads

( ) 5. A:Had the rain stopped last week in Japan?

B:No, ______.

(A) the rain had (B) it had (C) the rain hadn’t (D) it hadn’t

( ) 6. A:Had you washed hands before you ate snack? B:Yes, ______.

(A) you had (B) I had (C) you had washed (D) I had washed

( ) 7. Before I ______ here, I had lived in Puli for ten years.

(A) moved (B) had moved (C) have moved (D) move

( ) 8. We ______ the restroom before our mom ______ us do that.

(A) had cleaned;had made (B) cleaned;made (C) cleaned;had mad (D) had cleaned;made

( ) 9. Amy ______ the exam(考試) because she ______ hard.

(A) had failed;didn’t study (B) failed;hadn’t studied (C) had failed;hadn’t studied (D) failed;didn’t studied

( )10. She ______ her teeth before she went to bed last night.

(A) had brushed not (B) not had brushed (C) had not brushed (D) not brushed had

綜合練習 第 1 回


( )11. ______ you ______ the guitar after you had finished homework?

(A) Had;played (B) Did;played (C) Did;play (D) Had;play

( )12. I had heard the news ______ you told me that.

(A) before (B) after (C) of (D) by

( )13. ______ the cat had drunk a bowl of milk, it took a nap.

(A) Before (B) After (C) When (D) By

( )14. ______ she ______ a part-time job before she worked at the previous(以 前的) company(公司)?

(A) Have;had (B) Had;had (C) Have;been (D) Had;been

( )15. ______ you ______ Chinese before you ______ to Taiwan?

(A) Did;learn;came (B) Did;learned;had come (C) Had;learned;came (D) Had;learned;had come

( )16. His son ______ in the car accident(事故).

(A) had died(死亡) (B) had dead(死亡的)

(C) dead (D) had been died

( )17. Her dog ______ a lot of beef before I fed him.

(A) eatten (B) had ate (C) had eaten (D) ate

( )18. The cat ______ last Sunday.

(A) had been dead (B) died (C) had dead (D) dead

( )19. After Jay ______ Jenny, they ______ to see a movie together.

(A) called;had gone (B) had called;had gone (C) called;gone (D) had called;went

( )20. ______ had you done before you went to bed last night?

(A) What (B) When (C) Why (D) How


1. had / mistake / a / He / made / . /serious


2. Kelly / airport / when I / had left / . / got / to / the

3. already made breakfast / Mom / before I / had / . / got up

4. at / When / the train had / we / . / arrived / , / the / station / gone

5. home / before / ? / you / you / Had / dinner / eaten / came


1. When I saw him, he hadn’t slept for 36 hours.

2. My brother felt uncomfortable(不舒服)after he had had too much chocolate.

3. Before Peter came to my home, he had returned(歸還)the book to the library.

4. Had you ever visited that city before you came here?

5. He didn’t have any money because He had lost his wallet(錢包).



( ) 1. He ______ the doctor that he ______ all night.

(A) told;had coughed(咳嗽)(B) had told;coughed (C) told;coughes (D) had told;had coughed

( ) 2. Before Lucy ______ met her pen pal(筆友), she ______ written many letters to him.

(A) had;had (B) ;had (C) had; (D) ;

( ) 3. We ______ here since 1998 until now.

(A) had living (B) have living (C) had lived (D) have been living

( ) 4. By March last year, we ______ here for nine years.

(A) had living (B) have living (C) had lived (D) have lived

( ) 5. George ______ before he dated with Amy.

(A) had been excited(興奮的)(B) had excited (C) had been exciting (D) had exciting

( ) 6. My grandfather ______ this bridge before I was born.

(A) had build (B) has build (C) had built (D) has built

( ) 7. My brother ______ his homework so Mom ______ him.

(A) didn’t finish;had punished(處罰)(B) hadn’t finished;punished (C) didn’t finish;has punished (D) hadn’t finished;punish

( ) 8. My best friend ______ me a postcard when she first ______ to America last year.

(A) had sent;traveled (B) had sent;had traveled (C) have sent;traveled (D) have sent;have traveled

( ) 9. We were glad to see Mr. Chen last night ______ we hadn’t seen him for many years.

(A) before (B) by (C) after (D) so

綜合練習 第 2 回


( )10. Tina ______ before she went to university(大學).

(A) never had cooked (B) hadn’t never cooked (C) had never cooked (D) never hadn’t cooked

( )11. You ______ too early. The meeting(會議)______.

(A) come;hadn’t started (B) had come;didn’t start (C) had came:didn’t start (D) came;hadn’t started

( )12. I ______ lunch with Sam because I ______ two hamburgers.

(A) hadn’t had;have had (B) hadn’t had;had had (C) didn’t had;have had (D) didn’t have;had had

( )13. He ______ at a senior high school for five years before he started to work here.

(A) have worked (B) have working (C) had worked (D) had working

( )14. Bill:Did the girl start to learn Japanese after she had been to Japan last month?

Ted:Yes, ______.

(A) she did (B) the girl did (C) she had (D) the girl had

( )15. What ______ they ______ after they had done exercises?

(A) had;eaten (B) did;eat (C) have;eaten (D) does;eat

( )16. Finally, she ______ before we gave up ______ her.

(A) appeared;to wait (B) appeared;waiting (C) had appeared;to wait (D) had appeared;waiting

( )17. The famous singer ______ about his age and marital status(婚姻狀況)

before the reporter discovered(發現)the truth(事實).

(A) had lain (B) had lied (C) has lain (D) has lied

( )18. Had you got the postcard from Linda in England?

Walter:No, ______.

(A) I did (B) I didn’t (C) I had (D) I hadn’t


( )19. We ______ Aunt Polly for a long time, so we visited her last weekend.

(A) don’t see (B) haven’t seen (C) hadn’t seen (D) wouldn’t see


( )20. B&J Café ______ known as the tallest building(建築物)in town.

However, O&G Restaurant became the tallest building in 2010.

(A) has been (B) had been (C) is (D) would be〈改編自會考 104〉


( ) 1. I have never seen snow before I moved to Canada.

( ) 2. We has visited Aunt Kelly in 2012.

( ) 3. They had felt bored of the story because they had read it before.

( ) 4. Had you see the movie after you had read the novel?

( ) 5. That man had had many girlfriends before he gets married(結婚).

( ) 6. Tina not had finished her homework before she went to bed.

( ) 7. When I got home my mom had already cooked dinner.

( ) 8. He brought his umbrella because it hadn’t stop raining.

( ) 9. The flight(班機)had took off by the time I arrived.

( )10. The rain finally have stopped yesterday.


1. hadn’t / . / before / tonight / She / prayed /ate / she

2. they /When the bus / , / for / had / 30 minutes / waited / . / came

3. your father finished / ? / his boss(老闆)came / before / Had / his work

4. The teacher / my mom / after / my sister had fought / . / called / with her classmate


5. Did / had / you / after / ? / exercise / prepared / breakfast / you


1. My sister had cleaned the room when I entered.

2. Before we saw John, we hadn’t seen him for five years.

3. Had she been to Japan before then?

4. 當我們抵達的時候,那輛計程車才剛離開嗎?

5. 在我去年遇見妳之前,我從未做過任何家事(housework)。



1. Her sister ______________________ (finish) her history report(報告)before she went to Taipei last week.(否定句)

2. I had been to the department store before I ________________ (get) home yesterday.(肯定句)

3. John ______________________ (buy) a new house before he got married.(否定 句)

4. She ______________________ (watch) it many times before I ________________ (introduce 介紹) this movie to her.(肯定句)

5. Before I left home, I ______________________ (make) breakfast.(否定句)

6. Before my favorite writer ________________ (die) last month, she ______________________ (write) over 50 books.(肯定句)

7. They ______________________ (paint) the walls before they ________________

(move) in the house.(肯定句)


1. A: Had you met our teacher yesterday?

B: Yes, ____________________________.(簡答)

2. A: ____________ you gone to Mike’s birthday party last night?

B: No, ____________________________.(簡答)

3. A: Had Tina ____________ breakfast before she left?

B: No, ________________ cooked breakfast.

4. A: ____________ you drink any milk after he had taken a bath?

B: No, ______________________ any milk.

綜合練習 第 3 回



1. 她去年搬到台北之前住在台中(Taichung)嗎?

2. 我弟弟今天早上吃完早餐後沒洗碗。

3. 在昨晚之前,Amy 沒去過演唱會(concert)。

4. Linda 在洗澡前,先清掃了浴室。

5. 上個月你去美國時有拜訪 Paula 姑媽嗎?

6. 昨天下午你進教室時,有看到 Bella 嗎?

7. 我昨晚遇見他時,他已經 24 小時沒睡覺了。

8. Peter 上星期打電話給我時,我已經不在家。

9. 兩天前我賣掉這台腳踏車之後,它就不屬於我了。

10. 當他要下(get off)公車時,他遇見 May。




B:我失去了我男朋友,因為我們上星期分手(break up)了。




單字:婚友公司 dating service;相親 blind date


Sharon isn’t good at math but she had an important exam yesterday. She didn’t pass the previous test. To encourage Sharon, her mom told her “if you can get good grades, I will give you a surprise.” So, Sharon had studied math all night and she also hadn’t slept well last week. She hoped to get better grades and make her mom happy.

However, she still failed the exam. She was sad. But her mom said:“It’s fine. You had tried your best already.”So, her mom still gave her the surprise. Finally, Sharon decided in her mind that she will get good grades next time and she won’t give up.

單字:previous 先前的;encourage 鼓勵

( ) 1. Had Sharon studied hard last week?

(A) Yes. (B) No. (C) We don’t know.


( ) 2. What did Sharon’s mom think about Sharon and her exam in the end?

(A) She thought Sharon is stupid(笨的).

(B) She thought Sharon should give up studying math.

(C) She thought Sharon studied hard already.

( ) 3. Which statement(陳述)is true?

(A) Sharon’s mother was angry about her bad grades.

(B) Sharon passed the exam last week.

(C) Sharon didn’t sleep well last week.

In the end, we are our choices. Build yourself a great story.

-Jeff Bezos



一、短文英翻中與選擇 1. 短文英翻中

Frank:Wow! You look beautiful in that skirt. Where did you buy it?

Vicky:I traveled to Thailand last month and bought it there.

Frank:Had you ever visited Thailand before your trip last month?

Vicky:No, I hadn’t. Even though I had lost 5 pounds because some spicy food made me feel sick and sweat crazily. But I really had a good time there.

Frank:You should take care of yourself.

單字:travel 旅行;Thailand 泰國;even though 雖然;

pound 磅;spicy 辣的;sweat 出汗

2. 短文選擇

( ) 1. How many times has Vicky been to Thailand?

(A) 0. (B) 1. (C) 2.

綜合練習 第 4 回


( ) 2. What kind of food made Vicky feel uncomfortable?

(A) Hot. (B) Sour(酸的). (C) Sweet.

( ) 3. How does Frank like the skirt?

(A) Pretty. (B) Ugly(醜的). (C) We don’t know.


George and Mary 1. husband and wife now. They 2. married last month and before that, they 3. each other for more than twenty years.

Because they were classmates in elementary school and they 4. each other since then. By the time George proposed to Mary, he told her that he 5. her at first sight and he promised himself that he will marry Mary in the future. He 6. her forever. Mary was touched so she said yes without doubt. George kept the promise that he had made when he was a child.

單字:marry 結婚、和…結婚;propose 求婚;at first sight 初次見面;

promise 承諾、答應;touched 受感動的;doubt 懷疑

( ) 1. (A) was (B) is (C) are

( ) 2. (A) get (B) got (C) have got

( ) 3. (A) had known (B) have known (C) know

( ) 4. (A) has known (B) have known (C) know

( ) 5. (A) has loved (B) is loving (C) will love

( ) 6. (A) have loved (B) is loving (C) will love



單字進度:Boyo Fun English 800 Words L33L35

文章單字:get on 乘坐上;like 像、如;suddenly 突然地;woke up 醒來 文章說明:

① 「get on + 交通工具」用法  乘坐上…

例1:We got on a train and went to Taipei yesterday morning.


Last week I had a strange dream. In my dream, I was taken to the airport by two people, and then we

got on an airplane. On the airplane, I was treated like a king, and I had a lot of delicious food to eat. I really enjoyed the time in the airplane. However, a man with beautiful clothes always stood near me and looked at me quietly. Why did he look at me quietly? I didn’t understand. I wanted to ask him, but suddenly, he came to me and started to attack me. I cried out loudly, and then I woke up. Luckily, I was still in my bed.


※必備文法概念: Topic □



 各時態的被動式句型  祈使句的被動句型

 授予動詞的被動句型  感官動詞的被動句型

 使役動詞的被動句型

閱讀特快車 A strange dream


Topic 1 被動式


在日常生活中我們偶爾會聽到「…被…」,比方說:玻璃杯被打破了、他沒被 老師罵、窗戶被上鎖、…等。這些「主詞是接受動作者」的句子我們稱之為被 動式的句子,其基本結構是「be 動詞 + 過去分詞」。

主動式 被動式


She cooks dinner.

She cooked dinner.

She will cook dinner.

Dinner is cooked by her.

Dinner was cooked by her.

Dinner will be cooked by her.

進行式 She is cooking dinner.

She was cooking dinner.

Dinner is being cooked by her.

Dinner was being cooked by her.

完成式 She has cooked dinner.

She had cooked dinner.

Dinner has been cooked by her.

Dinner had been cooked by her.


而被動式可在句尾加或不加「by + 人 / 事物」。

被動式在不同的時態下會有不同的變化,現在就讓我們一起來看看各個時態的 被動式句型吧!

1. 現在被動:人 / 事 / 物 + am / are / is + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:Two glasses are broken.


例2:Ben is hit by a car.

(Ben 被汽車撞。)

必備文法概念 You are the best﹗


2. 過去被動:人 / 事 / 物 + was / were + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:Two glasses were broken last night.


例2:Ben was hit by a car yesterday.

(Ben 昨天被汽車撞。)

3. 未來被動:人 / 事 / 物 + will be + 過去分詞 + ….

= 人 / 事 / 物 + am / are / is going to be + 過去分詞 + … 例1:This apartment will be painted tomorrow.

= This apartment is going to be painted tomorrow.


例2:These books will be lent next week.

= These books are going to be lent next week.


4. 現在進行被動:人 / 事 / 物 + am / are / is + being +過去分詞 + ….

例1:This apartment is being painted now.


例2:These books are being read by the boys and girls.


5. 過去進行被動:人 / 事 / 物 + was / were + being + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:This apartment was being painted at 10 a.m. yesterday.


例2:These books were being read by the boys and girls then.



6. 現在完成被動:人 / 事 / 物 + have / has + been + 過去分詞 + ….

例1:This apartment has been painted for a week.


例2:These books have been read by the boys and girls since 1 p.m.

(這些書自下午1:00 起就已經被這些男孩與女孩閱讀。)

7. 過去完成被動:人 / 事 / 物 + had + been +過去分詞 + ….

例1:This apartment had been painted before.


例2:These books had been read by the boys and girls.



( ) 1. The car is being ______ by Ken.

(A)washed (B) washing (C) wash (D) washes

( ) 2. The car ______ washed by Ken at 11 a.m. last Sunday.

(A) is being (B) being (C) was (D) was being


1. 蘋果昨天晚上被吃了。

2. 這間教室已經被那些學生打掃了。(以「現在完成式」作答)

3. 那張明信片已經被寄出。(以「過去完成式」作答)

4. 這棟房子下星期會被賣掉。





let 這個字,其句型如下:

1. (肯定祈使被動) Let + 人 / 事 / 物 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 +….

例1:Let your book be closed.


祈使句的被動型式,肯定句以 let 開頭。

2. (否定祈使被動) Don’t + let + 人 / 事 / 物 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 +….

例1:Don’t let your book be closed.


祈使句的被動型式,否定句以 Don’t + let 開頭。


我們先前學過授予動詞,其例句如下,「She gave him a book.」或「She gave a book to him.」。



1. 間接受詞(人)當主詞

a. (肯定) 人 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + 物 + ….


1. 打開窗戶。(以「祈使被動」作答)

2. 不要打開窗戶。(以「祈使被動」作答) 隨堂小練習


例:The boy was given a beautiful postcard by his father.


b.(否定) 人 + be 動詞 + not + 過去分詞 + 物 + ….

例:The boy was not given a beautiful postcard by his father.


c. (疑問) Be 動詞 + 人 + 過去分詞 + 物 + …?

例:Was the boy given a beautiful postcard by his father?



2. 直接受詞(物)當主詞

a. (肯定) 物 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + to / for / of + 人 + ….

例:A beautiful postcard was given to the boy by Tom.

(Tom 給了這個男孩一張漂亮的名信片。)

b.(否定) 物 + be 動詞 + not + 過去分詞 + to / for / of + 人 + ….

例:A great story was not told to Tim by Sue.

(Sue 沒跟 Tim 說很棒的故事。)

c. (疑問) Be 動詞 + 物 + 過去分詞 + to / for / of + 人 + …?

例:Was a question asked of you by my students?



3. make、write、buy、do 的被動句型

這四個字的被動就只能用以物當主詞的句型,原因在於,只有物會被做、被 寫或被買賣,所以物是主詞,因此這四個動詞的被動要用以物當主詞的句型。

例1:A cake was made for me by Mark.

(Mark 做了一個蛋糕給我。)

例2:A letter was not written to May by Ben.

(Ben 沒寫信給 May。)


例3:Was an apartment bought for you by your parents?


例4:A great favor(幫助)was done for me by Mike.

(Mike 幫了我一個大忙。)


我們先前學過感官動詞,其例句如下,「She saw him smoke.」或「She saw him



1. 感官動詞後加不定詞(to + 原形動詞)

a. (肯定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + to + 原形動詞 + ….


( ) 1. The girl was ______ flowers by Ken.

(A)give (B) being given (C) given (D) giving

( ) 2. The house ______ by Ken last year.

(A) bought (B) buys (C) buying (D) was bought


1. May gave Tom a comic book. (以被動語態改寫)

2. Ben didn’t sell Tim a car. (以被動語態改寫)

3. Did Mom pay the boss 3000 NT dollars? (以被動語態改寫)



例:She was seen to smoke by him.


b. (否定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + not + 過去分詞 + to + 原形動詞 + ….

例:She was not seen to smoke by him.


c. (疑問) Be 動詞 + 主詞 + 過去分詞 + to + 原形動詞 + …?

例:Was she seen to smoke by him?


感官動詞後加不定詞(to + 原形動詞)強調動作的整個過程。

2. 感官動詞後加現在分詞(V-ing)

a. (肯定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + V-ing + ….

例:She was seen smoking by him.


b. (否定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + not + 過去分詞 + V-ing + ….

例:She was not seen smoking by him.


c. (疑問) Be 動詞 + 主詞 + 過去分詞 + V-ing + …?

例:Was she seen smoking by him?






1. make 的被動句型

a. (肯定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + made + to + 原形動詞 + ….

例:Ann was made to do the dishes by her mom.

(Ann 被她的媽媽叫去洗碗盤。)

b. (否定) 主詞 + be 動詞 + not + made + to + 原形動詞 + ….

例:Ann was not made to do the dishes by her mom.

(Ann 沒被她的媽媽叫去洗碗盤。)

c. (疑問) Be 動詞 + 主詞 + made + to + 原形動詞 + …?

例:Was Ann made to do the dishes by her mom?

(Ann 被她的媽媽叫去洗碗盤嗎?)

2. make、get、have 的被動句型

a. (肯定) 主詞 + make / get / have + 受詞 + 過去分詞 + ….

例:Jane’s father made her room cleaned by her.

(Jane 的爸爸叫她去打掃她的房間。)


1. Mark 昨天被我看見正在拍手。

2. Ben 沒被我聽到在唱歌。

3. Jane 被你看到正在唱歌嗎?



b. (否定) 主詞 + 助動詞 + not + make / get / have + 受詞 + 過去分詞 + ….

例:Father does not have the dishes done by me.


c. (疑問) 助動詞 + 主詞 + make / get / have + 受詞 + 過去分詞 + …?

例:Will Andy get his car fixed by Mark tomorrow?

(Andy 要 Mark 明天修理他的車子嗎?)

3. let 的被動句型

a. (肯定) 主詞 + let + 受詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + ….

例:I let my car be fixed by him.


b. (否定) 主詞 + 助動詞 + not + let + 受詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + ….

例:He will not let his children be cheated.


c. (疑問) 助動詞 + 主詞 + let + 受詞 + be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + …?

例:Do you let your car be fixed by him?




( ) 1. Jane let her dog ______ by Ken.

(A)wash (B) be washed (C) washing (D) washes

( ) 2. Was Jane made______ her room by her brother?

(A) clean (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to cleaning


1. Mark 被叫去洗碗。(以…be made to V…作答)

2. 我哥哥沒把電腦給 Joe 修理。(以…let…作答)

3. Andy 要 Joe 下星期一煮晚餐嗎?(以…get 受詞 + 過去分詞…作答)


Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it.

- J oe Clark




( ) 1. The man ______ the lion.(kill-killed-killed殺)

(A) kill (B) killed (C) is killed (D) was killed

( ) 2. The lion ______ by the man.

(A) kills (B) killed (C) is kills (D) was killed

( ) 3. This novel(小說)______ by me for many times.

(A) has been read (B) have been read (C) has read (D) have read

( ) 4. Paul’s English homework ______ by himself two days ago.

(A) is finished (B) has been finished (C) had finished (D) had been finished

( ) 5. The office ______ by Peter next weekend.

(A) is cleaned (B) will be cleaned (C) was cleaned (D) clean

( ) 6. Chinese ______ by many people in Asia(亞洲).

(A) is speak (B) is spoke (C) is spoken (D) is speaked

( ) 7. The cat ______ to break the window.

(A) saw (B) seen (C) was saw (D) was seen

( ) 8. The meeting ______ by Rita next time.

(A) will be held (B) is held (C) was held (D) has been held

( ) 9. Don’t ______ the computer ______ by anyone(任何人).

(A) let;be used (B) let;used (C) be let;used (D) be let;be used

( )10. This new building ______ by those workers.

(A) is being build (B) is being built (C) is been build (D) is been built

( )11. The movie is going to ______ next month.

(A) be played (B) play (C) played (D) be play

綜合練習 第 1 回


( )12. Those interesting stories ______ by Linda at 7:00 p.m.

(A) were written (B) written (C) were being written (D) being written

( )13. Some delicious cakes ______ for me by Mom.

(A) made (B) were made (C) had made (D) been made

( )14. My father ______ the car ______ by us every weekend.

(A) makes;washed (B) was made;was washed (C) makes;was washed (D) was made;washed

( )15. We ______ the truck a wash every weekend.

(A) are given (B) are gave (C) given (D) give

( )16. The truck ______ a wash every weekend.

(A) is given (B) is gave (C) given (D) gives

( )17. The police ______ by some strangers twice recently(最近).

(A) attacked (B) has being attacked (C) has been attacked (D) is attacked

( )18. A surprise ______ me for my birthday by my friends yesterday.

(A) was given to (B) gave (C) has given (D) had given

( )19. Jay ______ some money from Jane.

(A) borrowed (B) been borrowed (C) is borrowed (D) had lent

( )20. The money ______ from Jane by Jay.

(A) borrowed (B) been borrowed (C) is borrowed (D) had borrowed


1. is / read / Dad / The / newspaper / . /by

2. Kelly / the / told / was / . / bad / news / this morning


3. This / by /cellphone / is / him / . / fixed / being

4. has / by / postcard / The / been / us / sent / .

5. Tina / Those / . / chalks / desk / on / the / by / be / put / will


1. Paula’s parents are cheated by Paula.

2. The picture has been painted by that painter(畫家)for many years.

3. The bread is going to be baked by my sister.

4. This skirt is bought for his little sister by him.

5. These difficult problems had finally been solved(解決)by myself.



( ) 1. The clothes(衣物)______ to ______.

(A) need;be washed (B) are needed;be washed (C) need;wash (D) are needed;wash

( ) 2. The machine can’t ______ by everyone except our boss.

(A) being used (B) be used (C) to used (D) been used

( ) 3. Trees have ______ by snow all week.(cover-covered-covered 覆蓋)

(A) covered (B) being covered (C) been covered (D) had covered

( ) 4. I ______ by my grandparents.(raise-raised-raised 養育)

(A) had been raised (B) had raised (C) raised (D) been raised

( ) 5. Son: I can’t ______ the blue vest.

Mom: It ______ by Frank.

(A) be found;is being worn (B) be found;is been worn (C) find;is being worn (D) find;is been worn

( ) 6. My breakfast ______ up by my sister.

(A) was been eaten (B) was eaten (C) eaten (D) been eaten

( ) 7. The school ______ at that time.

(A) was being built (B) built (C) being built (D) was been built

( ) 8. I didn’t ______ the letter. It ______ by Liz.(type-typed-typed 打字)

(A) type;typed (B) be typed;typed (C) type;was typed (D) be typed;was typed

( ) 9. What ______ be done by you next week?

(A) will (B) is going (C) will going (D) is

( )10. Children ______ to ______ rooms and houses before Christmas.

(A) make;be cleaned (B) make;clean (C) are made;be cleaned (D) are made;to clean

綜合練習 第 2 回


( )11. The girl ______ to ______ hard.

(A) was seen;study (B) was seen;be studied (C) saw:study (D) saw;be studied

( )12. ______ the door ______.

(A) Be let;been opened (B) Let;be opened (C) Be let;be opened (D) Let;been opened

( )13. The movie hasn’t ______ and ______ by many people.

(A) been watched;being liked (B) been watched;liked (C) being watched;being liked (D) being watched;liked

( )14. A Christmas gift ______ to the little boy by his dad.

(A) was given (B) be given (C) is been given (D) gave

( )15. The pot(壺)of water ______ for 20 minutes already.

(A) has been heated (B) had been heated (C) was heated (D) to be heated

( )16. My dog Jimmy loves ______ with a comb. Every time I comb his hair, he will close his eyes and fall asleep(睡著的).

(A) is brushed (B) being brushing

(C) to be brushing (D) being brushed〈改編自會考 105〉

( )17. Mr. Chen has a loud voice(聲音). His voice can ______ clearly(清 楚地)even in that big classroom.

(A) hear (B) be heard

(C) be hearing (D) have heard〈改編自基測92-1〉

( )18. Susan: Oh, no! The door and the window ______!

Victor: Who could have done this?

Susan: Go in quickly and see if we've lost anything.

(A) are breaking (B) have broken

(C) were broken (D) will break〈改編自基測 90-1〉


( )19. Mary had an accident(意外)and ______ badly(嚴重地)______. It is impossible(不可能的)for her to go to school today.

(A) had;hurt (B) had;hurted

(C) was;hurt (D) was;hurted〈改編自基測 90-1〉

( )20. B&J Café(咖啡店)______ known as the tallest building in town.

However, O&G Restaurant became the tallest building in 2010.

(A) has been (B) had been (C) is (D) would be〈改編自會考 104〉


( ) 1. I was following(跟隨)by a dog yesterday.

( ) 2. You aren’t invite to May’s birthday party.

( ) 3. The window does closed by me.

( ) 4. Water have been boiled(煮沸)for ten minutes.

( ) 5. Many people tricked(惡作劇)on Halloween.

( ) 6. Don’t let your cellphone stolen(偷).

( ) 7. The desk was moving by Dad.

( ) 8. Does the hamburger ordered by you?

( ) 9. Where were the keys putted by Luke this morning?

( )10. The baby’s life was be saved by the doctor.


1. schoolbags(書包)/ . / checked / Our / been / by /have / the teacher

2. Her / cut / hair / by / . / Mom / was

3. Has / packed / ? / the / been / package


4. Coke / . / let / dropped / on / floor / be / the / Don’t

5. made / the teacher / clean / Anna / the / . / was / not / to / classroom / by


1. My money was stolen by someone.

2. Was the letter written to Rose by Jack?

3. The answers has been corrected.

4. 那件白色襯衫已經被賣掉了。(請以過去完成式作答)

5. 那個水瓶裝滿了水。(請以現在被動作答)



1. The letter has ________________ (send) by my sister.(肯定句)

2. The car ________________ (sell) next month.(否定句)

3. ________________ (let) your glasses ________________ (put) on the bed.(否 定句)

4. The bad news ________________ (tell) to me by my English teacher the day before yesterday.(肯定句)

5. I am ________________ (give) a gift by Tim.(否定句)

6. He ________________ (see) ________________ (cross) the road.(肯定句)

7. ________________ (let) your room ________________ (clean) before Chinese New Year.(肯定句)


1. A: Had your food been eaten up by your pet?

B: Yes, ________________.(簡答)

2. A: Are you given the notebook by them?

B: No, ________________ the notebook by them.

3. A: ______ the dishes being cleaned by Lilian at that time?

B: No, ________________.(簡答)

4. A: Have the song ______ sung by that little bird?

B: Yes, ________________ by the bird.


1. 她被選中去參加比賽。

綜合練習 第 3 回


2. 我弟弟被要求要通過考試。

3. 我的漫畫昨晚被媽媽丟掉(throw away)了。

4. 別讓燈被關掉(turn off)。

5. Jessica 已經被她父母帶去美國了。

6. 那扇門是被你打開的嗎?

7. 他的生活充滿喜悅。

8. 那位警察正被那些青少年攻擊。

9. 兩天前這本小說(novel)就已經借出了。

10. 那杯牛奶被我弟弟喝了。







單字:蟑螂cockroach;殺 kill-killed-killed



Bruce is a naughty boy and he is a student in junior high school. Yesterday, he didn’t go to school, so his teacher called his mom to ask the reason. Why didn’t Bruce go to school? Bruce was bitten by a dog at the park last Sunday. Because he was bullying the dog at that time, it was angry and gave him a bite. Then, he was sent to the hospital. He was also blamed by his mom for bullying the dog. Bruce has learned a lesson and he won’t bully animals anymore.

單字:naughty 調皮的;so 所以;reason 原因;bitten 咬(原形:bite);

bully 霸凌;blame 責備;anymore 再也不

( )1. How old may Bruce be?

(A) Five. (B) Ten. (C) Fourteen.

( )2. Why did Bruce’s teacher call his mother?

(A) Because he fight with his classmates.

(B) Because he didn’t go to school.

(C) Because he bully the dog.

( )3. Which statement(陳述)is true?

(A) Bruce gave the dog a bite.

(B) Bruce will never bully dogs anymore.


一、短文英翻中與選擇 1. 短文英翻中

Paula:Who is the woman on TV?

Chris:What? You don’t know Melisa!

Paula:She sings very well.

Chris:She is known for her beautiful voice and is called the gifted singer.

Paula:I see. I am her big fan now.

單字:known for 以…而聞名;voice 聲音;gifted 有天賦 的;fan 粉絲

2. 短文選擇

( )1. Who sings well?

(A) Melisa. (B) Paula. (C) Chris.

( )2. How many fans does Melisa have?

(A) Only Paula. (B) A lot. (C) We don’t know.

( )3. Why does Paula like Melisa?

(A) Because she is beautiful.

(B) Because she has good voice.

(C) Because she is a singer.

綜合練習 第 4 回



Dora has a problem with her homework. The homework should 1. done in a group. But Dave, one of the group member, hasn’t 2. them at all. When they discuss the homework with him, he always said, “I will do it later.” But, in fact, he never 3. his job hard. Moreover, there is a worse thing. He did it the wrong way and they have to do it for him again. But the homework has to 4.

handed out before this Wednesday, so they have only two days 5. the work again. They are really angry with Dave and they won’t get in a group 6. him again.

單字:member 成員;discuss 討論;moreover 而且;hand out 繳交;

so 所以

( )1. (A) is (B) are (C) be

( )2. (A) helped (B) helps (C) help

( )3. (A) do (B) does (C) did

( )4. (A) be (B) been (C) being

( )5. (A) doing (B) done (C) to do

( )6. (A) in (B) on (C) with


You do the best you can with what’s thrown at you, then you try again.

- Mario Andretti




單字進度:Boyo Fun English 800 Words L36L38

文章單字:hot spring 溫泉;Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔;Paris 巴黎;buildings 建 築物;In the end 最後;Australia 澳洲;England 英國


① 「arrive + 地方介系詞 + 地方」用法  到達…

arrive in + 大地方(例:國家、城市) arrive at + 小地方(例:學校、車站)

例1:They arrived in Taipei yesterday morning. (他們昨天早上到達台北。)

例2:They arrived at station at 7:30 a.m.(他們 7:30 a.m.到達車站。)

My brother has never been abroad before. He decided to spend three months traveling this year. Last night he made a plan for his trip. First, he would go to Japan. After

arriving in Japan, he would take a hot spring bath. And then, he wants to visit Eiffel Tower in Paris because it is one of the most famous buildings in the world. In the end, he wants to go to both Australia and England. Kangaroos and koalas are his favorite animals, so he would like to see them when he is in Australia. Also, he will visit museums when being in England. What do you think of it?



Topic □



 對等連接詞的用法  從屬連接詞的用法

 until 的用法  used to 的用法

 used to 與 be used to 的區別


Topic □



 both…and…的用法

 neither…nor…的用法

 either…or…的用法

 not only…but also…的用法

閱讀特快車 My brother’s trip


Topic 1 連接詞及過去習慣用語


我們在先前的文法單元中探討過and、but、or 這三個對等連接詞。對等連接詞


but、or 這三個對等連接詞外,so、for、yet、nor 也是對等連接詞。現在就讓我 們一起來看看他們的用法吧!

1. so(所以)

so 用來連接二個子句,表示這二個子句的因果關係。so 前面放的是表示「原

因」的子句,後面放的是表示「結果」的子句。而so 前面通常會加上逗號,


例1:It is raining now, so we don’t go to the park.


 so 前面放的是表示原因的子句(It is raining now),後面放的是表示結果 的子句(we don’t go to the park)。

例2:Jim was sick yesterday, so he didn’t go to school.

(昨天Jim 生病了,所以他沒去學校。)

 so 前面放的是表示原因的子句(Jim was sick yesterday),後面放的是表示 結果的子句(he didn’t go to school)

2. for(因為)

for 用來連接二個子句,表示這二個子句的因果關係。for 前面放的是表示「結

果」的子句,後面放的是表示「原因」的子句。而for 前面通常會加上逗號,


必備文法概念 You are the best﹗


例1:I will buy it, for it is very cheap.


 for 前面放的是表示結果的子句(I will buy it),後面放的是表示原因的子 句(it is very cheap)。

例2:I didn’t go to the party last night, for I was sick.


 for 前面放的是表示結果的子句(I didn’t go to the party last night),後面放 的是表示原因的子句(I was sick)。

3. yet(但是)

yet 用來連接二個語意相反的子句,其功用與 but 一樣。而 yet 前面通常會加 上逗號,以分隔二個子句。但如果這二個子句夠短,逗號是可以省略的。

例1:Jane studied hard, yet she didn’t pass her math test.

(Jane 用功讀書,但是她還是沒有通過數學測驗。)

 yet 前後二個子句(Jane studied hard 與 she didn’t pass her math test)的語 意是相反的。

例2:I am very poor, yet I am happy.


 yet 前後二個子句(I am very poor 與 I am happy)的語意是相反的。

4. nor(也不)

nor 用來呼應前面否定的子句,而且 nor 後面的子句一定要倒裝。而 nor 前 面通常會加上逗號,以分隔二個子句。但如果這二個子句夠短,逗號是可以 省略的。

例1:Jack is not an engineer, nor am I.

(Jack 不是工程師,我也不是。)

例2:I didn’t go to Taipei yesterday, nor did my sister go to Kaohsiung.


※ 文法補充:




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