• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 90-106)

閱讀特快車 Healthy food and exercise

Topic 1 現在分詞和過去分詞當形容詞



中 be 動詞與現在分詞搭配即形成進行式,而完成式與被動語態的形成則會運

用到過去分詞。上述狀況只是現在分詞和過去分詞的用法之一,這二種分詞其 實還有另一用法,就是拿來當形容詞。現在就讓我們一起來看看他們的形容詞 用法!

1. 現在分詞當形容詞

(1) 現在分詞當形容詞時,表達的是某人/事/物給人的感覺或感受,中文翻譯 成:…令人感到…。

1:This movie is touching.


2:Jim’s trick is boring.

(Jim 的把戲令人感到無聊。)

(2) 現在分詞當形容詞時,也能表達主動,亦即用來表示名詞本身自發的動 作或是可能的功用。

1:These laughing people love this movie.


2:Those are cooking tools.


※ 文法補充:



to + 人」中文翻譯成「對…來說」:

物 + be 動詞 + 現在分詞 + to + 人(受詞).

1:This baseball game is exciting to Andy.

(對Andy 來說,這場棒球賽是刺激的。)

必備文法概念 You are the best﹗

2:That party was surprising to us.


2. 過去分詞當形容詞

(1) 過去分詞當形容詞時,表達的是它所修飾那個名詞本身的感受,而它通 常修飾的對象會是人,中文翻譯成:某人感到…。

1:I am interested in learning magic.


2:Jim is excited about that basketball game.

(Jim 對那場籃球比賽感到興奮。)

※ 文法補充:


過去分詞所搭配的介系詞不盡相同,現在就來看看下面5 個常見當形容詞的


a. be interested in ...:對…感興趣

b. be excited about ...:對…感到興奮、刺激 c. be surprised at ...:對…感到驚訝

d. be bored with ...:對…感到厭煩 e. be tired of ...:對…感到厭倦

(2) 過去分詞當形容詞時,有被動的意涵,亦即用來表示名詞本身被某動作 或事物所影響。中文翻譯為被(有)…。

1:The hurt shark was dead.


2:Ken fixed the broken door.

(Ken 修了被打破 / 被弄壞的門。)


( ) 1. Paul is excited ______ visiting his aunt in America.

(A)in (B) at (C) of (D) about

( ) 2. Jane was surprised ______ seeing Ken in the party.

(A) of (B) at (C) on (D) in


1. 那是一場有趣的比賽。

2. May 對彈吉他感到厭煩。

3. 這個電腦遊戲令人感到興奮。

4. 那些被感動的人喜愛這本書。

5. 對他們來說,這個電腦遊戲是乏味的。



( ) 1. Tom is fixing the ______ door.

(A) break (B) broke (C) breaking (D) broken

( ) 2. I don’t like Jason because he is ______.

(A) bore (B) bored (C) boring (D) bores

( ) 3. Elisa is the ______ actress in this movie.

(A) lead (B) led (C) leading(首席的) (D) leader

( ) 4. Many people like to eat ______ fruit, like guavas and apples.

(A) dry (B) dried (C) drying (D) dries

( ) 5. The ______ car was found by the police. (steal 偷、竊)

(A) stole (B) stealing (C) steal (D) stolen

( ) 6. The ______ students like the math teacher very much.

(A) laugh (B) laughed (C) laughing (D) laughs

( ) 7. It was ______ for her to hit the street light when she walked. (embarrass 使尷尬)

(A) embarrassed (B) embarrassing (C) embarrass (D) embarrasses

( ) 8. She is ______ about coming to her ex’s(前男/女友)wedding(婚禮).

(A) embarrassed (B) embarrassing (C) embarrass (D) embarrasses

( ) 9. The ______ dinner is yummy.

(A) cooked (B) cooking (C) cook (D) cooks

( )10. There is no ______ oil. I have to buy it.

(A) cooked (B) cooking (C) cook (D) cooks

( )11. I can’t find my dog. It is ______.

(A) misses (B) miss (C) missed (D) missing

( )12. How many ______ calls do you have?

(A) misses (B) miss (C) missed (D) missing

綜合練習 第 1 回

( )13. This soccer game is really ______.

(A) excite (B) excited (C) exciting (D) excites

( )14. I am ______ because my son, Edie, is very sweet.

(A) touched (B) touching (C) touch (D) to touch

( )15. This magic show is ______ to the children. (please 使高興)

(A) pleasing (B) please (C) pleased (D) pleas

( )16. The ______ baby is very cute.

(A) slept (B) sleeping (C) sleep (D) sleeps

( )17. Mom put the vegetable into the refrigerator yesterday. The vegetable is ______(結凍的)now.(freeze 凍結)

(A) freezing (B) froze (C) freeze (D) frozen

( )18. The weather is ______. Please close the window.

(A) freezing (B) froze (C) freeze (D) frozen

( )19. The ______ machine is ______.

(A) washes;breaking (B) wash;broke (C) washing;breaks (D) washing;broken

( )20. There are still many people in the ______ house. People are very ______.

(A) burns;worried (B) burning;worrying (C) burning;worried (D) burnt;worrying


1. night market / The / very / is / crowded(擁擠的)/ .

2. There / students / are / . / no talking

3. English / is / Teaching children / . / interesting / to me

4. Typhoon / isn’t / me / problem / . / troubling / a / to

5. Willy / his / worried / . / test / about / is / very much


1. Taiwan is located(位於的)in Asia(亞洲).

2. This crying girl is my little sister.

3. The laughing boy is a famous singer.

4. That hurt woman isn’t my wife.

5. Working over eight hours a day is not tiring to me.


( ) 1. I feel ______ because it’s a ______ movie.

(A) boring;bored (B) boring;boring (C) bored;boring (D) bored;bored

( ) 2. This movie is ______. I am ______.

(A) touching;touched (B) touching;touching (C) touched;touching (D) touched;touched

( ) 3. My little sister didn’t find the ______ gift.

(A) hide (B) hidden (C) hiding (D) hid

( ) 4. Math really bores me, but our teacher can make it ______.

(A) interesting (B) interest (C) interests (D) interested

( ) 5. Robert is one of the ______ actors of this movie.

(A) lead (B) leading (C) leaded (D) leads

( ) 6. Riding bikes ______.

(A) is interested (B) are interested (C) is interesting (D) are interesting

( ) 7. She is ______ after hearing the ______ news.

(A) worrying;worry (B) worrying;worrying (C) worried;worrying (D) worried;worried

( ) 8. The dog is friendly so don’t be ______. (scare 使驚恐)

(A) scared (B) scare (C) scaring (D) scares

( ) 9. Watching TV is ______ to Bob, but it’s ______ to Tim.

(A) boring;interested (B) bored;interested (C) bored;interesting (D) boring;interesting

( )10. Because of ______ complaints(抱怨)by parents, the school decided to lower the tuition(學費).

(A) repeatedly (B) repeating (C) repeated (D) repeats

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( )11. He is ______ because he is reading an ______ book.

(A) excited;exciting (B) excited;excited (C) exciting;exciting (D) exciting;excited

( )12. The ______ news ______ them all.

(A) cheering;cheered (B) cheering;cheering (C) cheered;cheering (D) cheered;cheered

( )13. The ______ examples in the book are easy to me. (explain 解釋)

(A) was explained (B) explain (C) explained (D) has explained

( )14. Doing math homework ______ to me.

(A) troubling (B) troubled (C) is troubling (D) is troubled

( )15. Christine: The dog looks angry. I am afraid of getting closer to it.

Mr. Chen: Don’t be ______. He won’t bite you.

(A) scare (B) scaring (C)to scare (D) scared

( )16. Bruce: Do you know who that ______ girl is?

Laura: She is my classmate.

Bruce: I want to make a friend with her.

(A) smile (B) to smile (C) have smiled (D) smiling

( )17. It was an ______ game! Our class won, 56-55. We sang happily after the game was over.

(A) excited (B) exciting

(C) embarrassed (D) embarrassing〈改編自基測 90-2〉

( )18. There are five stories in this book. The one about a shy police officer is the most ______ to me.

(A) interest (B) interested

(C) interesting (D) interestingly〈改編自基測 94-1〉

( )19. The students got ______ when they saw their favorite movie star eating at the next table.

(A) excitingly (B) exciting

(C) excitedly (D) excited〈改編自基測 94-2〉

( )20. My cat got ______ when it saw the boy ______ the birds.

(A) excited;catching (B) exciting;caught

(C) excited;caught (D) exciting;catching〈改編自會考 105〉


( ) 1. The talk student is my son.

( ) 2. We are excite about going to Kenting(墾丁)next week.

( ) 3. It is embarrassed to talk loudly on the bus.

( ) 4. She is tires of cleaning the house.

( ) 5. Leon is interesting in sports.

( ) 6. His broke leg is getting better now.

( ) 7. The cried kid was bitten by a dog.

( ) 8. The ran boy is my best friend.

( ) 9. Do the laugh students enjoy this class?

( )10. The rise price makes people worried.


1. dog / . / doesn’t / A / barking / bite

2. those / We / students / should / . / help / depressed(沮喪的)

3. stands there/ with / . / a / She / heart / broken

4. about / . / was / the movie / He / disappointed(失望的)

5. tired / tiring / They / . / after / a / all get / day


1. She is surprised at the shocking news.

2. Playing baseball every day is tiring to us.

3. We are bored with playing baseball every day.

4. 他是一位令人覺得有趣的老師嗎?

5. 我很驚訝看到你在讀英文。


1. Working in a restaurant can be a ________________(tire)job.

2. He is ______________________(annoy 打攪)about the noise.

3. My parents were ______________________(disappoint)at my English test.

4. I enjoy watching ________________(fall)leaves.

5. Rebecca was ______________________ ( shock 震 驚 ) because of the ______________________(shock)news.

6. The ______________________(confuse 使困惑)student doesn’t know the answer of the question.

7. My father fixed the ________________(壞掉的)(break)window this morning.

8. We are ________________(interest)in the math class because the teacher is ________________(interest).


1. A: Are you interested in this story?

B: No, because this story is ________________(無聊).

2. A: How do you feel about the music?

B: I like it. It is ________________(興奮).

3. A: ____________ you tired of studying English?

B: No, ______________________________________________________.(詳答)

4. A: Your mother was ________________(驚訝)at the ideas, ____________ she?

B: Yes, ______________________.(簡答)


1. 我看見正在落下的葉子(leaf)。

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2. 我看見地上的落葉。

3. 這堂課一點都不無聊。

4. 寫作業是件累人的工作,但我必須每天做。

5. 他們對令人無聊的 Maggie 感到厭煩。

6. 這睡著的嬰兒是我的孩子。

7. 我很困惑,因為他們說英文。

8. 做蛋糕對我來說很有趣。

9. 這些學生對每天做作業感到厭倦。

10. 對她們來說,每天唱歌是令人興奮的。




Kelly:我希望如此,但不是。下個月在台灣有畢卡索畫作的展覽。你想跟我一 起去嗎?



單字:畢卡索Picasso;展覽 exhibition;令人驚豔 amazing

五、閱讀 Dear Ted,

When you were in elementary school, you liked going to school and learning because everything in school was new and interesting. But, time have passed by every since. Classes and subjects became boring, and you got a lot of homework to do. So, you might not like to study anymore.

Now, you are in Grade 9. You will have an important test this July. Try to study harder and change yourself from now on. When having questions, you can ask your friends and teacher. They will help you a lot. Everything will be fine.

I have great faith in you, and you will do well.

Love, Mom 單字:elementary school 國小;faith 信任、信心

( ) 1. How old would Ted be?

(A) 10. (B) 15. (C) 20.

( ) 2. Who is the addressee(收件者)?

(A) Ted. (B) Mom. (C) Dad.

( ) 3. Which statement(陳述)may be true?

(A) Ted likes to go to junior high school.

(B) Mom hates Ted.

(C) Ted doesn’t like going to school now.

Don’t put limitations on yourself. Other people will do that for you.

-James Cameron


一、短文英翻中與選擇 1. 短文英翻中

Son:Mom, can I not go to the music class?

Mom:Why not? You are interested in music, aren’t you?

Son:Yes, I am. But the teacher is boring, and I learn very slowly. I also have many tests recently, so I am very tired.

Mom:Beginners usually learn things more slowly, so you have to cheer yourself up. You will be successful.

Son:I see. I won’t give up.

單字:recently 最近;beginner 初學者;cheer up 加油;give up 放棄

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2. 短文選擇

( ) 1. Will the son keep going to the music class?

(A) Yes. (B) No. (C) We don’t know.

( ) 2. What class might the son take?

(A) Basketball. (B) English. (C) Piano.

( ) 3. What do we learn from the conversation(會話)?

(A) Fools learn things slowly.

(B) Don’t give up and you will be successful.

(C) Beginners are usually smart.


Ken is 1. in math because math is 2. and a lot of fun for him.

Trying to find the answers and solving problems 3. him most. He always gets good grades in math but he is never 4. , so he spends more than 3 hours a day doing math.

However, Chinese is 5. to him. He is usually tired of writing it because he is lazy and he can’t understand the classical Chinese. Even though he is usually

6. about this subject, he never gives up.

單字:solve 解決;satisfy 滿足;classical Chinese 文言文;

Even though 即使

( ) 1. (A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting

( ) 2. (A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting

( ) 3. (A) excite (B) excited (C) exciting

( ) 4. (A) satisfy (B) satisfied (C) satisfying

( ) 5. (A) bore (B) bored (C) boring

( ) 6. (A) trouble (B) troubled (C) troubling

在文檔中 教材架構與特色 (頁 90-106)
