• 沒有找到結果。

第二章 馬悌努《雙簧管協奏曲》

第一節 創作背景

馬悌努《雙簧管協奏曲》於一九五五年的春天完成,是由捷克一位雙簧管演 奏家耶律.坦希布達克(Jiři Tancibudeck, 1921-2004)委託作曲家所創作的協奏 曲。主要原因除了坦希布達克想為自己的演奏曲目當中,加入由自己祖國作曲家 創作的音樂作品之外,另外的原因是在坦希布達克於每次音樂會演出結束後,總 是被人們問到「為什麼不找一些捷克的東西在你的曲目當中呢?」,這點也是促 使坦希布達克鼓起勇氣寫信給馬悌努的原因之一。

在當時的作曲家中,馬悌努的創作不僅逐漸受到注目,更是繼雷奧斯.雅納 傑克(Leos Janáček, 1854-1928)之後新興的捷克作曲家,而坦希布達克與馬悌 努 兩 人 同 為 捷 克 人 , 亦 都 曾 經 是 捷 克 愛 樂 管 絃 樂 團 ( Czech Philharmonic

9 “…It was a dream and most wishful thought for me to have a piece in the oboe repertoire by Martinů whose music attracted me immensely. The sparkling rhythmical vitality with lots of syncopations, the simple but most original and kaleidoscopic harmonic textures with touches of bitonality and polytonality always resolved, and the fresh, highly personal and colourful instrumentation were the characteristic elements of Martinů’s music which I always found so appealing.” Jiři Tancibudek, ‘Bohuslav Martinů-Concerto for Oboe with a Small Orchestra (1955)’

The Journal of International Double Reed Society, Vol. 13 No.1 (1990), 47.

的馬悌努曾經說:「我感覺猶如在伊甸園一樣。10」其妻子更加以描述馬悌努所 報社(Daily Telegraph newspaper)取得七百五十元美金的酬勞給馬悌努。這首《雙 簧管協奏曲》馬悌努花費將近一年左右的時間創作,最後於一九五五年的五月完 Germany: Capriccio Records 10 308, 1990.

11 “We lived in a small house on one of the rock terraces above Nice. I could look down on to the sea and the ships from in bed. In front of the house, we had a small garden with a view of Nice and stretching as far as the Alps. I think that Bohus felt happiest of all here.” 同前註。

12 “I have got an idea. I would like to write a concerto for you. In fact I have got it already in mind, but since it will take me two or three months to write it I would need some money to keep me going. I have no permanent position and I have to live.” Graham Abbott, ‘The Tancibudek Story’

The Journal of International Double Reed Society, Vol. 28 No.2 (2005), 151.

13 “Naturally I love the Martinů oboe concerto and I think it is one of the finest we have in the oboe repertoire. I particularly like the opening of the first movement, the whole of the second and the almost irresistible rhythmical vitality of the last movement, reminiscent of a vivacious Czech ‘Polka’.”

Daniel Stolper, ‘The Martinů Oboe Concerto and John de Lancie’ The Journal of International




(Australian Broadcasting Commission)接洽後,最後由指揮家漢斯.許密特易瑟 斯 德 特 ( Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt, 1900-1973 ) 帶 領 雪 梨 交 響 樂 團 ( Sydney Symphony Orchestra)陪同坦希布達克於雪梨市政府(Sydney Town Hall)進行首 演。這首樂曲也分別於主要國家進行第一次的演出:一九五八年三月於歐洲的漢 堡由坦希布達克進行首演,由許密特易瑟斯德特指揮北德廣播交響樂團(North German Radio Symphony Orchestra)。同年六月於英國倫敦進行第一次演出,指揮 家與雙簧管演奏者同樣是和歐洲漢堡相同,只有在樂團方面是改由維也納交響樂 團(Vienna Symphony Orchestra)。一九六五年七月於美國紐約演出,演奏者為丹 尼爾.史都普勒(Daniel Stolper),樂團則為伊士曼室內樂團(Esatman Chamber Orchestra)。其整理如下表(表 1)。

【表 1】馬悌努《雙簧管協奏曲》於各國家首演資料15

15 Jiři Tancibudek, ‘Bohuslav Martinů-Concerto for Oboe with a Small Orchestra (1955)’

The Journal of International Double Reed Society, Vol. 13 No.1 (1990), 47.

第二節 樂曲分析
