• 沒有找到結果。

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

第三節 問卷設計

本研究之問卷,為求能使受試者能如同平常在購物網站上做出的評論,故 採用網路問卷之形式(,並 以 Amazon 作為平台,以求擬真。此外,為求能夠蒐集到世界各地使用者的樣 本,此問卷之語言選用英文,讓所有購買 iPhone 5 的消費者都有辦法填寫。

而問卷共分為四個部分,包含試前評分與產品知識測驗、網頁瀏覽與試後 評論、後續資料蒐集、和個人基本資料等問題,以求能夠確實了解到影響網路 口碑之原因從何而來,與找出真正影響從眾行為之因素。


第一部分(中,共有 六個問題。第一題為詢問受試者在瀏覽後續網頁前,對於 iPhone 5 的使用評價;

而第二到第六題則為測驗受試者對於 iPhone 5 的產品知識高低,如以下所示:

Part I.

In order to understand how you evaluate and the level of your familiarity on the product, please respond the following questions based on your current

understandings. If you do not know the answer for the questions, please select


1. From 1 to 5 points, 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, how would you rate iPhone 5?

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

2. Which of the following items are iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 have in common?

Lightning connector Screen size


‧ 國

立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y


Headphone jack unknown

3. What is the screen size of iPhone 5?

3.8 inch 4.0 inch 4.2 inch 4.3 inch unknown

4. What is the screen resolution of iPhone 5?

1136x640 1136x720 1080x640 1080x720 unknown

5. How many megapixels are on iPhone 5 camera?

7 megapixels 8 megapixels 8.8 megapixels 9 megapixels unknown

6. What processor does the iPhone 5 use?

A3 A4 A5 A6 Unknown


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立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y


第二部分(之問卷為擷 取 Amazon 之網頁改寫而成(http://www.amazon.com/Apple-iPhone-16GB-


而網頁最下方,則有試後的評分與評論。如下圖 6 所示:

Part II.

As an iPhone 5 user, please browse the webpage below and give feedbacks on the product at the bottom of the page.

圖 6 Amazon 網頁示意圖 26

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立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

此部份左上角處,有一評分分配圖,本研究透過隨機出現三種評分分配圖 (評分偏高、評分偏低、評分平均),以測試受試者是否會因評分分配不同而影 響其評分與評論。

圖 7 評分偏高 圖 8 評分偏低 圖 9 評分平均

而在受試者看完評分分配與網頁內容後,其將在網頁下方進行試後的評分 與評論。但在此部份,如果受試者選擇「Not Leave Comment」,則將會跳出一 視窗提醒其若不做評論,則無法參加抽獎。藉此,並可以找出原本不回應的

「沉默的大多數」其可能的想法與特徵。如下圖 10 所示:

圖 10 實驗操弄跳窗


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立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y


第三部分(,則針對受 試者看完第二部分的網頁後,了解其到底看了些什麼而做出評論或不做出評論,


Part III.

Please fill in the most suitable answer(s).

1.What have you seen on the previous webpage? (Multiple choice) Rating bar(on the upper-left corner)

Rating of average customer reviews The ratings of the reviews

The title of the reviews

The numbers of people found “helpful” of the reviews The content of the reviews


2.Why have/haven’t you left the comments? (Multiple choice) I just wanted/ not wanted to share my thoughts

I agreed/ disagreed with the review(s)

I want to echo and make additional remark to the review(s) Others

3.How long has it been since you bought this product (iPhone 5)?

In one month

One month to six months Six months to one year Over one year


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立 政 治 大 學

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第四部分(,則為個人 基本資料之填寫。如以下所示:

Part IV.

1. Gender:

Male Female

Prefer not to answer

2. Age:

18 - 25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 over 65

3. Education:

High school or below Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree PhD Degree

4. Country:

5. Email: (Please leave your email here in order to join the lucky draw.)


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立 政 治 大 學

N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y
