• 沒有找到結果。

國內外 BIM 應用之分類與選用方式

第二章 文獻回顧

第二節 國內外 BIM 應用之分類與選用方式

一、國外 BIM 應用評估選用相關文獻

(一) BIM Project Execution Planning Guide V2.1

在選擇 BIM 應用之前,業主與專案團隊人員應清楚了解導入 BIM 技術所期 望達到的預期效益與目標,根據美國賓州州立大學研究團隊所出版的「Penn State BIM Guide」,認為這些目標應當是可測量的且能確實地掌握專案的預期效益,並 足以提升及改善專案在生命週期中之規劃、設計、施工和營運維護的過程,且對 於 BIM 應 用 的 分 析 應 首 先 集 中 於 整 個 專 案 過 程 中 的 預 期 結 果 (Penn State University,2011)。

該文件提及業主與專案團隊人員應從營運維護階段開始選擇 BIM 應用,以 確認每個 BIM 應用與專案所帶來的具體價值,進而發展每個生命週期階段(施 工、設計和規劃階段),如圖 2-2 所示,以確實掌握專案的預期效益與正確的使 用 BIM 技術。


圖 2-2 「Penn State BIM Guide」BIM 應用於全生命週期 資料來源:(Penn State University,2011)

此外,在選用 BIM 應用時,根據該文件所提供的每個 BIM 應用之使用說明,

包括內容描述、可能的效益、需要的資源、團隊需能力等資訊,如表 2-9 所示(僅 以資產管理應用為例),進而評估選用適用於專案的 BIM 應用,然而,這些描述 主要係針對不熟悉 BIM 技術的專案團隊所提供的說明,並提供專案團隊在選擇 過程中有額外參考的價值,藉以協助業主正確選擇 BIM 應用,提升各單位使用 BIM 的意願。

表 2-9 「Penn State BIM Guide」BIM 應用的使用說明(範例) 資產管理(Asset Management)


A process in which an organized management system is bi-directionally linked to a record model to efficiently aid in the maintenance and operation of a facility and its assets. These assets, consisting of the physical building, systems, surrounding environment, and equip-ment, must be maintained, upgraded, and operated at an efficiency which will satisfy both the owner and users in the most cost effective manner. It assists in financial deci-sion-making, short-term and long-term planning, and generating scheduled work orders.

Asset Management utilizes the data contained in a record model to populate an asset


agement system which is then used to determine cost implications of changing or upgrad-ing buildupgrad-ing assets, segregate costs of assets for financial tax purposes, and maintain a cur-rent comprehensive database that can produce the value of a company's assets. The bi-directional link also allows users to visualize the asset in the model before servicing it potentially reducing service time.

潛在價值(Potential Value)

 Store operations, maintenance owner user manuals, and equipment specifications for faster access.

 Perform and analyze facility and equipment condition assessments

 Maintain up-to-date facility and equipment data including but not limited to maintenance schedules, warranties, cost data, upgrades, replacements, damages/deterioration, maintenance records, manufacturer's data, and equipment functionality

 Provide one comprehensive source for tracking the use, performance, and maintenance of a building's assets for the owner, maintenance team, and financial department

 Produce accurate quantity takeoffs of current company assets which aids in financial reporting, bidding, and estimating the future cost implications of upgrades or replace-ments of a particular asset.

 Allow for future updates of record model to show current building asset information after upgrades, replacements, or maintenance by tracking changes and importing new in-formation into model.

 Aid financial department in efficiently analyzing different types of assets through an increased level of visualization

 Increase the opportunity for measurement and verification of systems during building occupation

 Automatically generate scheduled work orders for maintenance staff.

所需資源(Resources Required)

 Asset Management system

 Ability to Bi-directional link facilities record model and Asset Management System.

所需團隊能力(Team Competencies Required)

 Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model (preferred but not required)

 Ability to manipulate an asset management system

 Knowledge of tax requirements and related financial software

 Knowledge of construction and the operation of a building (replacements, upgrades, etc.)

 Pre-design knowledge of which assets are worth tracking, whether the building is dy-namic vs. static, and the end needs of the building to satisfy the owner

參考資料(Selected Resources)

 CURT. (2010) BIM Implementation: An Owner's Guide to Getting Started


 NIST (2007) General Buildings Information Handover Guide: Principles, Methodology, and Case Studies <http://www.fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build07/PDF/b07015.pdf>

資料來源:(Penn State University,2011)

此外,為協助業主評估選用 BIM 應用的合適性,該文件提供如何正確選擇 BIM 應用的流程,首先,專案團隊應考慮每個 BIM 應用潛在的用途,並考慮團 隊與專案目標的關係;確認 BIM 應用責任方為何,責任方包括參與專案的任何 團隊成員,及可能需要協助執行的潛在外部參與者;確認組織是否具有 BIM 所 需的資源,包括 BIM 組織團隊、軟硬體設備、軟體教育訓練課程、BIM 技術專 業知識及過去使用 BIM 技術的經驗;確定 BIM 應用相關的額外價值和風險;確 定是否使用每個 BIM 應用等,以做為評估選用 BIM 應用之參考依據(Penn State University,2011)。

本研究彙整「Penn State BIM Guide」評估選用之方法及流程,如圖 2-3 所示,

除了針對每個 BIM 應用提供使用內容說明及選用的先決條件資訊之外,為確保 業主評估選用 BIM 應用之合適性,該文件亦提供正確選擇 BIM 應用的流程,包 括潛在的用途、責任方、BIM 資源、額外價值和風險、確認每項 BIM 應用,以 提供業主正確的評估選用 BIM 應用之參考依據。

圖 2-3 「Penn State BIM Guide」評估選用 BIM 應用之步驟流程

由於國內導入 BIM 技術尚屬起步階段,儘管國內各機關已逐步開始將 BIM 導入公共工程專案,但在各項技術未成熟及資源缺乏的情況下,導致無法彰顯其 效益。儘管「Penn State BIM Guide」所提出的評估選用 BIM 應用之流程較為繁 瑣,但研究團隊認為該評估選用方法與流程,具系統性及可操作性,足以做為國 內建築工程之評估選用 BIM 應用之方法與架構之基礎。

(二) The Uses of BIM Classifying and Selecting BIM Uses V0.9 BIM應用

1.內容描述 2.潛在價值 3.需要的資源 4.團隊需要的能力


1.潛在的用途 2.責任方 3.BIM資源

4.額外價值和風險 5.確認每個BIM應用


美國賓州州立大學「電腦整合營建」(Computer Integrated Construction,CIC) 研究團隊出版的「The Uses of BIM Classifying and Selecting BIM Uses(簡稱 Penn State BIM Selection Guide)」,有別於先前 BIM 專案執行計畫指南中,依生命週期 階段來進行 BIM 應用的分類。該文件並未提供業主或 BIM 規劃人員來選用 BIM 應用,而提供一套有系統的 BIM 應用的分類方式,且主要是針對實施 BIM 的目 的來進行 BIM 應用的分類,其目的是為 BIM 的用途定義一種通用語言(Common Language),以利團隊可以更清楚的在專案或其組織中來明確的傳達專案執行 BIM 應用的目的和內容,並實現 BIM 應用在整個全生命週期階段中的預期目標 (Ralph G. Kreider, 2013)。

本研究將該文件所提出 BIM 應用定義譯為:「在生命週期中的設施維護階段 應用建築資訊模型技術來實現一個或多個特定目標的方法」(A method of applying Building Information Modeling during a facility’s lifecycle to achieve one or more specific objectives.)。此外,為了在生命週期中維護階段能有效的傳遞語言及實現 特定的目標,「Penn State BIM Selection Guide」將 BIM 應用目標區分為五大項:


(5)實現(Realize),進一步區分為 18 小項(18 個應用 BIM 之目的),如表 2-10 所示。

表 2-10 「Penn State BIM Selection Guide」BIM 應用之目的與目標

BIM 應用目的 BIM 應用目標 同義詞

01 收集(Gather) to collect or organize facility infor-mation

administer, collect, manage, acquire 01 Capture to represent or preserve the current status

of the facility and facility elements collect 02 Quantify to express or measure the amount of a

facility element quantity takeoff 03 Monitor to collect information regarding the

per-formance of facility elements and systems observe, measure 04 Qualify to characterize or identify facility

ele-ments’ status

follow, track, iden-tify

02 產生(Generate) to create or author information about the facility

create, author, model 01 Prescribe to determine the need for and select

spe-cific facility elements program, specify 02 Arrange to determine location and placement of configure, lay out,


BIM 應用目的 BIM 應用目標 同義詞

facility elements locate, place 03 Size to determine the magnitude and scale of

facility elements scale, engineer 03 分析(Analyze) to examine elements of the facility to

gain a better understanding of it examine, evaluate 01 Coordinate to ensure the efficiency and harmony of

the relationship of facility elements detect, avoid 02 Forecast to predict the future performance of the

facility and facility elements simulate, predict

03 Validate

to check or prove accuracy of facility in-formation and that is logical and reasona-ble

check, confirm

04 溝通


to present information about a facility in a method in which it can be shared or exchanged


01 Visualize to form a realistic representation of a

fa-cility or fafa-cility elements review 02 Transform to modify information and translate it to

be received by another process translate 03 Draw to make a symbolic representation of the

facility and facility elements

draft, annotate, de-tail

04 Document

to create a record of facility information including the information necessary to precisely specify facility elements

specify, submit, schedule, report.

05 實現(Realize) to make or control a physical element using facility information

implement, per-form, execute, 01 Fabricate to use facility information to manufacture

the elements of a facility manufacture 02 Assemble to use facility information to bring

to-gether the separate elements of a facility prefabricate

03 Control

to use facility information to physically manipulate the operation of executing equipment


04 Regulate to use facility information to inform the

operation of a facility element direct

資料來源:(Ralph G. Kreider, 2013)


評估選用 BIM 應用時,除了有明確的 BIM 目的之外,該文件將其特性用於 更精確地定義 BIM 應用額外的目的和目標,因此有必要提供附加的資訊,以清 楚了解 BIM 應用的用途,包括設施元素(Facility Element)、設施階段(Facility Phase)、專業(Discipline)和發展程度(Level of Development),如表 2-11 所示,以 更明確的指引業主使用 BIM 應用。

表 2-11 「Penn State BIM Selection Guide」BIM 應用之附加資訊 特性(Characteristic) 描述(Description)

設施元素(Facility Element) 採用BIM應用的設施系統(The system of the facil-ity on which the BIM Use will be implemented.)

設施階段(Facility Phase)

使用BIM應用的生命週期為哪一階段(The point in the facility’s lifecycle at which the BIM Use will be implemented.)

專業(Discipline) BIM應用的對象(The party by whom the BIM Use will be implemented.)

發展程度(Level of Development) BIM應用模型的細緻程度(The degree of granulari-ty to which the BIM Use will be implemented.)

資料來源:本研究整理自(Ralph G. Kreider, 2013)

當業主有了明確應用 BIM 技術的目的與目標後,BIM 規劃人員應適當的評 估選用 BIM 應用,但初期專案規劃小組所面臨的挑戰,主要係利用專案的特質 來確定 BIM 在專案中最合適的用途,為了辨識專案能夠正確地的選用 BIM 應用,

該文件提供了決定 BIM 應用的程序,如圖 2-4 所示,意旨在說明需明確的定義 每個 BIM 應用的目的以及其附加特性,足以為專案正確的評估選用 BIM 應用,

以協助業主正確的應用 BIM 技術,提升專案的整體品質。


圖 2-4 「Penn State BIM Selection Guide」決定 BIM 應用的程序 資料來源:(Penn State University,2011)

該文件有別「Penn State BIM Guide」先前的研究,主要為協助業主評估選用 BIM 應用,並提供一些方法、流程及策略做選用之依據。本研究認為該文件目 前在執行上有程度上的困難,但可以提供國內未來 BIM 發展著墨的方向。此外,

該文件所提及在專案執行開始時,須先有 BIM 目標,以明確掌握專案的預期效 益,故本研究以該文件所擬定的 BIM 目標做為後續評估流程建立之基礎。

(三) BIM planning guide for facility owners V2.0

美國賓州州立大學「電腦整合營建」(Computer Integrated Construction,CIC) 研究團隊所出版的指引業主應用 BIM 技術指南,乃針對採用 BIM 技術之業主如 何實現 BIM 的效益與價值,該文件在規劃策略的所有步驟中,提出使用 BIM 技 術必須進行評估六個核心要素,包括定義 BIM 目標與目的、執行 BIM 的方法(BIM Uses)、提出應用 BIM 流程、定義組織資訊需求、確認支援 BIM 技術的基礎設備 資源、確立 BIM 過程中參與者的角色與職責,和教育訓練培訓課程 (John Messner,2013),以下針對該文件所提供的內容進行分析。

本研究將該文件所提出 BIM 應用定義譯為:「在生命週期的設施維護階段期 間應用建築資訊模型以實現一個或多個特定目標的方法或策略,在規劃過程的階 段中,BIM 應用係根據目的和目標來決定的」(A BIM Use is defined as a method or

本研究將該文件所提出 BIM 應用定義譯為:「在生命週期的設施維護階段期 間應用建築資訊模型以實現一個或多個特定目標的方法或策略,在規劃過程的階 段中,BIM 應用係根據目的和目標來決定的」(A BIM Use is defined as a method or