• 沒有找到結果。

研究者本身為合球運動的教練,接觸合球運動有17年,現任桃園縣立南崁高級中學 合球隊教練,亦培育基層運動選手成為國內頂尖的合球選手。而Ben Crum教練不但是我 國合球運動的關鍵人物,亦是世界上最優秀的國家級教練,基於同為參與合球運動,研 究者對Ben Crum教練的成功不禁感到佩服與好奇。因此,下定決心想深入探索其成功之 秘訣。經由多次的訪談中對Ben Crum教練更加敬佩,從他年紀73歲很難想像,他亦是一 位充滿對合球熱情之人,從PKC俱樂部的球員及會員或員工對Ben Crum教練的待遇所表 現的禮節,即感受到Ben Crum教練對合球貢獻的偉大,Ben Crum教練訓練準時敬業對球 員給予正面的建議,認真執教的態度,始終如一。在球場上的堅持嚴厲執教、嚴明,為 達成國家賦予之使命,他的生活幾乎離不開合球運動,他為合球運動推展,創造了最大 的價值,身為此個案的研究者深受影響與感動。

在研究的過程中,親自到荷蘭PKC合球俱樂部實地參與觀察,並針對合球運動訓練 上之議題請教Ben Crum教練,並與在場的球員及俱樂部職員深入交談,發現每個球員都 有共同的看法,他們對PKC合球俱樂部的期許之心,都把俱樂部當作自己第二個家來對


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附錄一-1 中英訪談同意書與圖片授權同意書


荷蘭是世界合球的發源國,以俱樂部型態發展,而 PKC 俱樂部是發展最具規模。本人 瞭解國際合球教練許健峰先生目前在國立臺灣師範大學攻讀碩士學位,同意接受錄音訪 談,提供他撰寫「荷蘭 PKC 俱樂部合球發展策略之研究」碩士論文所需的相關資訊。



2014 年月日


Netherlands is the origin country of korfball in the world, it develops in the type of club.

PKC is the most well established club in Netherlands. I understand that the international korfball coach Mr. XuJianfeng currently studying for a master's degree from

NationalTaiwanNormalUniversity. I agree to accept recording interviews and provide information for him writing Thesis about developing strategy of PKC club korfball in

Netherlands After the interview, he turned the sound recording to transcript. After I confirmed, it could for further academic research.

Participant's Signature:

2014/ /


此授權同意書同意許健峰從 http://actieleo.oypo.nl 網站下載 PKC 的圖片,每張照片以 0.75 歐元的代價授權許健峰使用這些照片於他的論文中。




Photos Using License Agreement

This Agreement allows Andy Hsu (HSU CHIEN FENG) to download PKC photos from the website http://actieleo.oypo.nl .

After paying 0,75 euros for each photo, Andy get the agreement to use these photos in his thesis.

These photos can’t be used for commercial purposes.

Licensor sign:


附錄一-2 PKC 教練中英訪談大綱 訪問日期:2014 年月日訪問地點:

1. 請問您與合球結緣之過程為何?

2. 請問培養一位優秀合球選手的養成過程中,在生理、心理方面您的具體做法為何?

3. 請問您身為擁有世界錦標賽金牌的教練,您有何使命感?請問您從國家隊教練、

PKC 俱樂部教練的角色轉換過程為何?

4. 請問您如何自我要求,成為一位專業素養兼具全方位整合管理能力之優質教練?

5. 請問您 PKC 俱樂部合球隊基本訓練方式以及有別於其他球隊的訓練模式為何?

6. 請問您當教練的哲學為何?

7. 請問您對於 PKC 俱樂部合球隊的經營基本理念為何?

8. 請問您如何協助 PKC 俱樂部經營球隊?從創立與發展過程中此球隊有何優勢條 件?

9. 請問您對 PKC 俱樂部經營過程中所面臨之瓶頸為何?您如何去面對或克服與協 助?

10. 請問您對 PKC 俱樂部經營與培育選手上會有哪些衝突之處?

11. 請問您對 PKC 俱樂部經營與培育選手如何相輔相成?

12. 請問 PKC 俱樂部的優勢與劣勢如何?

13. 請問您荷蘭政府、協會與俱樂部如何配合,對於從事體育運動人員可以提供一套較 完整的生涯規劃與生活保障?

14. 請問臺灣及其他國家合球運動的發展,您認為有何需要向荷蘭俱樂部學習之處?

PKC club coach interview outline

Interview Date: 2014/ / interview location:

1. How did you come into contact Korfball?

2. When you train an excellent korfball players, what’s specific practices in physiological and psychological aspects?

3. As a gold medal coach, what is your mission? Please talk about the role of the conversion process from a national team coach to PKC club coach.

4. In order to become a professional and full of comprehensive management capabilities coach, what’s your self requirements?

5. What’s the basic training methods in PKC club korfball team, and what’s your training mode different from the others.

6. What is your faith ofbeingacoaching?

7. What’s the basic idea of managing PCK club korfball team?

8. How did you operate a korfballteam ? What are the advantageous conditions in creation process and development process?

9. Did you ever face the bottleneck of PKC club management process? Please talk about it and how you overcome it.

10. What the conflict will place between your club management and cultivation of PKC players?

11. How does the PKC club management and cultivation of PKC players illuminate each other?

12. What are the strengths and weaknesses of PKCclub ?

13. how do government of the Netherlands, association and the club work in coordinationto provide a more complete career planning and life protection for Sports workers?

14. In the korfball movement of Taiwan and other countries, what do you think needs to learn from Netherlands clubs?

PKC 俱樂部教練訪談大綱(第二次) 訪問日期:2014 年月日訪問地點:

1. 請問你訓練 PKC 合球俱樂部的方法(可以敘述),訓練計畫、訓練方式?

2. 你在 PKC 的訓練中,你認為最辛苦最困難的地方是甚麼?

3. 是否願意談談 PKC 今年衛冕冠軍失敗的原因?

4. 你如何補強球隊實力來應對下次的球季。

PKC club coach interview outline ( partⅡ)

Interview Date: 2014/ / interview location:

1. How do you train PKC Korfball Club (such as training programs, training methods)?

2. When you train players in PKC, what do you think the most difficult?

3. Can you talk about how do you lead PKC to win the championship last year?

4. Can you talk about reasons for the failure of the defending champion thisyear?

5. How do you like to strengthen PKC players to face next match(season).

附錄一-3 PKC 俱樂部經營者 Kess 中英訪談大綱 訪問日期:2014 年月日訪問地點:

1. 請問您在 PKC 俱樂部的發展過程擔任哪些重要角色?

2. 請問您與合球結緣之過程為何?

3. 請問俱樂部培養一位優秀合球選手的養成過程中在生理、心理方面您的具體做法為

3. 請問俱樂部培養一位優秀合球選手的養成過程中在生理、心理方面您的具體做法為
