• 沒有找到結果。

第三章 研究方法

第二節 研究變數及變數內容

2. Professional work experience: ___years

4. 你每週上課是否需要請假?□不需請假□請公假___小時□請事假___小時。

4. Do you need to take time off from work for school weekly? □No □Yes, about ________hours/week

5. 你每次到學校上課,單程交通所需時間約小時分鐘。

5. Travel/commute time from home or work place to campus, one-way: ___minutes

6. 您現在的工作狀況:□全職□兼職□待業中(勾答此項者請跳過第 7、8、9 題) 。 6. Work Status: □Full time job □Part time job □Full time student (If full time student,

ignore #7,8,9)

8. 職位:□非主管□基層主管□中階主管□高階主管(含負責人) 。 8. Position: □Non-management □Supervisor □Middle management □

Executive/business owner

9. 您每週平均約工作幾個小時? 約____小時。

9. Average hours worked per week: ___hours 10. 您的年齡:___歲。

10. Age:___

11. 性別:□女□男。

11. Gender: □Female □Male

12. 婚姻狀況:□已婚或同居□未婚或分居(勾答此項者請跳過第13 題) 。 12. Marital Status: □Married □Single/Divorced (If Single/Divorced, ignore #13)

表3-1 人口統計資料變數內容(續)

13. 若已婚/同居,您的配偶/伴侶有工作嗎?□全職工作□兼職工作□沒有工作。

13. If married, does your spouse have a job? □Yes □No

14. 子女數: ___人,年齡分別為□老大__歲□老二__歲□老三__歲□老四__歲 14. Number of children:___ Please write down their ages:______________________

17. 是否與父母長輩同住? □是□不是(勾答此項者請跳過第18 題) 。 17. Do you live with your parents or guardians? □Yes □No(If no, ignore#18)


Please estimate the daily average time spent on the following activities:

■Sleeping: _____________hours/day (Ex. 8, 9.5, 10 hours)

■Housework: _____________ hours/day

■Work, during the weekdays: _____________ hours/day

■Child care(if no children, then ignore this question) :__________hours/day

■Exercise: _____________ hours/day. If you don’t exercise daily, how many hours do you exercise per week: _____________ hours/week

■Class work, excluding the time spent in class: _____________ hours/day

在工作壓力及家庭壓力變數方面,問卷皆採用李克特五等地尺寸,由1 到 5 分別代表極不同意(strongly disagree)、不太同意(disagree)、沒意見(neutral)、

頗為同意(agree)、及非常同意(strongly agree)。工作壓力變數共 10 題問項,

家庭壓力12 題。如表 3-3 及 3-4 所示。

表3-3 工作壓力變數內容 1. 如果工作需要,我可以暫時休學

1. I can drop out of school temporarily in order to work.

2. 太多的事情常使我晚上難以入眠

2. I have too much on my mind at night so I have difficulty falling asleep.

3. 我上班時的精神、體力不佳 3. When I am at work, I’m not alert.

4. 我有頭痛或胃痛的困擾

4. I often suffer from headaches and stomachaches.

5. 我的主管認為進修將使我對工作的投入減少

5. My supervisor believes that my pursuit of a higher education will decrease my commitment to my work.

6. 我經常需要利用上班時間準備課業

6. I often need to use work time to prepare for my classes.

7. 我經常無法來上課

7. I am often unable to attend class.

8. 我有時需要向公司請假趕作業或準備考試

8. I may need to take time off from work to catch up on homework or to study for a test.

9. 為了兼顧學業,我感覺自己的工作效率降低了

9. Because of the demands of my work and school, my work efficiency has declined.

10. 我現在的脾氣比念研究所前暴燥

10. Since beginning university classes, my mood has become more irritable.

表3-4 家庭壓力變數內容 1. 下班後我就有足夠的時間準備課業

1. After work, I have plenty of time to prepare for class.

2. 我有很多家庭的事情需要處理 2. I have a lot of family responsibilities.

3. 家人曾經向我抱怨沒有時間陪他們

3. My family members have complained to me about the lack of time I spend with them.

4. 做家事是女人的事情

4. Doing housework is a woman’s job.

5. 小孩讓我無法專心準備課業

5. My children cause me to be unable to concentrate on my schoolwork.

6. 我曾經考慮花錢請人幫忙做家事

6. I have considered hiring someone to help with housework.

7. 繁雜的家事讓我覺得心煩

7. Domestic responsibilities cause me to feel frustrated.

8. 我需要犧牲睡眠時間準備課業

8. I need to sacrifice sleep to prepare for class.

9. 我會要求配偶/家人/朋友分擔家事

9. I will ask my spouse or family to help share the housework.


10. I feel that I don’t have much time to look after my children.


11. It hurts that no one helps me with the housework.


12. My family is sympathetic to my current situation.
