• 沒有找到結果。

本語料庫目前典藏書面語料,未來將典藏口語語料。尋找特定年齡群是未 來建構語料庫的目標之一,蒐集不同體裁文本及語料為另一項目標,未來在體 裁規劃上希望朝如〈表5〉所示的分類進行。

〈表 5〉臺灣客語方言語料庫典藏語料之體裁規劃


日常會話 電視訪談 新聞討論 Call-in 電視節目


演講 說故事 口述歷史 新聞稿件

截至目前為止,臺灣客語方言書面語料已典藏670 篇文章,每篇文章均系統化 紀錄其出處、作者、文體等相關資訊。未來將加入語料庫中典藏的口語語料,

目前已收錄三十筆語料(十九筆日常會話,十筆獨白說故事,一筆電視訪談), 數量仍在持續進行中。其中已有六筆各約二十分鐘的口語對話(五筆日常會話,


(,已完成漢字轉寫、音檔切割,並標記羅馬拼音、詞語 標註及英文翻譯等資訊,語料呈現於網頁之畫面如〈圖14〉所示,詳細內容則


〈圖 14〉「國立政治大學漢語口語語料庫」語料呈現畫面

〈表 6〉「國立政治大學客語口語語料庫」網頁典藏語料之內容

參與者 語料長度

女性 男性 分鐘 話輪 字數 H001-CN-C-MFF-OMO

客家擂茶製作 2 1 20 503 11848


搭乘公車經驗 2 0 20 396 10849


婆媳相處 3 0 22 415 12460


東勢經濟發展 0 3 23 365 11129


花蓮生活回憶 2 0 20 669 14931


客家家庭主婦的生活 2 1 20 453 14170

總計: 11 5 125 2801 75,387

應用系統化客語語料庫所呈現的量化語言分析方面,本計畫以臺灣客語方 言表完成體和持續體「著」、涉及語法化之主觀性與詞彙化之固化等觀點之「怕」


整體而論,本語料庫研究尚有以下未竟完成之處:其一,由於時間之限制 與人員之不足,本語料庫暫無法進行斷詞與詞類標記。惟斷詞與詞類標記將使 語料庫的功能更為強大,此兩項工程將留待未來繼續執行。其二,前面提及,

在語料庫建置之初,尚未能考慮文體之平衡,且此語料庫目前尚以書面語料為 主,輔以口語語料,文體之均衡以及全面性客語口語語料庫之建構,是本研究 目前無法涵蓋之部分,仍有待將來的努力。

客語是個表意豐富的語言,具有許多值得研究的語言學課題,但現今之客 語研究一直缺乏有系統之分析,本研究以建構客語語料庫為出發,從語料的蒐 集、判讀、輸入,到語料庫的建構及使用介面功能介紹,展示出一個有系統的 研究步驟,為日後相關客語語料庫為本的相關研究議題提供一個很寶貴的參考 資源及可參考的研究方法,有助於客語研究的蓬勃發展及研究議題的深入探 討。就實用性而言,本研究就客語語料做全面性的收集、整理,並建構一個可 供檢索語料的語料庫,實際語言使用的範例,對客語教學的教材研發及編撰均 極有助益。就客語資源而言,本計畫目前已聯合國立新竹教育大學葉瑞娟教授、

黃漢君教授與吳睿純教授等諸位客語研究學者共同建構此語料庫,不但避免語 料重複收集、人力浪費等缺點,並共創客語研究合作環境之最大效益。然而,

語料庫的建構費時費力,但聚沙成塔,本研究計畫盼拋磚引玉,能引起大家對 客語語料庫更多的關注,也能藉此讓語料庫發揮更大的功能。


 語料庫語言學相關研究

Ahrens, Kathleen, Shirley Yuan-Hsun Chuang, and Chu-Ren Huang, 2003. Sense and meaning facets in verbal semantics: A MARVS perspective. Languages and Linguistics 4.3: 469-484.

Boas, Hans C. 2003. A Constructional Approach to Resultatives. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

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Boas, Hans C. 2008b. Determining the structure of lexical entries and grammatical constructions in Construction Grammar. Annual Review of Cognitive

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Bybee, Joan, Revere Perkins and William Pagliuca. 1994. The Evolution of Grammar:

Tense, Aspect and Modality in the Languages of the World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Chang, Li-Li, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Chu-Ren Huang. 2000. A lexical-semantic analysis of Mandarin Chinese verbs: Representation and methodology.

International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language processing 5.1: 1-18.

Chen, Keh-Jiann, and Chao-Jan Chen. 1998. A corpus based study on computational morphology for Mandarin Chinese (語料庫為本的中文複合詞構詞律模型研 究). Quantitative and Computational Studies on the Chinese Language, ed. by Benjamin K. T’sou, Tom B.Y. Lai, Samuel W. K. Chan, and William S-Y. Wang, 283-306. HK: City University of Hong Kong.

Chui, Kawai, and Huei-ling Lai. 2008. The NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese:

Mandarin, Hakka, and Southern Min. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 6.2:


Chui, Kawai, Huei-ling Lai, and Hui-chen Chan. 2008. The NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese: Mandarin, Hakka, and Southern Min. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Wenshan International Symposium (Theme: Spoken Corpus: Language Documentation and Applications), 68-100. May 19. National Chengchi University, Taipei.

Chung, Siaw-Fong. 2007. A Corpus-driven Approach to Source Domain

Determination. Ph. D. Dissertation of National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Chung, Siaw-Fong, and Kathleen Ahrens. 2008. MARVS revisited: Incorporating sense distribution and mutual information into near-synonym analyses.

Languages and Linguistics 9.2: 415-434.

Chung, Siaw-Fong, Kathleen Ahrens, and Chu-Ren Huang. 2005. Source domains as concept domains in metaphorical expressions. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 10.4: 553-570.

Croft, William. 2003. Lexical rules vs. constructions: A false dichotomy.

Motivation in Language: Studeis in Honour of Günter Radden. ed. by, H.

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Dowty, David. 1991. Thematic proto-roles and argument selection. Language 67.3:


Fillmore, Charles. 1970. The grammar of Hitting and Breaking. Readings in English Transformational Grammar, ed. by R. Jacobs & P. Rosenbaum, 120-133.

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Goldberg, A. E. 1995. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Goldberg, A. E. 2006. Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goldberg, Adele Eva and Ray Jackendoff. 2004. The English Resultative as a Family of Constructions. Language 80: 532-565.

Gries, Stefan Th. 2010. Useful statics for corpus linguistics. A Mosaic of Corpus Linguistics: Selected Approaches, ed. by Aquilino Sánchez and Moisés Almela. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Hong, Jia-Fei. 2010. Corpus-driven Linguistic Approaches to Sense Prediction. Ph.D.

Dissertation of National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Hong, Jia-Fei, and Chu-Ren Huang. 2008. A corpus-based approach to the discovery of Cross-Strait lexical contrasts. Language and Linguistics 9.2: 221-238.

Huang, Chu-Ren, Kathleen Ahrens, Li-Li Chang, Keh-Jiann Chen, Mei-Chun Liu, and Mei-Chih Tsai. 2000. The Module-Attribute Representation of Verbal Semantics: From semantics to argument structure. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 5.1: 19-46.

Huang, Chu-Ren, Keh-Jiann Chen, and Zhao-Ming Gao. 1998. Noun class extraction from a corpus-based collocation dictionary: An integration of computation and qualitative approaches. Quantitative and Computational Studies on the Chinese Language, ed. by Benjamin K. T’sou, Tom B.Y.Lai, Samuel W.K. Chan, and William S-Y. Wang, 339-352. HK: City University of Hong Kong.

Huang, Chu-Ren, and Jia-Fei Hong. 2005. Deriving conceptual structures from sense:

A study of near synonymous sensation verbs. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 15.3: 125-135.

Kay, Paul. 1995. Construction Grammar. Handbook of Pragmatics, ed. by J.

Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, and J. Blommaert, 171-177. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Kay, Paul, and Charles J. Fillmore. 1999. Grammatical constructions and linguistic generalizations: The What’s X Doing Y? construction. Language 75.1: 1-33.

Lai, Huei-ling. 2008. A Corpus-based exploration of research topics on Hakka grammar. 行政院客家委員會 96 年度補助大學暨獎助學術研究計畫成果發 表會. June 6. National Central University, Taoyuan.

Lai, Huei-ling. 2009. The NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese: Hakka Corpus.

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National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (Invited speech)

Lai, Huei-ling, and Shu-mei Chiang. 2007. The family of Hakka idiomatic Gin2 X Gin2 Y constructions: Paratactic constructions with subordinate meanings.

Paper presented at the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Poland: Jagiellonian University, July 15-20.

Lai, Huei-ling, and Shih-min Li. 2008. Hakka Corpus: Construction and application (客語語料庫的建構及應用). Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference of Hakka Dialects. November 22-24. National Central University, Taiwan.

Lien, Chinfa. 2005. Phase and aspect markers in Li Jing Ji. Essays in Chinese Historical Linguistics: Festschrift in Memory of Profess Fang-kuei Li on his Centennial Birthday, ed. by Pang-Hsin Ting and Anne O. Yue, 393-420.

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Liu, Mei-Chun, Chu-Ren Huang, Charles Lee, and Ching-Yi Lee. 2000. When endpoint meets endpoint: A corpus-based lexical semantic study of Mandarin verbs of throwing. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language

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Palmer, Frank R. 1979. Modality and the English modals. London: Longman.

Stefanowitsch, Anatol, and Stefan Th. Gries. 2003. Collostructions: investigating the interaction between words and constructions. International Journal of corpus

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Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. 1995a. Subjectification in grammaticalization. Subjectivity and Subjectivisation, ed. by D. Stein and S. Wright, 31-54. Cambridge:

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Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. 2005. Constructions in Grammaticalization. The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ed. by Brian D. Joseph and Richard D. Janda,

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Tsai, Mei-chi, Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-.Jiann Chen, and Kathleen Ahrens. 1998.

Towards a Representation of Verbal Semantics -- An approach based on near-synonyms. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language processing 3.1: 61-74.

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附錄一 口語語料受錄者簽署同意書格式

附錄二 口語語料受錄者填寫個人背景資料表

附錄三 行政院客家委員會同意使用客家電視台節目之


附錄四 圖片掃瞄自 Frog Story (Mayer, 1969)