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附錄一 Kolb Learning Style Inventory

Kolb Learning Inventory

4 = most like you, 1 = least like you…rank each response.

1. When I learn:

__ I like to deal with my feelings. __ I like to think about ideas.

__ I like to be doing things. __ I like to watch and listen.

2. I learn best when:

__ I listen and watch carefully. __ I rely on logical thinking.

__ I trust my hunches and feelings. __ I work hard to get things done.

3. When I am learning:

__ I tend to reason things out. __ I am responsible about things.

__ I am quiet and reserved. __ I have strong feelings & reactions.

4. Ilearn by:

__ feeling. __ doing.

__ watching. __ thinking.

5. When I learn:

__ I get involved. __ I like to observe.

__ I evaluate things. __ I like to be active.

AE- Active Experimentation Score:____

RO- Reflective Observation Score:____

CE- Concrete Experience Score:____

AC- Abstract Conceptualization Score:____

Which two scores are your highest scores?

附錄二 Kolb 學習類型量表(中譯版)

9. 我學習的做好的時候,是




__我自己試做一些事情時 10. 當我學習時





11. 當我學習時





12. 我學得最好的時候,是當我





附錄三 學習類型預試量表

