• 沒有找到結果。


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變數 平均值 標準差 A C D E F G K1 K2 L1 L2 M

A 290,421 742,608 1

C 427 889 0.9759 1

D 15,499 483,442 -0.2755 -0.1643 1

E 172,421 486,036 0.3790 0.5278 0.1994 1

F 766,475 2,064,382 0.8148 0.8897 0.0091 0.7036 1

G 923,398 2,455,951 0.8142 0.8846 -0.1497 0.7501 0.9780 1

K1 682,212 1,968,964 0.8418 0.8317 -0.1398 0.3028 0.6736 0.6536 1

K2 834,227 2,073,386 0.9170 0.9501 -0.2944 0.5780 0.8956 0.9251 0.8112 1

L1 1,111,369 3,017,116 0.8530 0.8572 -0.1354 0.3920 0.7688 0.7505 0.9739 0.8537 1

L2 1,815,013 4,872,854 0.8870 0.8919 -0.3379 0.5931 0.8273 0.8793 0.7504 0.9058 0.8221 1

M 1,299,446 3,193,313 0.7914 0.8656 -0.0498 0.7639 0.8950 0.9133 0.7353 0.8749 0.8108 0.9233 1 附表一:1/n加權下運具精密業實高薪資大廠商相關係數

