• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論

B. Syntax

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CX,Y(u, v) = exp ( − [(−logu)1a+ (−logv)1a]a) (3) (2)Clayton copula

與 Gumbel copula 相較,Clayton copula 為較能反映左尾相關性結構之非對稱型 態的 copula 函數,對變數在分配下尾處的變化十分敏感,故能快速捕捉到下尾 相關的變化,可用於描述具下尾相關特性的變數間之相關;但對變數在分配上尾 處的變化則不敏感,僅能考量單尾極端事件發生機率。可以捕捉市場同步崩跌時 之報酬率的相關性,其函數形式如下:

CX,Y(u, v) = (u−a + v−a− 1)1a (4)

B. Syntax

1. Copula

### R code from vignette source 'nacopula-pkg.Rnw'


### code chunk number 1: preliminaries


op.orig <-

options(width = 70,

## SweaveHooks= list(fig=function() par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 1.1, 2.1))), useFancyQuotes = FALSE, prompt="R> ", continue="+ ")

Sys.setenv(LANGUAGE = "en") if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES","C")

## if(Sys.getenv("USER") == "maechler")# take CRAN's version, not development one:

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## require("copula", lib="~/R/Pkgs/CRAN_lib")


### code chunk number 2: acopula-family



ls("package:copula", pattern = "^cop[A-Z]") copClayton


copClayton@psiInv # the inverse of psi(), psi^{-1}

copClayton@V0 # "sampler" for V ~ F()


### code chunk number 3: ex1-definition


(theta <- copJoe@tauInv(0.5))

C3joe.5 <- onacopula("Joe", C(theta, 1:3))


### code chunk number 4: ex1-str


str(C3joe.5) # str[ucture] of object


### code chunk number 5: ex1-U3


require(lattice) set.seed(1)

dim(U3 <- rnacopula(500, C3joe.5))


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### code chunk number 6: ex1-splom-def (eval = FALSE)


## splom2(U3, cex = 0.4)


### code chunk number 7: ex1-splom


## NB: 'keep.source=false' is workaround-a-bug-in-R-devel-(2.13.x)--- and 2 x more "splom"


splom2(U3, cex = 0.4) )


### code chunk number 8: ex1-explore1


round(cor(U3, method="kendall"), 3)


### code chunk number 9: ex1-explore2


c(pnacopula(C3joe.5, c(.5, .5, .5)), pnacopula(C3joe.5, c(.99,.99,.99)))


### code chunk number 10: ex1-explore3


prob(C3joe.5, c(.8, .8, .8), c(1, 1, 1))


### code chunk number 11: ex2-explore4

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c(copJoe@lambdaL(theta), copJoe@lambdaU(theta))


### code chunk number 12: NAC_3d-ex


( C3 <- onacopula("A", C(0.2, 1, C(0.8, 2:3))) )


### code chunk number 13: NAC_3d-ex2



onacopula("A", C(0.2, 1, list(C(0.8, 2:3, list())))) ))


### code chunk number 14: AMH-V01


copAMH@nestConstr copAMH@V01


### code chunk number 15: ex2-definition


theta0 <- copClayton@tauInv(0.2) theta1 <- copClayton@tauInv(0.5) theta2 <- copClayton@tauInv(0.8) c(theta0, theta1, theta2)

C_9_clayton <- onacopula("Clayton",

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C(theta0, c(3,6,1), C(theta1, c(9,2,7,5), C(theta2, c(8,4))))) C_9_clayton


### code chunk number 16: U9-prepare-splom



U9 <- rnacopula(500, C_9_clayton)

j <- allComp(C_9_clayton)# copula component "numbers": 1:9 but in "correct order"

(vnames <- do.call(expression,

lapply(j, function(i) substitute( U[I], list(I=0+i)))))


### code chunk number 17: ex2-splom-def (eval = FALSE)


## splom2(U9[, j], varnames= vnames, cex = 0.4, pscales = 0)


### code chunk number 18: ex2-splom



splom2(U9[, j], varnames= vnames, cex = 0.4, pscales = 0) )


### code chunk number 19: ex2-explore1


round(cor(U9[,9],U9[,7], method="kendall"), 3)

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### code chunk number 20: ex2-explore2


c(pnacopula(C_9_clayton, rep(.5,9)), pnacopula(C_9_clayton, rep(.99,9)))


### code chunk number 21: ex2-explore3


prob(C_9_clayton, rep(.8,9), rep(1,9))


### code chunk number 22: ex2-explore4


c(copClayton@lambdaL(theta0), copClayton@lambdaU(theta0)) c(copClayton@lambdaL(theta1), copClayton@lambdaU(theta1)) c(copClayton@lambdaL(theta2), copClayton@lambdaU(theta2))


### code chunk number 23: outerpower-def




### code chunk number 24: opwer-def2


thetabase <- copClayton@tauInv(.5)

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(opow.Clayton <- opower(copClayton, thetabase))


### code chunk number 25: opwer-def3


theta0 <- opow.Clayton@tauInv(2/3) # will be 1.5 theta1 <- opow.Clayton@tauInv(.75) # will be 2

opC3 <- onacopula(opow.Clayton, C(theta0, 1, C(theta1, c(2,3))))


### code chunk number 26: U3-ex


U3 <- rnacopula(500, opC3) ; stopifnot(dim(U3) == c(500,3))


### code chunk number 27: opower-splom-def (eval = FALSE)


## splom2(U3, cex = 0.4)


### code chunk number 28: opower-splom



splom2(U3, cex = 0.4) )


### code chunk number 29: opower-explore1


round(cor(U3, method="kendall"), 3)


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### code chunk number 30: opower-explore2


rbind(th0 =

c(L = opow.Clayton@lambdaL(theta0), U = opow.Clayton@lambdaU(theta0)), th1 =

c(L = opow.Clayton@lambdaL(theta1), U = opow.Clayton@lambdaU(theta1)))


### code chunk number 31: sessionInfo




### code chunk number 32: copula-version (eval = FALSE)


## my.strsplit( packageDescription("copula")[c("Date", "Revision")] )


### code chunk number 33: copula-version


pd <- lapply(packageDescription("copula")[c("Date", "Revision")], function(ch) gsub("\\$",'', ch))

cat(pd[["Revision"]], "-- ", sub("^Date: +", '', pd[["Date"]]), "\n", sep="")


### code chunk number 34: finalizing



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### code chunk number 35: fitCopula


function (copula, data, method = "mpl", start = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, optim.control = list(NULL), optim.method = "BFGS", estimate.variance = TRUE)


if (method == "ml")

fit <- fitCopula.ml(data, copula, start, lower, upper, optim.control, optim.method, estimate.variance) else if (method == "mpl")

fit <- fitCopula.mpl(copula, data, start, lower, upper, optim.control, optim.method, estimate.variance) else if (method == "itau")

fit <- fitCopula.itau(copula, data, estimate.variance) else if (method == "irho")

fit <- fitCopula.irho(copula, data, estimate.variance) else stop("Implemented methods are: ml, mpl, itau, and irho.") fit


2. Contagion clc

num_target = 101;

X = Data(:,i);

Y = Data(:,j);

Sorted_X = sort(X);

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Sorted_Y = sort(Y);

X_Target = linspace(prctile(X,2.5),prctile(X,97.5),num_target);

Weight = zeros(length(X),1)

%OptimalPieceNum ~= 18 if use optknt function for i = 1 : num_target

AddToTarget = 1 - (X - X_Target(i)).^2;

AddToTarget(AddToTarget < 0) = 0;

Weight = Weight + AddToTarget;


%Weight = ones(length(X),1);

%Local Correlation of X<-->Y (Quadratic)

%Get Function sp = m (Quadratic, local polynomial fitting) MISE_Main = zeros(length(X),1);

CurrentBandWidth = 1;

while 1 == 1


Vector = Sorted_X(1 : CurrentBandWidth : end);


sp = spap2(Vector,3,X,Y,Weight);


CurrentBandWidth = CurrentBandWidth + 1;

continue end

MISE_Main(CurrentBandWidth) = sum(((fnval(sp,X)-Y).^2 + var(fnval(sp,X))).*Weight);

CurrentBandWidth = CurrentBandWidth + 1;

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if (CurrentBandWidth >= length(X)) break

end end

MISE_Main(MISE_Main == 0) = Inf;

BestSplineNum_Main = find(MISE_Main == min(MISE_Main));

Vector = Sorted_X(1 : BestSplineNum_Main : end);

sp =spap2(Vector,3,X,Y,Weight);

%sp = spap2(3,3,X,Y,Weight);

%If you want to calculate the value, use fnval(sp,X_Interpolate) to get Y


%If you want to see the result, use fnplt function

%Get Function Beta (differentiate function m):

sp_diff = fnder(sp);

Beta = sp_diff;

%Local Correlation of X<-->Residual variance (= VAR(Y|X = x)) (Linear,

%local polynomial fitting)

MISE_VarY = zeros(length(X),1);

CurrentBandWidth = 1;

while 1 == 1


Vector = Sorted_X(1 : CurrentBandWidth : end);


sp_VarY = spap2(Vector,2,X,(Y-fnval(sp,X)).^2,Weight); %sigma^2 catch

CurrentBandWidth = CurrentBandWidth + 1;

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continue end

MISE_VarY(CurrentBandWidth) = sum(((fnval(sp_VarY,X)-(Y-fnval(sp,X))).^2 + var(fnval(sp_VarY,X))).*Weight);

CurrentBandWidth = CurrentBandWidth + 1;

if (CurrentBandWidth >= length(X)) break

end end

MISE_VarY(MISE_VarY == 0) = Inf;

BestSplineNum_VarY = find(MISE_VarY == min(MISE_VarY));

Vector = Sorted_X(1 : BestSplineNum_VarY : end);

sp_VarY = spap2(Vector,2,X,(Y-fnval(sp,X)).^2,Weight); %sigma^2

%sp_VarY = spap2(20,2,X,(Y-fnval(sp,X)).^2); %sigma^2 Std_X = std(X);

%Use this to evaluate Rho value of value x0:

Xm = prctile(X,50); %Median Beta_Xm = fnval(Beta,Xm);

Rho_Xm = (Std_X*Beta_Xm)/(Std_X^2*Beta_Xm^2 + fnval(sp_VarY,Xm)).^0.5 Sigma_Xm = fnval(sp_VarY,Xm) ^ 0.5

Xl = prctile(X,2.5); %(0.025) Beta_Xl = fnval(Beta,Xl);

Rho_Xl = (Std_X*Beta_Xl)/(Std_X^2*Beta_Xl^2 + fnval(sp_VarY,Xl)).^0.5 Sigma_Xl = fnval(sp_VarY,Xl) ^ 0.5

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Z = (Rho_Xl - Rho_Xm) / (fnval(sp_VarY,Xm) + fnval(sp_VarY,Xl)).^0.5 if (Z > 1.65)

disp('Contagion') else

disp('Not Contagion') end

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