• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 7、The Conclusions and Recommendations

7.2 Recommendations

7.2.2 The jobs of "Incubating talents" and "Recruiting talents"136 Promote the industrial restructuring

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command loyalty to their enterprise. Therefore, it is no surprising that key talents are attracted to turn to Chinese enterprises. The talent is the capital of the country such that the "Brain Drain" of high-tech enterprises constitutes a serious threat to the country. Thus, the companies must improve the working conditions and offer reasonable wages and benefits, treating employees as members of a big family, just like the business model of the Google, Facebook, Microsoft and other foreign companies where employees treat their jobs as their own business and share the benefits with each other. Thus, the employees are loyal to the company and the company gives the favors to the employees, which enhance employees’ corporate identity and the so called ‘happy enterprises’ will happen, leading to sustainable development of the enterprises, society and the nation in the long run. Promote the industrial restructuring

Taiwan is a country lack of natural resources. Taiwan manufactures products by importing raw materials and then exporting to other countries, mostly through trade. The number of Taiwan's manufacturing workforce peaked in 1987 and that number decreased with the outflow of jobs to China, a crisis of industrial hollowing out. Thus, the industry will have to try to gain competitiveness through seeking new mechanism to generate surplus value.

In the past, Taiwan's industry took advantages of upgrading the economy such as optoelectronics, information, OEM, ODM, but now is gradually caught up with by Korea, Japan, and China. Taiwan needs to think about what are the industries of next generation in order to regain its competitive edge. The government began to re-adjust the structure of the economy in order to speed up the development of the high-value and service industries by selecting six new

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industries, four new smart industries and ten services industries to reverse the image that used to accompany the foundry and low-profit industry. It is hoped that the government can really implement policies of industrial restructuring that is crucial to long-term development of Taiwan's economy and industry.

In addition to the formulation of the future direction of the country, the industrial policy should be well-planned to provide opportunities of productive jobs. As to the industry upgrading, it should make use of the alternative resources and develop high value-added industries in order to stimulate and retain the talents. To sum up, it is necessary to strengthen the industrial restructuring and master the key technology to establish its own brand name and improve the training of human resources in order to increase the international competitiveness and strengthen competitive advantage of our industry.

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Ⅰ、Doctor /Master Thesis

1、蔡文達(2003),《員工分紅入股制度對高科技產業發展之影響》。國立雲林 科技大學企業管理系碩士班。


3、胡宇芳(2004),《二十一世紀初中國大陸「人才強國」策略之分析》。淡江 大學中國大陸研究所。

4、陳雅雯(2005),《中國大陸高等教育改革之研究(1992~2004 年)。淡江大學 中國大陸研究所。

5、闕君茹(2006),《國家高級人力培育計畫-海外留學生之留學經驗與社會支 持之相關性研究:以千里馬專案計畫為例》。國立台灣科技大學技術及職業教 育研究所。

6、張靜文(2007),《我國專技移民政策及制度之研究》。國立政治大學行政管 理碩士學程。

7、李柏均(2008),《高等教育機構延攬優秀人才之研究》。國立台北教育大學 教育行政與評鑑研究所。

8、黃美雲(2008),《產學合作之人才培育績效評估模式建構》。開南大學企業 與創業管理學系。

9、許雅筑(2008),《我國高等教育人才培育與市場人力需求關係之研究》。國 立暨南大學教育政策與行政學系。

10、宋世傑(2009),《台灣與新加坡移民政策制定因素之比較研究》。國立暨南 國際大學東南亞研究所。


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12、陳紹倫(2010),《高等教育擴張對大學畢業生薪資生產力之影響》。國立台 北大學經濟學系。

13、楊淑涵(2011),《我國高等教育學生對招收大陸學生來台就學政策之態度研 究》。銘傳大學教育研究所碩士班。

14、黃品蓁(2012),《台灣與中國高等教育國際化策略之比較研究》。國立台北 教育大學教育經營與管理學系。

15、范李軍(2005),《我國加入 WTO 候人才安全問題的初步研究》。中國首都經 濟貿易大學安全工程學系。

16、趙琪(2005),《保障我國人才安全戰略研究》。中國武漢大學科學社會主義 與國際共產主義運動學系。

17、齊子萍(2007),《我國高效人才流動問題研究》。中國山東大學行政管理學 系。