• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 7、The Conclusions and Recommendations

7.2 Recommendations The part of Government

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Section 2、Recommendations 7.2.1 「Incubating Talents」 The part of government To help obtain a professional license122

As the saying goes, "The professional skills are better than wealth". Given high unemployment rate and popularization of higher education, the current value of the university diplomas might still be useful but not as good as a license. When the enterprises are completely unfamiliar with job applicants, the licenses can be indicators to quantify their abilities. The licenses benefit job seekers by raising salary, transferring to better jobs and upgrading knowledge. Higher education should help students strengthen ability but relevant licenses help employers save relevant internal training cost and enhance workers’ workplace competitiveness. The development of interdisciplinary talents

The word “talents” means differently in different fields. The talent means the high-tech personnels for the research institutions. The talent means the academic researchers for the higher education. The talent means the engineers and masters of the core areas for the industries. According to the trend of the world, a single type of the talents does not match the needs of the community.

Cultivating talents with comprehensive skills are the future direction. The enterprises evaluate applicants mostly from the angle of the diversified qualifications and experience. When the talents have the Electrical Engineering

122 今周刊,《考一張黃金證照》,2012 年 7 月 2 日,頁 112-118。

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Bachelor degree, or Law degree or Business Administration’s degree, these talents are most welcome to the enterprises. Those with diverse experience and qualifications are likely to have broader horizon to assist the enterprises. Thus, higher education should assist the students to gain professional and international perspective and help cultivate comprehensive knowledge to increase workplace competitiveness. Reform of the higher education system

Lee Yuan-tse, The Nobel Laureate, advocated the "universal college students strategy123" by setting up universities a decade ago that aimed to upgrade the 5-year college system to be universities that are science and technology-oriented. Student enrollment as a result skyrockets along with the rapid expansion of universities. Therefore, the average schooling among people is generally university degree. However, the education quality becomes a great concern as a result. The quality of education among 164 colleges and universities has enormous difference. Worse still, professors are excessively pursuing SCI papers (given the requirement of appraisal system) at the expense of students (teaching quality suffers and hands-on experience is bypassed). The total numbers of Master graduates in Taiwan are more than one million people and 40% of them are with specialist qualifications. The unemployment rate is still up high but there is shortage of talents. University can not take enrollment as its sole concern but has to take up its social responsibility. There are still many higher education schools with poor quality. The government did

123 台灣醒報,《高學歷、高失業 教部控管碩博士班》,2012 年 7 月 31 日。

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not take positive actions to solve this problem, but spoiled those schools by allowing them to change names or to restructure to continue to enroll students who may not be built for higher study.

At the same time, the government is promoting the plans of

“five-year-fifty billion program” to push some selected universities to pursue excellence in order to enhance our world visibility and research capability. The National Taiwan University in 2012 ranked 80 among the world's universities, a goal previously promoted by the education ministry. But this achievement did not upgrade the national competitiveness or the prospect of the future development of the nation. When a small number of elites spend the major educational resources, class antagonism is emerging and the gap between the rich and poor is expanding.

The government should encourage the development of universities that try to develop special characteristics. The research-oriented universities need to be strategically positioned with enterprises so that both could be mutually benefited. The Normal Universities should be the main sites to nurture the future teachers. The universities of tourism, hospitality or aerospace should be mainly service and technical personnel training places. In a word, the homogenization of universities is not beneficial to the social progress and national development..

The Ministry of Education has approved the validity of 41 Chinese university degrees124, which is an important step toward recruiting talents abroad. The Ministry of Education must take into account the German

124 中國時報,《培育留才,世界名校可望來台設校》,2012 年 10 月 12 日。

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dual-system education system when reforming our higher education. The government responsibility is to cultivate various talents in all areas that are crucial to the national development. Thus, reforming the higher education system will help to solve the current talent plight. Emphasis on human resources of the new residents

According to the statistics of the NIA, the number of the Taiwan foreign spouses are about 45 million, plus another 45 million foreign workers in a total of 900,000 foreign population. Compared to China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea recruiting the white-collar talents, Taiwan had a majority of blue-collar workers. The Government may consider recruiting talents from immigrants from the United States, Japan, Korea, and China. The government can assist them to work in enterprises, or research/academic institutions if not affecting the national security as another option of our talent pipeline.

Our government should establish mechanisms to help new immigrants households to adapt to mainstream society and set up a learning-friendly environment to facilitate their kids learning. The next generation of immigrants could be cultivated to be promising diplomats, translaters, and multinational experts in the future. The flow of talent is a result of the economic development and globalization. In this wave of Brain Drain, the inflow of new residents is the Taiwan’s new competitive advantages if the government tries to curb the worsening of the situation. The government should pay attention to this issue, coming up with measures to cultivate and recruit talents.

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