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(1)構式驅使在語義中的呈現:漢語評價性程度構式之研究 學生:張群. 指導教授:劉美君 國立交通大學語言與文化研究所 摘. 要. 傳統詞彙語意學研究的重心是動詞的語法和其語義的表現,對於漢語的程度 副詞與形容詞或名詞互相搭配的相關研究則略顯狹隘 (參見 Zhu 1956, 1982, Tang 2000ab, Liu 2002)。為了填補過往研究的不足,本文將主要探討兩個高頻率 程度副詞:「很」和「有點」與其鄰近成分的分佈關係,進而提出一套以語言學 角度為本的解釋。為了觀察程度副詞和其共現的相關詞類分佈,我們分析了大量 的書面語料以及口語的語料,諸如中研院漢語平衡語料庫、Google 搜尋引擎、 聯合新聞網、以及 10 篇言談語料(長約 139 分鐘) 。以往研究多認為:漢語程度 副詞傾向於和具有程度性的形容詞或心理動詞共現,並且不能和無程度性的形容 詞或重疊形容詞一起使用 (參見 Zhu 1956, 1982, Lü 1980, Tang 2000ab, Chui 2000a, Zhang 2002, Liu 2005 討論)。然而,從實際語料中,我們可以發現和程度 副詞配搭的詞類十分多樣:名詞組(嘴唇很香腸)、形容詞組 (他很藍/綠)、動詞 組(很高興)、副詞組(很有點害怕/妒忌)、定冠詞組(場面很那個)、疑問詞(很怎樣). 等。這些語言現象暗示我們傳統的分析似乎有其修正的空間,故本研究採用構式 語法理論(Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997a)重新定義漢語的程度副詞為一個形式 ([Degree ADV+ X] 結構)和語意(給予程度屬性性質)搭配的配對。在這個評價格 式中,程度副詞為該構式的中心語(constructional head),其功能為驅使(coerce)格 式中處於 X 位置的詞類(grammatical category),讓該詞類和構式能和諧地互動-亦即,X 本身的語義與格式運作後所產生的相關語義是相容的。 另外,為了解決 構式驅使後所造成的可能岐義性,「衍生詞法」(Pustejovsky 1995)亦在此研究中 被運用。藉由此種分析的方式,我們可以得到以下兩點初步的推論(此為評價性 程度格式的優點): 1) 透過概念結構的操作,例如「語意延伸(metaphorical extension)」或「程度的 層級性 (gradability)」(參見 Lakoff and Johnson 1980 和 Claudi and Heine 1986) 以及「衍生詞法」中「經驗知識結構 (qualia structure)」 ,能與程度副詞共現 的詞類是多樣性的,只要這些詞類本身具備語義的內涵 (semantic content), 理論上他們都可以出現在這個格式當中。 2) 「評價性程度構式」(Evaluative Degree Predication Construction)」的語言分析 模式明顯比傳統的詞彙分析模式據具有優勢,因為對於這種多樣的程度副詞 和其後詞類的配搭能以較經濟的(economical)方式來解釋而不需要另外加一 些詞彙規則來限制,這種分析除了避免增加額外的詞義給普通的名詞組(尤其 i.

(2) 是創新性的用法(novel expressions))、也允許語意延伸的創造性、由語境來界 定無層級性的形容詞、還可以解釋動詞組的各種變化、解決兩個程度副詞並 列時的情況以及提供定冠詞組或疑問詞,從語境所引導出的舊訊息或可能資 訊。 本研究認為應將結構意義視為詞彙的一部份來討論語意的屬性(Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997a, 2002, Liu 2005)。另外,在考慮格式語法和經驗知識結構 的運用前提下,語境或文化定義的訊息可以在這個結構中被詮釋。以構式語法理 論為本可以用較具經濟性的方式來重新思考漢語程度副詞與詞類的配搭關係。. ii.

(3) Constructional Coercions in Semantic Representation: The Evaluative ‘Degree-Adverb+ X’ Construction in Mandarin Student: Chun Chang. Advisors: Dr. Mei-Chun Liu. Institute of Linguistics and Cultural Studies National Chiao Tung University Abstract In recent studies of Lexical Semantics, most attention is paid to the behaviors of verbs (see Levin 1993, Tang 2000, Liu 2002 and many others). In general, few works are concerned with the correlative behaviors of degree adverbs and adjectives or nouns overall. To restore the missing pieces in lexical semantic research, this paper focuses specifically on the collocations of degree adverbs with various syntactic categories. In order to study how degree adverbs (i.e., hen ‘very’ and youdian ‘a little’) co-occur with their possible post-adverbial elements in language uses, we explore large amounts of corpora (Sinica, Google and udndata.com) and conversation data (139 minutes) and find that the assumption of previous studies on degree adverbs (Zhu 1956, 1982, Lü 1980, Tang 2000, Zhang 2002, Liu 2005) should be re-considered. Traditionally, previous woks assume that all Mandarin degree adverbs tend to occur before gradable or psych-verbs and they cannot collocate with non-gradable or reduplicative adjectives. Distinct from the traditional assumptions, an unexpectedly wide range of grammatical categories, such as NP (很香腸 hen xiangchang ‘very sausage-like’), AP (很藍/綠 hen lan/lu ‘KMT/DPP-like’), VP (很高興 hen gaoxing ‘very happy’), ADVP (很有點害怕 hen youdian haipa ‘quite sort of afraid’), DP (場 面很那個 changmian hen nage ‘very that (erotic)’) and interrogatives (很怎樣 hen. zenyang ‘very that sort of’), can occur in the X slot of [Degree ADV+ X] construction. Moreover, degree adverbs can co-occur with negative reduplicative adjectives due to. pragmatic reasons (Levinson 1983, Lasersohn 1999). The observed collocations turn to the traditional question, “why do adjectives in Chinese declarative sentences have to take a degree adverb hen into a constructional premise?” and raise a new issue, “why may NP, VP, ADVP, DP or Interrogative words all collocate with the degree adverb hen?”. To deal with the question, it is proposed that the sequence of [Degree ADV+ X] is viewed as a unique construction following the approach of Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997a). In other words, the form Evaluative Degree Predication Construction ([Degree ADV+ X]) is iii.

(4) associated with the semantic interpretation ‘degree evaluation of scalar attribute or quality’ (abbreviated as EDPC). The overt marker, degree adverb, is taken as the constructional head that signals or coerces degree evaluation meaning ‘scalar-implicating quality’. Furthermore, to deal with the potential ambiguity evoking from the construction-coerced meaning, a compositional approach termed Qualia Structure in Pustejovsky (1995) is also applied. As a preliminary work on degree predications, this study has two implications: 1) A reconsideration of degree modification is needed. With the manipulation of the conceptual schema (e.g., metaphorical extension or gradability of scalar quality) and qualia roles in qualia structure, the collocations of degree adverbs with various grammatical categories in daily uses are more diverse than what is traditionally thought. The premise is that as long as the grammatical categories inherently have semantic contents, they can occur in the construction theoretically. 2) The coercive semantic interpretation can be specified in the postulation of EDPC, which has a number of merits over the lexical-rule approach: (a) It may avoid the unnecessary addition of attributive senses for nominal predicate, especially novel expressions. (b) It may allow creative sense extensions of certain contextually-defined lexically non-gradable attributions. (c) It may account for the various verbal predications. (d) It may explicate the juxtaposition of more than one degree adverb (e.g., [Degree-ADV [Degree-ADV+ AP]] (cf. Zhang 2002)). (e) It may solve the problem that demonstratives and interrogatives are also used with a degree modifier to recall a given attributive quality extracted from contexts. Ultimately, the constructional inferences discussed in this study suggest a new perspective when exploring semantic representation of Mandarin degree adverbs and the post-adverbial categories: (i) the semantic representation of scalar implicating qualities should also include constructional entities as part of lexical items (see Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997a, 2002, Liu 2005); (ii) the mutual applications of constructional approach and qualia structure may help to resolve the potential ambiguity (the contextually or culturally-defined information) arising from the construction.. iv.

(5) 致謝 這篇論文得以順利完成要感謝很多可敬又可愛的人。首先,要感謝我的指導 老師劉美君教授。美君老師在我修讀碩士的這段期間,提供了我參與國科會「中 文溝通類動詞語義研究」研究計畫的機會。老師激發了我對語言學的熱情,她帶 領我去發現有趣的語言學議題,進而思考問題,解決問題並提出可能的解釋。老 師指導我時,始終不厭其煩地提醒我論證和寫作上的盲點,同時也對論文適度地 鼓勵與肯定;在這樣循循善誘的引導下,讓有時在論文撰寫中茫然失措的我,能 及時回到正確的方向。另外,感謝口試委員連金發老師以及劉辰生老師。連老師 對「構式語法」理論的宏觀看法與方法論上的獨到建議,讓我對語言學問題的思 索過程中有了更深的體悟。辰生老師對「漢語程度副詞與形容詞」內部細微現象 的見解與相關文獻評論的提醒,亦讓我受益良多。老師總是毫無保留地與我分享 論文相關的議題與心得,讓我在寫作時能更加順利。對於這三位細心的老師,學 生由衷感謝。同時,我也要對教導過我的交大與清華的老師們(林若望、許慧娟、 潘荷仙、曹逢甫、林宗宏),表達我最深的謝意;你們使我能體驗語言學殿堂中 不同領域研究的方法與奧妙。 還要感謝薛帝逢(Steven)老師、畢永娥老師、魏美瑤老師、曾泰元老師。在 大學時期對我個人語言學知識的傳授,引領我進入語言學的天地。在此,更要特 別感謝 Steven 老師對我論文寫作修辭上與論點的指正建議,讓我的論文可以更. 為完備。 接下來要謝謝跟我一起打拼的知心好友們。天天和繼文每每在我寫作煩悶或 遇到挫折時,聽我傾訴,為我加油打氣。他們有時會受到我無端的情緒或怒氣波 及,但是總能寬容地體恤我,讓我能有所依偎。另外,感謝潔夫和明憲常常和我 討論語言學並提出建議;因為有你們的陪伴,讓我做研究時不會孤軍奮鬥,可以 同知音人一起分享語言學的愛與愁。甚至在我修改論文時,和我討論到三更半 夜,謝謝你們。還有一些讓我很感激的朋友,像是交大的同學與學弟、妹們(小 D、小貓、怡芬、昭廷、明輝、華珍、佳音)。即使他們不太懂我的理論與語料, 不過總是很耐心地聽我述說論文分析的部分和給予語感上的判斷。我也感謝在撰 寫論文期間曾經接受過我語料與語感諮詢的家教學生 (鈺芳、鈺婷、阿仁、阿錫、 安哥、柏哥)。藉由你們的幫助,讓我可以獲得年輕人使用程度副詞配搭的創新 用法,這些資料對我論文發展具有相當的影響性。還有,感謝大學與國、高中的 好友(Frances、斐欽、瑪利、Patrick、Howard、家珮、俊豪)時而和我相聚,暢談 風花雪月,讓我可以適時地減輕課業上的壓力。 最後,我更要謝謝我的父母和妹妹,在求學的過程中你們總是無怨無悔地付 出無盡的關懷與鼓勵,並且給予我自由學習與發展的空間,讓我能專心研究,順 利完成修業。 僅將這本碩士論文,獻給我最親愛的父母(張富華、吳春花),表達兒子最真 誠的謝意。爸、媽,我很感謝你們!. v.

(6) Table of Contents Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………….i English Abstract……………………………………………………… ……………...iii Acknowledgement……………………………………………………… …………….v Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………..vi Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………...1 1.1 The Issue: Degree Adverbs………………………………………………...1 1.2 Theoretical Frameworks: Discourse, Cognition, Construction and Qualia Structure………............................................................................................3 1.3 Scope and Goal…………………………………………………………….7 1.4 Outline of the Thesis……………………………………………………….8 Chapter 2 Review of the Literature……………………………………………………9 2.1 Major Works on Chinese Degree Adverbs…………………………………9 2.1.1 Descriptive works on Degree Adverbs: Lü, Zhu, Tang and Zhang…9 2.1.2 Discourse-oriented Works on Degree Adverbs: Chui and Cheng ...14 2.2 Works on English Degree Adverbs……………………………………….16 2.2.1 Scalar Properties of Degree Adverbs: Kennedy and McNally…….16 2.3 Summary………………………………………………………………….18 Chapter 3 Databases and Initial Observations………………………………………..19 3.1 The Database: Balanced Corpus and Spoken Conversation……………...19 3.1.1 Initial Observations of Degree Adverbs …………………………..21 3.1.2 Distribution of Grammatical Categories Following Degree Adverbs……………………………………………………………22 3.2 Summary………………………………………………………………….26 Chapter 4 Information beyond Compositionality: Construction-based Account…….27 4.1 The Concept of Construction Grammar…………………………………..27 4.1.1 The Merits of the Constructional Account………………………...29 4.1.2 The Works Based on Constructional Account……………………..32 4.1.3 Integrating Further Semantic Extensions: Qualia Structure……….36 4.2 The Evaluative Degree Predication Construction………………………...38 4.2.1 Syntactic and Semantic Properties of [Degree ADV+X] Construction……………………………………………………….41 4.2.2 Some Profiled Properties in EDPC: Value, Scale, Gradability, Degree and Comparison……………………………….…………..44 vi.

(7) 4.2.3 4.2.4. 4.3. 4.4 4.5 4.6. Specificity of the Subject NP and Referentiality in the X Slot……49 Collocations in the [Degree ADV+X] Construction: Content Words or Function Words…………………………………………………51 Syntactic Categories in the X Slot………………………………………...57 4.3.1 X as NP…………………………………………………………….57 4.3.2 X as AP…………………………………………………………….67 4.3.3 X as VP…………………………………………………………….74 4.3.4 X as ADVP………………………………………………………...79 4.3.5 X as DP and Interrogative Words………………………………….82 Degree Adverbs in the [Degree ADV+ X] Construction………………….86 Predictive Power of EDPC: The Productivity of Novel Expressions…….90 Summary………………………………………………………………….94. Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………...95 5.1 Summary………………………………………………………………….95 5.2 Further Research………………………………………………………….96 References……………………………………………………………………………99 Website Resources…………………………………………………………………..107 Appendix A: List of Figures………………………………………………………...108 Appendix B: List of Tables………………………………………………………….110. vii.

(8) Figures and Tables List of Figures Figure 1 The Evaluative Degree Predication Construction (EDPC)…………………41 Figure 2 Polarity scale representation for Henyoudian+X………………………..…80. List of Tables Table 1 The criteria for distinguishing the representative members of degree adverbs….........................................................................................................12 Table 2 The number of occurrence of representative degree adverbs in both Sinica corpus and spoken conversations………………………………………...21, 86 Table 3 Frequency of [Hen + X] in Sinica corpus and spoken conversation………..52 Table 4 The explicit expressions and the inferred qualities of objects……………....65 Table 5 The possible X (NP, AP, VP, ADVP, DP and Interrogative) occurring in the [Degree ADV+ X] construction…………………………………………….. 85 Table 6 The representative novel expressions interpreted with metaphorical extensions and highlighted qualia roles in Google………………………………………92. viii.




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