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政府業務委外決定因素之探討—以地政業務為例 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)謝. 誌. 終於可以寫謝誌了!25 年前離開職校時從未想過會從政大研究所畢業。一 路的求學過程縱有荊棘,但收穫是甜美的,感謝陪我走過的師長及朋友們。 本論文得以順利完成,首先要感謝指導教授成之約老師不厭其煩,一次次 耐心的指引、悉心的指導與鼓勵,從研究方向的選擇、觀念架構之建立、問卷之 設計,以至於本文之撰寫,不斷給予以指正與啟迪。口試委員賴宗裕老師在地政 專業領域給予的寶貴提點,對觀念的匡正與問題的釐清助益良多、楊通軒老師以 其專業在研究計畫書及論文審查時對本論文提供精闢的見解與寶貴的建議,使本 論文內容更臻充實與完善。. 政 治 大 回首這二年披星載月的求學期間,除了衷心感謝行管碩教授們的指導與提 立. 攜外,也感謝一路上來共同扶持、並肩作戰的學長姐與同學們,彼此的激勵讓我. ‧ 國. 學. 在忙碌的工作中能有毅力完成這份論文,謝謝明傑學長、少峰學長、勝楷學長及 同學淑惠、小萍、立裕、豔柔、雪玲、招英、偉竣、嘉成的共同砥勉。當然還有. ‧. 工作上的長官及夥伴們,你們的體諒及情義相挺,尤其是方銘記局長、康秋桂局. y. Nat. 長、王年水副局長、李素蘭專委、陳憲瑞科長、姚欣宏秘書、先智、如慧在專業. al. er. io. 在論文撰寫過程能夠克服萬難,圓滿完成。. sit. 上給予的分享與協助,還有珮珍、芳旻、銘華在我遇到瓶頸時給予的鼓勵,讓我. n. iv n C 最後我要把這一份論文獻給我最親愛的家人,感謝一路上支持我的媽媽, hengchi U 在我同時忙於工作及課業時,照顧我的一雙子女,全力無悔的給予後援,讓我得 以無後顧之憂的往前邁進。女兒瑋絜及兒子崇倫你們的貼心及懂事,讓身為媽媽 的我少了一些些的愧疚,還有我最親愛的老公仁文,感謝你總是體諒我的任性, 全心的支持我做的任何事情,慷慨的讓我安心完成學業。没有你們的默默支持及 包容,這篇論文絶對無法完成。再次誠摯的感謝一路上所有支持、幫助及鼓勵過 我的朋友!謹將這份成果及喜悅分享給你們!. 陳素霞 謹誌 國立政治大學行政管理碩士學程 一○○年 七月.

(2) 摘. 要. 在1980年代以Margaret Thatcher為首的保守黨贏得英國國會大選後,便開 始推動政府業務委外運動,政府業務委外經營便成為政府再造發展的重要策略工 具。近幾年來,由於我國社會環境變遷快速,政治發展日益蓬勃,民眾對於政府 的施政作為與服務品質的要求日漸的提高。而地政工作因與國家經濟發展及民眾 財產權益息息相關,影響人民權益甚鉅,工作壓力大,致地政人員常年不足,陷 入人少、事多、責重之惡性循環,因此,突破行政體系僵化,將部份業務委外, 以有限的資源作最有效率的安排,為當前地政機關所面臨的重要課題。 本研究係探討在眾多的地政業務及繁瑣的作業程序中瞭解那些業務(或項目) 較適合委外及其委外的範圍及方式,並就影響因素進行探討,同時瞭解地政業務 在現有的體制及相關法令規範下執行業務委託民間辦理的困難處及改進措施。由. 政 治 大 及業務差異大的特性,因此適合委外的業務項目及影響委外的決定因素與有別於 立. 於地政業務本身因為有高度專業性、裁量權行使空間大、涉公權力、絶對公信力. ‧ 國. 學. 其他行政機關且因地政業務委外之概念尚在初創階段,因此採深度訪談法訪談15 人獲取專業及執行相關業務之經驗人士對適合委外之地政業務、執行困難以及實 務上可能影響委外決定因素之意見後確立研究變項後,研擬問項,經由問卷調查. ‧. 蒐集資料,以各級地政機關地政人員為問卷調查對象,共發放315份問卷,有效. y. Nat. 問卷292份,運用統計軟體分析統計,經由資料分析得到結果如下:. sit. 一、 受訪者在地區、經歷、性別及年資上對於地政業務委外傾向無明顯差異。. al. er. io. 二、 7成6受訪者認同地政業務委託民間辦理,且地政業務可委外之項目非侷限. n. iv n C 三、 適合業務委外作業前3名為「謄本核發作業」 h e n g c h i U、「買賣實例調查作業」、「查. 於傳統之庶務性工作,可經由檢討業務特性、修改法規等方式循序漸進。. 估作業」,「土地登記」及「使用編定作業」不適合委外作業。. 四、 委外方式對地政業務委外政策的推辦影響不大。 五、 委外決定因素方面,問卷調查結果地政業務委外實施影響的重要性排名的 前三名分為裁量權的行使、個人資料保護法規及地政專業證照的實施。 六、 實施地政業務委外確可解決地政機關人力不足問題。 因此,本研究根據實證結果提出政策建議如下:建立專責機構辦理委外業 務、配合趨勢調整委外作業方式、落實評估管理及監督機制、擇項分批漸進式辦 理委外、強化地政業務委外觀念之建立、研訂地政委外專屬法律、建立友善公私 合夥環境、建立地政業務作業人員基金或保險制度及建立業務委外方式、要件及 收支標準之作業規範。 關鍵字:地政業務、業務委外.

(3) Abstract Ever since the Conservative Party, led by Margaret Thatcher, won the general election during the 1980s, the UK government has outsourced much of its services to the private sector; the outsourcing of public services thus has become an important tool for government reforms and development. Due to the rapid changes in our social environment and growing political awareness in recent years, the people have become increasingly demanding towards the government's administrative performance and service quality. Land administration is one of the public services that is most closely related to the nation's economic development and to the property rights of its people. Due to the stakes and the potential impacts involved, land administration has always been a stressful job and our government constantly finds itself short of land. 政 治 大 of 立labor, and an ever-increasing. administration officers; consequently, the situation spirals downward as a result of an ever-diminishing supply. number of cases and. ‧ 國. 學. responsibilities for each officer. Questions as to how the government will be able to surmount the difficulties of its inefficient administrative system and outsource certain services, thereby making the most efficient use of limited resources, have become an. ‧. important issue for land administration authorities.. y. Nat. This study was aimed to determine which of the services (or items) among the. io. sit. highly complicated land administration procedures are suitable for outsourcing, and. al. er. the extent to, and methods by, which they can be outsourced. This study also. n. iv n C identified the difficulties involved h ineoutsourcing iland n g c h U administration services to the. investigated some of the factors that impact the overall decision-making process, private sector under the current system and regulations, and proposed some viable solutions. Since land administration services are characterized by high degrees of professionalism, discretion, and authoritative power, while demanding absolute credibility and involving a diverse range of practices, the exact services suitable for outsourcing and the factors that determine the outsourcing decision are different compared to other administrative departments. Because the outsourcing of land administration services is still in its pioneering phase, this research was carried out through in-depth interviews with 15 subjects who had acquired professional skills and were experienced in land administration practices. After determining the research variables and questions based on the types of land administration services suitable for outsourcing, the difficulties involved, and the factors that may practically affect the overall outsourcing decisions, a survey by questionnaire was conducted to gather data..

(4) A total of 315 questionnaires were issued to land administrators in various land administration authorities, 292 of which were considered valid responses. The interviewees’ responses were analyzed using statistical software, and the analyses reached the following conclusions: 1. Interviewees' work location, experience, gender, and seniority made no difference with regards to their preferences towards outsourcing. 2. 76% of interviewees agreed that land administration services should be outsourced to the private sector, and the range of outsourced services should not be limited to general affairs. They also believed that progress can be achieved by reviewing service characteristics, revising current regulations, etc. 3.. The three services that are most appropriate for outsourcing are: “Issuance of certified document copies", “Surveys on actual transactions", and. 政 治 大. “General evaluations"; on the other hand, “Land registration" and “Land. 立. use assignment" are not appropriate for outsourcing.. ‧ 國. The outsourcing method minimally affects the overall execution of the land. 學. 4.. administration service outsourcing policy.. The three most important considerations that affect the decisions to outsource land. administration. services. are:. “The. ‧. 5.. extent. of. discretion",. “Implementation of land administration licenses".. io. The outsourcing of land administration services can indeed resolve the labor. n. al. er. 6.. sit. y. Nat. “Implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act", and. i Un. v. shortage that is commonly seen throughout land administration authorities.. Ch. engchi. The following recommendations were made based on the empirical results: assign a dedicated institution to handle service outsourcing, adjust outsourcing methods to accommodate changing trends, exercise due diligence in performance management and supervision, outsource selected services progressively, build up awareness towards outsourcing land administration services, establish regulations that govern specifically the outsourcing of land administration services, create an environment that is favorable to the partnership between the public and the private sectors, set up a land administration officers' fund or insurance policy, and implement proper guidelines over the outsourcing methods, the outsourcing criteria, and payment standards.. Key words: land administration services; Governmental Outsourcing.







本刊“98 年第 3 季(7~9 月)就業服務統計資訊"主要資料來源為「行政院


流程(包括中央/縣市政府/民間機 構的各種職業重建服務,如:就業 資訊與諮詢、居家就業、創業補 助、職務再設計、各種就業服務方

八、經機關核准留職停薪,於留職停薪期間者。但因配合政府政策或公務 需要,奉派國外協助友邦工作或借調其他公務機關、公民營事業機構

各縣市政府於提報自評資料時,下列四個考核項目權重為就業服務或就 業服務臺績效執行佔