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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告



計 畫 類 別 : 個別型 計 畫 編 號 : NSC 97-2410-H-004-065- 執 行 期 間 : 97 年 08 月 01 日至 98 年 07 月 31 日 執 行 單 位 : 國立政治大學法律學系 計 畫 主 持 人 : 張冠群 計畫參與人員: 學士級-專任助理人員:陳易聰 處 理 方 式 : 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 98 年 09 月 17 日



□ 成 果 報 告



計畫類別:V 個別型計畫 □ 整合型計畫

計畫編號:NSC 97-2410 -H - 004 - 065 -

執行期間: 97 年 8 月 1 日至 98 年 7 月 31

計畫主持人:張冠群 助理教授


計畫參與人員: 陳易聰(學士級助理)

成果報告類型(依經費核定清單規定繳交):V 精簡報告 □完整













中 華 民 國 98 年 8 月 31 日








2001 年 7 月保險法第 123 條第 2 項及第 146 條修訂增列之第 5 至第 7 項被 視為賦予人壽保險公司銷售投資型保險商品之法源。同年12 月,當時之主管機 關財政部,並訂定「投資型保險商品管理規則」,以為投資型保險商品規範與管 理之具體規則,其後經修正更名為「投資型保險投資管理辦法」,並於2008 年 4 月完成最新修訂。保險法第 146 條第 5 項規定:「保險業經營投資型保險之業 務應專設帳簿」,而「投資型保險投資管理辦法」第4 至 18 條均係針對專設帳 簿之規定,由此得見「專設帳簿」(即分離帳戶)之設置係投資型保險商品之特 特與運作之關鍵。然此分離帳戶之性質若何?應如何定位?與其所附麗之人壽保 險契約應否區隔?其安以運作?其中之投資風險由何人承擔?其監督管理權限 應歸何機關?最適化之監理法規焉以安排與訂立?凡此,均係核准投資型保險與 訂立相關監理法規中首需覓解之疑難。本文試跳脫現行保險法及投資型保險相關 法規之框架,自「分離帳戶之定性」入手,蓋唯有將分離帳戶之性質倘不釐清, 最適化監理法規自無從產生也!準此,本文第二部分將自理論面起始,觀察分離 帳戶之特徵,並與「保險商品」及「共同基金」對照,以定位分離帳戶之商品性 格。第三部分,則試將理論面獲致之結論,與美國相關法規,如1940 年投資公 司法對照,俾驗證理論面之推論於他國法之實踐確屬可能。其次,於完成理論之 研析及比較法之驗證後,本文第四部分則研習台灣現行投資型保險商品之監理法 規,並對其優劣為公允之檢討。最末,則依第四部分論述之結果,試對台灣之現 行法,略抒關於修正之己見,冀得收拋磚引玉之效。 關鍵詞:投資型保險、分離帳戶、專設帳簿、變額人壽保險、變額年金 ABSTRACT

A brand new life insurance product, which is known as investment-linked insurance (ILI), was first introduced in Taiwan in 2001. The ILI is a new insurance product, which combines traditional life insurance coverage with one or more separate investment accounts. Unlike traditional whole life insurance policies, which carry


fixed death benefits and cash values, death benefits and cash values of the ILI vary in accordance with the performance of a selected investment portfolio. Hence, the distinguishing feature of an ILI is that premiums may be allocated to one or more investment accounts, known as “separate accounts.” The policyholder may allocate premiums (net of premium charges) among investment accounts that offer a wide range of choices associated with different risks and opportunities from money market and government bond accounts to domestic and international equity accounts. In addition, the investment risks and returns of the separate accounts are borne by the policyholder, who is free to terminate the policy should he or she become dissatisfied with the rate of return on the ILI policy. Although Taiwan has amended its Insurance law and related regulations in response of the ILI market development, Without distinguishing the nature of the separate account from traditional “insurance,” it is virtually impossible to ascertain the category of the contract formed between each policyholder and insurer with respect to each such account and to determine which laws and regulations, including those related to the supervision of mutual funds, are particularly applicable to the administration of each such account. Based upon these considerations, Part II of this paper aims first to clarify the nature of the separate account in the ILI product from a theoretical perspective. Then, Part III will verify the theoretical inference and its implementation from a comparative law perspective through the discussion of the related laws and rules concerning the supervision of ILI products in the United States. After affirming the character of the ILI’s separate account, Part IV will examine the present laws and regulations in Taiwan and discover the deficiencies of the current Taiwanese ILI supervisory system. Finally, Part V proposes recommendations for the reform of the related laws and regulations pursuant to the studies in previous parts of this paper.

KEY WORDS: separate account, investment-linked insurance, variable life insurance, variable annuity.



壹、 導論 台灣投資型保險商品自2001 年上路以來,對保單持有人言,因具保費低廉 (較諸國外保單)、投資報酬率高於一般定期存款、具結稅規劃之工具性及風險 分散等優勢1,對保險公司言,亦因可免業務經營情況隨利率大幅波動,較無庸 承擔利率風險2,於推出後市場即迅速成長。以2008 年 1 至 3 月為例,各種投資 型保險之新契約總數即逾三十二萬件3,顯見投資型保險商品蓬勃之程度。本行 型保險商品之特色乃結合傳統之人壽保險與一至數種投資工具,而將一部份保費 投資於附著於保險商品之一至數個「分離帳戶」(separate account)中。此些分離 帳戶之投資標的其風險程度各有不同,舉凡風險程度低之政府債券(government bond)或風險程度較高之國內乃至國際之股票或基金均於其列,投資人則得依自 身之自由意思,決定其保費於各不同分離帳戶配置之額度,並得變更之4。相較 於傳統型人壽保險之固定利率與現金價值,投資型保險最終給付之金額隨分離帳 戶之投資績效變動,亦即保單之現金價值並非如傳統壽險於訂約時即已一預定利 率及死亡率公式套入計算而確定5。 投資型保險之合法推出,2001 年 7 月保險法修正。其中,保險法第一百四 十六條修訂增列之第五項:「保險業經營投資型保險之業務應專設帳簿,記載其 投資資產之價值;其投資由主管機關另訂管理辦法,不受保險法第一百四十六條 至第一百四十六條之二、第一百四十六條之四及第一百四十六條之五規定之限 制。」及增列第一百二十三條第二項:「投資型保險契約之投資資產,非各該投 資型保險之受益人不得主張,亦不得請求扣押或行使其他權利。」均被視為賦予 人壽保險公司銷售投資型保險商品之法源。保險法施行細則第十四條,並將投資 型保險定義為:「保險人將要保人所繳保險費,依約定方式扣除保險人各項費用, 並依其同意或指定之投資分配方式,置於專設帳簿中,而由要保人承擔全部或部 分投資風險之人身保險」。同年12 月,當時之主管機關財政部,並訂定「投資 型保險商品管理規則」6(後經修正更名為「投資型保險投資管理辦法」,且於 2008 年 4 月完成最新修訂),該辦法第三條第三款亦明訂,「專設帳簿與保險 人之其他資產分開設置,單獨管理之」,而最新修訂之「投資型保險投資管理辦 1 詳見彭秀玉,聰明購買投資型保險,2004 年 3 月,頁 42-44。 2 財團法人保險事業發展中心,投資型保險商品業務員訓練教材,2007 年 6 月修訂三版,頁 37。 3 資料來源:財團法人保險事業發展中心,http://pivot.tii.org.tw/lifesta/pivomoninvnew1.htm (最 終瀏覽日2008 年 5 月 30 日)。

4 James H. Hunt, Variable Universal Life Insurance: Is it Worth it? 1 (2003) available at www.consumerfed.org/pdfs/VULReport0203.pdf.

5 保險事業發展中心,前揭註 3,頁 4-5。


法」第四條至第十八條,均係針對專設帳簿之規定。由此得見「專設帳簿」(即 分離帳戶)之設置係投資型保險商品之重要特徵與運作之關鍵。然此分離帳戶之 性質若何?應如何定位?與其所附麗之人壽保險契約應否區隔?其安以運作? 其中之投資風險由何人承擔?其監督管理權限應歸何機關?最適化之監理法規 焉以安排與訂立?凡此,均係核准投資型保險與訂立相關監理法規中首需覓解之 疑難。 有鑑於此,本文試跳脫現行保險法及投資型保險相關法規之框架,自「分 離帳戶之定性」入手,蓋唯有將分離帳戶之性質倘不釐清,最適化監理法規自無 從產生也!準此,本文第二部分將自理論面起始,觀察分離帳戶之特徵,並與「保 險商品」及「共同基金」對照,以定位分離帳戶之商品性格。第三部分,則試將 理論面獲致之結論,與美國相關法規,如1940 年投資公司法(Investment Company Act of 1940)對照,俾驗證理論面之推論於他國法之實踐確屬可能。其次,於完 成理論之研析及比較法之驗證後,本文第四部分則研習台灣現行投資型保險商品 之監理法規,並對其優劣為公允之檢討。最末,則依第四部分論述之結果,試對 台灣之現行法,略抒關於修正之己見,冀得收拋磚引玉之效。 貳、 分離帳戶之定性(一)—理論層次之探討 一、 分離帳戶之運作 分離帳戶為投資型保險之保單持有人將其保險費扣除行政費用及危險保費 後之餘額所挹注之投資帳戶7,其得視為人壽保險之保險人為投資型保單持有人 建立之「信託帳戶」(trust)8。此些分離帳戶與其中之資金,均與保險公司之一般 帳戶(general account)與財務完全分離9。申言之,分離帳戶中之資產,乃專為投 資型保單之價值保留之準備金,不得作為其他用途10。另,其於會計上獨立,不 屬保險人因經營其他業務之生之債權人之請求及追償範圍11。 質言之,分離帳戶設立與管理之目的,乃在使保單持有人直接參與各帳戶 之投資表現12,故如前述,投資型保險所提供之死亡保險金與現金價值之總和, 基本上隨保單持有人所選擇之分離帳戶之投資標的表現而變動13。亦即,該些分 離帳戶之運作方式為:依投資型保險契約之約定,將一個或多個分離帳戶之投資

7 Dearborn Financial Services, VARIABLE UNIVERSAL LIFE 6 (1999).


9 汪信君、廖世昌,保險法理論與實務,2006 年 9 月,頁 355。

10 Joan E. Boros & Randolph Thompson, A Vocabulary Of Variable Insurance Products in


12 Dearborn Financial Services, supra, note 7, at 6. 13 Hunt, supra, note 4, at 1.


標的產生之收入(income)、獲利(gains)及損失(losses)直接歸入(credited to or charge against)各該帳戶中,無庸理會保險公司之收入、獲利或虧損14。準此, 該些分離帳戶之投資損益,並非於保險保障之列,保險人對其投資報酬率,自亦 不負保證之責。易言之,保單持有人縱有機會無上限享分離帳戶投資標的增值利 益,其亦承擔任何跌價損失之風險15。另,投資型保險商品輒提供多樣具不同投 資標的之分離帳戶任保單持有人選擇並轉換其保費之流向與配置,保單持有人有 權依其財務目標(financial objectives)及對風險之態度(attitude toward risk),隨時增

加或減少個別分帳戶中投入之金額16。舉例言之,風險追求型(risk preferring)


長型一般股票基金(growth common stock fund)17。反之,風險規避型(risk aversion)



始之死亡保險金(initial death benefit)並按被保險人之年齡、性別等影響風險之因

素計算而得20。易言之,其保費乃經精算後,足以支應投資計畫、危險保費及其 他相關之成本之最低必要金額21。而一、二年過後,倘分離帳戶之投資績效良好, 保單之現金價值已足以墊付月繳保費之金額,保費交付之彈性隨即啟動,保單持 有人得決定繼續繳交相同保費、較多之保費、較少之保費甚或不繳保費而全由現 金價值墊付22。其選擇多繳保費者,如前述保費扣除必要之風險保費及其他成本 後之餘額,即形成淨保費(net premium),而得依保單持有人自由之意思表示決定 將其投資於一個或多個帳戶中,且各帳戶之餘額亦得隨時轉移至其他帳戶23。其 各筆保費所購買者,即分離帳戶中之單位(Units),此單位數表徵者,乃每一保 單對分離帳戶整體資產所佔之比例,而每一投資型保單之現金價值,即係評價日 之單位價值乘以所購買單位數所得之結果24。

14 Clifford E. Kirsch, Variable Insurance Products in INVESTMENT COMPANY REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE: ALI-ABA COURSE OF STUDY 287, 287-288 (2000).

15 Dearborn Financial Services, supra, note 7, at 7.

16 Brenda D. Sneed & Terry R. Young, Distribution Of Variable Insurance Products: Responding To Changing Regulation, in UNDERSTANDING VARIABLE INSURANCE PRODUCTS 121,123 (1998). Also see Clifford E. Kirsch, supra, note 8, at 1-8.

17 Dearborn Financial Services, supra, note 7, at 8. 18 Id.

19 Universal life insurance products and universal variable life insurance products are considered “flexible premium whole life policies”. Variable life insurance, though known as the fixed premium policy, its premiums have had much more flexibility in today’s market than historically. For details, see Hunt, supra, note 4, at 1.

20 Dearborn Financial Services, supra, note 7, at 13. 21 Id.

22 Id. See also Hunt, supra, note 4, at 1.

23 Charles L. Ratner, Practical And Creative Uses Of Life Insurance In The Closely Held Business, in ESTATE PLANNING FOR THE FAMILY BUSINESS OWNER: ALI-ABA COURSE OF STUDY 693,701-702 (2000).


值提出者,保單持有人繳付之總保險費(gross premium)僅含維持投資型保單 中人壽保險部份之一切行政成本之金額,至若對分離帳戶之帳戶管理費用及行政 成 本 , 因 保 險 公 司 自 己 未 從 事 證 券 投 資 管 理 , 而 委 由 獨 立 投 資 顧 問 公 司 (Investment Advisor)為之,故其相關費用未含於總保費中25。易言之,分離帳 戶中投資獲利之部分,須先減除帳戶管理費用及相關成本後,使歸入現金價值, 而若投資虧損,責管理費及相關成本,須由保單持有人另行支付或至原累積之現 金價值中扣除26。 檢言之,保單持有人自承投資風險、分離帳戶價值之變動、淨保費繳納與 安排之彈性,乃投資型保險商品中分離帳戶之三大特徵。 二、 保險商品之特性 關於保險之定義雖眾說紛紜,欠缺一放諸四海皆準之意涵,然自一般法律 角度思考,保險可理解為:多數承擔同類風險之被保險人與保險人間約定,保險 人接受各被保險人移轉之風險,並承諾於損失發生時填補被保險人之損害,並收 取一定之保險費(premium)以為對價之法律行為27。此一描述揭露保險之兩大

特徵:「風險移轉」(risk transferring)及「風險組合」(risk pooling)。


magnitude of loss)及個人吸收損失之能力與意願而變易28。此些因素,將個人面

對風險之態度,大別為風險愛好者(risk preferring)、風險中立者(risk neutral)

及風險規避者(risk aversion)三種29。而具風險規避傾向之個人所擔憂者,除預 期可能之損失外,尚包括無法預測之巨災所致之大額損失(損失幅度),此一傾 向亦使其極願以適當之對價,使他人為其承擔損失風險30。而購買保險即係風險 規避型之自然人或法人、達成風險規避目的之最重要工具。藉保險契約之訂立, 被保險人得以可預期之成本支出(保險費),取代不可預期之風險與風險發生後 損失之承擔31。亦即,以保險費之給付,換取保險人同意承擔所轉嫁之風險與願 25 同前註,頁 42。

26 Ranter, supra note 23, at 702.

27 Constance M. Luthardt & Eric A. Wiening, PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE PRINCIPLES 1.3 (2005); Robert E. Keeton & Alan I. Widiss, INSURANCE LAW: A GUIDE TO FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES, LEGAL DOCTRINES AND COMMERCIAL PRACTICES 3 (1988); Malcolm A. Calrke, THE LAW OF INSURANCE CONTRACTS 1 (1994). See also California Insurance Code, Sec. 22 (1935).

28 Robert H. Jerry, UNDERSTANDING INSURANCE LAW 15 (2002).

29 Scott E. Harrington & Gregory R. Niehaus, RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE 147-148 (1999).

30 Avery W. Katz, FOUNDATIONS OF THE ECONOMIC APPROACH TO LAW 210 (1998); Jerry, supra, note 28, at 16.



中,通過「大數法則」(the law of large numbers)33之運作,即保險人匯集多數

個人所移轉之同類風險(homogeneous risk)於保險團體(insurance pool)中, 而達實質顯著之大數(sufficiently large number)時,保險人即得透過精算程序,

使風險與損失達於不超於合理預期之範圍34。由此,「風險移轉」此一要件於保 險制度之重要性,可見一斑。 至於「風險組合」,乃保險人透過接受多數個人移轉之風險,加以彙整,某 部分自留,某部分透過再保險(reinsurance)再行移轉,使風險得於整體社會中 分攤消化之過程35。此一過程,如前述,賴大數法則之運作。保險人將數量足夠 之同類風險,均聚集於同一保險庫中,而隨各保險庫中同類風險數量之累積,風 險及損失或然率(probability)估計之精確度,將愈益提昇36。申言之,於加入保險 庫之承擔同類風險之被保險人數量已實質充足且過去同類風險之損失經驗亦足 夠且正確之前提下,精算之程序即得對可能發生理賠之件數及平均之損失填補及 相關成本提供預測,使保險人得據此結果計算其欲接受風險移轉所應收取之保費 37。又,於此風險組合之過程中,保險人偏好累積於保險庫中之風險係不具關連 性者(uncorrelated),而非具關連性(correlated)者38。舉例言之,一財產保險公 司於銷售一萬張房屋所有權人保險(homeowner insurance)時,必盡力挑選,使此 一萬幢被保險房屋,隨機分散於全國各地區,而非選擇使一萬棟被保險房屋均集 中於可能受同一天災威脅之地區。蓋前者情形,保險人於收取是當保費下經營猶 得獲利,然後者則對保險人之經營,有其妨害39。是故,風險組合此一匯集數量 充分而低度相關之承擔同類風險之輩保險人之機制,亦係保險無可或缺之一環。 三、 共同基金之主要特徵 所謂信託投資公司(investment company),乃一以投資有價證券為目的,匯 聚投資人之資金之機制。信託投資公司最常見之類型,乃開放型管理公司 (open-end management company)或「開放型基金」(open-end funds)即一般所謂之

32 Id., at 611. See also Keeton & Widiss, supra, note 27, at 11-12.

33 The law of large numbers refers to “a theorem in probability that describes the long-term stability of a random variable. Given a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables with a finite expected value, the average of these observations will eventually approach and stay close to the expected value.” See Law of Large Numbers, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers (last visited March 22th 2008). See also DICTIONARY OF FINANCE AND INVESTMENT TERMS 316 (John Downes et al. eds. 5th ed. 1998).

34 Emmett J. Vaughan & Therese Vaughan, FUNDAMENTALS OF RISK AND INSURANCE 33,41 (2003).


Id, at 34.

36 Keeton & Widiss, supra, note 27, at 12-13.

37 Id. See also Jerry, supra, note 28, at 18; Vaughan, supra, note 34, at 34-39. 38 Emeric Fisher et al. PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE LAW 15 (3rd. ed. 2006). 39 Id.


「共同基金」(mutual fund)40。共同基金之特點為:永遠對有意將資本投資於共 同基金之投資人銷售共同基金之持份(share),並永遠自欲回贖其投資之投資人

處,依當時之基金淨值(net asset value)買回其持份41。而每一持份所代表者,乃

投 資 人 對 共 同 基 金 所 有 持 有 財 產 及 其 所 產 生 之 投 資 收 益 之 部 份 所 有 權 (proportionate ownership)42。然共同基金之投資人,縱係基金之所有人,卻鮮少 行使其基於所有人所得行使之權力,尤其選任董事在內之表決權43。究其原因, 其一,共同基金之股東倘對共同基金之投資表現未盡滿意,即得選擇行使回贖權 而取回其資金另為運用,無使用表決權主張權利之必要性;其二,共同金董事職 務之執行,與共同基金股東直接有涉者甚少,縱董事會有決定基金管理費用(fund fee)之權,該些費用總額縱或偏高,分攤於各投資人時,數目實已不鉅,一般共 同基金之投資人,不易察知;其三,縱投資人知悉其所負擔之管理費偏高,投資 人首重者,仍係共同基金之淨投資報酬(投資收益減除費用),倘投資報酬率高, 則略為偏高之費用,即非基金股東所關切者44。至於投資人獲利之來源有二,一 為共同基金因投資標的之有價證券分派利息或股利之所得,另一則為因投資標的 有價證券價格之上漲之獲利45。 共同基金之投資人,亦享有風險分散(risk diversification)之利益,蓋基金之 投資組合(portfolio)乃廣泛分散於各類有價證券中,而藉匯聚多數投資人之資 金,共同基金即得提供一機制,達成個別投資人於有限資金成本下,無法達成之 投資組合分散,亦即風險之分散效果46。然此一因投資組合分散所伴隨之風險分 散及對個人投資單一有價證券時,因發行公司破產致受之損失風險之降低,實非 謂共同基金人無庸承擔任何風險或其所承擔之風險以全數移轉予基金本身。反 而,共同基金投資人雖係基金獲利時之受益人,亦係風險之最終承擔者。因投資 標的價格漲跌難免,於標的跌價時,基金之淨值亦將免貶值,而導致投資之虧損 47。實則,不同類型之基金,其影響基金淨值之風險均未盡相同48。以債券型基

金為例,主要之風險即為利率風險(interest rate risk)與信用風險(credit risk)。於市 場利率上升時,債券之價值即下降,且債券之到期日越長,其價格受市場利率變



42 Invest Wisely: An Introduction to Mutual Funds (hereinafter the SEC Guide), http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/inwsmf.htm (last visited March 23, 2008).

43 Barbara Remmers, Strengthening Mutual Fund Corporate Governance: A Security Design Approach 2 (2004) available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=516102.

44 Id, at 2-3.

45 Investment Company Institute, A Guide to Understanding Mutual Funds (hereinafter the ICI Guide) 3 (2006) available at http://www.ici.org/pdf/bro_understanding_mfs_p.pdf..

46 Id, at 4.

47 沈中華,金融市場:全球的觀點,頁 454-455,民 95 年 9 月修訂版。

48 基金主要之風險為通貨膨脹風險(inflation risk)、匯兌風險(currency risk)、信用風險(credit risk)、利率風險(interest rate risk)及政治風險(political risk)等。詳見ICI Guide, supra note 45, at 7.


化之影響即愈明顯49。同時,倘債券之發行人未依約定期限清償本金或利息 (default),發行人之信用評等(credit rating)將形下降,債券之價值亦將隨之減少, 而投資於該債券之基金淨值,自亦貶損而致投資人受有投資損失50。又如前述, 投資人欲回贖其購買之單位者,乃依共同基金之淨值計算其單位價格。然與一般 股票不同者51,共同基金之淨值計算,並非即時,而係投資人提出請求後數小時 始進行之,且往往為主要證券交易市場收盤後數小時,故投資人縱於提出回贖請 求後,仍有承擔基金跌價損失之可能52。再者,各類共同基金之投資人均承擔作

業風險(operation risk)與法律風險(legal risk)。若共同基金經理人,為自己利益計 算,而從事與基金投資人利益相反之交易如位自己利益而使基金對特定有價證券 延遲交易(late trading)53,甚或將基金「公器私用」,則基金之績效必然不彰,投 資人亦將蒙受損失54。而若基金經理人因而受監理官調查甚或起訴,公眾對該基 金之信心將形喪失,迫使投資人不得不承受虧損而將其投資回贖。 總之,共同基金之資人其持份之價值,隨機金之資產淨值升降而變動,亦 即,投資人對共同基金之投資風險,需自行承擔。 四、 比較分析 – 分離帳戶應定位為「證券商品」 以共同基金與保險公司相較,前者乃匯聚共同基金投資人之資本,以投資 於投資組合分散之有價證券之公司組織或信託55,而後者則係與被保險人約定於 損失實現或特定事故發生實填補被保險人損害或給付保險金以換取被保險人繳 納之對價56,申言之,如前述,亦即前者資金醵集之目的乃為投資,投資人購買 共同基金之單位取得其部分所有權之目的,即在分享共同基金因投資之標的有價 證券增值獲分配股利而使資產淨值增加之成果57。至若後者,被保險人依保險契 約繳納保險費之目的,則為換取保險人承擔所移轉之風險及於損失或特定事故發 生時之補償或定額給付58。二者資金醵集之目的實南轅北轍。另,投資人就共同 lose 49 ICI Guide, supra note 45, at 7.

50 Id.

51 於直接買賣有價證券之場合,投資人極易透過網路、通訊或直接電詢證券經紀商等方式取得 關於其投資標的證券價格變動之即時資訊。詳見ICI Guide, supra note 45, at 7.

52 In the case of the purchase or sale of a single stock or bond, investors may acquire real-time (or c to real-time) pricing information with relative ease by checking financial websites or by calling your broker. You can also monitor how a stock's price changes from hour to hour — or even second to second. Investment Company Institute, Questions You Should Ask Before You Invest in a Mutual Fund (hereinafter ICI Q & A) 3 (2000) available at http://www.ici.org/pdf/bro_questions_p.pdf. Also see Laurin B. Kleiman et. al., Forming, Organizing and Operating a Mutual Fund: Legal and Practical Considerations in THE ABCS OF MUTUAL FUNDS 2007 169,198 (2007).

53 Christopher E. Palmer, Mutual Fund Governance: Legal Requirements and Industry Guidance, SN049 ALI-ABA 91, 93 (2008).

54 沈中華,同註 47,頁 456。 55 ICI Guide, supra note 45, at 3.

56 Griffin Systems, Inc. v. Washburn, 505 N.E 2d. 1121, 1123 (1987). 57 ICI Guide, supra note 45, at 3.


基金之單位享回贖權,得隨時藉回贖取回其投資,但保險費則因係危險承擔與提 供保障之對價,除契約解除之場合外,不可退還59。又,保險與共同基金縱或同 具風險組合與風險分散之特徵,購買共同基金單位與簽訂保險契約(即購買保險) 二者關於孰為風險承擔者一事,仍存在莫大差異。如前所揭,被保險人購買保險 乃將自身風險移轉於保險團體,然共同基金之投資人,卻未移轉任何風險,反而 自承投資損失之風險。亦即,保險乃一風險理財工具,功能在於移轉並減輕被保 險人之「純風險」(pure risk),而共同基金投資人所承擔者,卻屬「投機性風險」 (speculative risk)60。 另方面,投資型保險之分離帳戶,縱附麗於人壽保險契約下,與保險商品 間仍存在諸多異點,反與共同基金具多處相似。其一,投資型保險之保單持有人 自承分離帳戶之資產淨值跌價風險,與保險契約風險移轉之特徵不同,然與共同 基金投資人承擔投資風險則無二致。其二,縱分離帳戶不似共同基金具法律上獨 立之人格,其淨保費存入分離帳戶之目的及保單持有人得任意就淨保費之配置與 流向自由決定之性格,與共同基金投資人購買共同基金之單位及回贖十分類似 61。其三,與人壽保險契約風險管理之目的不同者,分離帳戶之目的在使保單持 有人直接參與因帳戶投資標的價值增減而生之損益,此與共同基金投資人之投資 目的相同62。其四,每一保單之現金價值,乃保單持有人所有分離帳戶「投資單 位」價值之總和,兌現時,乃依其所持有之全部單位數與分離帳戶資產總值之比 例(pro-rata share),計算其現金價值,而其最終現金價值屬不確定,可能為多或 少甚或為零63。該計價方法,與共同基金計算投資人回贖可取回之現金價值如出 一轍。最末,分離帳戶之管理費用及其他行政成本,縱於分離帳戶有投資損失之 場合,並未含於所繳交之保險費中,而應由保單持有人另行負擔。此一特徵與共 同基金之帳戶管理費用亦甚雷同64。 由上開比較分析可知,投資型保險分離帳戶之特徵,與其所附麗之人壽保 險窘殊,反與共同基金之諸多特徵甚為近似或相同,故自理論面言,法律上倘將 分離帳戶訂位為「類似共同基金」之證券商品,絕非無的放矢之議。 參、 分離帳戶之定性(二)—美國法之觀察

59 Invest Wisely: An Introduction to Mutual Funds (hereinafter the SEC Guide),

http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/inwsmf.htm (last visited March 23, 2008). Keeton & Widiss, supra, note 27, at 617; Jerry, supra, note 28, at 611-612.

60 Speculative risk describes a situation in which there is a possibility of loss, but also a possibility of gain; whereas the risk that the insurer takes from the insured is the pure risk referring to the occasion that involves only the probability of loss or no loss. For details, see Vaughan, supra, note 34, at 7,17. 61 Boros & Thompson, supra, note 10, at 14; Ratner, supra, note 23, at 701.

62 Dearborn Financial Services, supra, note 7, at 6; Remmers, supra, note 43, at 2.

63 SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., 359 U.S. 65, 71 (1959). 投資型保險商品業務員訓練教材, 前揭註3,頁 4。

64 Ratner, supra, note 23, at 702; The SEC Guide, supra, note 59; Jerry, supra, note 28, at 611; Hunt, supra, note 4, at 3.



係「類似共同基金之證券商品」之結論。依 1948 年麥卡倫佛格生法案(the

McCarran-Ferguson Act),美國關於保險公司之監理權乃至課稅權傳統上均歸屬各 州之保險監理官,蓋當其時國會已為此較符聯邦制及保險業具因地制宜性之公共 利益65。另,1933 年證券法(the Securities Act of 1933)第 3(a)項第(8)款亦明文將保


相繼推出,法院與美國聯邦證券交易委員會(the Securities Exchange Commission)

對一新種投資型保險商品之態度,已傾向區辨何者屬前開 1933 年證券法第 3(a) 項第(8)款所列保險或年金契約,而無須適用證券法,或何者縱以保險或年金為 名,卻與保險或年金之性質有殊而不宜排除於證券相關法規之適用範圍之外者。 茲就成文法與案例法分述於后: 一、 證券法規 (一) 1933 年證券法(Securities Act of 1933)及相關規則 1. 證券法本文相關規定 依 1933 年證券法第 3(a)項第 8 款規定可知,保險契約或其他類似契約, 並非商業界所稱以投資為目的之「證券」(security),故應排除於證券法適用之

列67。第3(a)項第 8 款定,任何保險契約(insurance policy)、保證契約(endowment

policy)、年金契約(annuity)或附選擇權年金契約(optional annuity),而屬各州 之保險監理官、銀行監理官或州內具類似職權之機關監管之對象發行者,除另有



65 The McCarran-Ferguson Act reads “(a) The business of insurance, and every person engaged therein, shall be subject to the laws of the several States which relate to the regulation or taxation of such business. (b) No Act of Congress shall be construed to invalidate, impair, or supersede any law enacted by any State for the purpose of regulating the business of insurance, or which imposes a fee or tax upon such business, unless such Act specifically relates to the business of insurance…” 15 U.S.C. §1012 (1948). See also Prudential Ins. Co. v. Benjamin, 328 U.S. 408, 429 (1986); U.S. Dept. of Treasury v. Fabe, 508 U.S. 491, 499 (1993).

66 Section 3(a)(8) of the Securities Act of 1933 provides that the provisions of the Act shall not apply to “Any insurance or endowment policy or annuity contract or optional annuity contract, issued by a corporation subject to the supervision of the insurance commissioner, bank commissioner, or any agency or officer performing like functions, of any State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia.” 15 U.S.C. §77c(a)(8).

67 Jeffrey S. Puretz, Insurance Products As Securities in UNDERSTANDING SECURITIES PRODUCTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES 2001 (PLI Commercial Law and Practice Course Handbook Series) 71, 75 (2001).

68 “Except as hereinafter expressly provided, the provisions of this title shall not apply to any of the following classes of securities…(8) Any insurance or endowment policy or annuity contract or optional annuity contract, issued by a corporation subject to the supervision of the insurance commissioner, bank commissioner, or any agency or officer performing like functions, of any State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia…” See 15 U.S.C. § 77a-3 (a)(8) (2004).



然因保險契約於當時實與證券無涉,乃將第3(a)項第 8 款納入,而立法初始時,

僅明文對特定種類之契約,如依所得稅法(Internal Revenue Code)第 401 項所

列舉之「退撫基金」(pension)或「利益共享計畫」(profit-sharing plan),始被列

舉排除,亦即現行證券法第3(a)項第 2 款之規定70。 2. 第 151 號規則(Rule 151) 美國聯邦證券交易委員會於1986 年頒訂第 151 號規則,對以「年金」或「附 選擇權年金」為名之契約,是否於證券法第3(a)項第 8 款排除適用之列,提供明 文之判斷基準71。依第151 號規則,證券法第 3(a)項第 8 款之排除規定,僅於下 列要件該當時,始適用於年金或附選擇權年金:(1) 年金或附選擇權年金保險單 之發行人(保險人)需為屬各州之保險監理官、銀行監理官或州內具類似職權之 機關監管之對象;(2) 保險人承擔契約之投資風險;(3) 該契約之發行非以投資 為主要目的72。另,第151 號規則進一步對保險人是否承擔投資風險之判斷基準 予明文,亦即保險人符合下列要件即得任其有風險承擔之情形:(1)保單之價值 不因分離帳戶投資損益而變動;(2)人壽保險之保險人於保險契約存續其間:(i) 保證契約之主要給付金額及報酬率,但扣除銷售、行政或其他成本,且(ii)若於 收取之保費有特殊獲利應分享予保單持有人;(3) 前開幾報酬率之擔保修正之頻 率,每次相隔不得低於一年73。

69 Puretz, supra note 67, at 76.

70 Id. Section 3(a)(2) of Securities Act of 1933 provides that “Except as hereinafter expressly provided, the provisions of this title shall not apply to any of the following classes of securities…The Commission, by rules and regulations or order, shall exempt from the provisions of section 5 of this title any interest or participation issued in connection with a stock bonus, pension, profit-sharing, or annuity plan which covers employees some or all of whom are employees within the meaning of section 401(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 [26 USCS § 401(c)(1)]” See 15 U.S.C. § 77a-3 (a)(2) (2004).

71 Christopher S. Petito, Status of Variable Products Under the Securities Act of 1933 in VARIABLE ANNUITIES AND VARIABLE LIFE INSURANCE REGULATION, at 2-4 (Clifford E. Kirsch ed. 2006).

72 “Any annuity contract or optional annuity contract (a "contract") shall be deemed to be within the provisions of section 3(a)(8) of the Securities Act of 1933, Provided, That (1) The annuity or optional annuity contract is issued by a corporation (the "insurer") subject to the supervision of the insurance commissioner, bank commissioner, or any agency or officer performing like functions, of any State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia;(2) The insurer assumes the investment risk under the contract as prescribed in paragraph (b) of this rule; and (3) The contract is not marketed primarily as an investment.” See 27 C.F.R. §230.151(a) (1986).

73 “The insurer shall be deemed to assume the investment risk under the contract if(1) The value of the contract does not vary according to the investment experience of a separate account; (2) The insurer for the life of the contract (i) Guarantees the principal amount of purchase payments and interest credited thereto, less any deduction (without regard to its timing) for sales, administrative or other expenses or charges; and (ii) Credits a specified rate of interest (as defined in paragraph (c) of this rule) to net purchase payments and interest credited thereto; and (3) The insurer guarantees that the rate of any interest to be credited in excess of that described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) will not be modified more frequently than once per year.” See 17 C.F.R. §230.151(b) (1986).


前開第151 號規則明訂之區辨離帳戶是否適用證券法之要件,於 1986 年之

Otto v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co.乙案中,為美國第七上訴巡迴法院首度實際引

用,並判定本案被告 ariable Annuity Life Ins. Co.所發行之定額年金(fixed

annuity)為證券商品,因該契約使投資人承擔顯著之投資風險,而與第 151 號規 則所揭露之要件不符 V 74 (二) 1940 年投資公司法及相關規則 1. 投資公司法本文相關規定 按1940 年投資公司法第 3(a)項第 1 款,投資公司應定義為「有價證券之發 行人且其主要營業為發行有定期給付之憑證(certificate)或其持有相當數量之該 類憑證」75。倘依此定義,人壽保險公司極有可能被歸於投資公司之列。然鑑於 保 險 公 司 之 性 質 與 投 資 公 司 不 同 , 且 投 資 公 司 關 於 公 司 治 理 (corporate governance)之原則與保險公司差異甚大76,故投資公司法第 3(c)項第 3 款乃明 文排除投資公司法對保險公司之適用77。至於何謂「保險公司」,則定義於投資 公司法第 2(a)項第 17 款。依該款規定,保險公司乃以承保風險或提供再保險以 承保他保險公司之風險為主要業務,而受州保險監理官監管之公司78。然此一排

除規定,於1964 年之Prudential Insurance Company v. SEC 一案(後述)後,漸

行動搖,因該案中聯邦第三上訴巡迴法院雖維繫發行年金保險單之保險公司仍屬 投資公司法中定義之「保險公司」範疇,但亦認該案年金保險之分離帳戶,於投 資公司法之規範目的下,應與「投資公司」於投資公司法上受相同對待79。 2. 規則第 6e-2 及 6e-3(T)號 為促進「功能性監理」(functional regulation),1940 年投資公司法中若干條 文及相關規則均被聯邦證券交易委員會調整或訂立,使其適於投資型保險及其分

74 For details, see Otto v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., 814 F.2d 1127-1142 (7 Cir. 1986). th

75 “…[I]nvestment company means any issuer which is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of issuing face-amount certificates of the installment type, or has been engaged in such business and has any such certificate outstanding” 15 U.S.C. § 80a-3 (a)(1)(B) (2004).

76 Stephen E. Roth, Fitting Variable annuity and Variable Life Insurance Products into the Regulatory Framework of the Investment Company Act of 1940, 893 PLI/Comm 143,152 (2007).

77 “…[N]one of the following persons is an investment company within the meaning of this title…(c) Any bank or insurance company; any savings and loan association, building and loan association, cooperative bank, homestead association, or similar institution, or any receiver, conservator, liquidator, liquidating agent, or similar official or person thereof or therefore…”15 U.S.C. § 80a-3 (c)(3) (2004). 78 “’Insurance company’ means a company which is organized as an insurance company, whose primary and predominant business activity is the writing of insurance or the reinsuring of risks underwritten by insurance companies, and which is subject to supervision by the insurance commissioner or a similar official or agency of a State; or any receiver or similar official or any liquidating agent for such a company, in his capacity as such.” See 15 U.S.C. §80a-2(a)(17)(2006). 79 Roth, supra note 76,at 152.


離帳戶監理之需80。其中最具體者,即分別為規範固定保費變額保險(scheduled premium variable life insurance)及 彈 性 保 費 變 額 保 險 ( flexible premium life insurance)所訂立之規則第 6e-2 及 6e-3(T)號81。

(1) 規則第 6e-2 號 本規則(a)項規定分離帳戶除有例外情形外,應視為發行有定期給付受益權 證之投資公司而受 1940 年投資公司法及相關規則之拘束82。是項並訂有七大要 件,於分離帳戶符合該些要件之場合,該分離帳戶極受投資公司法及相關規則之 規範。此七要件為:(1) 分離帳戶乃由保險公司依各州或加拿大保險法所建立; (2) 分離帳戶資產之來源僅得為銷售變額保險所獲之保費或設立並維持該些分 離帳戶之保險人與帳戶運作相關之預墊款項;(3) 分離帳戶之資產禁止用於一般 年金保險或一般壽險現金價值之累積或滿足其他非人身保險之保責任;(4) 由分 離帳戶資產而生之收入、獲利或損失,應依變額保險契約之約定,直接反應於各 該分離帳戶中,與他帳戶無關;(5)分離帳戶之財產需於法律上與保險公司之一 般財產隔離,且其財產不得為發行壽險公司其他業務或清償因之而生之責任使 用;(6) 分離帳戶之財產總值,於每年調整後,至少需等於或大於分離帳戶所附 麗險種之保單價值準備金及責任準備金金額;且(7) 擔任分離帳戶投資顧問者, 需為依1940 年投資顧問法註冊者83。 nder ANCE 80 Windell M. Faria, Status of Insurance Caompanies and Insurance Company Separate Accounts U the Investment Company Act in VARIABLE ANNUITIES AND VARIABLE LIFE INSUR REGULATION, at 3-31 (Clifford E. Kirsch ed. 2006).

81 Id.

82 See 17 C.F.R. §270.6e-2(a) (2002).

831.Such separate account is established and maintained by a life insurance company pursuant to the insurance laws or code of

i. any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, or ii. Canada or any province thereof, if it complies to the extent necessary with Rule

7d-1 under the Act;

2. The assets of the separate account are derived solely from the sale of variable life

insurance contracts as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this Rule 6e-2, and advances made by the life insurance company which established and maintains the separate account ("life insurer") in connection with the operation of such separate account;

3. The separate account is not used for variable annuity contracts or for funds corresponding to dividend accumulations or other contract liabilities not involving life contingencies; 4. The income, gains and losses, whether or not realized, from assets allocated to such

separate account, are, in accordance with the applicable variable life insurance contract, credited to or charged against such account without regard to other income, gains or losses of the life insurer;

5. The separate account is legally segregated, and that portion of its assets having a value equal to, or approximately equal to, the reserves and other contract liabilities with respect to such separate account are not chargeable with liabilities arising out of any other business that the life insurer may conduct;

6. The assets of the separate account have, at each time during the year that adjustments in the reserves are made, a value at least equal to the reserves and other contract liabilities with respect to such separate account, and at all other times, except pursuant to an order of


另,本規則(b)項復列舉 1940 年投資公司法於固定保費變額保險適用之一系 列例外。此些例外之規範目的各異,有為確保保單持有人不致對保險人引致多風 險,而影響保單中對低死亡保險金額保證之履行者84。如該項第5 款即規定,由 保單持有人或分離帳戶之理事會(board of directors)發動之關於分離帳戶投資政 策之變更,得由保險人於合理且符最大善意原則下否決,而所謂合理乃指該投資 政策之變更違反法律或將使分離帳戶之資產本質及品質產生根本變動之場合 85。另亦有例外規範純粹為便宜處理之目的者86。如(b)項第 15 款對投資公司法 第9 項關於曾犯重罪或關係人於投資公司任職之限制限縮於「不得擔任管理或行 政職務」即為一例87。 (2) 規則第 6e-3(T)號 與第6e-2 號規則同,第 6e-3(T)號規則(a)項亦對彈性保費變額保險分離帳戶 之建構與維持,明訂其要件。此些要件與第 6e-2 號規則列舉者類似。最顯著之 不同處,乃此處分離帳戶之財產來源。依本規則(a)項第 2 款,分離帳戶之財產 來源有四:(i)消彈性保費變額保險之保費;(ii) 銷售固定保費變額保險之保費收 入;(iii)因分離帳戶投資標的而分派之股利或紅利之累積;及(iv) 保險人為分離 帳戶運作之預墊款項88。與第 6e-2 號規之(a)項第 2 款相較,此處分離帳戶之財 產來源顯然較廣。除財產來源之差異外,第6e-2 號規則與第 6e-3(T)號規則實無 重大不同。 (三) 其他關於揭露之重要規定

the Commission, have a value approximately equal to or in excess of such reserves and liabilities; and

7. The investment adviser of the separate account is registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.” See 17 C.F.R. §270.6e-2(a) (2002).

84 See Faria, supra, note 80 at 3-32.

85 “Changes in the investment policy of the separate account initiated by contract holders or the board of directors of the separate account may be disapproved by the life insurer, provided that such disapproval is reasonable and is based upon a determination by the life insurer in good faith that: A. Such change would be contrary to state law; or B. Such change would be inconsistent with the investment objectives of the separate account or would result in the purchase of securities for the separate account which vary from the general quality and nature of investments and investment techniques utilized by other separate accounts of the life insurer or of an affiliated life insurance company, which separate accounts have investment objectives similar to the separate account.” See 17 C.F.R. §270.6e-2(b)(5)(ii) (2002).

86 See Faria, supra, note 80 at 3-33.

87 For details, see 17 C.F.R. §270.6e-2(b)(15)(i) (2002).

88 “The assets of the separate account are derived solely from: (i) the sale of flexible premium variable life insurance contracts ("flexible contracts") as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this Rule, (ii) the sale of scheduled premium variable life insurance contracts ("scheduled contracts") as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of Rule 6e-2 under the Act, (iii) funds corresponding to dividend accumulations with respect to such contracts, and (iv) advances made by the life insurer in connection with the operation of such separate account” See 17 C.F.R. §270.6e-3(T)(a) (2002).


以消弭或緩解市場上資訊不對稱(asymmetry of information)為目標之資訊 揭露要求,向屬證券監理法規之投資人保障機制無可或缺之一環89。聯邦證券法 規中揭露制度之目標即係促進對於市場上發行之有價證券之準確分析,亦即發揮 情報功能(informative function),並保護專業知識普通之投資大眾免於詐欺或不 公平對待,亦即落實保護功能(protective function)90。申言之,就情報功能言, 藉資訊揭露之要求,足對投資進行精確分析之資訊即得流通,亦間接促進證券市 場之效率,亦即使市場中之資本,得獲較具效率之配置91。至若保護功能,資訊 揭露得防止各類詐欺或對無經驗之投資人巧取利益(exploitation)之行為,因此 些行為成功之要素係於證券商或公司內部人員之隱匿(non-disclosure)或不當或誤

導性之揭露(inappropriate or misleading disclosure)故也92。而欲使證券監理法規中

關於揭露之相關規定適用於投資型保險之發行及分離帳戶之維持,實有其獨特之 複雜性93。一般言,公開說明書(prospectus)之製作及其中之資訊揭露與說明書之 交付,乃達成揭露目標之最主要方式之一94。聯邦證券法非唯要求證券之發行人 備置公開說明書,內涵族使投資人達成理性投資決定之充足資訊,並要求發行人 為具法律拘束力之資訊揭露,此含註冊時之揭露事項及年報與半年報應揭露之事 項,俾阻止一切之欺罔行為95。 準此,依現行聯邦證券監理法規及證券交易委員會之相關解釋,資訊揭露 得大別為二不同時期,即「銷售當時之揭露」(point-of-sale disclosure)與「平時繼

續之揭露」(regular on-going disclosure)96。變額保險之發行人於此二時期均應履




階系統」(the two-tier system),即分離帳戶之階段及各投資基金之階段,以配合

證券監理法規中,依1933 年證券法及按 1940 年投資公司法分別註冊之二階段註

89 International Organization of Securities Commissions, Objectives and Principle of Securities Regulation 24 (1998) available at http://www.iosco.org/library/pubdocs/pdf/IOSCOPD82.pdf. 90 Stephen E. Roth & Mary Jane Wilson-Bilik, Simplified Disclosure For Mutual Funds And Variable Insurance Products: Variable Insurance Products in CONFERENCE ON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PRODUCTS: CURRENT SECURITIES, TAX, ERISA, AND STATE REGULATORY ISSUES 307, 310 (1998).

91 Alison G. Anderson, The Disclosure Process in Federal Securities Regulation: A Brief Review, 25 Hastings L. J. 311, 314 (1974).

92 Id.

93 Stewart D. Gregg, Current And Evolving Disclosure Delivery Practices Of Issuers Of Variable Insurance Products in CONFERENCE ON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PRODUCTS: ABA-ALI COURSE OF STUDY 45, 47 (1999).

94 Roth & Wilson-Bilik, supra, note 90 ,at 310.

95 Id, at 310-311. Also see 15 U.S.C. §80a-45 (1990); 15 U.S.C. § 77a-7 (1990); 15 U.S.C. § 77a-10 (1954).

96 Gregg, supra note 93, at 49. 97 15 U.S.C. §77e(b)(2) (2006).

98 SEC Release No. IC-14575 text at n. 49 (June 25, 1985) (Form N-4 adopting release) quoting Gregg, supra, note 93, at 49.


冊制度99。一般言,此二份或以上之公開說明書,應於銷售前或銷售時交付予投 資人,然有時亦有於契約成立時或交付保單時始一併交付者100。至於繼續性之揭 露,保單持有人於購買變額保險後,均有權於每一年度取得數種不同之資訊揭露 文件。此些文件含:(1) 於每年度終了時關於保單持有人保費投入之各子帳戶之 年報101;(2) 變額保險單之最新公開說明書102;(3)各子帳戶(基金)之最新公開 說明書103;(4) 每年六月三十日時關於保單持有人保費投入之各子帳戶之年報 104;(5) 其他關於各類公開說明書之補充資料105。另,縱法未要求,部分保險公 司議題公分離帳戶其其中子帳戶之年報或財務報告106。 二、 商品定性之發展 – 依證券相關法規形成之案例法(Case Law) 美國聯邦最高法院於 1950 年代末期至 1960 年代曾有數指標性之判決,具 體充實前開「依商品特性決定有否證券監理法規適用」之處理標準及原則。茲詳 論如下:

(一) SEC v. Variable Annuity Insurance Company107

道格拉斯大法官(Justice William O. Douglas)於判決書中,明確指出Variable Annuity保險公司所推出之變額年金保險(Variable Annuity)商品,因欠缺保險公司 風險承擔(risk-bearing)一特性,係爭年金保險契約,不應被認為保險商品。其 詳細論述如下:「於此保險公司欠缺對固定收益提供某程度保證之場合,系爭辯 額年金保險契約乃使全數之投資風險由保單持有人承擔,保險公司本身則未承擔 任何風險。保單持有人係依比例自總投資帳戶中享投資報酬,但報酬可能多、可 能少甚或無報酬 …吾人不宜將『保險』或『年金』之概念凍結,而使商品因其 名稱即得不受聯邦證券法之規範。實則,保險所涉者,乃保險公司之部分或全部 之風險承擔。此處係爭契約中被保險人必死之風險(risk of mortality)看似由保險

99 A life insurance company separate account, holding purchase payments made under a variable annuity contract ("VA") or variable life insurance policy ("VLI") (collectively, "variable insurance contracts"), is deemed to be a registerable investment company under the 1940 Act. Units of interest, or other participations in the separate account, (collectively, units of interest) under the variable insurance contracts are deemed to be registerable securities under the 1933 Act. See Gary O. Cohen, Prospectus Delivery Issues Under The Securities Act Of 1933 For Life Insurance Company Issuers Of Variable Insurance Products And For Underlying Mutual Funds in CONFERENCE ON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PRODUCTS: ABA-ALI COURSE OF STUDY 1,4 (1999). See also Gary O. Cohen, Discoure Delivery By Life Insurance Company Issuers Of Variable Insurance Contracts And Underlying Mutual Funds in The '40 Act Institute 2000: PLI Order No. B0-00KD 87,91 (2000). 100 Gregg, supra note 93, at 49.

101 17 C.F.R. §270.30a-1 (2003). 102 Gregg, supra note 93, at 49. 103 Id.

104 17 C.F.R. §270.30e-1 (2001). 105 Gregg, supra note 93, at 49. 106 Id.


人承擔,然此僅係表象,而非該契約之實質。本契約中,保險人對被保險人之固 定收益之擔保未於契約中約定,此意謂保險人無承擔任何風險之實質…蓋於傳統 之『保險』概念下,保險人之風險承擔,為無得或缺之要件,亦即於年金保險契 約中,保險人至少需擔保部分保險金乃以固定金額方式給付。惟係爭契約中,保 險公司未提供類似之擔保,反令保單持有人之利益,完全繫於投資組合中有價證 券之漲跌,且其報酬率又設有上限,卻對投資損失未設任何下限,故保險公司於 此未有任何風險承保(risk underwriting)行為,自不得認系爭契約為保險契約。108」

另,布雷南大法官(Justice William J. Brennan)於其協同意見書中,自 1933 年證券法之立法目的入手,認系爭契約中保單持有人承擔之投資風險,屬證券法 欲保護之範疇。其理由之主要內容如下: 「證券法第3(a)項第 8 款及投資公司法第 2(a)項第 17 款109之目的乃在使證 券法於特定契約其簽發人係歸各州保險監理官(insurance commissioner)、銀行監 理官(bank commissioner)或其他具相同職能之政府機關監督管轄或使投資公司法 於契約簽發人依該法定義為保險公司而受各州合格監理官管轄之法人等場合,排 除其適用。簡言之,該些除外規定(exclusions)係將所列舉之契約及其簽發人 之管轄權,劃歸各州合格監理機構單獨監管。傳統上,關於此些契約及簽發人是 否有聯邦證券相關法規之適用此一問題,鮮有疑義或研討…然倘一新型態之投資 安排出現,縱其貼以『保險』或『年金』之標籤,仍應就該商品實質之功能,檢 驗其是否屬國會於1933 年證券法立法時,願保留與州保險監理官排行使他管轄 之範疇。於進行此一詢問時,對證券法及州保險法之立法目的及證券法強調之『保 護投資人目的』(protective purpose)進行分析,均屬相關必為之事項…於傳統之 年金保險中,保單持有人所承擔者,乃保險人失卻清償能力(insolvency)之風 險,是故州保險監理法規之目的,乃在失卻清償能力之防止及保險人穩健財務狀 況之維繫,俾使保險人之固定年金給付義務得完全履行。至若對價格浮動且具管 理人之基金其單位持有人所承擔之投資風險提供保護,則係聯邦證券法之關注事

108 “… absent some guarantee of fixed income, the variable annuity places all the investment risks on the annuitant, none on the company. The holder gets only a pro rata share of what the portfolio of equity interests reflects-which may be a lot, a little, or nothing… Common knowledge tells us that the forms have greatly changed even in a generation. And we would not undertake to freeze the concepts of ”insurance” or ”annuity” into the mold they fitted when these Federal Acts were passed. But we conclude that the concept of ”insurance” involves some investment risk-taking on the part of the company. The risk of mortality, assumed here, gives these variable annuities an aspect of insurance. Yet it is apparent, not real; superficial, not substantial. In hard reality the issuer of a variable annuity that has no element of a fixed return assumes no true risk in the insurance sense… We deal with a more conventional concept of risk-bearing when we speak of ”insurance.” For in common

understanding ”insurance” involves a guarantee that at least some fraction of the benefits will be payable in fixed amounts. The companies…guarantee nothing to the annuitant except an interest in a portfolio of common stocks or other equities-an interest that has a ceiling but no floor. There is no true underwriting of risks, the one earmark of insurance as it has commonly been conceived of in popular understanding and usage.” Id., at 71-73 (citations omitted).



(二) SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company111

本案係爭契約與前案略有差異,而聯邦最高法院對何為「保險契約」之認 定標準,亦較前案嚴格。本案之係爭契約名為「彈性基金年金契約」(Flexible fund annuity),其允保單持有人於到期日時,得選擇依實際之投資報酬或依淨保費所 計算之保證所得金額中二者額度較高者,作為其最終可取得之現金價值112。此一 契約亦准許保單持有人選擇將其保單之所得之報酬,於特定條件下,轉換為終身 年金之給付(life annuity)113。該些條件乃與保單持有人於契約到期時所可獲之給 付金額有關,而其所可獲之給付金額又與隨投資報酬率而變化之現金價值相關

114。同時,所謂之「淨保費保證」(net premium guarantee),亦提供於契約到期時


保」,然本案撰寫法律意見之赫倫大法官(Justice John Marshall Harlan)則對保險中

保險人「完全之風險承擔」(complete risk assumption)及本案係爭契約僅藉少額

之保證而進行之「部分風險移轉」(partial risk transferring)區辨,有精闢見解。

其指出: 「本案係爭契約雖移轉部分風險與保險人,然其於所有保單持有人間,並 無所謂『風險組合』(risk pooling)之機制,亦即,保單持有人對保險團體之基 金無直接請求權,但保險人有達成預定報酬率之目標與義務…然係爭契約全然顛 倒保險人於近斤價值累積期間之角色。有別於傳統之年金保險契約中保險人有義 務於現金價值累積期間達成一定報酬率,以應日後定額年金給付之所需,係爭契

110 “These exclusions were to take effect where the issuer of the policy or contract was subject to the supervision of the state ”insurance commissioner, bank commissioner, or any agency or officer performing like functions” (Securities Act §3(a)(8)) or where a company classifiable as an ”insurance company” was ”subject to supervision by the insurance commissioner or a similar official or agency of a State” (Investment Company Act §2(a)(17)). The exclusions left these contracts and companies to the sole control of such state officials. Except for these exclusions, there is little doubt that these contracts and the companies issuing them would be subject to the Federal Acts… But if a brand-new form of investment arrangement emerges which is labeled ”insurance” or ”annuity” by its promoters, the functional distinction that Congress set up in 1933 … must be examined to test whether the contract falls within the sort of investment form that Congress was then willing to leave exclusively to the State Insurance Commissioners. In that inquiry, an analysis of the regulatory and protective purposes of the Federal Acts and of state insurance regulation as it then existed becomes relevant… [I]n a traditional annuity the policyholder bears the investment risk in the sense that he stands the risk of the company's insolvency. The prevention of insolvency and the maintenance of ”sound” financial condition in terms of fixed-dollar obligations is precisely what traditional state regulation is aimed at. The protection of share interests in a fluctuating, managed fund has received the attention of specific federal legislation. Both are ”investment risks” in a sense, but they differ vastly in kind and lend themselves to different regulatory schemes.” See Id, at 76, 91.

111 387 U.S. 202 (1967). 112 Id., at 205.

113 Id. 114 Id. 115 Id.


約中之保險人所扮演者,較似『投資代理人』(investment agent),而使保單持有 人直接參與保險庫基金投資之損益。而保險人於係爭契約下縱有義務於到期日時 保證最低給付金額,人此金額遠小於繳交相同保費之傳統型遞延年金保險 (deferred annuity contract)之保單持有人於到期時所可獲之給付金額…是故,觀諸

係爭契約現金價值累積之過程,本法院認為係爭契約非屬證券法第3(a)項所謂之 『保險』而不應排除證券法適用之事實,極其顯明。係爭契約對保單持有人強調 者,非傳統保險中之穩健(stability)與安全(security)之功能,反予之藉投資管理過 程而使現金價值成長之期待。況係爭契約關於滿其給付之保證金額,將因投資風 險而顯著減少,此『保單持有人投資風險承擔』之特徵,究難認其與證券法中『保 險』之定義相符。總之,一契約之給付僅某程度受有擔保與『保險』仍存在本質 之差異。116」

(三) Prudential Insurance Company v. SEC117

如前述,美國1940 年投資公司法第 2(a)項第 17 款及第 3(c)項第三款,明文

排除該法及相關規則於保險公司之適用118。然1964 年,本案之當事人—保德信

人壽保險公司(Prudential Insurance Company)創造一令法院開始思考投資公司 法於投資型保險分離帳戶之適用可能性。本案中,保德信人壽設計一「變額年金 保單」(Variable annuity),約定購買人每月給付固定金額之保費若干年,每期保 費扣除行政成本後之金額,則投資於一組合系列證券之投資帳戶(portfolio)中 119。購買人依其於總投資帳戶佔有之單位數(units),依投資之表現按比例分享 獲利或損失120。法院透過檢視保德信人壽設立之投資基金(Investment Fund)121及 審酌投資公司法之立法目的,判定保德信人壽建立之分離投資基金,屬投資公司 法適用之範疇,而保德信人壽或該投資基金,應被認定為信託投資基金之「發行 人」(issuer),其理如下:

116 “There is some shifting of risk from policyholder to insurer, but no pooling of risks among

policyholders…The policyholder has no direct interest in the fund, and the insurer has a dollar target to meet. The ”Flexible Fund” program completely reverses the role of the insurer during the accumulation period. Instead of promising to the policyholder an accumulation to a fixed amount of savings at interest, the insurer promises to serve as an investment agency and allow the policyholder to share in its investment experience. The insurer is obligated to produce no more than the guaranteed minimum at maturity, and this amount is substantially less than that guaranteed by the same premiums in a

conventional deferred annuity contract… Approaching the accumulation portion of this contract, in this light, we have little difficulty in concluding that it does not fall within the insurance exemption of §3(a) of the Securities Act. ”Flexible Fund” arrangements … are considered to appeal to the purchaser not on the usual insurance basis of stability and security but on the prospect of “growth” through sound investment management. And while the guarantee of cash value based on net premiums reduces substantially the investment risk of the contract holder, the assumption of an investment risk cannot by itself create an insurance provision under the federal definition. The basic difference between a contract which to some degree is insured and a contract of insurance must be recognized.” Id., at 207-208. 117 Prudential Ins. Co. v. SEC, 326 F.2d. 383 (3rd Cir. 1964).

118 See 15 U.S.C. § 80a-3 (c)(3) (2004); 15 U.S.C. § 80a-2(a)(17) (2006). 119 326 F.2d. 384 (3rd Cir. 1964).

120 Id.



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