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I. Listening Comprehension from Live Magazine, Oct. 10th – Nov. 20th: (共15%)

(Part I) Picture Questions: Look at the picture and answer the question. (每題1分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(Part II) Conversation Questions: Listen to each conversation and answer the question. (每題2分) 6. (A) She doesn’t want to talk to him anymore.

(B) She wants him to make it up to her. (C) She accepts his apology.

(D) She doesn’t remember who he is. 7. (A) Playing chess.

(B) Watching TV.

(C) Playing video games. (D) Watching a football game. 8. (A) What kind of watch she wants.

(B) How much money she wants to spend. (C) What color she prefers.

(D) If she wants a waterproof watch. 9. (A) He always supports her to do things.

(B) He always makes decisions for her. (C) He is a good listener if there’s a problem. (D) He always helps her to do her work. 10. (A) He just sold all of his CDs.

(B) He just gave away his CDs to his friends. (C) He just bought a new CD.

(D) He just made a CD for people to buy.

II. Vocabulary of Live Magazine: (共10%)

(A) aquarium (B) contact (C) discovery (D) distant (E) opposite (AB) popped up (BC) standard (CD) suffered (DE) supposed (AE) traditional

11. In our school, a projector is a _____ device in every classroom. 12. I can’t see the _____ hills in the fog clearly.

13. Sir Isaac Newton once said, “No great _____ was ever made without a bold guess.” 14. You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in a ______ market.

15. My best friend and I are the _____ of each other – she is very shy while I am quite social. 16. The _____ is famous for the variety of fishes and underwater animals it keeps.

17. The area around the factory has _____ from serious pollution since it was built. 18. Passengers are not _____ to chat with the bus driver while he or she is driving.

19. I’ve lost _____ with most of my kindergarten friends since my family moved away from the neighborhood. 20. A lot of convenience stores have _____ all over the city in the past few months.


III. Cloze: (每題1分共25%)

A. The signs of the zodiac are said to be able to give us great insight into the many talents and special qualities we have. Through reading our zodiac signs, we can discover a great deal of information about ourselves. In astrology, each of the twelve star signs __21__ one of the four categories: fire, water, earth and air. These four elements have different characteristics that the twelve star signs are based upon.

Fire can do good, like cooking food and keeping us warm, but it can also do great harm, like burning a house down. So, fire-sign people are very passionate yet they can be emotionally unstable. Besides, fire is quick and unpredictable, so those born under fire star signs are very active and are always __22__ set out into the unknown. Water stands for emotional aspects. It flows and could be solid as ice or evaporate into air, so water-sign people are the most emotional of all. Since water is found in everything everywhere, water-sign people are good at dealing with others. They can see into other people and understand the motives and needs of others, __23__ makes them empathetic, caring and helpful, but they can be easily hurt by others, too.

Earth is real; you can see it and hold it. Therefore, earth-sign people are very down-to-earth and practical. They do not follow the heart; __24__, they follow the mind. Earth people like stability and regular life that they can grow upon and develop. They are also concerned with what’s on the surface and never really dig deep to get to the bottom of it—they are happy with what’s on the surface.

Air is the element that you cannot touch or see, but it still can be contained, like in balloons. When it is contained in this way, it sometimes escapes or gets stale. Air people are free and cannot be contained, __25__ this same thing will happen to them. Caught up in their thoughts, air-sign people live in their mind. They are a bit out of touch with reality, but are very advanced in thinking.

21. (A) is written by (B) is up to (C) falls into (D) has something in common with 22. (A) following their plans to (B) the first to (C) known for (D) eager for

23. (A) and (B) it (C) which (D) who 24. (A) so (B) however (C) no wonder (D) instead 25. (A) otherwise (B) or (C) because (D) even if

B. There are many kinds of inventions. Some are fun to play, __26__ others are serious and able to save lives. The following two short stories show us how the inventors got their ideas.

Back to 1929, many Americans were unemployed because times were hard. Charles Darrow was one of them. Mr. Darrow couldn’t take his wife to Atlantic City __27__ he used to. He said to his wife, “If I __28__ my job, I would buy the city for you.” Then, he invented a board game with the street names, railway stations, the water and power companies of Atlantic City included in it. He made wooden houses and hotels. In addition, he found colored buttons for tokens. With a pair of dice and much play money, the famous game, Monopoly, was born. __29__ story is about road safety. One night when Percy Shaw was driving in the countryside, he __30__ thick fog before a turn. He couldn’t see clearly, but at that moment, the eyes of a cat reflected his car light and he knew where the side of the road was. After this, he invented the reflectors and made roads and highways safer and easier to drive __31__ after dark.

Both Darrow and Shaw were able to turn the difficulties in their lives into ideas for inventions. So, be creative and maybe you will be the next Darrow or Shaw. Who knows?

26. (A) but (B) while (C) however (D) whereas (選錯的) 27. (A) when (B) if (C) as (D) while

28. (A) kept (B) didn’t keep (C) lost (D) haven’t lost 29. (A) Another (B) The other (C) One (D) This

30. (A) came across (B) turned into (C) ran out of (D) ran over 31. (A) alone (B) along (C) X (D) in

C. Have you ever asked who decides what you buy? To get us to buy extra products, supermarket owners always hire marketing specialists to __32__ ways and ideas for them. Here are some of their marketing strategies: First, the basic items __33__ all over the store. So on the way to get what you need, you will have to pass by other


products. Besides, according to one study, the longer you stay in a supermarket, the more money you’ll spend. That’s why soft music and a comfortable environment __34__ to get you to stay longer. Also, the most popular products are usually placed at eye level so that people cannot avoid __35__ them. Moreover, to attract children’s attention, candies, snacks and toys are usually shelved at their eye level. Finally, before you check out, you will see shelves full of small items like chewing gum and batteries. Therefore, __ 36__ is not surprising __ 36__ you often put something extra into the shopping cart on the way out.

32. (A) run into (B) come up with (C) think twice (D) think highly of 33. (A) spread (B) spreading (C) which are spread (D) are spread 34. (A) have always offered (B) have always been offered (C) are always offering (D) is always offered

35. (A) seeing (B) to see (C) see (D) seen 36. (A) that……that (B) this….that (C) it……that (D) that…..x

D. The early practice of Halloween started about 2,000 years ago in the land of the Celts, who lived in parts of the modern UK, Ireland, and Northern France.

The Celts celebrated November 1st ___37___ their New Year. They believed that on October 31st, the day __38__ New Year, the worlds of the dead and the living would become one. They thought that during this day, the ghosts would visit earth to find living bodies for their new lives. In order to keep the ghosts away, the Celts celebrated the festival of Samhain on October 31st. During this festival, people __39__ costumes and burned huge bonfires in order to scare the ghosts away.

The Romans added their own customs to this Samhain festival. Biting the apple __40__ have originated from the Romans. The Christians who later ruled the Celtic lands named November 1st “All-Hallowmas,” __41__ All Saints Day. October 31st was called “All-Hallows Eve,” and it later came to be called “Halloween day.” Today, people wear costumes and walk around noisily in order to remember the activities of the old festival of Samhain. 37. (A) for (B) on (C) as (D) in

38. (A) after (B) before (C) during (D) when 39. (A) wear (B) wears (C) wore (D) wearing 40. (A) it is thought to (B) is thought (C) thought to (D) is thought to 41. (A) which mean (B) that means (C) meaning (D) means

E. Generations of Britons have grown up with the taste of Cadbury Dairy Milk, the nation’s best-selling chocolate bar. So it caused quite __42__ this summer when a new word was added to its label: FAIRTRADE. Over the next 10 years, Cadbury is investing nearly $75 million in Ghana to __43__ cacao farmers’ income and fund schools—a move that helped it become the first major international candy firm to gain certification from the Fairtrade

Labelling Organizations International (FLO), which seek to make sure that small-scale farmers in developing countries get a better deal from big Western companies.

Cadbury is also moving to __44__ its use of fossil fuels, water and packaging. “It’s about time,” said the activists, who once singled out Cadbury for criticism. Meanwhile, consumer enthusiasm for the new Fairtrade bar-- which tastes and costs the same as the old version-- shows that, if __45__, responsible actions will be a great marketing tool.

42. (A) a spot (B) a stir (C) a scare (D) a star 43. (A) deliver (B) relieve (C) raise (D) invent 44. (A) cut (B) increase (C) forgive (D) disappear

45. (A) handled smartly (B) handling smartly (C) they handle smartly (D) they been handled smartly

IV. Reading Comprehension: (每題2分共20%)


predict one’s future. “Horoscope” is a kind of guide that can be found in all sorts of newspapers and magazines around the world and is studied by millions of people.

Originating in Babylonia about 4000 years ago, horoscopes were used to predict important events such as when to start war, reap harvests, hold marriages or other important events. Because most of the people at that time had no formal education to provide them with information about the world, they looked to the heavenly bodies to give them solutions to their everyday problems. Studying the patterns of movements of the stars, people found what was happening on earth and what was happening in the heavens.

Soon, these observations were recorded and standardized in scientific form as people came up with charts and graphs, relating planets to powers and giving the twelve lunar cycles names of animals or mythical people, these symbols today known as zodiac signs.

These horoscopes, used by farmers at first in order to predict natural disasters that could influence harvests, were improved to include the fates of emperors and kings, and later were used by ordinary people for purposes of knowing what would happen in the future. Reading horoscopes became a way of life for people in many

countries, but Europe lost this knowledge during the Dark Ages.

The horoscope was further improved by Arab scholars, reintroducing it to Europe in the Middle Ages and allowing it to spread throughout the rest of the Western world, where it has remained a popular respect of everyday life.

46. What does the author think of horoscopes? (A) The author thinks horoscopes are nonsense.

(B) They are an important part of everyday life, especially in the past. (C) Society wouldn’t be able to work without them.

(D) People waste their time on them. 47. What is the main idea of this article?

(A) It discusses which signs can get along well with each other.

(B) It talks about what the most important planets are in one’s horoscope. (C) It shows readers how to read a horoscope.

(D) It tells the history of astrology.

48. Horoscopes became popular again in Europe______. (A) because people were afraid of the Dark Ages

(B) because scholars from the Middle East helped the Europeans get familiar with it (C) because they were influenced by the kings from the Middle Ages

(D) because the horoscope information was printed in newspapers

B. Thursday, December 17, dawned and was to go down in history as a day when a great engineering act was done. It was a cold day with winds of 22 to 27 miles an hour and puddles of water near the camp were covered with ice. The Wrights waited indoors, hoping the winds would stop. But they continued brisk, and at ten o’clock in the morning, the brothers decided to attempt a flight. They knew fully the problems and dangers of flying an untried machine in such strong winds.

They also knew that with strong winds, they didn’t really need hills to launch (發射) the machine. The force of the winds would help the machine take off on the short starting track from the ground. Indeed, the winds were almost too gusty to launch the machine at all that day. But the brothers guessed that the added dangers in flight would be balanced by the slower speed in landing caused by flying into strong winds. As a safety precaution, they decided to fly as close to the ground as possible. They were courageous flyers, but never foolhardy.

After running the engine and propellers for a few minutes, they were ready to take off. At 10:35 A.M., Orville, the pilot, lay flat on the lower wing with hips in the cradle. He released the restraining wire and the machine started down the sixty-foot track, traveling slowly into the headwind. Wilbur was able to run alongside holding the right wing to balance the machine on the track. After a run of forty feet on the track, the machine took off. The plane then climbed into the sky, while Orville struggled with the controls to keep it from rising too high


in such an irregular, gusty wind. Orville tried to fly smoothly; however, when turning the rudder up or down, the plane turned too far either way and flew up and down. So, after rising about ten feet, the plane suddenly darted close to the ground. The first successful flight ended, after having flown 120 feet from the take-off point in twelve seconds and at an airspeed of thirty miles an hour.

49. Wilbur’s job during the take-off was ________.

(A) to run beside the plane (B) to push the plane (C) to balance the plane (D) to hold back the plane 50. The author implies (暗指) that the Wright brothers ________.

(A) were financed by local businessmen (B) used bicycle parts for their first plane (C) didn’t succeed in flying a plane

(D) usually launched their planes from hills 51. Which of the following statements is FALSE? (A) Orville landed the plane toward south.

(B) The plane launched well before the end of the track.

(C) To operate the plane, the pilot had to lie in a control cradle. (D) The altitude (高度) of the flight is close to ten feet.

C. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most respected of America's founding fathers, was born in Boston in January 1706 and learned from his brother James, a printer, when he was only twelve years old.

After leaving Boston for Philadelphia as a teenager, he made his first visit to London at the age of eighteen. He worked for two years in a printing house there. During the time, he studied the latest developments in his trade, and then returned to Philadelphia to continue his career as a printer, newspaper editor, and merchant.

Besides writing and publishing, Franklin was interested in science and technology. He gained international fame for his experiments, including the famous one in which he used a kite to show that lightning was electrical in its nature. He was elected to the Royal Society, became a friend of Edmund Burke, David

Hume and Adam Smith and received honorary degrees from three universities. In 1776, back in America, he signed the Declaration of Independence(獨立宣言), remarking as he did so, "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Franklin's diplomatic skills and his knowledge of English society were of great help in the signing of the Treaty of Paris (巴黎條約) seven years later which ended the American War of Independence. He stayed on as the new republic's minister in France

until 1785 and then returned once more to America, where he was the President of the Pennsylvania Executive for three years before finally retiring from public life in 1788.

He died in 1790 at the age of eighty-four. His colorful life and legacy of scientific and political achievement, have left Franklin honored on coinage and money, the names of many towns, educational institutions, and


---Article adapted from BBC World Service

52. What does the word “fathers” mean in line one?

(A) A male parent. (B) A priest in church. (C) A family ancestor. (D) A first starter. 53. According to the article, which statement is TRUE?

(A) We can find more than one town named after Benjamin Franklin.

(B) Benjamin Franklin studied the newest technology in printing in Philadelphia. (C) Benjamin Franklin was successful in scientific experiments but failed in diplomacy. (D) Though living a colorful life, Benjamin Franklin died early in his middle age.

54. What did Franklin hope for Americans when he said “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”?


(B) To be interested in a game called “hangman”. (C) To be united to fight for independence.

(D) To stay together with England and French people.

55. What is NOT mentioned about Benjamin Franklin in the article?

(A) That he was once a minister of the United States. (B) That he invented the lightening rod. (C) That he ran his own business in Philadelphia. (D) That he had great achievements in politics.

V. Vocabulary & Translation: 30% (單字每題1分, 翻譯每題4分,請於答案紙上作答)

1. In Taiwan, there are a large number of i______ts from Southeastern countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

2. Brian is a man of his word. Once he makes a p____e, he will try his best to keep it no matter what happens. 3. There are a lot of c________es to meet during the first year of senior high. For example, to keep a perfect balance on studies and extracurricular activities is a huge one.

4. Feeling ill in class, I went to school health center. After taking my t_______e, the nurse told me I had a fever and that I had to see a doctor right away.

5. Shelley didn’t seem very e c about our plan. She showed no excitement or interest when I brought it up. 6. The flawless, big pearl will be p________ted to the queen to celebrate her 60th birthday.

7. Instead of going to the supermarket far way from my house, I usually buy my basic needs in the g________ y store nearby.

8.When you receive the package, make sure that the items contained in it c d with those on the list accompanying it. In other words, the items you get should match those on the list.

9. Many houses and buildings c ed during the giant earthquake in the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. 10. My little sister s_____med at the sight of a cockroach in her bedroom last night. Hearing her loud cry, we rushed to see what had happened.

11. During the Great Depression, a lot of families couldn’t even afford basic (necessary) of life. 12. Benjamin Franklin conducted many famous researches on (electric) in the 18th century.

13. With my teachers’ tolerance and (encourage), I decide to get rid of the bad habit of skipping classes and turn over a new leaf.

14. My mother is _______ (sense) to my feelings and needs. When I feel upset, she always comes to me and offers help or comfort. Translation (請依提示進行翻譯) 16% 15. David 至今從未被老師處罰(punish)過。 16. 所以,大家都說David是一個好學生。(As…said to…) 17. 他上課專心,所以能學得比別人多。(…attention…so that…) 18. 他的父母一定很以他為榮。(…must…) 19. 假如其他學生更用功的話,他們考試就能考得像David一樣好。(…studied…)



單字 (@1 point): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 連貫翻譯:請依提示進行翻譯: 15. David 至今從未被老師處罰(punish)過。2% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. 所以,大家都說David是一個好學生。(As…said to…) 3% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. 他上課專心,如此一來就能學得比別人多。(…attention…so that…) 4% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. 他的父母一定非常以他為榮。(…must…) 2% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. 假如其他學生更用功的話,他們考試就能考得像David一樣好。(…studied…) 5% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 班級: 座號: 姓名:


6-10. CDBAD 11. BC 12. D 13. C 14. AE 15. E 16. A 17. CD 18. DE 19. B 20. AB 21-25. CBCDB 26-31. CCABAB 32-36. BDBAC 37-41. CBCDC 42-45. BCAA 46-48. BDB 49-51. CDA 52-55. DACB Vocabulary:

immigrants, promise, challenges, temperature, enthusiastic, presented, grocery, correspond, collapsed, screamed,

necessities, electricity, encouragement, sensitive


1. David has never been punished | by any teacher (so far). 2% 2. As a result, | David is said to | be a good student. 3%

3. He pays attention (to the teacher) | in class | so that he can | learn more than others. 4%

4. His parents must be | very proud of him. 2%

5. If other students | studied harder, | they would do | as well as David | on exams. 5%



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