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國 立 交 通 大 學

電子工程學系 電子研究所碩士班

碩 士 論 文

具有氮化矽覆蓋層之形變 N 型金氧半場效電晶體


Device Characteristics and Hot Carrier

Degradation of Strained NMOSFETs with SiN

Capping Layer

研 究 生:謝雨霖

指導教授:林鴻志 博士

黃調元 博士


具有氮化矽覆蓋層之形變 N 型金氧半場效電晶體


Device Characteristics and Hot Carrier

Degradation of Strained NMOSFETs with SiN

Capping Layer

研 究 生:謝雨霖

Student:Yu-Lin Hsieh

指導教授:林鴻志 博士 Advisors:Dr. Horng-Chih Lin

黃調元 博士

Dr. Tiao-Yuan Huang

國 立 交 通 大 學

電子工程學系 電子研究所碩士班

碩 士 論 文

A Thesis

Submitted to Department of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

National Chiao-Tung University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Master of Science


Electronic Engineering June 2006

Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China


具有氮化矽覆蓋層之形變 N 型金氧半場效電晶體


研究生 : 謝雨霖 指導教授 : 林鴻志 博士

黃調元 博士


電子工程學系 電子研究所碩士班


當 互 補 式 金 氧 半 場 效 電 晶 體 的 結 構 因 微 縮 而 達 到 其 極 限 時 , 形 變 通 道 (strained channel)可用來增進載子的遷移率。已有研究證明,可利用矽與矽 鍺之間晶格的不協調,而在矽鍺基板上製造出形變矽元件。雖然雙軸伸張形變矽 在近年來被應用為增進載子遷移率的技術,而受到廣泛重視,但此技術被證明有 如下缺點,如因在界面上有大量的貫穿差排而使得元件難以製作,以及鍺原子會 向外擴散、源極與汲極延伸區的摻雜易快速擴散和其基板的高成本…等等。相形 之下,單軸形變卻可用簡單結構上的改變而製作出來,從而避免雙軸形變中複雜 的晶圓製作、高成本以及大量缺陷等問題。 近期局部形變元件逐漸成為用來增進載子遷移率的主要技術(如氮化矽覆蓋 之元件)。在這篇論文,我們證明在 N 型金氧半場效電晶體中,氮化矽覆蓋層及其 相關沉積製程對元件特性與熱載子退化效應的影響。我們利用低壓化學氣相沉積 系統沉積氮化矽覆蓋層


進而增進其載子遷移率。而 沉積氮化矽的過程中,多餘的熱預算(thermal budget)與形變效應會使臨界電 壓下滑(threshold voltage roll-off)更加惡化。除此之外,氮化矽的覆蓋也 會使熱載子退化效應更嚴重。


Device Characteristics and Hot Carrier

Degradation of Strained NMOSFETs with SiN

Capping Layer

Student : Yu-Lin Hsieh Advisors : Dr. Horng-Chih Lin

Dr. Tiao-Yuan Huang

Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics

National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


As the scaling of CMOS structure reaches its fundamental limits, the carrier mobility enhancement has been intensively pursued by introducing strain in the channel region. This has been demonstrated in strained Si devices on SiGe substrates by taking advantage of the lattice mismatch between Si and SiGe. Although biaxial tensile strained silicon has received considerable attention in the last decade as a technique for mobility enhancement, it has been proven to be difficult to implement because of misfit and threading dislocations, Ge up-diffusion, fast diffusion of S/D extensions, and high cost.In contrast, uniaxial strain can be more easily implemented by simple structure modification, thus avoiding the complex wafer fabrication, high cost, and defects of biaxial strain.

Recently locally strained devices have emerged as the main technique for carrier mobility enhancement (e.g., SiN-capped devices). In this thesis, we investigated the impact of silicon nitride (SiN) capping layer and the associated deposition process on


the device characteristics and hot-electron degradation of NMOSFETs. The SiN layer used to induce channel strain for mobility enhancement was deposited by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD). The deposition of the SiN would aggravate threshold voltage roll-off due to additional thermal budget and the strain effect. Besides, the device hot-electron degradation is aggravated by the SiN-capping.



轉眼間碩士生涯短短兩年就這樣過去了,有許多回憶,亦有許多不捨。在這 兩年中,得到很多人的幫助,使我能完成這篇論文。 首先要感謝的,是我的指導教授,黃調元博士與林鴻志博士。黃老師在專業 以及非專業上淵博的知識,實在是令我由衷敬佩。而且黃老師在對研究以及做事 情的處理態度之嚴謹,也是令我學到許多。而林老師不僅提供了正確的觀念想法, 最主要還教導我真正的研究精神,以樂趣的態度去學習新的知識,並且在研究過 程中不時提出意見,使得研究過程得以更加嚴謹,真是讓我獲益良多。因為有兩 位指導教授的幫忙與鼓勵,使得我能順利完成碩士學位,在此要以最誠摯的心感 謝你們。另外還要感謝簡昭欣博士,在研究最苦悶時給我們很多好吃的東西,讓 我們的心得以暖暖的繼續衝刺,真是謝謝你。 其次要感謝的,就是不時解決我的問題的學長們。呂嘉裕學長在實驗上的經 驗,使我避免掉重大的失誤,而且每次都不厭其煩的解答我的問題,真是惠我良 多,尤其阿諾學長在實務上的經驗,真是無愧於NDL地下管理員的稱號。而盧 文泰學長為我們實驗室架設的量測系統,更是對我們有最直接的幫助,不禁讓我 有"沒有你我們該怎麼辦"之感。再來是李耀仁學長,教導我正確的學習態度, 並且在研究上指點我許多該做的事並提供意見,讓我少走了許多彎路,讓我由衷 的感謝。而張伊鋒學長在我碩一懵懵懂懂時,熱心教我機台並且回答我論文上不 懂的地方,此開光之恩,實在無法用言語來表達感謝。要感謝的人實在太多,郭 柏儀學長、李明賢學長、林宏年學長、盧景森學長、蘇俊榮學長、李聰杰學長、 藍文廷學長、林賢達學長、房新原學長,感謝你們在這段時間對我的教導與鼓勵, 讓我學到很多,同時也非常照顧我,真是非常謝謝。 再來,就是我的戰友們,趙志誠、黃健銘、蔡銑泓、洪振家、呂建松、徐行 徽、張凱翔,以及其他實驗室的同學們,有你們的互相鞭策與鼓勵,讓我這兩年 能充滿許多快樂的回憶,雖然沒有同甘,但共苦的記憶,回憶起來總是最美好的。


尤其是 Kolly 與 Benson,他們真的是很好的人,在實驗外給我許多幫助,世界運 轉的螺絲釘實在是當之無愧。其次,是實驗室的學弟妹們,你們的話語總是能讓 我快樂起來,減去當時的煩悶。還要感謝的是國家奈米元件實驗室的工程師與員 工們,沒有你們的幫助,我的實驗實在無法順利完成,真是非常感謝。 還有女友小培,在我寫論文的期間給我很大的支持與鼓勵,讓我能保持寫論 文的最高動力。最後是我的家人們,父母、弟弟與妹妹,你們默默給予我的支持, 還有不時的關心,也是讓我完成學業的最大功臣。要感謝的人太多,或許有沒提 到的人,但你們在我心中依然佔了重要的位置,在這裡獻上最誠摯的歉意與最大 的感謝,謝謝你們,謝謝。 謝 雨 霖 誌于風城交大 2006



Abstract (in Chinese) ...


Abstract (in English) ...


Acknowledgment ...


Contents…. ...


List of Figure Caption...


Chapter 1 Introduction



1-1 General Background and Motivation...


1-1.1 Introduction



1-1.2 Strained-Si device physics



1-1.3 Motivation



1-2 Organization of This Thesis ...


Chapter 2 Device Fabrication and Measurement




2-1 Device Fabrication and Process Flow...


2-2 Measurement Setup...


2-2.1 Electrical Measurement Setup



2-2.2 Hot Carrier Reliability Measurement Setup



2-2.3 Extraction Procedure of Lateral Distribution of Nit



Chapter 3 Results and Discussion



3-1 Electrical Characteristics of Locally Strained NMOSFETs ...


3-1.1 Basic Electrical Characteristics



3-1.2 Short Channel Effect



3-2 Hot Carrier Degradation of Locally Strained NMOSFETs ...


3-2.1 Substrate current and impact ionization rate




3-3 Analysis of the Distribution of Interface Trap Density...


Chapter 4 Summary and Conclusion



References ...






List of Figure Caption

Chapter 1

Fig.1.1 Logical potential solution on International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. (a) From Process Integration, Devices, and Structure in 2003 [4]. (b) From Process Integration, Devices, and Structure in 2005 [5]... 26 Fig.1.2 Simple schematic of conduction and valence band bending with strain [8]... 27 Fig.1.3 Schematic diagram of the energy sub-bands with unstrained and bi-axial strain in an MOS inversion layer [9] . ... 28 Fig.1.4 Schematic diagram of the valence bands E vs. k in uni-axial strained and

bi-axial strain Si layers [10]. ... 29 Fig.1.5 Schematic illustration for 3D process-induced strain component [20]... 30

Chapter 2

Table 2.1 Split table of capping layer and oxide thickness... 31 Fig.2.1 Schematic cross section of the locally-strained-channel NMOSFET. ... 32 Fig.2.2 Setup structure for charge pumping. ... 33 Fig.2.3 Schematic illustrations for the charge pumping measurement with (a) fixed

amplitude, (b) fixed base sweep, and (c) fixed peak sweep. The arrows indicate the sweep directions. ... 34 Fig.2.4 Measurement setup of single-junction charge pumping measurement... 35

Chapter 3

Fig.3.1 Measured tensile strain as a function of SiN thickness... 36 Fig.3.2 ID-VD Characteristics of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width


= 0.5µm /10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thicknesses. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 37 Fig.3.3 Subthreshold characteristics and transconductance of different splits of

NMOSFETs. Channel length/width = 0.5µm /10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 38 Fig.3.4 Subthreshold swing of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width = 0.5µm /10µm... 39 Fig.3.5 Charge pumping current of different splits of NMOSFETs. (a) Control and

SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 40 Fig.3.6 Increase in saturation current versus channel length. The saturation current

was measured at VG – Vth = -2 V and VDS = -2 V. (a) Control and SiN-capped

devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN - removal devices... 41 Fig.3.7 Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics of different splits of NMOSFETs.

Channel length/width = 50µm /50µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices... 42 Fig.3.8 Threshold voltage roll-off as a function of channel length for different splits of samples. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices of three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 43 Fig.3.9 Drain induced barrier lowing (DIBL) for different splits of NMOSFETs as a

function of channel length. DIBL was evaluated by measuring the drain current change as VDS was increased at some fixed gate voltage below

threshold voltage. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 44


Fig.3.10 Substrate current versus gate voltage for different splits of NMOSFETs.. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices. ... 45 Fig.3.11 Impact ionization rate (Isub/ID) of different splits of NMOSFETs... 46

Fig.3.12 Threshold voltage degradation of hot-electron stressing performed at VDS =

4.5 V and VGS at maximum substrate current on all splits of devices with

channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices... 47 Fig.3.13 Interface trap density degradation of hot-electron stressing performed at VDS =

4.5 V and VGS at maximum substrate current on all splits of devices with

channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-Removal devices. ... 48 Fig.3.14 Subthreshold characteristics and transconductance of devices before and after 5000 sec hot-electron stressing. Channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. (a) Control sample. (b) SiN-Capped sample. (c) SiN-Removed sample... 49 Fig.3.15 Results of hot-electron stressing at VDS = 4.5 V and maximum substrate

current performed on three splits (control, SiN 300nm and remove 300nm ) of devices with channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. (a) Threshold voltage shift; (b) transconductance degradation; (c) interface state generation... 50 Fig.3.16 Charge pumping current for the three splits of fresh devices with channel

length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. The measurement was performed under fixed amplitude of 1.5 V and frequency of 1 MHz. ... 51 Fig.3.17 The increase in charge pumping current after 5000 second hot carrier stress

(VG@Isubmax and VDS = 4.5 V) for the three splits of devices with channel

length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. ... 52 Fig.3.18 Non-uniform distribution of local threshold voltage and flat-band voltage


across the device caused by variation of lateral doping concentration. ... 53 Fig.3.19 Derivation of the relationship between local threshold voltage and lateral

distance x from the single-junction charge pumping data of the control device. ... 54 Fig.3.20 Extracted lateral profile of local threshold voltage near the graded drain

junction in the control sample... 55 Fig.3.21 Charge pumping current before and after 10 second hot-electron stressing

(VG@Isubmax and VDS = 4.5 V). Channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. ... 56

Fig.3.22 Lateral profile of interface state generation under three different SiN capping thickness. (a) 300 nm. (b) 200 nm. (c) 100 nm... 57


Chapter 1


1-1 General Background and Motivation

1-1.1 Introduction

With progress made in science and technology, semiconductor industry has made great strides into the nanometer era. It is an inevitable trend to scale the device channel length for increasing the operation speed and density of devices, and for decreasing the operation voltage. Moreover, thinner gate oxide is required to provide sufficient current drive while the supply voltage is scaled down [1, 2].

But there are many pending issues that need to be solved, like short channel effect for scaled devices and higher gate leakage current associated with the use of ultra thin gate oxide. Higher leakage current will result in higher power consumption of devices and degrade the subthreshold swing therefore worsen the switching performance of the devices. When the size of the devices approaches the limit set by fundamental physics, how to further increase the devices’ operating speed is also worth studying, in addition to the conventional scaling rules.

1-1.2 Strained-Si device physics

With the scaling of the device size, performance improvement of CMOS devices faces a number of obstacles. It is becoming more and more difficult to maintain high transistor performance because of mobility degradation caused by heavier substrate doping. Mobility enhancement technology is one way to offer dramatic improvements in CMOS devices. In order to realize high-speed performance, it is necessary to increase the carrier mobility for scaled devices with the gate length down to the sub-100-nm and below. Recently, a number of groups have shown that short-channel NMOS devices


incorporating thin strained-Si surface channels can achieve significant drive current enhancement. For examples, MOSFETs with high bi-axial tensile channel stress by growing a Si channel layer on a relaxed SiGe substrate has been demonstrated [3]. Figure 1.1 shows the logic potential solution in International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)[4, 5]. It indicates that strain-Si technology would be more mature in recent year.

Bi-axial tensile strain can improve both NMOSFET and PMOSFET drive current by altering the band structure of the channel and appears to be promising for CMOS manufacturing. Peak electron mobility enhancements measured in uniformly doped devices saturate near r ~ 1.8 for strained Si with substrate Ge content above 20% ( r = µeff<strained Si> / µeff<unstrained Si> = mobility enhancement ratio.) [6, 7].

The carrier distribution in energy valley, scattering rate, and effective mass are the

most important factors of mobility enhancement for strained-Si devices ( * m


µ = ,

where1/τ is the scattering rate and m* is the conductivity effective mass). From the

viewpoint of electrons, bulk Si has six degenerate conduction band valleys of the same energy, as illustrated in Figure 1.2 [8]. In bi-axially tensile devices, because of the lattice mismatch, the in-plane (x-y plane) and out-of-plane energy valley (z-axis) will be altered by the strain. The strain splits the six-fold degenerate conduction band into a two-fold (∆2, out-of-plane) and a four-fold (∆4, in-plane) degenerate band in the energy band diagram (Figure 1.3).

One contributor to the electron mobility enhancement in strained Si is the energy splitting ∆Es between the ∆2 and ∆4 bands, which is proportional to the Ge content x of the relaxed buffer as ∆Es = 0.67x (eV). Because the ∆2 band energy is lower than the ∆4 band energy, the electron will preferentially occupy the ∆2 band. The energy difference (∆E) between ∆2 and ∆4 sub-bands determines the total population of the


bands. Owing to the smaller effective mass, the ∆2 band can be considered as a high-mobility band as compared with the ∆4 band. As a consequence the electron mobility could be increased. Thus the mobility enhancement will be proportional to the relative electron population of the ∆2 and ∆4 bands in the strained-Si as compared with the bulk Si devices. Another contributor to the electron mobility enhancement in strained Si is that the splitting of conduction band can suppress inter-valley phonon scattering, which can reduce the electron scattering rate (1/τ) [9, 10].

From the viewpoint of hole, the valence band structure of Si is more complex than the conduction band. For unstrained bulk-Si devices, holes occupy the top two bands: the heavy and light hole bands, which degenerate at gamma-point (k=0). With the bi-axial strain, the valance bands will split at gamma-point (k=0), as shown in Figure 1.4. We can see that light hole (smaller effective mass) band lies upper than heavy hole band in out-of-plane band diagram, so that holes prefer to assemble in light hole band (i.e., upper band represents lower energy for holes) [9, 10]. Strain reduces the acoustic scattering rate by altering the light and heavy hole band density of states and/or by reducing inter band optical phonon scattering through light to heavy hole band splitting, thus increasing the mobility. For biaxial stress since there is no mass improvement, the mobility enhancement only results from reduced scattering and thus requires ~25-30% Ge (>1GPa stress). This is because a splitting energy greater than 60 meV (i.e., must be higher than optical phonon energy in Si) or stress greater than 1 GPa is necessary to appreciably suppress intervalley phonon scattering [11].

Although the merit of mobility enhancement has been demonstrated, it should be noted that the thickness of the top strained-Si layer must be thinner than the critical thickness that depends on the Ge content of the underlying relaxed SiGe layer to avoid the generation of high amount of dislocations [12]. Besides, there are other issues that significantly compromise the advantages of strained-Si (on relaxed SiGe layer) devices.


These issues include surface roughness, fast diffusion of n-type dopants, thermal stability of silicide, strained-Si thickness control, Ge out diffusion [6], self heating, and expensive wafer cost.

Recently, uni-axial channel strain technology was proposed to suppress the aforementioned concerns. Uni-axial strain can be engineered by modifying contact-etch-stop-layer (CESL) deposition [13, 14], shallow trench isolation (STI) [15, 16], source/drain (S/D) material [17], silicidation [18], packing process [19], and so on. Furthermore, the behaviors of carrier mobility under uni-axial strain depend on the strength of the strain and the orientation [20] (see Figure 1.5). Uni-axial strain can be applied arbitrarily in any direction relative to the carrier transport direction. The channel tensile and compressive stress can be applied separately to NMOS and PMOS devices to enhance performance, respectively (see figure 1.5). Enhancements of carrier mobility under bi-axial and uni-axial strain were actually induced by different factors and mechanisms.

To compare the bi-axial and uni-axial strain, the changes in the scattering and effective mass are taken into account to quantify the mobility enhancement of holes, both of which depend on the strain-altered valance band. Unlike the case in unstressed case, the effective mass of bi-axial tensile and longitudinal uni-axial compressive stresses is nearly constant over the surface energy range of a few kT below the valence band. The strain removes the degeneracy and reduces the band-to-band coupling, resulting in roughly constant effective mass. From the work of C. W. Leitz et al. [11], we can observe that uni-axial compressive strained MOSFETs may have lighter in-plane effective mass by full-band Monte Carlo simulation, which will improve hole mobility. But for bi-axial tensile stress, the effective mass is heavier than that in un-strained case (Figure 1.4), so the hole mobility enhancement is only possible through the reduction of inter-valley scattering. This effect becomes significant only when the strain level is high


enough (e.g., Ge > 20 %) as mentioned above. But the reduction of the intra-band acoustic scattering by altering the light- and heavy-hole band density-of-states is negligible for uni-axial strain in Si, even at several hundreds of mega-pascal. Because the energy difference ΔEs between light-hole band and heavy-hole band is split by uni-axial stress at gamma-point (k=0) and reduces the optical phonon scattering.

The mobility enhancement of uni-axial strain at high vertical electric field is higher than the bi-axial case. This represents another advantage of uni-axial strain over the bi-axial strain. Hole mobility at high vertical field would have different behaviors between uni-axial compressive and biaxial tensile stresses. Splitting of light- to heavy-hole band caused by uni-axial and biaxial stresses has no significant difference without considering surface quantization confinement. However, the splitting of light- and heavy-hole bands caused by bi-axial tensile stress would be annulled at high electric field due to surface confinement [10]. In contrast, hole mobility enhancement under uni-axial compressive strain is not annulled by surface confinement, which represents a major advantage for MOSFETs operating at high electric fields. The splitting magnitude of the surface confinement depends on the relative magnitude of the stress altering light and heavy hole out-of-plane effective masses. Recent reports [10] showed an interesting finding that the out-of-plane effective mass of light hole is heavier than heavy hole for uni-axial stress and causes the increase of the light- to heavy-hole band splitting. On the contrary, for bi-axial stress the previously-reported out-of-plane effective mass of light hole is lighter than heavy hole and causes reduced band splitting. This is the reason why the bi-axial stress degrades hole mobility enhancement at high vertical electric fields.

In strained-Si NMOSFETs, the strain will induce valence band offset [21]. The negative valence band offset causes the Fermi level to move closer to the conduction band, thus the band offset lowers the threshold, resulting in shallower channel depletion. The fact that the threshold voltage shift caused by bi-axial tensile stress is larger than


that by uni-axial tensile strain and has been reported for NMOSFETs [21]. This is because the bi-axial tensile stress induces more band gap narrowing than uni-axial tensile strain. For PMOSFETs, larger shift of light-hole band edge under bi-axial tensile strain leads to a larger shift in Vth than the case with uni-axial compressive strain [10].

1-1.3 Motivation

The SiN CESL (contact-etch-stop-layer) has been implemented by the industry to induce channel strain for mobility enhancement of NMOS [13, 14]. In this study we discuss the impact of SiN-capping layer on locally strained device characteristics.

Device degradation induced by hot electrons represents one of the most critical reliability issues in deep sub-micron NMOSFETs [22, 23]. The physical mechanisms and characteristics of hot electron degradation have been extensively examined [24, 25]. The degradations in terms of threshold voltage shift (∆Vth), drain current degradation

(∆IDS), and transconductance degradation (∆Gm), have been studied by using the

accelerated stress test. However, there seem to be very few works devoted to investigating the impact of SiN capping layer and the associated deposition process on the hot carrier reliability of the strained devices. This motivates us to carry out this study on the hot carrier degradation of NMOSFETs devices having local channel strain induced by the SiN-capping layer.

1-2 Organization of This Thesis

In addition to this chapter, this thesis is divided into the following chapters.

In Chapter 2, we briefly describe the process flow for fabricating the NMOS devices with the SiN capping layer. We also present the characterization method, measurement setup, and the stress conditions.


In Chapter 3, we show and discuss the improvement on device performance with SiN capping layer. The results on evaluating the hot carrier characteristics of the locally strained devices are also presented. Effects of strain on the hot carrier are also discussed.

Finally, important conclusions generated from our experimental results are summarized.


Chapter 2

Device Fabrication and Measurement


2-1 Device Fabrication and Process Flow

The NMOSFETs were fabricated on 6-inch p-type (100) Si wafers with resistivity of 15~25Ω-cm and the wafer thickness is 655 ~ 695 μm. The p-type well was formed first by BF2+ implantation at 100 keV and 1×1013 cm-2. Next, a standard local oxidation

of silicon (LOCOS) process with channel stop implant (by BF2+ implantation at 120 keV

and 4×1013 cm-2) was used for device isolation. Threshold voltage adjustment and anti-punch through implantation were done by implanting 40 KeV BF2+ and 35 KeV B+,

respectively. After splitting the wafers to receive the growth of 3 nm-thick thermal gate oxide, a 150nm undoped poly-Si layer was deposited by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD), followed by gate etch process to pattern the film. The Source/Drain (S/D) extension regions were then formed by As+ implantation at 10 keV and 5×1014 cm-2. After a 80nm TEOS spacer formation, S/D regions were formed by P+ implantation at 15 keV and 5×1015 cm-2. Then the substrate electrode patterning was

performed through lithography and etching processes, followed by the formation of the substrate junction by BF2+ implantation at 40 keV and 5×1015 cm-2. Rapid thermal

anneal (RTA) was then carried out in a nitrogen ambient at 900°C for 30 sec to activate dopants in the gate, S/D, and substrate regions.

Afterwards, most samples were capped with a SiN capping layer (contact-etch-stop-layer, CESL) with different thickness (100nm, 200nm and 300nm), using low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) system, while some wafers were deliberately skipped of the SiN capping layer to serve as the controls. The SiN


deposition was performed at 780 ℃ with SiH2Cl2 and NH3 as the reaction precursors.

For some samples having the SiN capping, the SiN layer was removed later in order to evaluate the impact of SiN deposition process itself on the device performance (denoted as the SiN-removal split). Then wafers were combined to receive a 300nm TEOS passivation by LPCVD system. After contact hole etching, normal metallization scheme was carried out. The final step was a forming gas anneal performed at 400°C for 30 min to passivate the dangling bonds and to reduce interface state density in the gate oxide/Si interface. Cross-sectional view of the fabricated device was shown in Fig. 2.1. NMOSFETs with different split conditions are summarized in Table 2.1.

2-2 Measurement Setup

2-2.1 Electrical Measurement Setup

Current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics were evaluated by an HP4156A precision semiconductor parameter analyzer and an HP4284 LCR meter, respectively. Temperature-regulated hot chuck was used to control the device under test at a fixed temperature of 25°C.

Charge pumping measurement is widely used to characterize interface state densities in MOSFET devices [26]. This type of measurement is very effective because it allows the exclusion of gate leakage contribution to the calculated interface state densities presented in thin gate oxides and at lower frequencies [27, 28]. Therefore, to accurately analyze interface state densities or bulk traps in the dielectrics from charge pumping measurement results, we need to pay a close attention to the leakage current issue. The basic charge pumping measurement includes the measurement of the substrate current while a series of voltage pulses with fixed amplitude, rise time, fall time, frequency, and duty cycle is being applied to the gate of the transistor (Figure 2.2),


with source and drain connected to a small reverse bias, and substrate connected to ground. Three conventional types of voltage pulse train, namely, (a) fixed amplitude sweep, (b) fixed base sweep, and (c) fixed peak sweep, as depicted in Figure 2.3 could be applied to the gate electrode. In this thesis, we used the “fixed amplitude sweep” mode to calculate interface trap density, and the “fixed base sweep” mode to analyze the lateral distribution of interface trap, respectively. Square-wave waveforms (f = 1MHz) were applied to the gate, and the base voltage was varied to change the surface condition from inversion to accumulation, while keeping the pulse amplitude at 1.5V. A MOSFET with a gate area of AG gives the charge pumping current as [29]:

cp G it

I =qA fN (2-1)

, from which the interface trap density (Nit) could be calculated.

2-2.2 Hot Carrier Reliability Measurement Setup

In our reliability measurements, devices were stressed with the drain voltage set at a highly positive voltage, and the gate terminal biased at the voltage where maximum Isub occurred to accelerate the degradation. So the Isub-VG curve with the drain terminal

biased at a given voltage was measured first to find VG@Isubmax before stressing the

device. To monitor the degradation caused by the hot electrons, the ID-VG characteristics

at VDS = 0.05 V (linear region) and charge pumping current were measured before and

after the stress. The degradations in terms of threshold voltage shift (∆Vth), generation

of interface trap density (∆Nit), and transconductance degradation (∆Gm), were detected

and recorded in the accelerated stress test.

2-2.3 Extraction Procedure of Lateral Distribution of Nit


discussed in this work. This method builds on [30] and the measurement setup is shown in Figure 2.4. The experimental procedures of this method are described below.

(1) Measure the Icp-Vh curve on a virgin MOSFET from the drain junction (with the

source junction floating), and from it establish the Vh versus Vth(x) relationship [31]

near the junction of interest.

(2) Record the Icp-Vh curve after hot-carrier injection.

(3) The hot-carrier-induced interface state distribution, Nit(x), is obtained from the


Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

3-1 Electrical Characteristics of Locally Strained NMOSFETs

3-1.1 Basic Electrical Characteristics

Measurements of stress induced by the SiN film were performed on Si wafers capped with a blanket SiN layer with different thickness. The results are shown in figure 3.1. It can be seen that the tensile stress becomes larger when the SiN capping layer becomes thicker. Figure 3.2 shows the ID-VD characteristics of NMOSFETs for all splits

(i.e., control, SiN-capped splits with three different thickness and SiN-removal splits). It can be seen that the SiN-capped splits all show apparent drain current enhancement, with the improvement increases with increasing SiN-capping thickness. In contrast, almost no current enhancement is observed for the SiN-removal samples. Obviously the current enhancement is straightly due to the induced strain from the SiN capping layer. When the SiN-capping layer is removed, there is no residual strain remaining in the channel. The Id-Vg characteristics of the same devices are shown in figure 3.3. We can see that the impact of SiN-capping layer mentioned above also reflects on the result of transconductance (Gm). It is also seen that the subthreshold slope of all devices almost does not appear to be influenced by the SiN-capping or SiN-removal. Figure 3.4 shows the subthreshold swing for all splits. It indicates that there was only a slight change in subthreshold swing with SiN-capping or SiN-removal.

Nevertheless, a slightly higher transconductance in SiN-removal splits over the controls was observed, as shown in figure 3.3(b). It can be ascribed to the decrease of interface state density with the deposition of the SiN capping layer. It is well known that hydrogen species can effectively passivate the dangling bonds at the Si/SiO2 interface.


reaction precursors, so the reaction chamber would be filled with hydrogen species during the deposition process. The hydrogen species would in turn passivate the dangling bonds at the Si/SiO2 interface. Figure 3.5 shows the results of charge pumping

measurements for all splits. It agrees with the aforementioned inference that Icp of the SiN-removal splits is less than that of the controls, as shown in figure 3.5(b). This also explains why Gm in the SiN-removal splits is slightly larger than that in the control ones, as shown previously in figure 3.3(b). From figure 3.5(a), we can see that the channel strain indeed causes the increase of interface states at the Si/SiO2 interface.

Nevertheless, an interesting result is also observed that the charge pumping current decreases with increasing SiN-capping thickness ( figure 3.5(a)). It is because when the SiN deposition time is prolonged, more and more hydrogen species participate in interface state passivation. In other words, there are two factors that change the interface state density. One is the hydrogen species from the reaction precursors and the other is the stress induced by the SiN capping layer.

Figure 3.6 shows the percentage increase of the drive current of the SiN-capped and SiN-removal samples compared with the controls, as a function of channel length. We can see that the drive current enhancement reaches about 12%, 17%, and 20% at a channel length of 0.4 µm for devices with SiN thickness of 100 nm, 200 nm, and 300 nm, respectively, while SiN-removal devices show essentially no enhancement. It can also be seen that when the channel length decreases, the strain effect enhances. In other words, the strain is distributed locally near the source and drain. So the drain current enhancement becomes more prominent with decreasing channel length. The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the samples are shown in figure 3.7. It can be seen that the oxide thickness difference among the splits is negligible, albeit slightly larger poly depletion effect is observed in the SiN-capped and SiN-removal devices. We believe this is caused by the SiN deposition. Since the temperature of the LPCVD


system was brought up to 780˚C for SiN deposition, out-diffusion of poly gate dopant at such a high temperature may be one of the factors that lower the inversion gate capacitance. However, the origin of this phenomenon remains unclear and more efforts are needed for a full understanding at this stage.

3-1.2 Short Channel Effect

Threshold voltage (Vth) roll-off characteristics of the devices are shown in figure

3.8. The results are obtained at VDS = 0.05 V. It is worth noting that the control sample

depicts a reverse-short-channel-effect (RSCE). This can probably be explained by boron segregation at the implant-damaged regions located near the edge of the channel [32]. However, this phenomenon is not observed on the SiN-capped and SiN-removal splits. Additional thermal budget associated with the SiN deposition step would reduce the boron segregation effect, explaining the suppression of the RSCE as shown in figure 3.8(b). Another interesting trend is shown in figure 3.8(a). It can be seen that a grave Vth roll-off behavior is observed for the SiN-capped devices, however, the phenomenon is puny for the SiN-removal devices, as shown in figure 3.8(b). It indicates that the channel strain induced by the SiN capping layer is relaxed by removing the SiN capping layer. Since the bandgap narrowing effect caused by channel stress [17] is negligible when the SiN is removed, so the SiN-removal splits show better Vth roll-off behavior than the SiN-capped counterparts.

Drain induced barrier lowing (DIBL) is another guide for evaluating the short channel effects. We use the interpolation method to calculate DIBL effect for all splits. The results are shown in figure 3.9. It is clearly seen that there is no distinguishable difference among all splits. It appears that the SiN capping layer will not complicate the DIBL effect of the samples.


3-2 Hot Carrier Degradation of Locally Strained NMOSFETs

3-2.1 Substrate current and impact ionization rate

A hot carrier with sufficient energy can creation more charge carriers through impact ionization. For NMOSFET devices, holes generated by impact ionization are collected by the substrate. Figure 3.10 shows the substrate current (Isub) versus gate

voltage for all splits of devices. It can be seen that the substrate current of the SiN-capped devices is larger than that of the SiN-removal counterparts. This result shows clearly that the channel strain plays an important part in affecting the generation of channel hot electrons and the associated impact ionization process. Bandgap narrowing and mobility enhancement, both due to channel strain, may mainly be the whys and wherefores to enhance the ionization rate [33]. Also it is noted that a larger substrate current is observed as the SiN thickness increases, which is attributed to the increased mobility with increasing SiN thickness. It is also interesting to note that, as in figure 3.10(b), substrate current in the SiN-removal splits is a slightly larger than the control counterparts. This can be explained by the additional thermal budget associated with the fabrication that serves to reduce the implant damage near the drain region, and the extra hydrogen species incorporated that can passivate the dangling bonds at the Si/SiO2 interface, as mention above. The extra weak Si-H bonds would enhance the

ionization rate and produce more hot electrons and holes [34, 35], so the substrate current of SiN-removal samples is larger than that of the controls.

Figure 3.11 shows the impact ionization rate (Isub/ID) in all splits. Strangely, the

impact ionization rate (Isub /ID) is nearly the same irrespective of the thickness of SiN

capping layer. This result is different from the aforementioned results of substrate current, shown previously in figure 3.10(a). Bandgap narrowing due to strained channel will increase the barrier for electrons going from the silicon conduction band to the


conduction band of the gate electrode, so that SiN-capped samplesdo not show larger Isub/ID. Enhanced drain current (ID) due to strained channel will be another reason.

3-2.2 Hot carrier stress

As discussed above, it is expected that devices with SiN capping would show aggravated hot carrier degradation. Figure 3.12 and figure 3.13 show threshold voltage shift and increased interface state density, respectively, for all splits of devices that received hot-electron stressing at VDS = 4.5 V and VGS at maximum substrate current.

All devices are with channel length/width = 0.5µm/10µm. Note that, although the SiN capping may significantly worsen the degradation, the difference among samples with different SiN thickness is very small.

To carry out the painstaking task of investigating the impact of SiN capping layer on the device, we concentrate on comparing the control, 300nm-SiN-capped and 300nm-SiN-removal splits. Typical results of hot-electron stressing for the three splits of samples are shown in figure 3.14. Channel length and width of the test devices are 0.5 µm and 10 µm, respectively. The devices were stressed at VDS = 4.5 V and VGS at

maximum substrate current. The ID-VG characteristics at VDS = 0.05 V were measured

before and after the stress to evaluate the degradation caused by the hot electrons. As shown in figure 3.14, the degradation is the worst in the SiN-capped sample among the three splits. The aggravation is alleviated in the SiN-removal sample, though the resultant degradation is still worse than the control counterpart.

Figure 3.15 shows the shift of threshold voltage (∆Vth), degraded peak

transconductance (∆Gm ), and increased interface state density (ΔNit) as a function of

the stress time. As mentioned above, the device with channel strain depicts aggravated degradation in terms of larger shifts in these parameters. We assume that the bandgap narrowing effect and the increased carrier mobility in the strained channel devices [33,


36] are the two primary culprits for the aggravated hot carrier degradation in the SiN-capped samples. These two factors may increase the impact ionization rate in the device, which is evidenced in figure 3.10, and lead to higher degradation.

Despite the relieving of the channel strain by SiN removal, the SiN-removal sample also shows much severe degradation than the control sample, as shown in figure 3.14 and figure 3.15. This phenomenon distinctly indicates that the SiN deposition process itself may result in the enhanced damage effect in the short channel devices. According to previous reports [33, 37], interface states could be generated due to the breaking of Si-H bonds by hot electrons, and the generated interface states would greatly degrade the device performance. Figure 3.16 shows charge pumping current for the three splits of fresh devices. As mentioned above, the SiN-removal sample shows the smallest charge pumping current (Icp) among all three splits which is due to the use of H-containing precursors (e.g., SiH2Cl2 and NH3) in the SiN deposition step. However,

hot carrier degradation would not follow this trend even if the SiN-removal sample has lower interface trap density. Figure 3.17 shows the increase in charge pumping current after 5000 s hot carrier stress (VG@Isubmax and VDS = 4.5 V) for the three splits of

devices. It is seen that more interface states than those in the control sample are actually generated in the SiN-removal device, implying that the extra hydrogen species from SiN layer are an important contributor for the aggravated degradation.

3-3 Analysis of the Distribution of Interface Trap Density

The measurement presented in section 2-2.3 was used to extract lateral distribution of interface trap state. It should be noted that the local Vth and Vfb, across the MOSFET,

are not uniform due to the lateral doping variation as shown in figure 3.18. In order to detect the interface states, the voltage pulses applied during measurements must


undergo alternate accumulation and inversion cycles. Therefore, there should be no Icp as the high-level voltage (Vh) is lower than the minimum Vth under the gate. Only after

Vh starts to exceed the local Vth in the channel will Icp begin to grow. Before Vh reaches

the maximum local Vth in the channel, only interface states residing near the drain side

will contribute to Icp, as the needed electrons cannot yet flow to the drain side from the source.

We choose the control sample for an example. If we assume that the interface state density is spatially uniform along the channel, which can be written as


cp it

I =q f N W L (3-1)

where f is the gate pulse frequency, W is the channel width, and L is the channel length. Because Vth is not uniformly distributed, when Vh reaches the maximum local Vth in the

channel, only interface states residing near the drain side (i.e., the shadow region in figure 3.18) will contribute to Icp. In figure 3.19, the corresponding Icp (Vh) comes

from the interface state distributed in the region between the gate edge and the position where its local Vth equals Vh, i.e.,

( )

cp h it

I V =q f N W x (3-2)

where x represents the distance from the gate edge to the position where Vth (x) = Vh.

Comparing (3-1) and (3-2), we can derive

( )

max , cp h cp I V LI x= (3-3) Figure 3.20 shows the local Vth versus distance x of the control sample. The local Vth

decreases sharply as x is smaller than 0.07 µm. We can presume that the drain junction is near x = 0.07 µm.

After subjecting to 10 second of hot carrier stress (VG@Isubmax and VDS = 4.5 V),


proportional to the number of generated interface traps from the gate edge to the point x. ∆Icp can be written as

( )

0 x cp it I q f W N x dx ∆ =

(3-4) Therefore, the Nit(x) generated by the hot carrier stress can be expressed as follows:

( )

1 1 cp cp h it h d I d I dV N x dx q f W dV dx q f W ∆ ∆ = = (3-5) The relationship of dVh

dx versus x can be derived from Vh versus x, so the lateral distribution, Nit (x), could be obtained from the procedure mentioned above.

By the same procedure, the derived lateral profiles of the interface states for all splits of devices could be extracted by Eq. (3-5), and the results are shown in figure 3.22. From this figure we can directly calculate the damage region and the amount of interface states generated by the hot-carrier stress. We can see that the damage region is confined within the drain edge in all splits. This is reasonable since the hot-carrier effect is localized. It is obviously seen that interface state generation sharply increases in SiN-capped samples near the drain region, and the SiN-removal samples also show larger degradation than the control counterparts, even though the channel strain has been eliminated in these devices. These results are consistent with those mentioned above in section 3-2. In short, channel strain is responsible for the gravest hot carrier degradation observed in SiN-capped samples, while hydrogen species piled up at the source/drain edge during the SiN deposition is responsible for the slightly larger interface state generation in the SiN-removal devices over the control devices.


Chapter 4

Summary and Conclusion

In this thesis, the effects of LPCVD SiN process and the channel strain induced by the SiN-capping layer on the device characteristics and hot-electron degradation were investigated. Several important phenomena were observed and summarized as follows.

First, the channel strain induced by the SiN capping layer over the gate greatly boosts the drive current of short-channel devices. For example, enhancement ratio up to 20 % is achieved for the device with 300nm SiN-capping layer at a channel length of 0.4 µm. The SiN-removal devices show slightly higher Gm than the control sample owing to the passivation of the hydrogen species during the deposition process. Thermal budget associated with the deposition of the SiN capping layer could alleviate the reverse short-channel effect of the uncapped devices. Moreover, the bandgap narrowing effect due to the channel strain may result in further lowering in Vth as the channel

length is shortened.

Secondly, hot-electron degradation is adversely affected when the SiN is deposited over the gate, even if the channel strain is relieved by subsequent SiN removal. The accompanying bandgap narrowing and the increased carrier mobility tend to worsen the hot-electron reliability in the SiN-capped devices. However, the hot carrier degradation of devices with SiN capping is independent of SiN thickness due to bandgap narrowing. Finally, enhanced edge effect caused by the hot carrier stress is also observed in SiN-removal devices.

In this work, additional thermal budget and hydrogen species are the two prime culprits for aggravated reliabilities in strained devices. Optimization of both SiN deposition process and the film properties are thus essential for the implementation of the uniaxial strain in NMOS devices.



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Fig.1.1 Logical potential solution on International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. (a) From Process Integration, Devices, and Structure in 2003 [4]. (b) From Process Integration, Devices, and Structure in 2005 [5].

Qualification /

Pre - Production







Fig.1.2 Fig. 1.2 Simple schematic of conduction and valence band bending with strain [8].


Fig.1.3 Schematic diagram of the energy sub-bands with unstrained and bi-axial strain in an MOS inversion layer [9].


Fig.1.4 Schematic diagram of the valence bands E vs. k in uni-axial strained and bi-axial strain Si layers [10].



SiN Layer



W/O (control)

SIN 300nm

Remove SIN


SIN 200nm

Remove SIN


SIN 100nm






Remove SIN



3000 Å


Fig.2.1 Schematic cross section of the locally-strained-channel NMOSFET.



























Fig.2.2 Setup structure for charge pumping. Switch HP 4156 GPIB p-substrate n+ Source n+ Drain n+ Gate e -h+ HP 81110A Pulse Generator


Fig.2.3 Schematic illustrations for the charge pumping measurement with (a) fixed amplitude, (b) fixed base sweep, and (c) fixed peak sweep. The arrows indicate the sweep directions.






Vh Vl




fb Vh Vl


Vh Vl







Fig.2.4 Measurement setup of single-junction charge pumping measurement.












Fixed base mode






=-0.8V ~ -1V






SiN Thickness (nm)




Tensile Stress (MPa)








VG-Vth = 0.4~2V, step = 0.8V

Drain Voltage (V)






Drain Current (mA)








Control 300nm 200nm 100nm SiN-Capped


VG-Vth = 0.4~2V, step = 0.8V

Drain Voltage (V)






Drain Current (mA)







Control 300nm 200nm 100nm SiN-Removal


Fig.3.2 ID-VD Characteristics of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width

= 0.5µm /10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thicknesses. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices.


Gate Voltage (V)








Drain Current (A)





























Transconductance (













VDS = 1.5V VDS = 0.05V



Gate Voltage (V)








Drain Current (A)





























Transconductance (













VDS = 1.5V VDS = 0.05V



Fig.3.3 Subthreshold characteristics and transconductance of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width = 0.5µm /10µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices.



SiN 300n





N 200n





N 100n


Remove 100nm

Subthreshold Swing (mV/dec)








Fig.3.4 Subthreshold swing of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width = 0.5µm /10µm.


Fresh SiN-Capped

Base Voltage (V)







ge Pumping Curr

ent (nA)






Control 300nm 200nm 100nm


Fresh SiN-Removal

Base Voltage (V)






Charge Pumping Current (nA) 0.00








Control 300nm 200nm 100nm


Fig.3.5 Charge pumping current of different splits of NMOSFETs. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices.


ID,sat at VG - Vth = 2V , VDS = 2V

Gate Length (






/ I

D,sa t








300nm 200nm 100nm SiN-Capped


ID,sat at VG - Vth = 2V , VDS = 2V

Gate Length (





D, sat

/ I

D, sat









300nm 200nm 100nm SiN-Removal


Fig.3.6 Increase in saturation current versus channel length. The saturation current was measured at VG – Vth = -2 V and VDS = -2 V. (a) Control and SiN-capped



Gate Voltage (V)






Capacitance (










Control 300nm 200nm 100nm



Gate Voltage (V)






Capacitance (










Control 300nm 200nm 100nm


Fig.3.7 Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics of different splits of NMOSFETs. Channel length/width = 50µm /50µm. (a) Control and SiN-capped devices with three different thickness. (b) Control and SiN-removal devices.



6 《中論·觀因緣品》,《佛藏要籍選刊》第 9 冊,上海古籍出版社 1994 年版,第 1

After students have had ample practice with developing characters, describing a setting and writing realistic dialogue, they will need to go back to the Short Story Writing Task

• helps teachers collect learning evidence to provide timely feedback &amp; refine teaching strategies.. AaL • engages students in reflecting on &amp; monitoring their progress

However, dictation is a mind-boggling task to a lot of learners in primary schools, especially to those who have not developed any strategies (e.g. applying phonological

Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the 1) t_______ of York in the seventeenth century, the youngest son of a merchant of German origin. This trip is financially successful,

fostering independent application of reading strategies Strategy 7: Provide opportunities for students to track, reflect on, and share their learning progress (destination). •

Strategy 3: Offer descriptive feedback during the learning process (enabling strategy). Where the

How does drama help to develop English language skills.. In Forms 2-6, students develop their self-expression by participating in a wide range of activities