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農產廢棄物堆肥化處理機械對果菜廢棄物堆肥化之研究The Study Using Agricultural Waste Composting Machinery in Fruit and Vegetable Wastes


Academic year: 2021

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(1)102年度農業工程與自動化計畫成果研討會論文集,台中市,2013. 農產廢棄物堆肥化處理機械對果菜廢棄物堆肥化之研究 許凱棟 1,王豐政 2 1 2. 國立中興大學生物產業機電工程學系 碩士研究生 國立中興大學生物產業機電工程學系 副教授,通訊作者 摘要. 果菜廢棄物含水率高、易腐臭、體積大、熱值低、成分不均,焚化處理須消耗大量能源及 費用;直接曝曬成有機堆肥,需龐大空間且易生蚊蠅蟲鼠,易造成二次污染。本研究以台中市 果菜市場產出之蔬果廢棄物,經過收集、分選與前處理後,再經高效率的好氧發酵處理,製成 有機質肥料回歸農田使用。本試驗以果菜市場之廢棄物為研究資材,原料經環保公司收集後, 送至本處理機械進行堆肥化,利用旋窯式發酵機進行混合攪拌,能調整發酵槽的運轉次數、運 轉時間、正反轉與緊急停止等操作,槽外亦設有鼓風機及其控制電路,設定攪拌筒內部攪拌槽 的通風量及氣體流通狀態,提高堆肥化的效率。進料採用雙軸式圓盤切割刀,將原料切碎至 5-7 公分長之碎片,本試驗採無添加任何副資材方式,調整其孔隙率、C/N 比、及含水率。本 研究共進行三批次試驗,因應試驗季節不同,原物料的配比也隨之不同,且因資材含水率高, 靜置一天使堆體中自由水分流出,發酵初期每八小時量測一次堆體溫度,並控制翻堆停止時 間,每隔八小時翻堆二十分鐘,前 4 天連續採樣,之後 2~4 天取樣一次,樣本立即分析其 pH 值、導電度(E.C.值) 、含水率、灰分、有機質等,直至堆肥腐熟後數日。三批次試驗結果為: 以本堆肥化處理機械進行不同季節之果菜廢棄物堆肥發酵試驗,腐熟天數為:夏季 31 天、秋 季 61 天、冬季 55 天,堆肥化過程採樣分析顯示環境溫度及資材種類皆會影響其發酵所需之時 間;而經三批次堆肥化試驗之熟成堆肥經採樣分析結果皆符合我國『肥料種類品目及規格』對 『雜項堆肥』規定,足證本一貫化農產廢棄物堆肥化處理機械對含水率含量高達 90%以上之 果菜廢棄物堆肥化處理確切可行。 關鍵詞:堆肥化、有機堆肥、果菜廢棄物、旋窯式發酵機。 一、前言 現行果菜市場之有機廢棄物多數是由清運公司統一運至當地焚化爐或處理廠及衛生掩 埋場處理,但果菜廢棄物含水率高、易腐臭、體積大、熱值低、成分不均,如直接焚化處 理則必須消耗大量能源及費用,不符合經濟原則。就台中市而言,部分果菜市場之有機廢 棄物由清運公司初步篩選後採直接曝曬成有機堆肥,此法易生蚊蠅蟲鼠,易造成二次污染。 日本、荷蘭、歐盟、經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)等國家亦於 2011 年持續精進其資源 循環再利用政策,以朝向資源循環零廢棄物的方向前進(行政院環保署)。 本研究將以台中市果菜批發市場每天產出之蔬果有機廢棄物,在事先經過有系統的收 集、前處理與醱酵處理,製成有機質肥料以回歸農田使用,不但能改善土壤物理性、化學 性及維護土壤微生物相之平衡與活性,大大減少對環境的污染,希望能推廣給有關單位與 各地果菜市場處理有機廢棄物之用。 106.

(2) 雞毛 3%. 雞毛 3%. 筊白筍 20%. 椪柑 20%. 葉菜類 40%. 迴流產品 10%. 甘蔗 20%. 葉菜類 40%. 迴流產品 10%. 果皮、果肉 27%. 果皮、果肉 27%. 45. 60. 料溫(℃) 環溫(℃). 55. 料溫(℃) 環溫(℃). 50. 50. 葉菜類 40%. 迴流產品 10%. 果皮、果肉 27%. 60. 料溫(℃) 環溫(℃). 40. 45 40 35. 料溫(℃). 35. 料溫(℃). 料溫(℃). 雞毛 3%. 40. 30. 30 25 20. 30 20. 25 20 0. 5. 10. 15. 時間(days). 20. 25. 30. 35. 15 10. 10 0. 10. 20. 30. 時間(days). 40. 50. 60. 70. 0. 10. 20. 30. 時間(days). 40. 50. 60.

(3) 90. 90. 85. 85. 80. 100. 90. 含水率(%). 95. 含水率(%). 含水率(%). 95. 80. 75. 75. 70. 70. 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 0. 35. 10. 20. 時間(days). 7.5. 8.5. 7.0. 8.0. 50. 60. 50. 70. 0. 6.0. 30. 40. 50. 60. 8. 7.0 6.5. 7. 6. 5.5. 4.5. 20. 9. 6.0. 5.0. 10. 時間(days). pH值 pH值. pH值. pH值. 40. 7.5. 5.5. 5. 5.0 4.5. 4.0 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 4. 35. 0. 10. 時間(days). 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 0. 70. 10. 16. 14. 14. 12. 6. 10 8 6. 10. 15. 時間(days). 20. 25. 30. 35. 50. 60. 8 6. 2. 2. 5. 40. 4. 4 4. 0. 30. 10. 導電度(EC). 導電度(EC). 8. 20. 時間(days) 時間(days). 12. 0. 10. 時間(days). 12. 導電度(EC). 30. 時間(days). 6.5. 2. 70. 60. 65. 65. 80. 0. 10. 20. 30. 時間(days). 40. 50. 60. 70. 0 0. 10. 20. 30. 時間(days). 40. 50. 60.

(4) 95. 88. 90. 84. 80. 75. 85. 82. 有機質(%). 85. 有機質(%). 有機質(%). 95. 86. 90. 80 78 76 74. 70 65. 70 65. 68 0. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 0. 35. 10. 20. 時間(days). 30. 40. 50. 60. 60. 70. 0. 20 18. 碳氮比 C/N ratio. 碳氮比 C/N ratio. 22. 20 18 16 14. 20. 時間(days). 30. 40. 60. 20 18 16 14. 12. 12. 10. 10. 8 10. 50. 22. 22. 24. 40. 24. 24. 26. 30. 26. 26 28. 20. 時間(days). 28. 0. 10. 時間(days). 30. 碳氮比 C/N ratio. 75. 72. 70. 16. 80. 8 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 時間(days). 50. 60. 70. 0. 10. 20. 30. 時間(days). 40. 50. 60.

(5) 參考文獻 1. 林子傑。2001。廚餘堆肥控制策略之探討。國立臺灣大學生物產業機電工程學研究所碩 士論文。 2. 洪明龍。2000。家庭廚餘與下水污泥共同堆肥之資源化研究。國立臺灣大學環境工程學 研究所論文。 3. 簡宣裕、吳繼光。1994 年。廢棄太空包木屑、雞糞製造堆肥之研究。土壤試驗報告。 4. Itavaara M ,Vikman M ,Venelampi O. 1997. Window compostingof biodegradable packaging materials. Compost Sci Util ,5 (2) : 84-92. 5. Morel TL ,Conlin F , Germon J ,et al. 1985. Methods for the eval2uation of the maturity of municipal refuse compost . In : Gasser J KRed. Composting of Agricultural and Other Wastes. London & NewYork : Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. 56-72. 6. Suzuki, M. and K. Kumada (1977). "Nitrogen transformation during the rotting process of rice straw compost." Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23(2): 163-174. 7. Shin, H.S., Han, S.K., Song, Y.C., Lee, C.Y., (2001), “ Performance of UASB reactor treating leachate from acidogenic fermenter in the two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste”. PII: S0043-1354 (01) 00041-0. 8. Witter, E. and J. M. Lopez-Real (1987). "The Potential of Sewage Sludge and Composting in a Nitrogen Recycling Strategy for Agriculture." Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 5(1): 1-23. 9. Bernai, M. P., C. Paredes, et al. (1998). "Maturity and stability parameters of composts prepared with a wide range of organic wastes." Bioresource Technology 63(1): 91-99. 10. Ste-Marie, C. and D. Paré (1999). "Soil, pH and N availability effects on net nitrification in the forest floors of a range of boreal forest stands." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31(11): 1579-1589.. 110.

(6) Proceedings of the Symposium on Agricultural Engineering and Automation Project Achievements, 2013. The Study Using Agricultural Waste Composting Machinery in Fruit and Vegetable Wastes Composting Kai-Dong Xu1, Feng-Jehng Wang2 1. 2. Graduate Student, Dept. of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University Associate Professor, Dept. of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Corresponding Author. Abstract Fruit and vegetable wastes was a high moisture content, easy rancid, bulky, low heat value, composition uneven, incineration must consume large amounts of energy and costs. If direct sunlight into organic compost must need a large space and prone to pest mosquitoes and easy to cause secondary pollution. In this study, the waste of fruits and vegetables market of Taichung has through collected , sorted and pre-treated , and then by an efficient aerobic fermentation process to produce organic fertilizer and return farmland using. In this experiment, fruits and vegetables market waste was as the research materials. Raw materials were collected by an environmental company and sent to the experimental composting machine. It was using a rotary kiln type fermentation machine to mixing and fermentation. Its fermentation tank can adjust the operation frequency , running time , and reversible turn with emergency stop. At outside of the tank also has a blower and its control circuit to control the internal mixing tank ventilation volume and gas flow condition to improve the efficiency of composting. Materials feeder used a set of biaxial type disc cutters to chop to 5-7 cm long of debris. This experiment adopted without adding any sub-materials, adjusting its porosity, C / N ratio, and moisture content. In this study, a total of three batches of test. In response different testing seasons, the ratio of raw materials also were different. Because of high moisture content of materials, the fermentation tank stilled turning one day let freely water drained out. Initial fermented stage measured the temperature once every eight hours and controlled the fermentation tank turning stop time, interval of eight hours turning twenty minutes, continuous samples in the first 4 days, 2- 4 days after the sampling time. The samples analyzed immediately pH, conductivity (EC value ) , aqueous rate, ash, organic matter, etc., until a few days after composting. Three batches of test results : To composting machinery for different seasons of fruit and vegetable wastes composting test, the number of days to maturity: 31 days in summer, 61 days in autumn, and 55 days in winter. Composting process sampling analysis showed ambient temperature and type of materials would influence the time required for fermentation. And after three batches of compost matured compost test results of the analysis by sampling, can meet our CNS requirements of miscellaneous materials. This proved that agricultural wastes composting machinery for moisture content of up to 90% of the fruit and vegetable wastes composting exact feasible. Keywords: Compost, Organic compost, Fruit and vegetable wastes. 111.





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