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(1)100-2 共同考科. 英文. 一、字彙題 說明:第 1∼8 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字或片語,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字或 片語意義最接近的答案。第 9∼15 題,請選擇一個最適當的答案,以完成該句。 1. The company requires that we read the instructions before using any machine. (A) accomplishes (B) demands (C) ignores (D) reminds 2. Tina was so considerate that she did some extra household chores in addition to what her mom assigned. (A) available (B) actual (C) accidental (D) additional 3. For people who work in an office, getting some exercise on the weekend is strongly recommended. (A) produced (B) consumed (C) suggested (D) handled 4. The magnificent scenery of the Great Canyon is really impressive to me. (A) improper (B) impossible (C) uncomfortable (D) unforgettable 5. Excuse me, I would like to book a table for six people on Saturday evening. (A) conserve (B) reserve (C) preserve (D) observe 6. Frank is my colleague; we have worked in the same company for more than ten years. (A) company (B) client (C) customer (D) coworker 7. Air is made up of many gases, such as oxygen and hydrogen. (A) contains (B) confuses (C) converses (D) constructs 8. The athlete fell down and got hurt in the race. (A) accident (C) competition. (B) fight (D) field. 9. In western culture, personal questions, such as “Are you married?” or “How old are you?” are usually in small talk. (A) adjusted (B) accompanied (C) avoided (D) assigned 10. To be relieved of the (A) surgery 11. Jason has photographic (A) memory (C) manager 共7頁. of work, Mr. Jefferson took a vacation to Europe. (B) stress (C) support (D) surface ; he remembers clearly what I told him ten years ago. (B) magnet (D) master 第 1 頁.

(2) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. 12. The Great Wall of China is one of the UNESCO(聯合國教科文組織) 890 World Heritage Sites that this aims to protect. (A) abbreviation (B) transportation (C) pronunciation (D) organization 13. Most babies are born about what’s happening around him or her. That’s why they tend to touch whatever they see and easily get hurt. (A) outstanding (B) curious (C) digital (D) diligent 14. Let’s all (A) cooperate. so that we can get this duty done quickly. (B) contact (C) connect. (D) control. in this room. 15. Due to the increasing heat, an air conditioner will be (A) imported (B) produced (C) installed (D) invented. 二、對話題 說明:第 16∼25 題,請依對話內容,選出一個最適當的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。 16. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Mr. Wang: Yes, I’ll have filet mignon. Waiter: How would you like it cooked? Mr. Wang: (A) I like it very much. (B) Yes, please. (C) Medium rare. (D) I’ll have T-bone steak. 17. Mom: Did you visit your grandparents the other day? Joy: I did. Mom: How’ve they been recently? Joy: They really enjoy their retirement. (A) Mind your own business. (B) Couldn’t be better. (C) Let’s find out. (D) Let’s call it a day. 18. Voice: Hello, may I speak to Miss Thomas, please? Lucy: I am sorry that Miss Thomas is not in right now. Voice: Yes, this is her friend Sandy and please ask her to call me when she gets in. Lucy: OK. (A) Would you like to leave a message? (B) May I leave a message? (C) Oh, I am sorry. (D) Who’s calling, please?. 第 2 頁. 共7頁.

(3) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. 19. Salesclerk: Good morning, madam. May I help you? Amy: Yes, I bought this shirt yesterday, and it is torn here. Salesclerk: Oh, I am sorry. (A) Would you like to try a larger size? (B) This is the largest size. (C) How much did you pay for it? (D) You can exchange it for a new one. 20. Cathy: So how did you do in the tryout? Fanny: But there were still other people doing better than me. Cathy: It’s OK. As long as you did your best. (A) I guess it’s just a tryout. (B) I think I did all right. (C) Don’t sound so pessimistic. (D) The tryout was over. 21. Officer: Hello, show me your passport, please. Lily: Yes, here you are. Officer: What’s the purpose of your visit here? Lily: (A) Sightseeing. (B) I’ll stay at the local hotel. (C) For two weeks. (D) I’ll go by plane. 22. Bonny: Alice, can I borrow your dictionary? Alice: Sure. Bonny: Thanks. (A) Here you are. (C) There you go.. (B) Here we are. (D) Here we go.. 23. Foreigner: Excuse me, can you tell me where the First Department Store is? Eric: Yes, it’s near. Walk straight ahead for two blocks. It’s on the corner of Hoping East Road and Datong Road. (A) You’d better take a taxi. (B) You can’t miss it. (C) You should have told me earlier. (D) Take your time. 24. Betty: I need to use the public telephone. I have to call my mom. Ken: There is no need. You can borrow my cell phone. Thanks a lot. Betty: Really? (A) It’s a pity. (B) You are telling me. (C) That’s great. (D) You got me. 共7頁. 第 3 頁.

(4) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. 25. Restaurant: Lai-lai Steak House. Jason: Hi. Restaurant: O.K. What time would you like to come? Jason: About six o’clock. (A) What can I do for you? (B) Is there any vacancy, please? (C) I would like to reserve a table for three for Saturday evening. (D) Is Dr. Thomas available now?. 三、綜合測驗 說明:下面兩篇短文,共有十五格空格,為第 26∼40 題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 ▲下篇短文共有 7 個空格,為第 26 至 32 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 Spending too much time in front of a TV screen may be even worse for kids than it was generally thought. According to a new study, excessive screen time 26 children’s blood pressure--even 27 they’re not overweight. In the study of 111 cases, blood pressure was six to seven points 28 in kids who watched TV three or more hours a day than in 29 spent only about ten minutes 30 . “That’s enough to 31 long-term health,” said researcher Joe Eisenmann, PhD, at Michigan State University. “For your kid’s heart health,” he said, “ 32 everyday screen time to two hours and aim for an hour of heart-pumping, off-the-couch activity.” 26. (A) raises (B) rises (C) arises (D) arouses 27. (A) that (C) as. (B) what (D) if. 28. (A) lower (C) bigger. (B) higher (D) smaller. 29. (A) who (C) them who. (B) those (D) those who. 30. (A) diary (C) daily. (B) dairy (D) everyday. 31. (A) effect (C) affect. (B) effective (D) affection. 32. (A) spend (C) watch. (B) limit (D) save. 第 4 頁. 共7頁.

(5) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. ▲下篇短文共有 8 個空格,為第 33 至 40 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 We all believe Americans are friendly, the French are romantic, and that the Japanese are polite. But wait a minute. These common stereotypes, which people around the world believe, are actually incorrect. Recently, a new study has shown that though cultural stereotypes are commonly believed, they are usually 33 . The results of this research 34 presented in the journal Science. In the study, 4,000 people from 49 cultures received surveys 35 them to describe a typical person from their own country. Then, participants were told to describe themselves and people they knew from their culture. When the two surveys were finished and compared, the results did not match. 36 , the ways in which participants thought of a typical person from their own culture and the ways in which they thought of themselves were different. 37 Germans as an example. They are often thought to be orderly and efficient. However, as the research shows, most Germans don’t believe that they themselves are that way at all. They might even and passionate. Though they know that a stereotype about Germans consider themselves as 38 exists and might even believe that other Germans act that way, it’s interesting that they believe they are the 39 to it. From the example above, we can see just how unreliable stereotypes are. So, the next time when you want to use stereotypes to describe someone as a stereotypical person from any country, think twice. After all, national stereotypes can provide some information about a culture, 40 they do not describe people. 33. (A) correct (C) unavoidable. (B) incredible (D) untrue. 34. (A) were (C) would be. (B) is (D) was. 35. (A) ask (C) to ask. (B) asking (D) asked. 36. (A) What’s more (C) In other words. (B) However (D) Therefore. 37. (A) Ask (C) Get. (B) Have (D) Take. 38. (A) wild (C) habitual. (B) smooth (D) vacant. 39. (A) additions (C) invitations. (B) exceptions (D) examples. 40. (A) however (C) but. (B) so (D) because. 共7頁. 第 5 頁.

(6) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. 四、閱讀測驗 說明:以下兩篇短文,共有 10 個題目,為第 41∼50 題,請閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。 ▲閱讀下文,回答第 41-45 題。. PAIN RELIEVER/SLEEP AID Uses: temporary relief of occasional headaches and minor aches and pains with accompanying sleeplessness. Directions: *Take two caplets at bedtime or as directed by a doctor. *Do not overdose. Warnings: Alcohol warnings: If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask your doctor whether you should take this product (containing acetaminophen (乙醯氨酚)) or other pain reliever. Acetaminophen may cause liver damage. Do not use: *with any other product containing acetaminophen, even used on skin. *in children under 12 years of age. Ask a doctor before use if you *have a breathing problem, such as emphysema (肺氣腫) or chronic bronchitis (支氣管炎). *are pregnant. When using this product: *drowsiness will occur. *do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery. Stop using and ask a doctor if *sleeplessness persists continuously for more than two weeks. Insomnia (失眠) may be a symptom of serious underlying medical reaction. *new symptoms occur. *pain gets worse or lasts for more than ten days. *fever gets worse or lasts for more than three days. Keep out of the reach of children. 41. What’s the major function of this medicine? (A) Fever reduction. (B) Cold cure.. (C) Cough relief.. (D) Pain relief.. 42. Why should this medicine be taken at bedtime? (A) Because it may cause sleeplessness. (B) Because it is harmful to liver. (C) Because it may cause new symptoms. (D) Because it may cause drowsiness. 43. How many caplets of this medicine should an adult consume a day? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 6. (D) 12. 44. Which of the following is NOT a condition on which one should stop using this medicine and ask a doctor? (A) Sleeplessness lasts for more than two weeks. (B) Drowsiness occurs after taking this medicine. (C) New symptoms occur. (D) Pain gets worse or lasts for more than ten days. 45. What can one do after taking this medicine? (A) Driving a vehicle. (C) Going to bed.. (B) Operating a machine. (D) Drinking alcoholic drinks.. 第 6 頁. 共7頁.

(7) 100-2 共同考科. 英文. ▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題。 Antarctica lies in the South Pole of our planet. Its severe climate and biological conditions provide an unique environment. It has the lowest temperature on our planet, reaching 70 degrees below zero Celsius with winds blowing to 300 km. per hour. Containing 90% of the planet’s ice, it’s the major storage of fresh water on Earth. About 99% of Antarctica is covered with ice to an approximate thickness of 2,500 meters. It’s estimated that if the ice in this continent should melt, the Earth’s ocean would rise 70 meters above the original level. Due to its vast reserve of ice, the Antarctic Continent has “refrigerator” functions to the Earth, including regulating the ocean currents and the world’s climate; therefore, any significant environmental influence would change the global patterns of weather with disastrous results. The arrival of the first tourists in the 1950’s was a main cause of environmental concern. To protect the ecology of this continent, some rules and regulations were made, such as restricted zones, a safe distance from the wild life (neither feeding nor touching animals), and rigid control of waste disposal. Owing to severe weather, Antarctica has no land animals. There live only penguins and some other sea birds, which are amazingly well adapted to the harsh conditions. 46. According to the passage, why were strict rules and regulations made for Antarctica? (A) To protect the ecology from the visitors’ damage. (B) To save land animals. (C) To keep the ice from melting. (D) To avoid the sea level from rising. 47. Which of the following is NOT one of the strict rules and regulations for Antarctica? (A) A safe distance from the wild life. (B) Not feeding the animals. (C) Rigid control of waste disposal. (D) Rigid control of tourists arrival. 48. When did Antarctica first become a tourist destination? (A) Fifty years ago. (B) Sixty years ago. (C) Seventy years ago. (D) Eighty years ago. 49. Why is Antarctica the major reserve of fresh water in the world? (A) Because it contains 90% of the Earth’s ice. (B) Because it has severe climate. (C) Because of its unique environment. (D) Because of its low temperature. 50. According to the article, what would happen if the ice layer of Antarctica should melt? (A) Most of the animals in Antarctica would go extinct. (B) The sea level of the Earth’s oceans would rise 70 meters higher. (C) The problem of water shortage in the world would become worse. (D) Strong winds would blow up to 300 km. per hour.. 共7頁. 第 7 頁.




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