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Academic year: 2021

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敬啟者: 謹以此信向貴院的醫療能力與服務致謝,從急診室到兒童病房的醫師、護理人員及所有工作人員都是我們感謝 的對象。 我們是來自美國洛杉磯的泰勒一家人,是短暫停留在這個美麗國家和城市的訪客,因為小兒奧利佛需要緊急醫 療而來到貴院。在這裡,我們遇到了如同守護天使般的內科林以玫小姐,小兒奧利佛及小女伊莎貝爾在她的引 導與協助之下,度過了最艱難的時期。我們是在一個星期六的下午與她相遇,當時她已經下班,得知我們需要 幫助,當即決定留下來陪伴我們,前後花了5個小時,直到我們住進醫院,並確保都已安全地待在病房才離開。 從第一天開始,她便協助我們確認備有住院所需要的物品,以及了解相關的人事物,並且帶來玩具和禮物給孩 子。她如此善良,所做的一切令人感動,我們感謝她,她的情義,我們將永誌不忘。 另外,我們還特別要感謝林曉娟醫師,林醫師花了很多心血和精力來幫助奧利佛和伊莎貝爾,令我們十分安 心。對父母而言,最牽掛的事莫過於孩子生病,尤其是身在異鄉,孩子的健康卻出了狀況,而我們不僅語言不 通,對這裡的醫療設備、治療與服務也不熟悉,不免更加擔憂,所幸林醫師能用流利的英語與我們溝通,她至 今也持續為兩個孩子治療,以確定他們是否能夠完全康復。 在此必須要說的是,我們在最艱難的時刻,對台灣留下了最美好的回憶,這裡有一群真正善良和無私的陌生 人,視我們為友,盡全力的給予照顧、關懷與奉獻,多次令我們感動到流淚。由衷地謝謝你們,我們將會帶著 這些不平凡的故事回美國,告訴家人和朋友。 最真誠的感恩 泰勒一家人 丹尼爾、艾格妮絲、伊莎貝爾與奧利弗 那一天 我為何會成為他們的守護天使 文/內科部 行政助理 林以玫 一個週六的下午5點多,我將台灣醫學會中區月會休息時間(coffee break)的餐點送至急重症大樓之後,回到辦公 室才發現會場有1張海報忘了撕下,所以打算重回兒童醫療大樓11樓會議室做最後的檢查。當時,來自美國的泰 勒夫婦帶著兩個年幼兒女,正在和警衛說話,見我經過,泰勒太太突然轉頭問我:「Can you speak


由於是週六下午,兒科休診,診間空盪盪的。小朋友發高燒那麼多天,事態嚴重,可不能拖,於是我建議到急 診室掛急診,並走到大樓門口指給他們看往急診室要怎麼走。

到11樓會議室撕了海報,檢查電燈和冷氣有無關好後,回到1樓,覺得或許應該去急診看看,因為擔心人生地 不熟的泰勒夫婦可能會走錯路,找不到急診…。到了急診室,發現他們一家4口還在檢傷櫃台,可能是當天病人

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 發現感動E報 第三十一期 Touched and Inspired http://www.cmuh.org.tw/2010/touched/34/3.php


很多,所以連初診單都還沒有填,我指引他們如何填初診單,並且協助掛號,再帶他們到兒科急診治療室,請 謝欣洋醫師看診,之後又陪他們去照X光。 我看奥力佛一直流鼻水,泰勒夫婦身上沒有帶足夠的衛生紙,所以去廁所拿一些給他擦。抽了血,謝醫師表示 大約要等1小時,檢查報告才會出來。當時已經將近晚上7點,心想他們肚子一定餓了,便回辦公室,拿了下午 開會多出的餐點回急診室讓他們暫時充飢,順便也拿了1包面紙給奥力佛擦鼻水。 謝醫師要下班時表示他已交班給下一位醫師,等檢查報告出來,會替奥力佛注射抗生素,注射前要先做盤尼西 林測試,如果沒有問題,打完針就安排住院。 我跟泰勒夫妻說,因為孩子要住院,最好先回旅館拿換洗衣物,我會留在這裡幫忙,泰勒太太回旅館拿東西 時,我則幫泰勒先生照顧兩個小孩。 不久,接獲急診同仁通知,大約9點半可以住進病房,將由林曉娟醫師照顧。我打電話向林醫師報告小朋友的狀 況,請她多多照顧。等到9點多,轉送中心人員來了,帶著我們坐車到兒童醫療大樓8樓,那裡有一位馬來西亞 籍的實習醫師英文很好,溝通無礙,所以就將泰勒一家人交給他們照顧。 由於當時接近晚上10時,泰勒太太還沒回到醫院,想起醫院深夜有門禁管制,擔心她萬一被攔阻在外又言語不 通,那該如何是好?於是離去時拜託警衛先生,如果有一位美國婦人超過10點要進來,請他放行,這位婦人的 小孩在8樓病房住院,請帶領她到病房,免得她在醫院裡迷路。 泰勒夫婦後來寫信給醫院,說我是他們孩子的守護天使,其實我只是將心比心,在他們最需要的時候多做了一 點點。我想,即時的陪伴與協助,對每個在陌生環境碰到困難的人來說,都是最溫暖的。只要肯做,每一個人 都可以成為別人的守護天使。

To whom it may concern,

we are writing this note to express our gratitude and appreciation towards your medical facility, it's resident doctors, nurses and all other staff working there from the emergency room to the children's ward.

To introduce ourselves, we are the Taylor family from Los Angeles, USA, and we are temporary guests in your beautiful country and city. Our son, Oliver had a medical emergency that brought us to your hospital, and it was here, that we met our guardian angel - I-mei Lin, from the Department of Internal Medicine, who has been our guide and support through our difficult times first with our boy, and later on with our daughter, Izabell. When she met us by chance, it was a Saturday afternoon, and her shift has already ended for the day, but she saw that we needed help and decided to stay with us for the following five hours until we were admitted to the hospital and safely in our room. Since that first day, she has made sure that we had

everything we needed, that we understood everything and everyone, she has brought toys and gifts for our children and showered us with kindness. Her behavior has been touching, humbling and most exemplary. For that we thank her, and we're forever in her debt.

We would also like to say a very special thank you to Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Lin, who we believe (please forgive us if this is not correct) is the chief Dr. at the Children's ward. She has devoted much effort and energy to help both Oliver and Izabell, to put our minds at ease - after all, there is no greater concern to a parent than an ill child, especially when the illness occurs in a foreign country, where the parents do not speak the language and are not familiar with the medical facilities, treatments, services etc. Dr. Lin's knowledge and command of the English language is excellent but that can be said of most doctors and nurses we met at the hospital -and for that we have to once again say thanks -and congratulate all of you. Dr. Lin has been instrumental in the healing of both our children and even now she is still devoted to making sure they make a full recovery from their illness.

To summarize our experience, we have to say that some of the nicest memories of our stay in Taiwan will be associated with this otherwise very difficult time. We met truly kindhearted and selfless people who were strangers at first, but who we now consider friends. We had tears in our eyes on a number of occasions seeing the kind of care, attention and giving that was extended to us. For that we can only say thank you to all of you from the bottom of our hearts, and we will carry and tell these remarkable stories to our families and friends back in the United States.

With heartfelt gratitude, the Taylor Family, Daniel, Agnes, Izabell and Oliver

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 發現感動E報 第三十一期 Touched and Inspired http://www.cmuh.org.tw/2010/touched/34/3.php




中國醫藥大學附設醫院 發現感動E報 第三十一期 Touched and Inspired http://www.cmuh.org.tw/2010/touched/34/3.php



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