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探 討 大 學 生 五 大 人 格 特 質 與 健 康 認 知

對 健 康 行 為 的 影 響

黃 瑢





本研究目的是探討五大人格特質與健康認知對健康行為的影響。研究方 法採用便利取樣,經由網路收發自評問卷,調查臺灣的大專院校學生,最後 共得328有效問卷。研究結果顯示,大學生的人格特質與健康認知確實可以 預測其健康行為。五種人格特質傾向的大學生,從事促進各種健康行為的頻 率也不盡相同:一、外向性人格傾向者更常從事促進生理與心理層面的健康 行為;二、和善性人格傾向者更常從事促進社會層面的健康行為;三、經驗 開放性人格傾向者更常促進靈性層面的健康行為;四、神經質人格傾向者顯 著地較少從事各層面的健康促進行為,尤其是促進生理與心理層面的健康行 為;五、持安寧幸福感健康認知取向的大學生傾向於從事促進心理、社會與 靈性層面的健康行為。研究結果驗證五大人格特質理論用於解釋健康行為的 適切性。本研究結果除了可供學術參考,還可作為教育輔導單位推廣學生健 康行為的依據,以降低學生危害健康的行為。 關鍵詞:大學生、五大人格特質、健康行為、健康認知 健康促進與衛生教育學報 第 46 期,頁 39-65,2016 年 12 月

Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education No. 46, pp. 39-65, December 2016 * 慈濟大學傳播學系學士 ** 慈濟大學傳播學系副教授(通訊作者),E-mail: chengchuan@mail.tcu.edu.tw 通訊地址:花蓮市中央路三段701號,聯絡電話:03-8565301轉2818 投稿日期:105年1月5日;修改日期:105年5月31日;接受日期:105年7月23日 DOI: 10.3966/207010632016120046002 04-2-黃瀞瑢+鄭嫥嫥_p039-066.indd 39 2017/2/10 下午 04:28:31


黃 瑢、鄭嫥嫥 探討大學生五大人格特質與健康認知對健康行為的影響


參 考 文 獻


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黃 瑢、鄭嫥嫥 探討大學生五大人格特質與健康認知對健康行為的影響


The Effects of College Students’ Personality and

Health Concepts on Their Health Behaviors

Ching-Jung Huang


Chuan-Chuan Cheng



The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of college students’ personality and health concepts on their health behaviors. Self-report questionnaires were used in this study. Purposive samplings were chosen to recruit respondents. The valid data for this study were provided by 328 (n = 328) college students including 159 males and 169 females from northern and eastern Taiwan. The results indicated that college students’ personality traits and health concepts were able to predict their health promoting behaviors. Students of five personality traits differed in frequency of engaging in four dimensions of health promoting behaviors. Comparing to other personality traits, students high in extraversion were more often to promote their physical and mental health. Those high in agreeableness were more often to promote their social health. Those high in openness to experience were more often to promote their spiritual health. Those high in neuroticism were less often to engage in all dimensions of health promoting behaviors, especially physical and mental health. Eudaimonistic health concepts were positively associated with mental, social and spiritual health. In general, the results of this study provided direct evidences to support the theory of Big Five personality traits in the context of health promoting behaviors among college students. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed.

Key words: college students, Big Five personality traits, health behaviors, health concepts

* Undergraduate Student, Department of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University ** Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University

(Corresponding author), E-mail: chengchuan@mail.tcu.edu.tw



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