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Bulletin For Prospective Undergraduate Students = 本科生課程簡介, 2004-05


Academic year: 2021

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(1)This online Handbook for Prospective Postgraduate Student is in PDF file format which requires Acrobat Reader to view. Please download Acrobat Reader by clicking HERE if your browser is NOT downloaded from ITSC's server..

(2) 2004-05 Bulletin for Prospective Undergraduate Students. ӎॊӠ᎝຀ᚎЬ. Why Hong Kong Why HKUST ᒵॷ෫ġġġᒵऋσ.

(3) www. w ust. t hk.

(4) Our University, Your Future শสॊЂ ְߞ௟‫ ڽ‬... A vibrant city with an international outlook, cosmopolitan lifestyle and Chinese culture, Hong Kong has established itself as a major business and financial center, the hub of Asia and the gateway to China. In this dynamic and exciting environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is ideally placed to meet the needs of undergraduate students everywhere. Whichever course you choose at HKUST, a bright and promising future lies ahead. Ϙৎབྷᇸԑಧᇟॻȃ஼ቫћмȃК஼ཇ೚‫ݺ‬Ϙ‫ߞڗ‬Ђൌྻ ĮশสȂЙ࣏֭ѵधࠛᓉ஥໶КѕȂ‫ࣷڲ࣏ـ‬၃ᕻߞዽ૸ȃ К஼ߞࡑЂࠝȂ‫ڗ‬഍ഺ൹ྍጘแȃ҇ᆕஜྏࣿϧߞᖖᄩȂশ สॊ‫ث‬Ђᐯ࣏ӎԳфઔҳᐯЄߞನྐᐯܹȄୠِನྐȂබӤ ְϢᡝॊЂߞϘ‫ے‬༟‫ܕ‬Ȅ. 1.

(5) We S t r i v e f o r E x c e l l e n c e ġ ଡ ؑ ‫ ູ ڟ‬Ȋ. !. A World-Class University Since opening in 1991, HKUST has established itself as an. Studies is ranked first among local universities, and among. i n t e l l e c t u a l p owe r hous e , e nergiz ing H o ng Ko ng’ s. the top 5 worldwide in terms of publications in the top 3. transformation into a knowledge-based society, and. journals.. securing a place on the academic world map in record time. The University’s mission is to advance lear ning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly in science and technology, engineering, management and business studies, and at the postgraduate level. Our vision is to be a leading world-class university with significant international impact and strong local commitment. We aim to play a key role in the social and professional development of Hong Kong by forging partnerships with government, business and industry. HKUST is a science and technology research university, and the only one to offer an all-PhD faculty in Hong Kong.. Dedicated Academic Faculty All of the University’s faculty staff have achieved excellence in their fields and are highly respected as both teachers and researchers. Faculty staff include both established academics and p romising scholars from different backgrounds, with most having experience at the world’s leading research universities. Our staff care about Hong Kong, its people and its future. Most importantly, they care about their students.. Innovative Students. Scientists of the University have developed the world’s. Our students are highly qualified and motivated young. smallest nanotubes with superconducting properties. Our. adults with wide interests. In addition to having received a. research in electronic devices is among the best in the. well-rounded secondary education and achieved good. world. The HKUST Business School has been ranked by the. grades, they are typically active participants in diverse. Financial Times as the top Asia-Pacific business school. activities. Around 1,810 full-time undergraduate students. offering full-time MBA programs for two consecutive years.. are admitted annually, with almost all being Hong Kong. In Humanities and Social Science, our research on China. residents.. !!!.

(6) ġжࣨഥԌ Ᏸ ‫ۺ‬ ֋IJĺĺIJՐ൹੭ѽ‫ڽ‬ȂॊЂЏ‫ڝ‬ിԴ஼ቫᐯങधට‫۞ܠ‬໸ߞԳ֜Ȃ՘ऎᗝѵߢԩᐯܹȂ‫ڭ‬ѷ Դయஜশสᚼ࡭ऎߢᝊ࡭ߤྻϯȂ‫ط‬ᆊ຾ᗝ‫ږ‬ቅদߞ‫֒ڎ‬Ȅ ӎ੭ѽ഼Ⴥిᐯфु‫࠳ڽٿ‬་ᐯ೫ȃୠِߢᝊऎ‫ۻڹ‬Ȃપ‫ަ־‬দॊᐯȃ‫ث‬ങȃЍ຀ȃᇒನ ۶஥྽᎝຀Ȃѽфु‫ٿ‬Ӡߞ੺ைȄ‫ا‬েߞನ݇Ȃ࣏ঋ՘ऎϘ‫ݙ‬Դ஼ቫϯ‫ۍ‬գಎቈ዆ᠩȂփ ϫ७ϧऎӎԳ‫އ‬சߞᔹ‫ٽ‬ᐯܹȂԴߤྻфԧ༵௞྽๴ਣϯȂ՘ऎࣆܹфЍ஥धদঋߞԪ֯ Ӿ֡Ȅ ॊЂ࣏Ϙ༡ѽु‫ٿ‬ॊ‫ث‬ऎӎߞЂᐯȂ‫ݙ‬գిఱ‫׮‬ᐾൾЀᐯ֜Ȅ୵Ϟ՘ґुሦҍԑಧ൵೟Ȃ ‫הڭ‬಩໹ᐱપ‫ߞݑ‬ඏᐨૼռᇆᇒҳȂॊЂԴცЄኇᐡўবߞु‫࣏ـٿ‬ѵध঵‫ܦ‬ϘࢽȄॊЂ Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯ୰ԴȮࠛᓉ੡ඡȯԑџۘЍ஥ᇒನᇇЀ᎝຀ߞవԩКȂ၃Џാ᠈‫ی‬Ր୼Ꮐ‫ڲ‬щ஡ ঵֜ȄփԴԑಧ൵‫ۍ‬ᡋࢃߞϬԊᐯങงҏКȂϠћߤྻॊᐯᐯ୰ߞК஼ु‫ٿ‬Ꭲћԩԕԑส ЂᐯНࡄȃԑಧЂᐯ঵У֜Ȅ. ᓺ ‫ ؾ‬ി Ᏸ ‫ ޟ‬ఀ ௲ ॊЂిఱᐯᝊಅൾȂԴిᐯфु‫ٿ‬ϯ‫׮‬ᐾգᚳන၃ᢚȂփѷЂൊԊฅ‫ݺ‬ѵधҍԩߞु‫ٿ‬Ђ ᐯЍ֯‫ٿुݕ‬Ȃ‫ێ‬КҒࣁԺ֜Դ஼ቫϯ‫ڳ‬঑ಽԩߞႤಎᐯ߰Ȃѽфᅈᠨᔝ‫୓ࢢߞڎ‬Н‫ٽ‬Ȅ ిఱেЙ֭Ꮥѕᐯങु‫ٿ‬Ȃ‫ـ‬ᝯѕশสࡈ൉Ȃփ൵দঋߞ࣏Ȃҁেપ‫־‬ᝯѕᐯӠߞᐯ೫ሃ ՘ࠜȄ. ࠍ ܻ ഺ ཱི ‫ ޟ‬Ᏸ ҡ ॊЂᐯӠᎳ૵࿂୼Ȃ୵ᔹ‫ߞډ‬ᐯങ՘ᖻҳȂ‫ـ‬ᐾգᒕ࿂ߞ֋๴‫ݑ‬фዃ޾ߞᒸᎷȂ‫ڭ‬ѷฅత ‫ۦ‬ԑবߞКᐯి‫ڈ‬Ȃࣿ᠙‫ݺ‬ԧ᝷ЙԢߞࣿஜȄӎ੭ُՐ՜ۤЂॗIJĭĹIJıԩԑџۘӎॊӠᐯ ӠȂ‫ێ‬КЂൊԊऎশส‫ܧ‬ӔȄ. 2. 3.

(7) W h a t We O f f e r ࣏ ձ ඪ ‫ ټ‬. . . . . . Total Education HKUST believes in total education. Undergraduate programs are designed to strike a balance between the sharp focus prevalent in traditional Chinese and British universities and the broad characteristics of American universities. In addition to courses in the field of major study and related areas, students must take courses in general education that introduce them to different ideas, concepts, and modes of thought.. Features of HKUST undergraduate programs:. / Normally require full-time attendance for three academic years. / All lead to honors degrees / Credit-based system: - structured set of courses, credits are earned semesterby-semester toward the completion of the degree requirements - for graduation, students need to accumulate a total of 100 to 105 credits, as specified for each program including at least 18 credits of course work in general education. / Offer minor programs in the following areas: - Biochemistry. - Chemistry. - Mathematics. - Physics. - Humanities. - Information Technology. - Social Science. - Technology Management. / Lead to dual program designations provided: - approval by Departments/Schools involved is necessary - both programs must lead to the same undergraduate degree (BBA or BEng or BSc) - program requirements of both programs must be completed within the normal period of study. / Use English as medium of instruction / Require course work in English to strengthen the language training: - First year: compulsory year-long one-credit course in English for Academic Purposes - Beyond first year: course work in English communication at the 100 level or above required. ....... For a list of all undergraduate programs offered in the 2004-5 academic year, please refer to Page 10-11..

(8) ӒΡఀ‫ى‬ ॊЂѽ഼ᝊి‫ڈ‬ऎ௄ᚂȂԴӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞന঍ϯȂ৘՜‫ڭ‬ሊ. ġ Įġ ‫༵ی‬᎝຀Ӆ༷Ԣ៳‫ݺ‬हԢߞᐯЀᐯ֜ ĩ ŃŃł ‫ ݕ‬ŃņůŨ ‫ ݕ‬ŃŔŤĪ. ཇ೚КՑȃॻՑЂᐯߞ௞྽ి‫ڈ‬પ֒Ȃѽфग़ՑЂᐯߞ഼Ж. ġ Įġ Ӆ༷‫ݺ‬Ӓ௱ߞ৒ᡝՐงа؆՘‫༵ی‬᎝຀. ి‫ڈ‬ᇟૠȂᐯӠԴ৒ᡝѹ৒фգᝯ᎝຀Н᏶Ȃ‫ـ‬ቮঋ৒ᡝ഼. ȑġѽॻሬऎఱ᎝ሬ‫ڏ‬. ᝊॊӫȂѽᙖᘮᐯӠߞ໛ൎфࢥᇯȄ ȑġӅ৒ॻሬ᎝຀Ȃኧ௻ᐯӠߞሬћକϧ ġ Įġ ೐ϘՐȈऎงIJՐߞIJᐯжӅ৒ॻሬ᎝຀Ȃѽ࠳་ᐯ೫ऎѹ. ऋ σ ҏ ऋ ҡ ፞ แ ੫ Փ Ȉ. ġ Įġ ೐ϘՐНࢢȈ৒ᡝ᎝຀፠ၳIJıı‫ݕ‬ѽϯߞॻሬ࿛഼᎝຀. ȑġϘଠऎϬՐԑџۘ᎝຀. գᝯijııĵĮijııĶՐ࢘ߞӎॊӠ᎝຀Ȃ᎛ணᏦIJı ĮIJIJ঱Ȅ. ȑġ؆՘ࢢҞᖔჴఱᐯЀᐯ֜ĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪ ȑġᐯжۘ‫ڀ‬೚Ȉ ġ Įġ ӎॊӠ᎝຀ӤϘ‫ڀ‬ԕॊӫೡ՘Ȃ৒ಲُৎᐯงߞॊӫࢢ ġ ġ ҞఀॶВᐯж ġ Įġ ಲ྽ቮ৒ಲIJıı֌IJıĶৎᐯжȂ‫ێ‬КҒࣁ൵ьIJĹৎ഼ᝊॊ ġ ġ ӫߞᐯж ȑġ෩‫ڻ‬ѽϭ஘৒᎝຀ ġ ĮġӠߏмᐯġ. Įġмᐯġ. Įġዴᐯġ. Įġߏನᐯ. ġ ĮġϠћᐯġ. ĮġႤୈॊ‫ث‬ġ. Įġߤྻॊᐯġ. Įġॊ‫ث‬ᇒನ. ȑ෩‫ڻ‬ᛕѹ৒᎝຀Ȉ ġ Įġ ༷ఀۖգᝯ᎝຀ߞᐯ୰İᐯ‫زڀ‬৞. 4. 5.

(9) . . . . . . W h a t We O f f e r ࣏ ձ ඪ ‫ټ‬. Invaluable Enrichment Programs See the World. Speak Another Language. The University’s extensive International Exchange Programs. The Language Center offers a wide range of Language. offer the opportunity to study at over 80 top institutions. Enhancement Services. Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean. overseas. Exchange partners include highly renowned. and other language courses are available. As English is the. universities in North America, Europe, Asia,. University’s medium of instruction, the Center’s English. and Australia.. programs aim to help students gain the most benefit from. In addition to overseas exchange, partner. their undergraduate curriculum.. institutions in the Chinese Mainland also welcome students for exchange programs.. Talks, Seminars & Forums Every year, talks, seminars and forums are organized to. Discover Yourself Mentoring is a relationship in which someone more experienced and more senior helps a student to discover more about himself/herself, his/her potential and capability. Mentoring Programs involve lunch/dinner meetings, simulated formal conferences and presentations to help. provide students with insights on a wide range of subjects. Distinguished guests including Nobel Laureates, top researchers, business leaders, professors and outstanding artists have been invited to share their knowledge and opinions on topics ranging from the latest developments at the frontiers of research to their own life experiences.. students acquire practical skills and knowledge, and more importantly, develop positive values, personal beliefs and life philosophy.. Future Entrepreneurs P a rt o f t he engineering cur r i cul um, the High-Tech Entrepreneur Program (HTEP) provides entrepreneur training. Practice Makes Per fect Many of our undergraduate programs offer internships in major firms and multinational companies to give students the chance to apply theory to practice and to experience the culture and work environment. Internships may include field projects, full-time summer internships, in-company placements and part-time internships during the academic year.. for innovative students. Engineering students are introduced to business and manag management skills, enabling them m to gain handss-on on experience of turn rning an engineerin ring innovatio on into a bu usiness proj o ect..

(10) ᄂ ፺ ‫ܚ‬Ᏸġġġᙴ൲َᜋ ᘗ ᗯ ຜ ഏ. ᖿ ৴ ȃ ৴ ፙ ོ Ѕ ं ଆ ོ. ॊЂዃ޾య֖ȶ஼ቫӹࣹ঍ᄑȷ ȂᢰᐯӠգᑟྻۖઔҳĹıԺਛ. ॊЂُՐ‫ྻ׮‬ᘛ᎛ᓚ‫ړ‬ᆬጨ༵ఀѹȃ൤Ջु‫ٿ‬ᐯ߰ȃ஥धᚘ. ൤ՋЂᐯ་৒ु೫Ȃ་֖ӹࣹߞ຾ԩᐯܹ჆фҔग़ࣷȃገ. ྾ȃЂᐯిఱ‫ݕ‬൰ҍ᜹ങਛຈᗝ֖ᗾਲ਼ȃਲ਼᎘ྻфु୅ྻȂ. ࣷȃ‫ࣷڲ‬фᑫࣷȄ. ઘᙷፑඛԺࡻԺࠚȂᛟ‫ل‬ӤՋᇑߞॊ‫ث‬๴ਣۖৎϠߞ၃ᑢж. ୵ϞઔҳӹࣹҳȂॊЂᐯӠӺҞᓴᑄۖК஼аԳ຾ԩЂᐯ৒. ‫ڳ‬रգಉሏȄ. ೫Ȅ. ഺ ཎ ഺ ཾ ี ௨ Ռ ‫ר‬ ȶᐱਰ঍ᄑȷᢰணሃߞᐯӠȂԴ၃ᢚᚳනߞࡈᏅࢽᐱϭȂҐ ಎᅆ֋ЎߞሮᝊȂ๴ధф๴෭֋‫ا‬ጕକȄ൅Ⴥоᔠȃ౎ਜྻ. ֯ऎЍᐯ୰᎝຀ߞϘൊԊȂ ȶ୼ॊ‫ث‬ԋ྽ਛ᎝຀ȷĩʼnŕņőĪऎգ ‫ؠ‬൹྽ߞԢᐯ෩‫ڻ‬ை୊ȂЍᐯ୰ߞᐯӠ௟ᐯۖ஥྽фᇒನ‫ث‬ Ҽߞ୊ፚȂׄҁে‫د‬գᝯЍ຀༵ӫߞ൹ྍᚼмऎᖉ஥ߞྍ݇Ȅ. ‫ݕ‬ጀᕢᗝ֖ߞЂ࡭ྻ៉ф๴ඡྻȂຜᐯӠᑟྻᐯ೫ᄘႏԧᇌ ᅁӡߞ‫ث‬ҼфߢᝊȂփ‫ـ‬দঋߞ࣏ȂᢰᐯӠԴჅ຀К࢙ӲӒ ፁߞኊৃᣍȃϠӠᣍфࠫ݇Ȅ. ዣ ૖ ҡ ѽ ӎ੭ЙьӎॊӠ᎝຀‫׮‬Չవᅁ೫ᑟྻȂᢰᐯӠᅁᎹ‫ݙ‬ᐯߞನ ᎢȂᓐ‫ۦྏڗ‬Ђԋ྽ߞЍ֯ᖖᄩфઈ‫ޤ‬Ȃᅁ೫‫؛‬ՑҒࣁกง Ѝȃ๺งԴᚚ୊ፚ‫ݕ‬Դᐯง༡৘ᚚຈȄ. Ѵ ᇭ ᖿ ᠙ ቸ ሬ‫ڏ‬К Кѕ෩‫ڻ‬Ժ༵ȶሬћ ћ෩п঍ᄑȷȂಉሏКћ ћȃॻሬȃџ ሬȃᘹሬ ሬф‫ێ‬ҁሬћ᎝຀ ຀Ȅԯᕕॊ ॊЂߞిᐯ ᐯሬ‫ڏ‬փനߞॻሬ ᎝຀Ȃ७ϧ‫۝‬ ‫ׄ۝‬Ԣᐯ෠෪ ෪ሬ‫ثڏ‬Ҽ ҼȂ҄ ҄ҁেԴᐯ೫ϯ‫ڰ‬җґ ঺Ȅ. 6. 7.

(11) . . . . . . W h a t We O f f e r ࣏ ձ ඪ ‫ټ‬. Exceptional Career Prospects for Graduates. օձ፽ΰߧ໴ၯ. HKUST graduates are well prepared for the careers of today. Our. ॊЂߞಲ྽Ӡ୊ፚգ૵ȂзԪ಩Ыߤྻߞቮ. graduates are popular with employers. Managers of local and. ঋȄԴധԺӎԳфႭ஼ԋ྽ᇒನኸೀКȂҁ. multinational corporations have described them as “diligent”, “flexible”, “professional” and “possessing leadership qualities”. The employment rate is consistently high, with the commerce and business sector employing. েȶཔᐬȷ ȃ ȶᢸࣿᢏ഼ȷ ȃ ȶ௞྽ȷфȶ‫ۍ‬൯ታ ഞЖକȷȂ‫ݙ‬ѽබ྽ತஐ୼Ȃփ‫ڗظ‬஥धߞಲ ྽ӠॗգķıĦȄ. over 60% of the graduates. Among those who decided to pursue further full-time studies,. ֌‫ݺ‬ᓴᑄា᠈ಎൄߞಲ྽ӠȂॗգϘҗྻ઻. approximately half chose to stay at HKUST. Other graduates went abroad. ԴॊЂ‫ؽ‬ᡝԑџۘ᎝຀Ȃփ‫ێ‬ҁࡋྻۖѵध. to top universities around the world, including Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT. ߢԩߞᐯܹȂՂҫМᇊЂᐯȃҐՍЂᐯֹࣦ. and Cambridge.. ຿ж੭ȃ൫षನЍᐯ୰фናᑜЂᐯ་৒Ȅ. Distribution of Graduates by Employment Sector, Year 2002. ijııijՐಲ྽Ӡබ྽೚঍ ŎŢůŶŧŢŤŵŶųŪůŨġħġŊůťŶŴŵųŪŦŴ ሦൄ྽IJĸįIJĦ. ńŰŮŮŦųŤŦġħġŃŶŴŪůŦŴŴ ஥धķĵįıĦ. ņťŶŤŢŵŪŰů ి‫ڈ‬धĺįĺĦ. ňŰŷŦųůŮŦůŵ ࣆܹĴįķĦ ńŰůŴŵųŶŤŵŪŰů ࢙ൄ྽ijįĹĦ ńŰŮŮŶůŪŵźġħġŔŰŤŪŢŭġŔŦųŷŪŤŦ ߤྻ‫އ‬சijįĸĦ.

(12) Schools, Departments and Programs Ᏸ଱ȃᏰ‫ف‬Ѕ፞แ The University consists of four Schools, three of which offer both undergraduate and postgraduate education. The School of Humanities and Social Science offers postgraduate education and general education for all undergraduates. The University also has interdisciplinary institutes and centers to enhance collaboration and cooperation among the different schools and their departments. The School of Science http://science.ust.hk/ Degree offered: Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Honors The Department of Biochemistry The Department of Biology The Department of Chemistry The Department of Mathematics The Department of Physics. BSc in Biochemistry BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc BSc. in in in in in in in in in in. Biochemistry and Science Education Biology Biology and Science Education Chemistry Chemistry and Science Education Mathematics Mathematics and IT Education Physics Applied Physics Physics and Science Education. The School of Engineering http t :// / www.seng.ust.hk Degree offered: Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) with Honors The Department of Chemical Engineering. The Department of Civil Engineering The Department of Computer Science The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering g g The Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering g g Management g The Department of Mechanical Engineering Joint Department Program. BEng BEng BEng BEng BEng BEng BEng g BEng BEng g BEng BEng g BEng BEng g BEng. in in in in in in in in in in in in in in. Chemical Engineering Chemical and Environmentail Engineering Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering Civil and Structural Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer Science Computer p Science ((Information Engineering) g g) Electronic Engineering Electronic Engineering g g ((Information and Communication Engineering) g g) Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Logistics g Management g Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering g g ((Building g Services)) Computer Engineering. The School of Business and Management http t :// / www.bm.ust.hk/ k Degrees offered: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with Honors Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Honors. The Department of Accounting The Department of Economics The Department of Finance The Department of Information and Systems Management The Department p of Management g of Organizations g The Department of Marketing. BBA in Global Business Management BBA in General Business Management BBA in Accounting BBA in Economics BSc in Economics and Finance BBA in Finance BSc in Quantitive Finance BBA in Information Systems BBA in Operations Management BBA in Management g of Organizations g BBA in Marketing. The School of Humanities and Social Science http t :// / www.shss.ust.hk/ k Degrees Offered: Only postgraduate degrees (MA, MPhil, PhD) are offered in this School, in addition to general education courses and Undergraduate Minor Programs. Division of Humanities Division of Social Science. http t :// / www.ust.hk/ k ~we w bhuma/ a http://www.ust.hk/~websosc/. Joint School Program A unique dual degree is available at the University via its Joint School Program, in cooperation with the School of Engineering and School of Business and Management. School of Engineering and School of Business and Management. Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management http://www.seng.ust.hk/dual.

(13) ӎ੭Ӥұ‫ݙ‬ᐯ୰ೡ՘Ȃ‫ێ‬КϬ‫ݙ‬෩‫ڻ‬ӎॊӠфु‫ٿ‬Ӡ᎝຀ȄփϠћߤྻॊᐯᐯ୰ࡋҪ༟ᓱु‫ٿ‬Ӡ᎝຀Ȃ‫ڭ‬ऎӎॊӠ෩‫ڻ‬഼ᝊి‫ڈ‬Ȅ ੭аӺനգԺ༡Ⴍ୰‫ٿुߞڀ‬КѕȂѽ࠳་ԧᐯ୰фᐯ‫ڀ‬༡ߞԪ֯Ȅ. ౩ Ᏸ ଱. http://science.ust.hk/. ჴఱᐯ֜ȈನᐯЀĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪ Ӡߏмᐯ‫ڀ‬. ನᐯЀĩӠߏмᐯĪ ನᐯЀĩӠߏмᐯфॊᐯి‫ڈ‬Ī. Ӡߏᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. ನᐯЀĩӠߏᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩӠߏᐯфॊᐯి‫ڈ‬Ī. мᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩмᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩмᐯфॊᐯి‫ڈ‬Ī. ዴᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩዴᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩዴᐯșዴᐯфႤୈॊ‫ڈిث‬Ī. ߏನᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. ನᐯЀĩߏನᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩᕕӡߏನᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩߏನᐯфॊᐯి‫ڈ‬Ī. ώ Ᏸ ଱. http://www.seng.ust.hk. ჴఱᐯ֜ȈЍᐯЀĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪġġġġġ мᐯЍ຀ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ЍᐯЀĩмᐯЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩмᐯфᖖᄩЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩмᐯфӠߏಯࡡЍ຀Ī. ϿѢЍ຀ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ЍᐯЀĩϿѢфຕᅹЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩϿѢфᖖᄩЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ঍ᇖᑟॊᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ ġ. ЍᐯЀĩ঍ᇖᑟॊᐯĪ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩ঍ᇖᑟॊᐯșႤୈЍ຀Ī. ცᑟфცЄЍ຀ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ЍᐯЀĩცЄЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩცЄЍ຀ᐯșࠫਿф഼ୈЍ຀Ī. ġ. Ѝ྽Ѝ຀ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ЍᐯЀĩЍ྽Ѝ຀фЍ຀ᇒನᐯĪ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩߏࣹᇒನĪ. ġ. ᑟౠЍ຀ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. ЍᐯЀĩᑟౠЍ຀ᐯĪ. ġ. ЍᐯЀĩᑟౠЍ຀ᐯș࢏Նന൯Ī. ġ. ᗑ‫ڀ‬᎝຀ġġ. ώ ୦ ᆓ ౩ Ᏸ ଱. ЍᐯЀĩ঍ᇖᑟЍ຀ᐯĪ. http://www.bm.ust.hk. ჴఱᐯ֜ȈġЍ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪġġġġġ ġ ನᐯЀĩգᅷ᠖ຈૺĪġġġġġ ġ. ġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩᖖಧ஥྽ᇒನĪġġġġ. ġ. ġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩᇢԪ஥྽ᇒನᐯĪ. ྻ঍ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩྻ঍ᐯĪ. ၃ᕻᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩ၃ᕻᐯĪ. ġ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩ၃ᕻф୑சᐯĪ. ୑சᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩ୑சᐯĪ. ġ. ನᐯЀĩ঍༓୑சᐯĪ. ġ. Ⴄୈ‫ڀ‬೚ᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩႤୈ‫ڀ‬೚ᐯĪ. ġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩᖉႻᇒನᐯĪ. ġ. ೡᚐᇒನᐯ‫ڀ‬ġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩೡᚐᇒನᐯĪ. Ҿඞᐯ‫ڀ‬ġġ. Ѝ஥ᇒನᐯЀĩҾඞᐯĪ. Ρ М ‫ ོ ޥ‬ऋ Ᏸ Ᏸ ଱. http://www.shss.ust.hk/. ჴఱᐯ֜Ȉӎᐯ୰ჴఱᇇЀфൾЀᐯ֜Ȃ‫ڭ‬ऎӎॊӠ෩‫ڻ‬഼ᝊి‫ڈ‬ф஘৒᎝຀ Ϡћᐯൊġġ. http://www.ust.hk/~webhuma/ġ. ߤྻॊᐯᐯൊġ. http://www.ust.hk/~websosc/ġ. ଱ ‫ ف‬ᖒ ӫ ፞ แ ӎ੭෩‫ڻ‬ᑾપߞᛕᐯ֜᎝຀ȂӤЍᐯ୰фЍ஥ᇒನᐯ୰ᗑԪ༟ᓱȄ Ѝᐯ୰фЍ஥ᇒನᐯ୰ġ. ॊ‫ث‬фᇒನᐯᛕᐯ֜᎝຀ġ http://www.seng.ust.hk/dual. 10 11.

(14) “Outstanding Support For Outstanding Students ġᓺ ‫ ؾ‬ᕗ ც உ Ꮄ ᓺ ູ Ᏸ ҡ ” Abundant Academic Resources The University provides state-of-the-art facilities and services for students to maximize their academic skills and potential:. University Library http://library.ust.hk/ The University’s Library offers a valuable learning environment rich in both printed materials and electronic resources including. / 640,000 books, periodicals and microforms / 29,000 educational and recreational media materials / 130 different databases in a wide range of subject areas / A vast amount of on-line resources. Enjoyable Campus Life. Information Services http://www.ust.hk/itsc/. In addition to a campus renowned for its natural and. HKUST’s computer network is a high-speed, reliable network. architectural beauties, HKUST’s first-class residential,. that serves the entire University and provides users with the. sporting, recreational and cultural facilities make living on. latest sophisticated technology.. campus an enjoyable experience:. The Language Center (LC) http://lc.ust.hk/. Residential Hall http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir3/sadaily.htm. The LC offers Language Enhancement programs to help. Living on campus is a great way to achieve total. students acquire the necessary English skills, as well as. education. Every first year student is offered residence in. courses in many other languages.. one of the University’s six halls for at least a semester. Close to 40% of second and third year undergraduates are. The Industrial Training Center (ITC) http://www.ust.hk/itc. provided with residence on campus. Residential living plays. Practical training is provided for. a special role in campus life. By being more than a place to. Engineering students to give them a. sleep and study, the halls provide a learning opportunity for. broad and structured understanding. students to:. of engineering practice, and help them satisfy training requirements of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) for registration purposes.. / Enhance their interpersonal skills / Extend their interests / Develop their organization and leadership skills.

(15) ᙴ ൲ ‫ ޟ‬σ Ᏸ ၥ ྛ Ђᐯ෩‫ڻ‬ᅁӡў࠮ߞ‫އ‬சфനࣉȂգׄᐯӠ๴෭ᐯ೫ߞጕକȂ ‫ڰ‬җґ঺Ȅ. σᏰყਪᓢġ http://library.ust.hk/. നࣉȂᘘ࣏ԺࡻԺࠚߞ௵ጄфћмࣿஜȂ‫׮‬ᢰᐯӠ၃ᑢϘৎ ේ‫ߞأ‬੭ཀྵӠࣿȄ. Ᏸҡஜ޾ġ http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir3/sadaily.htm ௛߽Ӡ഼࣏ࣿᝊి‫ڈ‬দঋߞϘᖖȂ‫ݙ‬ѽЂᐯપ‫־‬നգбਲ਼Ђ. Ђᐯᄦ੩ᔡऎᐯӠ෩‫ڻ‬Ϙৎ՜᚟༓࿂ᚳߞႤਫ਼ភ਱ȂҒࣁԞ. ᐯ௛߽ȂᢰُϘ֜ྲϢᐯߞᐯӠԴഺႆӠࣿ൵ьϘৎᐯงȂ. ‫۔‬Ⴄਫ਼фცЄႤୈȈ. փпᡝϟȃϬՐૺӺգұ՘ᐯӠᖔж୨௛֜Ȅ. ȑķĵıĭıııҊ੩ឱȃงҏфᖺྋႤਫ਼ ȑijĺĭıııᇌి‫ڈ‬фઐ༢໛ᡘႤਫ਼ ȑIJĴıৎಉሏЙԢѹᛟߞცЄႤਫ਼਱ ȑЂ༓ߞᇨϯႤୈ. ᅆ੭ཀྵӠࣿփ‫ڏ‬ȂᐯӠ௛߽‫ط‬ᆊ຾પ‫֒ڎߞ־‬ȂЙඏѤ࣏֝ ௛фᡝ੩ߞԳўȂ‫ـ‬ᢰᐯӠգᑟྻᐯ೫Ȉ ȑሃϠह഍ߞ‫ث‬Ҽ ȑ๴ਣԺЮмߞᒸᎷ. ၥଉऋ‫݈׬‬୛ġ http://www.ust.hk/itsc/. ȑ๴ਣ೚ឯфታഞߞЖକ. ॊЂცၝᇨປ୨൯൵Ԑ་ߞॊ‫ث‬Ȃ࣏Ϙৎ୼ിᜦ‫ߞܠ‬ᇨປȂ ऎԑ੭ਰӠ෩‫ڻ‬ᔹᎳߞ‫އ‬சȄ. ᇭِϛЖĩōńĪġ http://lc.ust.hk/ ୵Ϟ෩‫ڻ‬ሬћ་༥᎝຀Ȃ७ϧ‫ׄ۝‬Ԣᐯ෠෪ॻሬ‫ث‬ҼНҳȂ ӎКѕ‫ـ‬༟ᓱ‫ێ‬ҁሬћߞ᎝຀Ȅ. ώཾஉଋϛЖĩŊŕńĪġ http://www.ust.hk/itc ऎЍ຀‫ߞڀ‬ᐯӠ෩‫ڻ‬ᅁ೫୊ፚȂᢰҁেᅆᅁቫЍ຀գ‫ـ‬ԑব ф‫ڀ‬೚ߞሮᝊȂԢ੡Ӻׄҁে഼ჅশสЍ຀ਰᐯྻĩʼnŌŊņĪգᝯ ᅁ೫ߞঋِȄ. ᆠ ி ਮ ༪ ҡ ࣀ ๑Ꭲ࣏ᖖᄩᔹग़ߞ੭ཀྵȃັᏋߞᐯӠ௛߽ȃϘᕕৌԑߞᢜ‫ڈ‬. 12 13.

(16) ....... “Outstanding Support For Outstanding Students ᓺ‫ؾ‬ᕗცஉᎴᓺູᏰҡ”. Facilities for Sports, Cultural and Other Activities http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir4/sasports.htm A full range of student amenities and sports facilities are available on campus for students to enjoy a variety of interests and activities.. Student Development Opportunities http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ HKUST provides many opportunities for students to develop themselves in the pursuit of quality education and life.. / International Activities In addition to the academic exchange programs, various activities such as Student Cultural Exchange Program and Delta Forum are organized to enhance the international exposure and experience of HKUST students.. Students’ Union and Student Societies http://ihome.ust.hk/~su_union/ The Students’ Union, which is independent and selfgoverning, plays a key role in promoting and coordinating the activities of more than 100 student societies on campus.. / Art & Culture. Various art and cultural activities are available through the Center for the Arts and Artist-InResidence program (http://www.ust.hk/cfa/).. / Sports & Recreation. Facilities for Every Interest The University has a selection of other facilities that cater to the different interests and needs of our students:. Students are encouraged to participate in sports and. Other Facilities. recreational activities. A Healthy Life Style Course. / photographic dark room, music rooms, etc., for the. enables students to enjoy the fun of participation in sports and exercise.. / Internships & Mentoring Internships and mentoring programs are organized for students to explore the career fields suited to their interests and skills, and to prepare for the world of work.. / Talks, Forums & Confluence Dinners By participating in talks, forums and Confluence Dinners, students will broaden their knowledge and skills for personal development. (http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ConfluenceWeb/index.htm).. pursuit of hobbies. / conference room, meeting rooms, workshop and office space for the organization of activities. / common rooms and quiet room for leisure activities / catering facilities include self-service cafeterias, Chinese and Western restaurants, a food court, a coffee shop and a snack shop. / commercial facilities include a bookstore, banking service, a supermarket and a hair salon.

(17) ၼଢ଼ЅМஶ೩ࢊġġhttp://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/dir4/sasports.htm Ϙ‫ڀ‬ԕ࢈афїҳനࣉȂᢰᐯӠ་֖ԧᇌգૈ‫ڗ‬ѕߞᢜ‫ڈ‬ф ћ௵ࣿஜȄ. Ᏸҡ٘Жี৤ġġhttp://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ ॊЂ෩‫ڻ‬ЙьԺЮмြӫфࣿஜȂᢰॊЂᐯӠኧ་ߢᝊф၃ ᑢᚳಽߞӠ‫ۻ‬Ȅ ȑ᜹ങфћм ġ ഼Ⴥ᜹ങКѕфᏸ੭᜹ങਛ঍ᄑȂᢰᐯӠգᑟྻతៈԧ᝷ ġ ᜹ങфћмࣿஜġ(http://www.ust.hk/cfa/)Ȅ ȑᢜ‫ڈ‬ф௵ጄࣿஜ ġ ॊЂ࿂ᄁᔽᐯӠணሃᢜ‫ڈ‬ф௵ጄࣿஜȂપ‫־‬༟ᓱȶࣿϧӠ. ᏰҡོЅᏰҡಢᙑġġhttp://ihome.ust.hk/~su_union/ শสॊ‫ث‬ЂᐯᐯӠྻ࣏ϘৎᑾӲ֋ѹߞೡᚐȂԴయஜф೚ឯ ੭а໹ჅIJııৎᐯӠೡᚐ‫ݙ‬ᗝ֖ߞࣿஜϯȂᑉညদঋߞ‫֒ڎ‬Ȅ. ġ ࣿȷ᎝຀ȂᢰᐯӠታರႻஜߞጄᎷȄ ȑᅁ೫ሃᐱਰ. ᅖ ٗ Ϛ ӣ ᑹ ፸. ġ ऎᐯӠփനߞᐱਰ঍ᄑфᅁ೫ᑟྻȂᕒׄҁে‫ر‬ඵԪᏋ֋. ୵ϞЂᐯ෩‫އߞڻ‬சфᐯӠᗝ֖ߞࣿஜȂᘘգЙь‫ێ‬ҁന. ġ ЎȂԢ੡ϫҞ๴෭‫ߞࠜݙ‬ҍႮȂ‫ڭ‬ѷऎ௟‫ߞڽ‬Ѝ֯இՀ࿤. ࣉȂѽᆕ‫ږ‬ЙԢᐯӠЙԢߞᒸᎷȄ. ġ ൯Ȅ ȑᆊሲȃਲ਼᎘ྻф۞Ꮀབྷ ġ ൅Ⴥணሃᆊሲȃਲ਼᎘ྻф۞ᎰབྷȂᐯӠে༰ࢥዃૈȂᙖᘮ. ‫ڏ‬т೩ࢊȈ ȑٞԞ࢈ȃরጄ࢈ຈȂைᏳԧᇌЙԢߞᒸᎷ. ġ ৎϠߞ໛ൎфӫዾȄ (http://www.ab.ust.hk/sao/ConfluenceWeb/index.htm)Ȅ. ȑ஼ቫӹࣹࣿஜ. ȑྻ៉࢈ȃЍ֯࢈фᓱг࢈Ȃў࠮ᐯӠឯᓱ᎝ҳࣿஜ ȑც໛࢈фԃਿ࢈Ҟ‫ڻ‬Јԃȃ‫ݸ‬᛫Ϙϭ. ġ ୵ϞᐯങӹࣹȂЂᐯЙ੡ᗝᓱᐯӠћмӹࣹ঍ᄑф઴Ϭ‫ڎ‬. ȑԺਛᒴ঴ᔠᣇҒࣁ֋ׄՑߞᐯӠ༺௅ȃК֘Ցᔠᣇȃग़঴. ġ ᎢᐪຈࣿஜȂѽ࠳་ॊЂᐯӠᅆ஼ቫߤྻߞሮᝊфᢜྻȄ. ġ ዃඞȃ۩ப࢈фЈ঴ܸ. ġ ȑ஥྽ᑟᅹҒࣁ੩؊ȃ቙֖ȃ໹ૺҾඞфನ᐀ܸຈ. 14 15.

(18) Come Join Us ё Σ ऋ σ ġ The University welcomes applications from local and non-. Direct Admissions. local students who are seeking admission to full-time studies. / For non-local applicants / For all other applicants seeking. at the undergraduate level.. admission on the strength. Application and Selection for Admission Undergraduate students may enter the University through either The JUPAS Scheme or via Direct Admissions.. of qualifications other than HKALE results*. Online Application: http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/ Application Period: 2 Oct - 31 Dec 2003. The JUPAS Scheme http://www.jupas.edu.hk. / For current Secondary 7 students in Hong Kong sitting for. Application Fee: HK$150 (US$20) Application materials also available at the Admissions, Registration and Records Office.. the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 2004 (’school applicants’). / For all other applicants seeking admission on the strength of HKALE results The JUPA S Scheme (”Joint University Programmes Admissions System”) enables applicants to apply on the strength of their HKALE results for admission to the undergraduate programs of the 8 UGC-funded institutions. After reviewing the application forms and reports, selected applicants will be interviewed from March onwards. The fact that an applicant is not invited for interview does not mean that he/she is not being considered for admission.. of Hong Kong. Applicants applying through JUPAS should. Successful applicants may be made a firm offer or an offer. refer to the JUPAS Guide for details on application. with condition. To reserve the place offered, applicants. procedures.. may be required to pay a non-refundable deposit which will be applied to the tuition fee. Other applicants will be placed on a reserve list and reconsidered when the HKALE or other examination results are published.. *. Students who are currently enrolled as full-time/sandwich degree students in any of the eight JUPAS participating institutions should also apply through Direct Admissions even if they are applying on the strength of their current and/or past HKALE results. However, in accordance with guidelines on the inter-institution transfer of students, repeating of UGC-funded study across institutions, irrespective of whether there is a change of program or discipline, is generally discouraged.

(19) ӎ੭ᡌࠓӎԳфࠧӎԳߞᐯӠ֯ҍϢᐯӦ᎛Ȃ‫ؽ‬ᡝӎॊӠԑ. ‫ ޢ‬௥ ҧ ፜. џۘ᎝຀Ȅ ȑࠧӎԳӦ᎛Ϡ ȑࢺգ‫ێ‬ҁᐯങႤ੾ĩࠧশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւĪߞӦ᎛Ϡ*. ҧ፜ΣᏰЅᒴᒵЙ៉ Ӧ᎛ϢᡝЂᐯӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂҞ൅ჅЂᐯᗑԪ‫ݢ‬Ӡᓱ. ᇨϯӦ᎛Ȉhttp://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/. ‫ޱ‬Ȃ‫֯ݕ‬ҍߡతӦ᎛Ȅ Ӧ᎛џงȈijııĴՐIJıѡijџ֌IJijѡĴIJџ. σ Ᏸ ᖒ ӫ ‫ ܣ‬ҡ ᒲ ‫ݲ‬ http://www.jupas.edu.hk. Ӧ᎛໱ӡȈสᅋIJĶıЮĩ‫ݕ‬ग़ࠛijıЮĪ Ӧ᎛߰ӺҞԨϢᐯфໜҊ഍૶ۤգᝯႤਫ਼Ȅ. ȑĊ‫ݙ‬գඡւijııĵশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւߞӎสԴ੭КϛᐯӠ Ċ. ĩȶԴ੭Ӧ᎛ϠȷĪ ȑĊ‫ێ‬ҁ‫ݙ‬գѽশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻӦ᎛Ϣᐯ߰. ၃Ⴥ኶ᏦӦ᎛߰ߞࠑ੾фᐯ྽ᓙ႙Ϡߞඡ‫ࢢט‬Ȃӎ੭௟‫ݺ‬೩ ՐϬѡ༟‫ܕ‬ॗ‫َࠐڍ‬Ϣᓴ߰Ȃփӏജॗ‫ߞڍ‬Ӧ᎛߰Ȃ‫ڭ‬Й҃ ࠑ‫ێ‬Ӧ᎛Џജ‫ݡ‬ທȂӏജॗ‫ߞڍ‬Ӧ᎛ϠӺգҞକജۤᔂȄ. ȶЂᐯᗑԪ‫ݢ‬Ӡᓱ‫ޱ‬ȷĩᗑ‫ݢ‬Ī‫ׄ۝‬Ӧ᎛Ϡѽ୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻȂ ඡᡝϣ༡‫ۦ‬ȶЂᐯႤׄ܎৶ྻȷႤׄߞЂ௞୰੭ߞᐯЀᐯ֜ ᎝຀Ȅգྍ෈ᗑ‫ݢ‬ᓱ‫ޱ‬Ӧ᎛Ϣᐯ߰᎛ணᏦȶЂᐯᗑԪ‫ݢ‬Ӡᓱ ‫ޱ‬ȷࢽࡑаգᝯӦ᎛ߞ຀ؔȄ. ӎ੭௟๴ҍۤᔂ഼ߢПϢᓴߞӦ᎛߰Ȃ֭Ҟକࠢ௲ࣙ‫ڱ‬Ϣᐯ ౧ԆȂփᖔۤᔂߞӦ᎛༷߰ᜳѾ઻֜໱Ȃႍຊภ༵௟‫ݺ‬ໜҊ ੡ӡ֯ᜳӹᐯ໱Ȃ࿄Йଡ଼ᘘȄӏജۤᔂߞӦ᎛Ϡ௟ԕϢ৏ႃ ԩඏаȂ࢞শส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ‫ێݕ‬ҁг༟ւႏ‫ݸ‬ᅳࢢȂЖԓ ПւዋȄ. *. ಩ӒԴϣ‫ݙ‬ணሃᗑ‫ݢ‬Н୰੭а৒ᡝԑџۘ‫ݕ‬ዄ੭ӹฆۘᐯЀᐯ֜᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂ๑Ꭲ࣏‫׎‬ѽশส୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւ՘ᖻඡᡝȂ‫׮‬ᕕߡతԨЂᐯӦ᎛ȄੲᑂȶЂᐯి‫ڈ‬Ⴄׄ܎৶ྻȷ බЂ௞୰੭༡ᐯӠᚼ੭யᛟ‫֯ݙ‬НࢽєȂԴϘଠఐ޶ϭӎ੭௟Йྻւዋ಩ЏԴ‫ێ‬ҁЂ௞୰੭බᡝߞᐯӠᚼ੭দᡝߞӦ᎛ȂЙᎢ‫ؼ׎࣏ێ‬ᡝ‫ێ‬ҁॊӫȄ. 16 17.

(20) ...... ńŰŮŦġŋŰŪůġŖŴġёΣऋσġ. Notes for Non-Local Applicants http://www.ust.hk/oudpa/international/international.html# HKUST attracts students from all over the world to study and learn with the best and the brightest. In particular, they will. Points to Observe before Applying 1) Visa. gain broader perspectives on China and the region. The. In order to study in Hong Kong, non-local students including. University’s International Students Office (OIS) provides. those from the Chinese Mainland must obtain a student. services to help them settle down, know more about the. visa. Applications should be made well in advance at a. campus and discover different aspects of life in Hong Kong.. Consulate or a Chinese Embassy or by writing directly to:. The International Student Advisor, in co-operation with some student societies, organizes activities to enrich their experience in HKUST and in Hong Kong. Non-local applicants should apply directly to the university.. Hong Kong Immigration Department, 2/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Web site: http://www.info.gov.hk/immd/index.htm. Prospective non-local undergraduate students should first write to the Director of Admissions, Registration and Records, providing full details of their educational qualifications so that an initial assessment may be made as to their entry qualifications. If official transcripts are in a language other than English or Chinese, a certified translation into English must be provided.. 2) Financial Aspects Non-local students should carefully consider the financial aspects of their studies in Hong Kong before applying for admission. A total of at least HK$94,000 per academic year (9 months), covering tuition fee, on-campus accommodation, subsistence, textbooks, local travel, sports equipment,. Applicants should be aware that competition for admission. clothing, and other personal needs, is likely to be required. is such that only very well qualified candidates will gain. for undergraduate study.. admission. Because of the differences between educational systems, students eligible to enter undergraduate programs in their own countries may find that their qualifications are not necessarily recognized for entry to HKUST.. Applicants will be required to show sufficient financial resources to cover expenses for their period of study. They must also nominate a sponsor who is a resident of Hong Kong, aged over 21, to whom they are known personally. Those who have difficulty in nominating a sponsor may indicate on their visa applications that the University’s Director of Admissions, Registration and Records is willing to act in this capacity..

(21) ߨҏӴҧ፜Ρ໸‫ޣ‬ http://www.ust.hk/oudpa/international/international.html#. ijĪġငᔼ. ‫ڳ‬঑ಽԩߞਰႤфᐯങলઈȂѽфҞᚣԳ‫׀‬ԺᖢႋК஼ф‫ێ‬. ঍ Ӧ᎛ϢᐯࡈȂࠧӎԳᐯӠᕕႎ೟ւዋӎ‫ߞڗ‬၃ᕻକϧȄჰ঍. ᏐࠕԳ஡Ȃൌ࣏ѵधԧԳᐯӠᓴᑄॊЂ་৒ߞ১ԯȄॊЂ஼. ӎॊӠϘᐯՐĩॗϝৎѡĪߞ༟њȂҒࣁԑՐᐯ໱ȃ௛໱ȃ֗. ቫᐯӠКѕĩŐŊŔĪ௟ᕒׄҳ‫ڽ‬ᐯӠᏋᕕ੭ཀྵӠࣿфጢ೫শสߞ. ঴ȃ᎝ӎȃӹ഼ȃႻஜႅ൯ф‫ێ‬ҁৎϠᛔ໱ԴаȂॗऎสᅋ. ᖖᄩȂփᐯӠ‫ڰ‬ச഍ߞቃᐱ৶Ӻྻऎҳ‫ڽ‬ᐯӠ෩‫އڻ‬சȂ‫ڭ‬. ĺĵĭıııЮȄ. ྻᗑԢ‫ێ‬ҁᐯӠೡᚐԪᓱࣿஜȂѽ࠳་ᐯӠᅆশสߤྻфћ мߞሮᝊȄ. Ӧ᎛Ϡ༷ᝋ‫ێށ‬၃ᕻକϧ‫ږ‬ѽᕕѾԴᐯ੡งߞњҍȂ‫ڭ‬෩ԩ Ϙ֜ՐᆕijIJ࿐Нশส‫ܧ‬Ӕ֯࠲ᝋϠȄՂ๑‫֯ޱ‬ҍ࠲ᝋϠߞ෩. ࠧӎԳᐯӠᕕߡతԨӎ੭Ӧ᎛ϢᐯȂ঵Ԑ७‫ۑ‬ӎ੭Ϣᐯфໜ. ԩȂӺҞԴӦ᎛ᜪᝋ੡ཱϯӎ੭НϢᐯфໜҊ഍഍ࠜऎ࠲ᝋ. Ҋ഍഍ࠜȂႎ೟ԕᗝӎ‫ڗ‬ᐯᑢȂѽ࠮ӎ੭་֖ࠐَໞ֤Ȅॶ. ϠȄ. ෩‫ߞڻ‬ᝋ‫ށ‬ћԆ‫ࠧڭ‬ѽКћ‫ॻݕ‬ћ੩኷ȂӦ᎛ϠӅ༷෩‫ڻ‬գ ੜНॻћᚙ៌ӎȄ ඡᡝӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞឮߋϩжᑬધȂࣇթҪգ՘ᖻᔹಳ߰Жྻ ᖔఀۤᔂȄփӤ‫ߞ࢘ۘڈిݺ‬ਮಳȂԴ‫ێ‬ҁ஼ਛգႤ੾пᡝ ӎॊӠ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȂӏӅ೑ԪϢᡝॊЂߞႤ੾Ȅ. Ӧ᎛ࡈւዋঋᙇ IJĪġ᛫ᜌ ࠧӎԳᐯӠĩҒࣁК஼аԳĪՂ౬Դশส་৒ȂӅ༷֋֖ۖК ஼ᏸညԳЂ‫ڹ‬ᔡ‫ݕ‬ᗁታ‫ڰ‬ᔡታۤᐯӠᜪᝋȂӺҞ੩ব७‫ۑ‬শ สᣉѿ‫ט‬ЀӇႽϛၳȶশสϠӔϢᄩ‫ڰ‬ச഍ȷࣤ႙գᝯᜪ໠ ‫ܢڰ‬Ȅĩhttp://www.info.gov.hk/immd/index.htm)Ȅ. 18 19.

(22) ...... ńŰŮŦġŋŰŪůġŖŴġёΣऋσġ. 3) Accommodation Overseas full-time students are normally offered on-campus. Visiting Overseas Students http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/ugvisit.htm. accommodation. Most rooms are designed for double. Students from overseas institutions who wish to study at the. occupancy and are air-conditioned and furnished. There. University on a short-term basis, i.e. minimum of one. are provisions for linking personal computers to the university. semester and a maximum of two, may apply for admission. network and common facilities include shower, toilet,. t o t he U niv ersit y a s v isi ti ng over s eas s tud ents . T he. common rooms with TVs, pantries and telephones, coin-. application fee for 2004-2005 is HK$150 (US$20). Visiting. operated washing machines, dryers and microwave ovens.. overseas students may take courses but are not enrolled in. Those who are considering off-campus living should note that housing is in great demand throughout Hong Kong and living space for most residents is limited. Moreover, rents in Hong Kong are extremely high.. Notes for Mature Applicants Applicants aged 25 or over by the first day of the academic year to which admission is sought may apply for direct admission. Mature applicants may be granted exemption from the entrance requirements of the University provided they demonstrate aptitude and suitability for admission to a particular program of study.. specific programs of the University..

(23) ĴĪ՞ஜ. ԙΡ໌ও໸‫ޣ‬. ࠧӎԳԑџۘᐯӠ഼௱Ҟᖔж୨Ϣ֝ॊЂߞ௛߽ȄЂൊԊ‫ݗ‬. Ӧ᎛߰ՂԴ‫ݙ‬ඡᡝ᎝຀ߞᐯՐ༟‫ܕ‬੡Џ࣏ijĶ࿐‫ݕ‬ѽϯȂҞߡ. ༡ऎᛕϠ‫ݗ‬Ȃനգ൬ᶊȄُৎ‫ݗ‬༡‫׮‬ҞѽცၝతቺϯᇨȂփ. తԨӎ੭Ӧ᎛ϢᐯȄՂକᝋ‫ێށ‬ᏋԪ‫ؽ‬ᡝ༵ࣙ᎝຀Ȃ‫ـ‬Ҟᘄ. ௛߽Ӻྻ෩‫ێڻ‬ҁനࣉՂછ࢈ȃа၉ც໛ߞྻࢉ࢈ȃԃਿ. ֺϢᐯߞঋِȄ. ࢈ȃც႖ȃ՜໱ࣾ֗ᑟȃ஀֗ᑟфྋޯឤຈȄ ᐯӠՂւዋԴ੭ҳ֝௛Ȃ᎛઻ྍশส‫ߞ࢏ݗ‬ቮِ࿂ЂȂ૧ࠛ. ੕ Ѵ ‫ پ‬೤ Ᏸ ҡ. ୼‫ހ‬Н᏶বᒕӺࠧ௱գনȄ. http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/ugvisit.htm ઔҳЂ௞ᐯӠՂգྍԴӎ੭๺ง་৒Ϙ֌‫ی‬ৎᐯงȂҞߡత Ԩӎ੭Ӧ᎛՘ऎઔҳ‫ڽ‬ണᐯӠȄijııĵĮijııĶՐ࢘НӦ᎛໱ӡऎ สᅋIJĶıЮĩ‫ݕ‬ग़ࠛijıЮĪȄઔҳ‫ڽ‬ണᐯӠҪҞ৒ᡝৎ‫־‬ᐯ‫ߞڀ‬ ॊӫȂփЙକໜҊ՘ऎႍ᎝຀ߞᐯӠȄ. 20 21.

(24) ...... ńŰŮŦġŋŰŪůġŖŴġёΣऋσġ. Credit Transfer Applicants. Fees from. universities,. polytechnics or other post-secondary institutions who have completed/are studying curricula in relevant disciplines may apply for credit transfer upon admission. Application must be made within one month of commencement of first semester. Courses accepted for transfer credits must normally be at a level more advanced than studies for the advanced level (A-level) examinations and be taught by a recognized institution. The total number of credits to be transferred will be decided with regard to the University policy that no student shall be permitted to graduate unless she/he has: 1. completed a minimum of one year full-time study at HKUST; 2. obtained a minimum of 35 HKUST credits; and 3. students are not considered for completion of a minor program unless at least two-thirds of the credits counting toward the minor program requirements are HKUST credits.. http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/fees Fees described below are not refundable. 1. Tuition fees for 2003-2004: (Fees for 2004/2005 will be announced by the HKSAR Government in the summer of 2004.). / For full-time students: HK$42,100 per annum to be paid in two equal installments before the beginning of each semester. / For visiting overseas students: HK$2,110 per credit 2. Undergraduate Hall charges: Subject to confirmation, for a residential year of about 9 months from September 2004 to May 2005:. / $9,325 per person in double rooms. / $6,980 per person in triple rooms 3. Estimated total cost: The total cost of living and studying at the University is expected to be about $94,000 for two semesters and the winter session from early September to early June,. Credits transferred will not be included in the calculation of. including the items mentioned above. This figure also. grade averages. Applications for direct entry to the second. includes the cost of food and drink, text books and. year or later will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.. stationery..

(25) Ᏸ Ϸ‫ܛ‬ᇯ. າҢ http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/fees. ฅԴЂᐯȃನЍ‫ێݕ‬ҁሮҞЂ௞୰੭ಲ྽‫ݕ‬಩Ӓ‫ݺ‬ႍຈ୰੭ බᡝНӦ᎛ϠȂՂ౬ඡᡝӎ੭գᝯ᎝຀ȂҞᓴᑄ෧઱ϢᐯȄ գᝯᐯжᚼೊӦ᎛Ӆ༷‫ݺ‬೐Ϙৎᐯง༟ᐯࢢϘৎѡа֯ҍȄ. ѽϭ໱ӡ࿄Йଡ଼ᘘȄ ϘȃijııĴġĮġijııĵՐᐯ໱. ᖔ‫ݚ‬ሮᐯжߞॊӫ഼௱Ӆ༷ऎЂᐯሮҞߞ୰੭‫ݙ‬༟ᓱȂѷ‫ێ‬. ġ. ĩijııĵġĮġijııĶՐᐯ໱௟գ࢞শสપ஡ࣆܹ‫ݺ‬ijııĵՐਆ‫ܞ‬. аਟᕕႵ୼ૺ຀࢘ྻւॊӫಎϢȂփᖔ‫ݚ‬ሮߞᐯжዴӫ௟‫ڶ‬. ġ. ࢆֶȄĪ. ġ. ȑġӎॊӠ᎝຀ᐯ໱. ĩϘĪġ Դӎ੭৒྽൵ьᆕϘՐȂЖକᖔჴᐯ֜ȇ. ġ. ġ ԑՐสᅋĵijĭIJııЮȂҞж‫ی‬งԴᐯง༟‫ᜳࡈܕ‬ӹȄ. ĩϟĪġ Դಲ྽ࡈ৒ಲӎ੭൵ьĴĶৎᐯжНॊӫȇ. ġ. ȑġઔҳ‫ڽ‬ണᐯӠᐯ໱Ļ. ġ. ġ ُᐯжสᅋijĭIJIJıЮ. ࿰Ђᐯ‫ݙ‬঎ߞ࿤ࡋٙ‫ܠ‬Ȅ၃ᐯж‫ݚ‬ሮಲ྽ߞᐯӠӅ༷Ȉ. ĩϬĪġ ՂӦ᎛৒ᡝ஘৒᎝຀Ȃࡋ஘৒᎝຀‫ݙ‬ঋِߞᐯжК൵ь ġ. գϬжНϟӅ༷Դӎ੭৒ఀȄ. ϟȃӎॊӠ௛߽໱ӡȈ ġ. ijııĵՐĺѡ֌ijııĶՐĶѡߞ௛߽՜໱ዶ‫ܠ‬ऎȈ. ġ. ȑġᛕϠ‫ُ֜ݗ‬สᅋĺĭĴijĶЮ. ġ. ȑġϬϠ‫ُ֜ݗ‬สᅋķĭĺĹıЮ. ᖔᘄֺॊӫНᐯж௟Йྻ঍ᇖԴᐯӠНӀ‫׮‬՘ᖻຈૺаȄփ գᝯඡᡝϟՐૺ‫ݕ‬ѽϯНӎॊӠ᎝຀Ȃӎ੭௟ৎ‫־‬኶੮ᐯӠ Ӧ᎛Ȅ. Ϭȃჰ঍ᗁ༟њȈ ġ. Դӎ੭௙௛фබᡝߞԑՐ໱ӡĩӤĺѡϯ՟֌೩Րķѡϯ. ġ. ՟ȂҒࣁ‫ی‬ৎᐯงфҋ᎝ĪȂॗऎสᅋĺĵĭıııЮȂ‫ێ‬КҒ. ġ. ࣁϯগԧ༵༟њȂѽфᘉ໴঴ߏȃ༼ਫ਼ȃ᎝ӎ۶ћ‫ۍ‬Ȅ. 22 23.

(26) ...... ńŰŮŦġŋŰŪůġŖŴġёΣऋσġ. Scholarships and Prizes http://www.ust.hk/scholarship. obtained from the SFAA or from the Student Affairs Office of the University.. A number of scholarships and prizes are awarded on behalf of individual and corporate donors to students, without application, on the strength of academic merit and the recommendations of a school or department.. University Loans and Bursaries Students with additional financial needs may apply for loans and bursaries administered by the University. In general, these funds are used to supplement, but not. Financial Assistance There are two main sources of financial support for Hong Kong students:. Government Student Financial Assistance http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/ Full-time students who have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had their home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years immediately prior to the commencement of their year of study are eligible to apply to the Government Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) for financial aid. Assistance is offered through two schemes:. / Local Student Finance Scheme (LSFS): Grants/loans awarded in relation to family income and financial status.. / Non-means-tested loan scheme (NLS): Loans up to the amount of tuition fee. Students may apply for assistance from both schemes or either one. Application forms and further details may be. substitute for, Government financial assistance. Details of loans and bursaries are available at the Student Affairs Office..

(27) ዩᏰߜЅዩߜ. ࢇ ‫ ۺ‬Ᏸ ҡ င ᔼ ධ օ. http://www.ust.hk/scholarship. http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa. ӎ੭നգԺ༵ৎϠ‫ݕ‬ᄥᢜ੕ᝑߞጨᐯࠛфׄᐯࠛȂѦ༷Ӧ. ԑџۘᐯӠՂ‫ۍ‬գশสӖϳ‫઻ܧ‬ᡋȂ‫ݕ‬Դ᎝຀༟‫ࡈܕ‬Џാ᠈. ᎛Ȃࢷᐯ྽՘ᖻӤᐯ୰‫ݕ‬ᐯ‫ڀ‬యᚧȂჴ๴ຜᐯӠȄ. Դশส‫ێݕ֝ܧ‬ਛਲԴশสЏ֝ᆕϬՐ߰ȂҞӦ᎛Ӥࣆܹᐯ ӠႤׄᓱ‫ڰ‬഍঑യߞ၃ᕻ෯ׄȄ. ငᔼධօ. ‫ی‬ৎऎᐯӠփനߞ၃ᕻ෯ׄ঍ᄑȈ. գᝯশสᐯӠҞӦ᎛ߞ၃ᕻ෯ׄȂѹঋҒࣁϭԕ‫༵ی‬Ȉ. ȑӎԳ௞ϯᐯӠႤׄ঍ᄑ Ċ. ׄᐯࠛфİ‫ֲݕ‬ਿ໷ภߞࠛᛝቮ໛Ѽਛਲ՜ϢфႤಯߐ޶փ Ċ. ‫ܠ‬Ȅ ȑֺϢਿ኶ࣤ໷ภ঍ᄑ Ċ. ໷ภᛝ൵୼ҞႿᕕᜳᐯ໱ߞࠛᛝȄ Ċ. ᐯӠҞԢ੡Ӧ᎛‫༵ی‬෯ׄ঍ᄑȂ‫ݕ‬Ҫᑄ‫ێ‬ϘȄփգᝯӦ᎛ Ċ. ࠑ੾фႎ೟Ⴄਫ਼ȂҞԨᐯӠႤׄᓱ‫ڰ‬഍ӎ੭ᐯӠ‫ڰ‬ச഍૶ Ċ. ۤȄ. σ Ᏸ ຸ ෡ Ѕ օ Ᏸ ߜ ᐯӠ၃ᕻϯՂգપ‫᝱ק־‬ȂᘘҞӦ᎛ӎ੭ߞ໷ภ۶ׄᐯࠛȄ ӎ੭ߞ໷ภ۶ׄᐯ഼ࠛ௱Ҫӡ‫ڽ‬ႃ҇ࣆܹႤׄߞЙ‫ږ‬Ȅգᝯ ႎఐȂ᎛ԨᐯӠ‫ڰ‬ச഍ࣤ႙Ȅ. 24 25.

(28) ...... ńŰŮŦġŋŰŪůġŖŴġёΣऋσġ. More Information. The University Calendar. Prospective students can get more information from the. Detailed information about the University can be found in. Admissions, Registration and Records Office on campus, via. the University’s Academic Calendar, published in summer. the University Academic Calendar or by joining the Student. every year. Each new student will be provided with a free. Outreach Day.. copy of the Calendar upon registration. The Academic Calendar for the 2003-2004 academic year is available online at http://publish.ust.hk/univ/cal0304/.. Admissions, Registration and Records Of fice (ARR) http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr. Student Outreach Day. Applicants requiring advice or assistance on admissions-. The annual Student Outreach Day is usually held in late. related matters are welcome to contact the Admissions,. September. Students are welcome to come to our campus. Registration and Records Office. All enquiries should. and see the exhibitions and seminars, tour the campus and. indicate the degree program(s) of interest and be. its facilities, watch performances and video shows, and get. addressed to:. acquainted with the University in general.. Director of Admissions, Registration and Records The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2623-1118 Facsimile: (852) 2358-0769 E-mail Address: For JUPAS applicants: ugjupas@ust.hk For all other applicants: ugadmit@ust.hk Service Counter Opening Hours at Room 1381: Mondays - Fridays. 9 am - 5 pm. Saturdays. 9 am - 12 noon. Sundays and Public Holidays closed.

(29) ષ‫؁ڥ‬ӻၥਟ. Ⴑ ऋ ӣ Ᏸ Р. գྍඡᡝӎ੭ߞᐯӠȂҞంϢᐯфໜҊ഍‫ݕ‬Ȯশสॊ‫ث‬Ђᐯ. ُՐĺѡϭ՟ᗝ֖ߞჰॊԢᐯџȂᢰԢᐯেᓐ‫ۖڗ‬ॊЂணᣍ. ࿄᠓ȯᖔۤ‫ـ‬ԺႤਫ਼Ȃ‫ـ‬ҞணҐ‫ا‬েߞჰॊԢᐯџȂᓐ‫ۖڗ‬. ԧ༵ిᐯനࣉȃᡊ֜ȃࠑᆊȃਣ᠓фᗾਲ਼Ȅ. ॊЂணᣍȄ. Σ Ᏸ Ѕ ຝ ы ೎ ĩ ł œ œ Ī http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr ՂԴӦ᎛ј᠈ȃᓴॊȃϢᐯႤ੾‫ێݕ‬ҁգᝯயᛟϯȂգԇ֣ ᆷய‫ݕ‬ቮঋ࢙៉Ȃᡌࠓሃӎ੭ϢᐯфໜҊ഍ᗑປȄ‫ۑڽ‬᎛ໜ ‫ށ‬౬ࣤ႙НӎॊӠ᎝຀Ȅ শสϝᔷ౻Ѫᣉশสॊ‫ث‬ЂᐯIJĴĹIJ࢈ϢᐯфໜҊ഍ ც႖Ȉġ. ĩĹĶijĪijķijĴĮIJIJIJĹ. ᄦћཇૌȈĩĹĶijĪijĴĶĹĮıĸķĺ ც༎Ȉġ. ᗑ‫ݢ‬Ӧ᎛Ϡugjupas@ust.hk. ġġġġġġġġġġġġ. ‫ێ‬ҁӦ᎛Ϡugadmit@ust.hk. ‫އ‬சКѕന‫ݺ‬IJĴĹIJ࢈Ȃᓱг੡༡ՂϭȈ ࣐งϘ֌࣐งУϯоĺ੡֌ϭоĶ੡ ࣐งбϯоĺ੡֌ӒоIJij੡ ࣐งџфгಿ஄งԃਿ. Ȯ ॷ ෫ ऋ ‫ ׬‬σ Ᏸ ྅ ។ ȯ ႶգॊЂႎ೟Ⴄਫ਼ߞȮশสॊ‫ث‬Ђᐯ࿄᠓ȯ ȂُՐਆчҍߍȂ ُ֜ྲӠ‫׮‬ҞᖔँϘӎȄijııĴ Į ijııĵՐ࢘Ȯশสॊ‫ث‬Ђᐯ࿄ ᠓ȯ಩ЏՅ‫ݺ‬ᇨ‫ ׬‬http://publish.ust.hk/univ/cal0304/Ȅ. 26 27.

(30) Design and Production by Publishing Technology Center. This brochure is published for the guidance of students who wish to enter the University in September 2004. Information in this brochure may be changed from time to time by the appropriate University Authority. In the event of inconsistency, the decision of the University Authority shall be final. ӎҊЄऎգྍඡᡝӎ੭ijııĵĮijııĶՐ࢘᎝຀ߞᐯӠ෩‫ڻ‬ணւႤਫ਼Ȅ‫ݙ‬Ⴖаਟ‫ྻݕ‬ԯᕕᅁቫఐ޶ቮঋ փ֯ҍ৒঎ȂЫࢢՂգᢏஜȂညѽЂᐯгֶऎ࿤ȄаਟКȃॻߍӎՂգਮಳȂࡋѽॻћߍӎऎ࿤Ȅ.

(31) PTC-G9817.




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 Establish a check and balance mechanism to ensure that fee remission is offered in accordance with the school-based eligibility criteria, which should be no less favourable than