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102 學年度第二學期第二次期中考 高二英文科試題

I. Listening Test: 每題 2 分 (20%)

Part 1: Best Response Questions

Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.

1. (A) Yes. He hasn’t spoken to them for several years. (B) That’s true. He would do anything for them. (C) Right. He doesn’t look like either of his parents. (D) Yes. It seems that he never stops causing trouble. 2. (A) You’re right. They are getting worse.

(B) Yes. They aren’t really serious at all. (C) True. They’ve totally disappeared. (D) I disagree. They haven’t calmed down. 3. (A) No, I forgot to bring my camera.

(B) No. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt at all. (C) Yes. I bought a ring while on the trip. (D) Yes, I have some great ideas.

Part 2: Conversation Questions

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.

4. (A) Help her sleep better at night. (B) Give her ideas about what to write. (C) Make her forget her problems. (D) Get her headache to go away. 5. (A) See old classmates.

(B) Watch a sports event. (C) Meet with family. (D) Eat with coworkers.

6. (A) He doesn’t like going to the beach.

(B) He can’t afford to go on a trip to the beach. (C) He volunteers to work for his school. (D) He feels strongly about helping people.

Part 3: Short Talk Questions

Listen to the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Paragraph A

7. (A) Distance of the trip. (B) Times of cycling. (C) Number of teams. (D) Number of towns. 8. (A) He is a fan of big cities.

(B) He prefers driving to biking. (C) He usually bikes alone.

(D) He enjoys the beauty of nature. Paragraph B

9. (A) She won a Nobel Prize. (B) She was going to school. (C) She worked for the Taliban. (D) She was teaching little girls. 10. (A) Working with the BBC.

(B) A different way to deal with terrorism. (C) Finding the people who attacked her.

(D) Helping hospitals better treat wounded people.


Vocabulary and Phrases (All


及閱測攻略): 每題 1 分 (11%) P. 2


(A) transaction (B) legacy (C) correspondence (D) appreciation 12. One study shows that the average consumer spends _____ US$25 per year on toothpaste.

(A) deliberately (B) approximately (C) conveniently (D) subsequently 13. Mark’s _____ of life combines ideas from a number of ancient Greek writers.

(A) conservation (B) tendency (C) philosophy (D) initiative 14. Deep-fried foods may _____ your body with excessive calories; therefore, you should avoid them.

(A) rescue (B) motivate (C) overburden (D) collide 15. Tom’s so good-looking and charming that he _____ get a date for the dance this Friday night.

(A) is attributed to (B) is bound to (C) pays homage to (D) looks forward to 16. This piece of music is _____; it came out just recently. No wonder I’ve never heard of it before.

(A) distinct (B) affectionate (C) adverse (D) contemporary 17. It would be _____ to go rock-climbing in such harsh weather. You can’t go, or I’ll be worried sick!

(A) endangered (B) insane (C) biographical (D) exotic 18. Exposure to foreign cultures teaches me to view the world from a wider _____.

(A) perspective (B) majesty (C) architecture (D) residence

19. The movement started by 2 college students has _____ into a well-organized party with 200 people from all walks of life. (A) erected (B) exaggerated  (C) evolved   (D) enthralled

20. The river is heavily _____ with toxic wastes released by nearby factories.

(A) contaminated   (B) contributed   (C) critiqued (D) carved

21. The prestigious college admits only students who _____; only the top ten students in our school will be accepted. (A) are to the beat (B) shoot from the hip (C) are the cream of the crop (D) spin words to their advantage

III. Cloze: 每題 1 分 (20%)

(1) After spending 19 years in prison, I was old and felt bitter. When I was released, I went to an inn to find a place to stay for the night. However, the inn keeper looked me over and didn’t seem to like my shabby appearance. 22 he found out that I was an ex-convict, he refused to give me a room. It wasn’t long before the whole town knew my identity, and no one was willing to take me in even for a night. Frustrated and helpless, I wondered how I was going to start a new life. Fortunately, a bishop took pity on me. Instead of being judgmental, he 23 to me and welcomed me with open arms. He not only invited me to spend the night at his place, but also prepared a delicious dinner for me. Nonetheless, his kindness didn’t 24 the bitterness and resentment I had harbored against the world, nor did it lead me to true repentance. Later that night, I couldn’t help but 25 his silverware and fled. Yet, the police caught me before dawn and took me back to him. To my great surprise, the bishop didn’t blame me a bit. 26 , he forgave me and said that I should take his silver candlesticks as well. Moved by his unconditional generosity and kindness, I later decided to turn over a new leaf and become a decent man.

22. (A) As long as (B) As soon as (C) As far as (D) As late as 23. (A) looked up (B) lived up (C) looked forward (D) reached out 24. (A) slip away (B) flash through (C) pass by (D) drive out 25. (A) steal (B) stole (C) stealing (D) to steal 26. (A) Therefore (B) Similarly (C) Instead (D) Otherwise

(2) Living in a fast-paced world, most people feel stressed the whole time. They may have difficulty __27__ a balance between their work and personal lives. For them, without a doubt, happiness has become something that is hard to acquire. To Ben-Shahar, the author of several bestsellers, happiness is a state we cannot arrive at unless we examine what we find most meaningful and what __28__ us __28__ pleasure. To help us pursue happiness, Ben-Shahar gives several tips. To begin with, we shouldn’t hold back our feelings, including negative ones. It is OK to feel bad when things go wrong. In terms of work, Ben-Shahar encourages us to __29__ activities that are personally significant and delightful so that we can get confidence. Besides, paying attention to our body is also vital. If we still feel unhappy after following the above-mentioned tips, Ben-Shahar suggests we try simplifying our daily tasks __30__ we learn to think positively. He believes that happiness can be found in avoiding doing too much as well as in looking on the bright side of things. Last but not least, we must learn to be thankful for what we have. We can’t just __31__ everything __31__. After all, only when we realize how much we already have will we find happiness.

27. (A) striking (B) strike (C) to strike (D) stricken P.3

28. (A) provides...for (B) offers…x (C) brings…out (D) presents…to

29. (A) participate (B) take part (C) engage in (D) involve in


31. (A) pack…into one day (B) cast…out (C) pay…back (D) take…for granted

(3) The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built by an Indian emperor, Shah Jahan, more than three hundred years ago in memory of his beloved wife. Over the years, the Taj Mahal has stood the test of time, remaining one of the most impressive and glorious wonders in the world. So, no one was surprised when it __32__ the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Behind this grand structure is a touching story. Shah Jahan is said to __33__ numerous wives. Among them, Mumtaz Mahal was his favorite. He felt extremely depressed after she passed away while giving birth. To memorialize his love, he decided to build a grand tomb. The construction began soon after the queen's death and it took twenty-two years to complete the mausoleum, __34__ twenty thousand people hired on this project. Before long, however, the emperor was __35__ by his own son and imprisoned in the Agra Fort on the other bank of Yamuna. From across the river, he gazed day and night at this masterpiece built for the love of his life until his death.

__36__ centuries have passed, the Taj Mahal still sits there, symbolizing the emperor’s undying passion for his wife. In the future, this story will still touch people’s hearts, and the beauty of the Taj Mahal will always stick in their minds.

32. (A) included (B) was including (C) was inclusive of (D) was included in 33. (A) have (B) had (C) have had (D) having

34. (A) for (B) with (C) and (D) which 35. (A) usurped (B) crumbled (C) adored (D) recruited 36. (A) Despite (B) Since (C) Though (D) Unless

(4) Considering the popularity of convenience stores in Taiwan, it should come as no surprise that Taiwan has the highest density of convenience stores, which are __37__ crowded with people. Why are they so popular? For one thing, they take care of people’s daily needs, __38__ from food and drinks to paying their bills anytime. __39__ people may need, convenience stores have these items stacked on the shelves already. For another, convenience stores are open 24/7. We can use their services at all times because they are always __40__. Without a doubt, convenience stores have successfully __41__ themselves __41__ the fabric of everyday life in Taiwan .

37. (A) best of all (B) sooner or later (C) in vain (D) more often than not 38. (A) range (B) ranged (C) ranging (D) and range

39. (A) Wherever (B) Whenever (C) Whoever (D) Whatever 40. (A) profitable (B) available (C) reliable (D) comparable 41. (A) woven…into (B) confined…to (C) withdraw…from (D) entertain…with

IV. 文意選填: 每題 1 分 (8%) (忽略大小寫)

Have you ever had a(n) __42__ where your dog starts barking and growling at what looks like nothing at all? Have you ever seen other animals, perhaps wild ones, act erratically at certain times of the day or night? While scientific evidence of animals being able to sense supernatural activity is inconclusive, anecdotal evidence would suggest that animals can, __43__, see or sense ghosts.

Most anecdotal evidence will tell you that dogs are more sensitive to supernatural activity than other animals. Some say that because dogs are able to hear and smell better than most other animals, they are more likely to __44__ a change in their surroundings. Others believe that, since dogs are social animals and are bred to protect their owners, they may be more likely to __45__ to an abnormal object in order to signal or warn their human counterparts. Whatever the reason, many dog owners report irregular behavior that can be attributed to a haunted house or room.

While dogs are by far the most sensitive to supernatural activity, cats are also very sensitive to changes in electromagnetic activity —a change which can signal a ghostly presence— __46__ they may be more likely to hide rather than make noise or warn their owners. Cats may also sit and watch something move across a room that you cannot see with your human eyes. __47__ wild animals, you may notice that birds start chirping uncontrollably or begin to fly in crazy patterns at certain times of the night. This can signal the presence of ghosts.

P. 4

Whether you believe it is due to supernatural activity or not, if your pet starts to act differently than normal, you should definitely __48__ a veterinarian. They are the only ones that can truly diagnose what is going on. Before you freak yourself out thinking your house has an unwelcome __49__, talk to your vet and see if there could be another cause. If the behavior continues, there are plenty of books and websites to look for information.

(A) consult (B) as for (C) in fact (D) experience (E) because


V. 篇章結構: 每題 1 分 (5%)

Human lie at times and there are many reasons why we tell lies. Some of us lie to make others feel better, such as when we tell old people how young they look. __50__.

__51__. Each type of lie has its own purpose. For example, advertisers overstate the functions of products in order to sell more of them. kids assure their parents that they have finished the homework to avoid the punishment. __52__. It seems that lies are everywhere.

So how can we tell if someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes? __53__. For instance, liars tend to touch their nose, mouth, or ears more often. What’s more, a forced, unnatural smile with a higher voice is also a common clue to help us distinguish the genuine affections from the fake ones.

Next time you suspect someone of lying, watch him carefully as he speaks, for your eyes won’t deceive you. __54__. Remember, we all lie at times—and anyone who says he doesn’t is simply not telling the truth.

(A) People pretend to love the present they get from their friends in order not to hurt their feelings.

(B) Others lie to protect people, like when we tell an angry man that the person he is looking for has already left. (C) An easy way to find the truth is to study a person’s body language.

(D) If you catch him lying, don’t be too hard on him.

(E) Lies come in many forms: we exaggerate, mislead, tell white lies, or don’t give the whole truth.

VI. Reading Comprehension: 每題 2 分 (16%)

(1) One day, in Jordyn Lexton’s English class at East River Academy, a school for the imprisoned youth on Rikers Island, a student asked if he could be an architect someday. She told him yes. Another student who had been sleeping throughout the class raised his head and shouted, “No disrespect, Miss, but you’re selling dreams.”

In that moment Lexton realized that most of these kids would never actually have a chance to live their dreams—not because they didn’t have the potential, but because opportunities for these young people are greatly limited.

Her students were all 16, 17, and 18 years old, yet had been seen as adults in the New York state prison system. In addition, even if they were lucky enough to leave East River Academy with a high school diploma, the chances of them ending up back in jail were high—70% would return, in fact. Future employment and further schooling would be also tough due to their criminal record.

“Regardless of what I was doing inside the facility, it wasn’t enough. I wanted to literally stop selling dreams and actually create channels for young people to have a successful re-entry experience,” Lexton said. Therefore, she founded a company called Drive Change. It builds and operates locally sourced food trucks that hire, teach and empower formerly imprisoned young people.

Drive Change has rolled its first truck “Snow Day” out during the first week of January. Now, it is alternating between three set locations in DUMBO, Lower Manhattan and Chelsea. If you see Snow Day on the road, why not having some delicious food while supporting Lexton’s idea on helping imprisoned youth fit in the society again?

55. What is this passage mainly about? (A) Life Inside Prison.

(B) The History of East River Academy. (C) Jordyn Lexton, Best Teacher in America. (D) The Reason for Founding Drive Change.

56. What does “selling dreams” (in the first paragraph) probably mean? (A) Lying to someone intentionally.

(B) Making someone a worse person. (C) Giving someone a valuable gift. (D) Dealing with locally sourced food.

P. 5

57. What can be inferred from the passage? (A) Drive Change sells imported food.

(B) East River Academy is located in New York. (C) 30% of Lexton’s students work in Drive Change. (D) Lexton helps clear her students’ criminal records.


(2) A UN meeting today is discussing happiness, which doesn't come in dollar bills but—says a report—from strong social networks, employment, health, political freedom and the absence of corruption. And one of the world's tiniest nations is setting an example.

It's a truism in rich countries that money doesn't buy happiness—but many people still look for it in stores. And there is an assumption that happiness is not possible while people are poor. Most governments, meanwhile, concern themselves with economic growth and not the psychological state of their population.

Yet Bhutan today is teaching us all a lesson. At the United Nations, this tiny and far from wealthy Himalayan nation is hosting a high-level meeting on happiness. According to a report published by the Earth Institute of Columbia University for the meeting, rich countries awash with wealth have a lot to learn from Bhutan, which is admired not for its gross domestic product but for its gross national happiness index.

Living standards still matter. The authors of the report—economist Jeffrey Sachs who is director of the institute, Lord Richard Leyard, who has long argued that happiness does not come in pound coins in the UK, and Canadian John Helliwell—say the happiest countries are in northern Europe. Top of the league is Denmark, followed by Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. These are wealthy countries—but, say the authors, that is not the reason for the happiness of the population. Political freedom, strong social networks and an absence of corruption are far more important. It is not just poverty, they say, that explains the predominance of sub-Saharan countries at the bottom of the league: Togo, Benin, Central African Republic and Sierra Leone.

Some of the factors that make us happy are inevitably linked with stronger economies—living standards and job security matter to people and take away stress. But the US, the authors point out, has not got happier as living standards have risen. Beyond a certain point, when people have enough to eat, a roof over their head and a stable job working with good colleagues, it is other factors that come into play. Bhutan's index measures health, psychological wellbeing, time use, education, cultural diversity, good governance, community vitality, ecological diversity and living standards. We clearly have a lot to learn from Bhutan.

58. The article is written mainly to _______.

(A) point out why happiness exists only in wealthy countries (B) explain what makes Bhutan happier than other rich countries (C) recommend a tourist attraction where people will feel happy

(D) teach people how to have a happier life and how to maintain happiness 59. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) People in the United States feel happier whenever their living standards rise. (B) The author opposes to the idea that strong economies can make people happy.

(C) Having high living standards is the most important reason why people in Northern European countries feel happy. (D) When people’s basic needs are satisfied, stronger economies are less likely to increase people’s overall happiness.

(3) The Louvre, or Louvre Museum, is one of the world's largest museums and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, France, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (district). Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters (652,300 square feet). With more than 9.7 million visitors each year, the Louvre is the world's most visited museum.

The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace, originally built as a fortress in the late 12th century under Philip II. Remnants of the fortress are visible in the basement of the museum. Then the building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace. During the mid-1300s, King Charles had the building remolded, and he used it as his residence. In the mid-1500, the Louvre was again renovated on the orders of King Francis I. During the second renovation, the Louvre began to take on its present appearance. King Francis desired to transform the building into a great palace that could rival any of the great examples of Renaissance architecture in Italy, so he had the palace reconstructed and redecorated. In 1682, Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his household, leaving the Louvre primarily as a place to display the royal collection, including, from 1692, a collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture. Then the building was occupied by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and the Académie Royale de Peinture et de

Sculpture, which in 1699 held the first of a series of salons. The Académie remained at the Louvre for 100 years. During the French Revolution, which broke out in 1789, the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre should be used as a museum to display the nation's masterpieces.

P. 6

The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings, the majority of the works being royal and confiscated church property. Because of structural problems with the building, the museum was closed in 1796 until 1801. The collection was increased under Napoleon’s command and the museum renamed the Musée Napoléon and under the king’s direction, two wings were added to the Louvre. After the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, many works seized by his armies were returned to their original owners. The collection was further increased during the reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X, and during the Second French Empire the museum gained 20,000 pieces. Holdings have grown steadily through donations and gifts since the Third Republic. Then in 1984, a new project


was begun whose purpose was to modernize the Louvre. As part of this project, an enormous glass pyramid was added to the courtyard of the building. This pyramid is now the main entrance to the museum.

60. The main purpose of this article is to _______. (A) describe the beauty of the Louvre

(B) show how the Louvre has been developed

(C) convince the readers how popular the Louvre was in history (D) compare the Louvre with other famous museums in the world 61. What was one of the changes that King Francis I made to the Louvre?

(A) Adding an enormous glass pyramid. (B) Turning it into a public museum. (C) Making it into a grand palace. (D) Adding two long wings.

62. Which of the following statements about the Louvre is TRUE? (A) The Académie has remained at the Louvre until now.

(B) The Louvre began to have its present appearance after the French Revolution.

(C) The Louvre’s collection has been increased steadily after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. (D) The enormous glass pyramid at the entrance is part of a project to modernize the Louvre.

VII. Vocabulary: 每題 1 分 (12%)


1. Sharon f ped through the textbook ten minutes before the test, trying to go over all the key points she had sorted out.

2. When the anxious mother learned that her children had been killed in the accident, she couldn’t s_____s her bitterness and cried out in despair.

3. I don’t like Sam. He is so proud of his own abilities and always behaves as if he were much more important than anyone else. His a_____e has earned him lots of enemies.

4. On March 8, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 v hed shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur and was nowhere to be found. 5. To create a win-win situation, Tom and his girlfriend Mary made a c_____e with each other. They decided that Tom could go see a

movie with his friends in the morning, but he had to have dinner with Mary in the evening.

6. As a terrible car accident has led to the old man’s i_____y of taking good care of himself, the social worker visits him very often. 7. To cut down on the rental cost, the company decided to move out of the city and relocate in the s_____s.

8. In addition to lung cancer, another c e of smoking is wrinkles, a premature sign of aging.

9. Mother Nature is facing an ecological c_____e as a result of pollution. Many animals’ habitats are damaged and some animals even go extinct.

10. The organization has been collecting donations and helping deliver relief s_____s to those in need after the deadly tornado struck. 11. According to doctors, regular exercise is especially b_____l to our health. Enough sleep and balanced diet will do us good, too. 12. Apparently, Mark and his date had a pleasant night. I saw him walk her home and say goodnight to her with _____ (affection)

smiles on his face.

VIII. Translation: (8%) (題目請看答案卷)



(A) To explain why it takes longer for old people to sleep (B) To explain why people have difficulties in sleeping (C) To explain why people have variations in sleep duration (D)

(C)John’s love for graffiti began in junior high s chool when his school held a graffiti contest.. (D)John’s love for crows start s in junior high school when he joined

(B) Basketball is usually played by young people.. (C) Basketbal l is reported in the Olympic

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