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貳、簡易英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


Academic year: 2021

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中華郵政股份有限公司 104 年從業人員甄試試題 職階/甄選類科【代碼】:專業職(二)外勤/郵遞業務【G5401-G5422】、

專業職(二)外勤/運輸業務 1-運輸業務 3【G5501-G5503】



注意:作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、甄選類科是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題單選題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答 案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


應考人得自備使用簡易型電子計算機(須不具財務函數、工程函數或儲存程式功能,且不得發出聲 響)。若應考人於測驗時將不符規定之電子計算機放置於桌面或使用,經勸阻無效,仍執意使用者,

扣除該科目成績 10 分;計算機並由監試人員保管至該節測驗結束後歸還。


壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


教「唆」犯罪 青年才「俊」

重山「峻」嶺 深潭「浚」谷


意不容辭 令人咋舌

人謀不贓 磬竹難書


致仕/登科 失恃/寡人

足下/弱冠 躊躇/猶豫







樑木其壞 風行草偃 雁行失序 鼓盆之戚







脣亡齒寒 齒白脣紅

不足掛齒 齒德俱尊


屈原 荊軻 岳飛 曹操






【2】10.「華而不實」乃運用反義字相對成詞,喻表面好看但無實際內容。下列詞語與此構詞方式不相同的 選項是:

秘而不宣 視而不見

譎而不正 述而不作


師說 古文八大家

詩中有畫,畫中有詩 匹夫而為百世師,一言而為天下法


「潰」不成軍 功虧一「匱」

不虞「饋」乏 「聵」贈禮物

【2】13.「有一個飲者自稱楚狂/不飲已醉,一醉更狂妄/不到夜郎已經夠自大/幸而貶你未曾到夜郎」。本詩 所歌詠的人物是:

屈原 李白

陶淵明 徐志摩


慎選環境 善用工具

勤奮不懈 勇於發問



酒 油 鹽 火


晚上七點到九點 晚上九點到晚上十一點

晚上十一點到凌晨一點 凌晨一點到凌晨三點


醫院 相命館

戲院 眼鏡行


光風霽月 火樹銀花

高山流水 落英繽紛












燕巢幕上/乳燕歸巢 投鞭斷流/軍隊眾多

米珠薪桂/物產豐饒 夢熊之喜/賀人病癒


令 呈 咨 函


公文用紙採 B4 尺寸紙張






甲乙丙丁 甲乙丁丙

乙甲丙丁 乙甲丁丙







貳、簡易英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


【2】26. It’s time to take a short ______. Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

 triumph  break  rainbow  garbage

【1】27. My legs are ______ after the ball game.

 sore  certificate  health  ambitious

【1】28. I am so hungry. The noodles look ______ to me.

 delicious  honest  famous  commemorative

【4】29. The plane ticket is ______ for one year.

 true  upgrade  awesome  valid

【1】30. We need to buy some new ______ for redecorating our villa.

 furniture  exhibition  stretcher  route

【2】31. Tom had stayed up watching movies and ______ this morning.

 pinched  overslept  compensated  interchanged

【4】32. Mary’s uncle passed away yesterday. The ______ will be held next Tuesday.

 attack  miracle  mirror  funeral

【3】33. After having an ______ with me, the boss decides to give me the job.

 obligation  upbeat  interview  embank

【2】34. Come in, please. Let me ______ some water and make tea for you.

 fry  boil  delete  celebrate


【1】35. ______ you need any assistance from me, please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Should  Are  Could  May

【2】36. The dog was ______ death in the snowy weather.

 freezing  frozen to  freezed into  freezes

【3】37. It was very much ______ my disappointment that they lost the game.

 in  beside  to  on

【1】38. If he ______ my phone, he wouldn’t have missed the flight to London.

 had answered  did answer  does answer  answered

【4】39. I ______ to act for the director while he is off.

 am authorizing  authorize  have authorized  am authorized

【2】40. The movie is ______ the novel by Joseph O’Neill.

 basic  based on  basing  on the base of

【1】41. Mark was injured in the car accident yesterday, so his elder brother ______ his place in the race.

 took  took into  had took  was taken

【4】42. There is ______ that Jenny is a smart student.

 not deny  denied  undenial  no denying

【1】43. I shall buy you a bracelet watch ______ condition that you promise to behave yourself.

 on  in  to  with


【1】44. A: As you sow, so shall you reap. We all have to work harder.

B: __________________________

 I can’t agree with you more.

 Yes, we can!

 Yes, you can take over his property.

 I have seen him there.

【2】45. A: What was his major in the university?

B: __________________________

 The main point was his job.

 He studied Math.

 He used to be a solider.

 He loved watching DVDs when he was a student.

【4】46. A: What color of dress should I choose for the ceremony?

B: __________________________

 Should we meet each other?

 I guess so.

 Could I order it online?

 I think you will look better in pink.

【1】47. A: Let’s study hard now and go skiing during this coming Christmas holidays.

B: __________________________

 It’s a deal.

 We shouldn’t do two things at a time.

 There are more than one person.

 It’s unreasonable.

【3】48. A: I keep worrying that I left the back door unlocked.

B: __________________________

 Why don’t we move the door?

 There is a ring in my bag.

 Let’s return home to check.

 I doubt whether he has left or not.

【1】49. A: What’s your part in the play?

B: __________________________

 I shall play a singer.

 The play is highly praised.

 I am impressed with the costumes.

 The ticket costs 100 dollars.

【4】50. A: Jack used whisky to brush his teeth.

B: __________________________

 Here I go.

 Oh, he kept talking about the painting.

 He had dedication.

 That was odd.



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