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Academic year: 2022

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Course overview

Digital Visual Effectsg Yung-Yu Chuang



• Meeting time: 2:20pm-5:20pm, Wednesday

Cl CSIE R 104

• Classroom: CSIE Room 104

• Instructor: Yung-Yu Chuang (cyy@csie.ntu.edu.tw)

• Teaching assistants: 黃子桓

• Textbook: Readings from books journals and

• Textbook: Readings from books, journals and proceedings.

• Webpage: (user name/password)

• Webpage: (user name/password)

http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cyy/vfx M ili li t

• Mailing list: vfx@cmlab.csie.ntu.edu.tw subscribe via https://cmlmail.csie.ntu.edu.tw/mailman/listinfo/vfx/


This course is NOT about …

This course is NOT about …


It isn’t about photography


It isn’t about 3D animations


It isn’t about watching movies


It isn’t about physical effects


It’s not about industrial tricks

You will learn more about Taylor and Poisson than Lucas and Spielberg in this course If you hear Lucas in the class and Spielberg in this course. If you hear Lucas in the class, it is more likely to refer to Bruce Lucas, not George Lucas.

computer graphics computer



image processing processing



• It is a must that you have programming experiences


• It is a must that you have basic knowledge on li l b d b bilit

linear algebra and probability.

• It is a plus if you have background knowledge on computer vision, image processing and

computer graphics.

• It is a plus if you have access to digital cameras and camcorders.


Warning from previous students

‧請學期初老師要多提醒這門課的困難 度請興趣或實力不足的同學勿修,否 則就會像我一樣停修 XD

則就會像我一樣停修 XD


This course is about …

This course is about …


Digital Visual Effects






Iraq War, LA Times, April 2003

Digital photomontage


Bush campaign’s TV AD, 2004


Texture synthesis and inpainting


Domestic example

The Liberty Times 2007 12 17



Special effects

Special effects


Stop action

The execution of Mary 1895 The execution of Mary, 1895


Glass shot


Rear projection

stop motion

King Kong 1933 King Kong, 1933


Special effects (make-up)


Special effects (physical effects)


Special effects (miniature)


Special effects (matte painting)


Lord of the Rings


Illusion - forced perspective


Computer-generated model


Visual effects 100 Years


Production pipeline

Production pipeline


Production pipeline

Preproduction Production


Artwork Reference Stills Plates





Music Music





Storyboard Storyboard






Reference & Research Reference & Research



Shooting Shooting




Visual effects production

Preproduction Production


Artwork Reference Stills Plates

Scanning Storyboard


Matchmove and Matchmodel Model Geometry

Effects Animation

Character Animation

Ski i

Lighting and Rendering Skeleton Textures

M i l

Skinning Rendering


Assets Shots


Assets Shots

Film Recording


Visual effects post-production


A case study

A case study


405: The Movie

• This movie were created solely by two visual

effects artists in the year of 2000 It was a process effects artists in the year of 2000. It was a process that took over three months of nights, weekends and any spare moments that they could find.

and any spare moments that they could find.

• http://www.405themovie.com/


405: The Movie


Making of 405

Step 0: script and shooting plan


Making of 405

Step 1: shooting

two days with a Canon Optura DV camera with progressive mode.

 a 70-minute raw footage initial editing

 pickup shots

 pickup shots


Making of 405

Step 2: building CG world

total 62 shots, 42 enhanced with digital VFX.

19 shots are entirely digital creations.

plane, two cars, freeway background are digital

photo-based 3D environment


Making of 405

Real cars were used for close-up and interior shots

A low-resolution mesh scanned b b

by a cyberscanner.

Mapped with photographs.


Making of 405

DC-10 plane took a month to model in details for the to model in details for the needs of close-up shots.

59 objects, 142,439 polygons

reference modeling material painting


Making of 405

Step 3: traffic clearing clean plate

close-up shots

inpainting inpainting


Making of 405

Step 4: compositing

h t ith th hi l t di till i b k d shot with the vehicle standing still in a backyard


Making of 405


Making of 405

Step 5: fine touchup

3D hat compositing and inpaintingp g p g


Making of 405

Step 6: music and delivery


Bloody Omaha


Dan Schick VFX Shot Breakdowns

• Video 1 Vid 2

• Video 2


Topics we plan to cover p p



Canon 10D Canon 10D


High dynamic range imaging/display


Image warping/morphing

someone very famous

someone not

th t f famous

that famous



Image warping/morphing



Feature tracking Feature tracking


Image stitching



Move matching using scene planes Move matching using scene planes



Move matching using scene planes Move matching using scene planes



Move matching using scene planes Move matching using scene planes


Photo tourism


Video matching

MOCO (Motion control camera) Matrix MOCO (Motion control camera) Matrix


Video matching

Video matching Video matching


Matting and compositing





Object selection

LazySnapping LazySnapping


Image manipulation

GraphCut Texture GraphCut Texture


Image manipulation

Poisson blending Poisson blending


Image-based modeling

photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping


Image-based modeling

photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping


Image-based modeling

photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping photogrammetric modeling and projective texture-mapping


Image-based modeling

Tour into a picture Tour into a picture


Image-based modeling

Tour into a picture Tour into a picture


3D photography (active)

Cyberware whole body scanner Cyberware whole body scanner


3D photography (active)

Photometric stereo Photometric stereo


3D photography (passive)

left right


depth Stereo


Image-based rendering

Surface lightfield Surface lightfield


View interpolation

Bullet time video Bullet time video


View interpolation

High Quality Video View Interpolation High-Quality Video View Interpolation


Making face

Spacetime face Gollum


Video rewrite

Trainable videorealistic speech animation Trainable videorealistic speech animation


Inpainting (wire removal)

Inpainting Inpainting


Texture synthesis/replacement

Texture replacement Texture replacement


Semi-automatic matting painting

Image analogies Image analogies


Video editing

Flow based video editing Flow-based video editing


Grading (subject to change)

• 3 programming assignments (60%)

HDR I i (18%) – HDR Imaging (18%) – AutoStitch (24%)

M t hM (18%) – MatchMove (18%)

• Class participation (5%)

• Final project (35%)

– Research – System – Film


High dynamic range imaging


From past semesters (鄭逸廷 陳柏叡)


From past semesters (吳侑親,張書瑋)


From past semesters (王瑋馥,余雁雲)




From past semesters

鄭逸廷 陳柏叡

李佳燕 黃政基



梁家愷 鐘志遠 姜任遠 林立峯

梁家愷 鐘志遠 姜任遠 林立峯

楊宗碩 林柏劭 翁憲政 洪韶憶


Final projects from a similar course

in Georgia Tech.


Life in Paints

Life in Paints, GaTech DVFX 2003


Tour into pictures

Making of Life in Paints


In Your Face

In Your Face, GaTech DVFX 2002


Stop action

Making of In Your Face



Tennis, GaTech DVFX 2007



Making of Tennis


Final projects from the past.

Final projects from the past.


YoYo Flight


Making of YoYo Flight


That’s it for today!

• Don’t forget to subscribe the mailing list.

Ch k h b i

• Check out the course website.



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Regarding the course timetable and the commencement arrangement, information will be sent to you via email upon completion of online registration in mid-September 2022.

Unless prior permission in writing is given by the Commissioner of Police, you may not use the materials other than for your personal learning and in the course of your official

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