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Family culture capital, reading motivation and reading behaviors of elementary school students 杜明信、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Family culture capital, reading motivation and reading behaviors of elementary school students


E-mail: 342044@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among family culture capital, reading motivation and reading behaviors of elementary school students. The survey participants of this study were 574 elementary school fifth-grade and sixth-grade students in Changhua County selected through cluster sampling. Questionnaire was utilized as the method of this study. Questionnaires are given to students of 20 classes from 10 schools, including Basic Information Inventory, Family Culture Capital Questionnaire, Reading Motivation Questionnaire and Reading Behaviors Questionnaire, were designed to collect data. Frequency distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression are used for analyzing data. Major findings of this study were as the followings. 1.The score of Family Culture Capital was significantly different in varied backgrounds. 2.The score of Reading Motivation was significantly different in varied backgrounds. 3.The score of Reading Behaviors was significantly different in varied backgrounds. 4.There was significant correlation among Family Culture Capital, Reading Motivation and Reading Behaviors of elementary school students. 5.Subscales of “Family Culture Capital” could be used to predict “Reading Motivation” and

“Reading Behaviors”. Based on the data of literature review and the research conclusion, suggestions were afforded respectively for parents, teachers, educational administrators and future researchers.

Keywords : Family culture capital、Reading motivation、Reading behaviors Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 .....................  iii 英文摘要 ...............

......  iv 誌謝辭  .....................  v 內容目錄 ..........

...........  vi 表目錄  .....................  viii 圖目錄  ....

.................  xi 第一章  緒論...................  1   第一 節  研究動機與目的............  1   第二節  研究問題與假設............  5   第三節  重要名詞釋義.............  6   第四節  研究範圍與限制..........

..  8 第二章  文獻探討.................  10   第一節  家庭文化資本的理論與相關 研究.....  10   第二節  閱讀動機的理論與相關研究.......  19   第三節  閱讀行為的理 論與相關研究.......  27 第三章  研究設計.................  33   第一節   研究架構...............  33   第二節  研究對象與取樣方法..........  35    第三節  研究工具...............  37   第四節  資料處理與統計方法.........

.  52   第五節  實施程序...............  53 第四章  結果與討論.........

.......  55   第一節  不同背景變項國小學童其家庭文化資本各層        面之差異分析...

..........  55   第二節  不同背景變項國小學童其閱讀動機各層面之        差異分析..

.............  68   第三節  不同背景變項國小學童其閱讀行為各層面之        差異分 析...............  80   第四節  國小學童家庭文化資本、閱讀動機與閱讀行         為之相關分析.............  91   第五節  國小學童家庭文化資本對其閱讀動機與閱讀         行為之預測分析............  97 第五章  結論與建議................ 

 109   第一節  結論.................  109   第二節  建議...........

......  114 參考文獻 .....................  120 附錄A  預試問卷.....

............  133 附錄B  正式問卷.................  139 表目錄 表3- 1 研 究預試樣本分布摘要............. 35 表3- 2 研究正式樣本分布摘要............. 36 表3- 3 家庭文化資本量表項目分析摘要表........ 39 表3- 4 家庭文化資本量表因素分析摘要表......

.. 42 表3- 5 家庭文化資本量表各分量表信度摘要表...... 43 表3- 6 閱讀動機量表項目分析摘要表.....

..... 45 表3- 7 閱讀動機量表因素分析結果摘要表........ 46 表3- 8 閱讀動機量表各分量表信度摘 要表........ 47 表3- 9 閱讀行為量表項目分析摘要表.......... 49 表3-10 閱讀行為量表因素 分析摘要表.......... 50 表3-11 閱讀行為量表各分量表信度摘要表........ 51 表4- 1 性別對國


小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗分析 56 表4- 2 年級對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗分析 57 表4- 3  學校規模對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗     分析..................... 58 表4- 4 父親教育程度對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異     考驗分析..................

. 59 表4- 5 母親教育程度對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異     考驗分析...............

.... 61 表4- 6 家庭狀況對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗     分析..............

....... 63 表4- 7 父親職業對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗     分析...........

.......... 64 表4- 8 母親職業對國小學童家庭文化資本各層面之差異考驗     分析........

............. 66 表4- 9 性別對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗分析.. 68 表4-10 年級對國小 學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗分析.. 69 表4-11 學校規模對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗分析 70 表4-12  父親教育程度對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗     分析..................... 72 表4-13 母親教育程度對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗     分析....................

. 74 表4-14 家庭狀況對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗分析 75 表4-15 父親職業對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之 差異考驗分析 77 表4-16 母親職業對國小學童閱讀動機各層面之差異考驗分析 78 表4-17 性別對國小學童閱讀行為各 層面之差異考驗分析.. 80 表4-18 年級對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析.. 81 表4-19 學校規模對國小 學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析 82 表4-20 父親職業對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析 83 表4-21 母親 職業對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析 85 表4-22 家庭狀況對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析 87 表4-23 父親職業對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考驗分析 88 表4-24 母親職業對國小學童閱讀行為各層面之差異考 驗分析 89 表4-25 家庭文化資本、閱讀動機與閱讀行為之相關分析.. 91 表4-26 家庭文化資本與閱讀動機整體及各 層面之相關分析. 92 表4-27 家庭文化資本與閱讀行為整體及各層面之相關分析. 93 表4-28 閱讀動機與閱讀行為整 體及各層面之相關分析... 94 表4-29 家庭文化資本、閱讀動機與閱讀行為整體及各層面之     相關分析..

................. 96 表4-30 國小學童家庭文化資本對主動求知之多元逐步迴歸摘     要表

..................... 97 表4-31 國小學童家庭文化資本對個人興趣之多元逐步迴歸摘      要表..................... 99 表4-32 國小學童家庭文化資本對成績導向之多元逐步迴歸 摘     要表..................... 100 表4-33 國小學童家庭文化資本對社會認同之多元逐 步迴歸摘     要表..................... 101 表4-34 國小學童家庭文化資本對整體閱讀動 機之多元逐步迴     歸摘要表................... 102 表4-35 國小學童家庭文化資本對閱讀 習慣之多元逐步迴歸摘     要表..................... 103 表4-36 國小學童家庭文化資本 對分享討論之多元逐步迴歸摘     要表..................... 104 表4-37 國小學童家庭文 化資本對個人閱讀之多元逐步迴歸摘     要表..................... 106 表4-38 國小學童 家庭文化資本對整體閱讀行為之多元逐步迴     歸摘要表................... 107 圖目錄 圖 3-1 研究架構圖.................. 33


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reading and creating multimodal texts, promoting Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) and developing students’ self-directed learning capabilities... “Work as a team to identify the

For example, the teacher librarians teach students reading strategies while English and Chinese language subject teachers provide reading materials for students to

Through arranging various reading activities such as online reading, book recommendation and extended reading materials, schools help students connect reading to

Planning and using digital multimodal texts to facilitate KS2 students’ reading skills development and enrich their reading experiences?.

Making use of the Learning Progression Framework (LPF) for Reading in the design of post- reading activities to help students develop reading skills and strategies that support their

• School-based curriculum is enriched to allow for value addedness in the reading and writing performance of the students. • Students have a positive attitude and are interested and

e-Learning activities that support the teaching of Reading Courseware platforms for Reading Comprehension.. Practise downloading eBooks

The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify