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For example, he may use a sentence like “Even though this door is old, it still works.” to practice using the word “door” in a meaningful context


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix I

Pretest Summary Writing Task

說明: 以下是一則短文,仔細閱讀後,使用個人的詞句,寫出文章內容的重點 摘要,不得直接抄襲。若需引用原文則需加雙引號 “ ”。每次引用原 文連續七個字以上且未加註雙引號者,視同抄襲,並酌以扣分。

Interesting Ways to Learn a New Language

There are many ways to learn a second language. Almost every student has his learning style, and so each student uses different methods to help him learn. Many of these methods are quite unusual, but they really work for some people.

For example, a student might write out new words on pieces of paper and stick them all over his home. If the student is a beginner, he may stick the word “door” on every door, so that every time he walks through that door, he will see how it is spelled and how to say it. When he becomes more advanced, he may change one word to a full sentence, using new grammar that he wants to learn. For example, he may use a sentence like “Even though this door is old, it still works.” to practice using the word

“door” in a meaningful context.

Some people record their voice on cassette tapes, so that they can listen to their pronunciation and hear where they are making mistakes to correct themselves. It is very hard for students to hear their own mistakes while they are speaking, so recording their voice and listening to it later is very useful. These students keep the cassette tapes so that in the future they can listen to them again and see how much they have improved.

A few students study by talking to themselves in the language they are learning.

While they are walking to school, or while they are in the shower, they will talk to themselves about any subject they can think of. It is a great way to practice and make sure they aren’t bored while they are alone.

Some people even teach themselves to dream in the language they are learning!

They do this by thinking only in this language for an hour before they go to bed and as they fall asleep.

The best way to find the right methods for yourself is to try out different methods and decide which is the most effective. It is also a good idea to talk to your classmates and other people who can speak a second language. They may be able to


Appendix II

Posttest Summary Writing Task

說明: 以下是一則短文,仔細閱讀後,使用個人的詞句,寫出文章內容的重點 摘要,不得直接抄襲。若需引用原文則需加雙引號 “ ”,每次引用原 文連續七個字以上且未加註雙引號者,視同抄襲,並酌以扣分。

Bathroom Signs

Looking for a bathroom is sometimes like looking for hidden treasure. They are often signs that give directions to where the bathrooms are, but you still might not know which one is for men and which is for women. Using Chinese characters can be easier than English words. In Chinese, there are different words for “bathroom,” but once you find the doors, knowing which one to go into is easy. That is because in Chinese, there is one main character for male and one for female. In English, there are many different words for boys and girls. Even a dictionary will not always help.

The most difficult places to read bathroom signs are often the same places in which many people need to use the restroom, such as restaurants and bars. Many restaurants now have special themes and styles to make themselves different and unique. Often they will use strange or slang names for the washroom that are in the same theme as the restaurant. For example, a farm or ranch style restaurant might use

“Cowboys” and “Cowgirls” or “Lad” and “Lass,” for “Men” and “Women.”

Some modern restaurants and cafes do not even use words! One restaurant that had an animal theme had a picture of a large bull on the men’s toilet and the women’s toilet had a picture of a ladybug. In a different café that was very modern in style, they used science symbols for male and female on the washroom doors. In another restaurant, there was a picture of a cigar on the boys’ room and a long cigarette on the girls’. To understand these pictures, you would need to understand the local culture to know what types of pictures and symbols people use for males and females.

Trying to understand which new words or pictures mean male or female can make looking for the bathroom just as hard as looking for treasure. And if you really need to use a bathroom, finding the right place can just be as important as finding treasure!


Appendix III

The Origins of Materials Used in the Study

Content Origin Page

1. pretest Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 1-2) 9 2. posttest Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 9-3) 158 3.1. Getting Main

Idea (1)

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B2 Unit 1-1) 3

3.2. Getting Main Idea (2)

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B3 Unit 5-1) 73

4.1. Selection of Topic Sentence ( I.1-3 & II 1-3)

Far East English Readers for Senior High Schools (B5 L2) 52-53

4.2. Selection of Topic Sentence (1) 1-2 (2) 1-2

Far East New English Readers for Senior High Schools Workbook B5 L5


4.3. Selection of Topic Sentence (2) 3

Far East New English Readers for Senior High Schools B5 L5


5.1. Invention of Topic Sentence 1-3

Far East English Readers for Senior High Schools B5 L3 77

5.2. Invention of Topic Sentence 4

Far East English Readers for Senior High Schools B5 L5 127

5.3. Invention of Topic Sentence 5

Far East English Composition Unit 4-1 85

5.4. Invention of Topic Sentence 6

Far East English Composition Exercise 4A (2) 92

5.5. Invention of Topic Sentence 7

Far East English Readers for Senior High Schools B5 L4 101

6.1. Paraphrasing 1 Far East English Composition Unit 4-1 87 6.2. Paraphrasing 2 Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B4 Unit 7-3) 139 6.3. Paraphrasing 3 Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B4 Unit 9-1) 170 6.4. Paraphrasing 4 Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B3 Unit 4-2) 61 7.1. Superordination Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B4 Unit 8-2) 155


of nouns 1

7.2. Superordination of nouns 2

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B3 Unit 6-2) 96

7.3. Superordination of nouns 3

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 4-2) 64

7.4. Superordination of nouns 4-5

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B2 Unit 11-2) 192

7.5. Superordination of actions 1-3

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B2 Unit 2-3) 31

7.6. Superordination of actions 4

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 5-3) 88

8.1. Deletion of Unimportant or Trivial Sentence 1

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 11-2) 185

8.2. Deletion of Unimportant or Trivial Sentence 2-3

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B2 Unit 4-3) 66

8.3. Deletion of Unimportant or Trivial Sentence 4

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B1 Unit 7-3) 124

9.1. Deletion of Important but Repeated Sentence 1

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B4 Unit 2-1) 23

9.2. Deletion of Important but Repeated Sentence 2

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B3 Unit 11-2) 181

9.3. Deletion of Important but Repeated Sentence 3

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B3 Unit 4-3) 66

9.4. Deletion of Important but Repeated Sentence 4

Far East English Extensive Reading Series (B4 Unit 9-1) 170


Appendix IV

Subjects’ Chinese Summary Writing Samples


Appendix V

Chinese Version of the Questionnaire 親愛的同學:

這是一份用來了解你(妳)對英文摘要寫作的問卷,答案沒有對或錯,請依你 (妳)自己的感受來回答,謝謝你(妳)的幫忙!

安康高中教師 劉淑惠 謹啟 九十二年八月二十五日

第一部份: 基本資料

填答說明: 請在你(妳)認為適合的方格中打勾或在橫線上填入答案。

1. 學校: ____________________

2. 填表日期: 中華民國 92 年 ____月 ____日 3. 班級: _________________

4. 姓名: ____________________

5. 座號: _____________

6. 性別: □ 男 □ 女 7. 你(妳)於何時開始學習英文?

□ 幼稚園 □國小一二年級 □國小三四年級 □ 國小五六年級 □ 國中 8. 你(妳)曾寫過中文摘要幾次?

□ 0 次 □ 1 次 □ 2 次 □ 3 次 □ 其它 ______次 9. 你(妳)的國文老師曾教過你(妳)中文摘要寫作的技巧?

□ 是 □ 否

10. 你(妳)曾寫過英文摘要寫作幾次?

□ 0 次 □ 1 次 □ 2 次 □ 3 次 □ 其它 ______次 11. 你(妳)的英文老師曾教過你(妳)英文摘要寫作的技巧?

□ 是 □ 否


第二部份: 對英文摘要寫作的態度

填答說明: 請圈選你(妳)認為適合的答案:【1】是非常不同意 【2】是不同意

【3】是無意見 【4】是同意 【5】是非常同意 1. 用英文來寫摘要,我覺得很容易。 1 2 3 4 5

2. 我會把握任何學習英文摘要的機會。 1 2 3 4 5

3. 在寫英文摘要時,我不知從何處下筆開始寫。 1 2 3 4 5

4. 考試若不考,我不想學英文摘要寫作。 1 2 3 4 5

5. 我願意多花一些課外的時間,練習英文摘要寫作。 1 2 3 4 5

6. 我在做英文摘要時,我會先將全文的主題句先找出來。1 2 3 4 5

7. 如果英文作文改考英文摘要,我會比較擔心自己成績考不好。

1 2 3 4 5

8. 在我學習英文的過程中,英文摘要沒有用處。 1 2 3 4 5

9. 英文摘要寫作是一種愉快的寫作過程 。 1 2 3 4 5

10. 做英文摘要時,我會將文中重複或不重要的句子先刪除。

1 2 3 4 5 11. 如果可以選擇, 我不願意寫英文摘要。 1 2 3 4 5 12. 學習英文摘要對我的英文學習很有助益。 1 2 3 4 5 13. 我覺得我有英文摘要的天份 。 1 2 3 4 5 14. 做英文摘要時,我會先將全文中相同屬性的動詞或名詞先歸類,再用具代表 性的字詞來代替。 1 2 3 4 5 15. 一想到要寫英文摘要,我就一個頭兩個大。 1 2 3 4 5 16. 學習英文摘要寫作是值得的。 1 2 3 4 5 17. 寫英文摘要時,我覺得很容易。 1 2 3 4 5 18. 寫英文摘要之前,對於原文、我會從頭開始、逐字逐句仔仔細細地看。

1 2 3 4 5 19. 我害怕與同學分享自己的所寫的英文摘要。 1 2 3 4 5

20. 為了以後求學的需要,我必需學好英文摘要的技巧。 1 2 3 4 5


Appendix VI

Pretest GEPT Reading Comprehension Task


本測驗分三部份,全為四選一之選擇題,共 40 題,作答時間 45 分鐘。

第一部份 詞彙和結構

本部份共 15 題,每題含一個空格,請就試題冊上 A,B,C,D 四個 選項中選出最適合題意的字或詞,標示在答案紙上。

1. Jane ______ down Susan’s offer to help her find a new apartment.

A. calmed B. turned C. stepped D. handed

2. The new graduates were full of high ______, ready to go out and change the world.

A. contents B. aspects C. ideals D. thoughts

3. Professor Wang is ______ working on a new science textbook.

A. presently B. accurately C. previously D. accidentally

4. If the chicken smells bad, just ______ it; don’t leave it in the refrigerator.

A. get rid of B. throw up C. break through D. look down upon

5. Kevin is ______ to know whether he has passed the entrance exam.

A. discouraged B. interesting


C. urgent D. eager

6. As soon as our car is repaired, we ______ for Kaohsiung.

A. were leaving B. have left C. will leave D. left

7. His height was ______ last year, and it’s still just five feet.

A. measurement B. measuring C. measured D. measure

8. I’m afraid that staying up late every night ______ your grades in school. Starting tonight, your bedtime will be 9:00.

A. affect B. is affecting C. had affected D. has been affected

9. Glenn failed the English test again. He ______ studied harder.

A. would be B. should have C. has not D. must have

10. When Dr. Chang was ______ his early forties, he began to think about working in another hospital.

A. on B. by C. in D. at

11. We were all very ______ with the news that the rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.

A. pleasurable


B. pleasure C. pleasing D. pleased

12. ______ what is right is not sufficient. One must act according to that knowledge.

A. Knowing B. Known C. Know

D. Having known

13. In the second half of the game, Jasper received a leg ______.

A. injuring B. injured C. injure D. injury

14. By ordering a two-year subscription to Home Magazine, you will save $1,200.

______, you will receive a beautiful date book as a gift.

A. Additional B. Regardless C. Furthermore D. Nevertheless

15. Ben didn’t clean his room yesterday. ______, his parents won’t let him watch TV today.

A. As a consequence B. On the contrary C. For instance D. In particular

第二部份 段落填空

本部份共 10 題,包含二個段落,每個段落各含 5 個空格。請就試題冊 上 A,B,C,D 四個選項中選出最適合題意的字或詞,標示在答案紙上。

Questions 16-20

After graduating from college and moving to the city, Janet lived alone for several years. She (16) have one companion, a short-haired cat named Riley.


Although Riley couldn’t offer any human conversation, it was pleasant (17) the cat greet her at the door when she came home in the evening. Then one of Janet’s friends got (18) and asked if she could live with Janet, at least for a while. It turned out to be a good idea because the two women enjoyed each other’s (19) ; the arrangement became permanent.

One day it occurred to Janet that Riley, too, night be happier if he had some animal companionship. Her friend (20) , and the two brought home a small puppy as a “friend” for Riley. The neighbors laughed, but the animals seemed to get along as well as their human housemates.

16. A. will 19. A. imagination B. did B. competition C. only C. business D. could D. company

17. A. to enjoy 20. A. objected B. having B. decided C. that C. agreed D. if D. argued

18. A. divorced B. crowded C. engaged D. married

Questions 21-25

Cigarette smoking is a popular habit in many places in the world, _(21)_

Taiwan. Recent statistics point out that more than four million people in Taiwan smoke, _(22)_ is equal to about one-sixth of the island’s population.

People smoke (23)_ that know that doing so is bad for their health. A recent survey conducted by National Taiwan University revealed that an average of 10,000 Taiwan residents die each year from smoking-related diseases.

In 1997, the government began taking steps to _(24)_ the consumption of cigarettes in Taiwan. Now, smoking is prohibited in public places, and cigarette advertisements can _(25)_ be placed in the media. In addition, it is illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under 18 years of age.


21. A. despite 24. A. increase B. including B. support C. beside C. forbid D. and D. reduce

22. A. it 25. A. at least B. that B. gradually C. what C. no longer D. which D. immediately

23. A. even though B. anyway C. as if D. once

第三部份 閱讀理解

本部份共 15 題,包含數段短文,每段短文後有 2-5 個相關問題。請就 試題冊上 A,B,C,D 四個選項中選出最適合者,標示在答案紙上。

Questions 26-28


Come celebrate Jonestown’s birthday at our PARTY IN THE PARK on May 19!

Next Saturday, May 19, marks the 200th anniversary of the founding of Jonestown, and to celebrate, we’re having a “birthday party” for the town at Jones Park. From 2:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m., there’ll be fun for everyone, so come and bring the whole family.

Schedule of events

2:00 Speech by Mayor King, followed by the opening of a memorial to the town’s founder, Henry Jones.

3:00-3:30 “Fun Run” around town, with prizes for all ages

3:30-5:30 Games, games, games! (such as Frisbee, volleyball, and badminton) 5:30 Dinner (drinks, salads and rolls provided by Jonestown Historical

Society; please bring your own hot dogs and hamburgers) 6:00-8:30 Free concert by our own Jonestown Jazz Band

8:30-9:00 Firework display


26. What is true about the “Party in the Park?”

A. It will be held on a weekend in mid-May at Jones Park.

B. It is to celebrate the birthday of the town’s founder.

C. There will be activities for all ages from morning till evening.

D. 200 couples will be invited to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

27. When will the sports activities be held?

A. 8:30- 9:00 B. 6:00-8:30 C. 3:00-5:30 D. 2:00-3:00

28. John plans to attend the party. According to the notice, what should he bring?

A. A gift B. Some CDs C. A case of soda D. Hamburgers

Questions 29-31

TUCSON-- Tucson has joined the growing number of cities that want to put more tress un their parks and along their streets with the help of the city residents.

Tucson’s new urban forestry program, called Neighborhood Forestry, began in September 3 with the first training session for a group of twelve volunteers. When they complete their training on October 27, these “Neighborhood Foresters” will be able to help plan tree-planting projects for the community and ensure proper maintenance of existing trees.

The city is also preparing to introduce several tree-related activities into the school curriculum to promote an appreciation of trees. After learning about the importance of trees in the urban environment, students will participate in planting trees on school grounds, with the Neighborhood Foresters giving instruction in proper planting techniques.

29. What is the main goal of the “Neighborhood Forestry” program?

A. To save the state forest


B. To have more trees in the city

C. To raise funds for tree-planting projects D. To teach students the importance of forests

30. Who are the Neighborhood Foresters?

A. Unpaid workers trained by the program B. Forestry experts assisting the program C. Adults and students who help plant trees D. Environmentalists carrying out the projects

31. How long is the preparation program for the Neighborhood Foresters?

A. About 1 month B. About 2 months C. About 3 months D. About 4 months

Questions 32-35

Nowadays, more and more people depend on email not only for personal communication, but for business purposes as well. The rules for writing an effective business email message are basically the same as those for a good business letter.

First of all, the organization of the email message is important. The writer should state the purpose of the message near the beginning. The middle part of the message should be used to provide further details or make requests. At the end of the message, the writer should express thanks for any assistance the reader has provided or will provide in the future.

Along with the organization, the tone of the message is important. Like a business letter, a business email message should generally be formal and polite. To be formal, the writer can use words such as “would like” instead of “want” and “could”

rather than “can.” The writer can express politeness by using words like “please,”

“appreciate” and “thank you” often.

Good organization helps make the meaning of the message clear, and the proper tone expresses the writers’ sincerity. By following these rules, the writer can communicate more effectively.

32. What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To explain how to write a good business email message B. To instruct the reader how to do business through email


C. To compare the writing style of business letters and email messages D. To stress the importance of tone in email messages

33. Jane is writing an email message to a company in London to request a meeting with the manager there next month. In her message, she explains the main purpose of the meeting and some topics she wants to discuss. She also hopes that the manager will be able to pick her up in the airport. She will arrive at 9:30 a.m. on Flight 0326.

Where in the message should Jane give information about her arrival?

A. --Æ

B. --Æ

C. --Æ

D. --Æ

34. Which of the following fits the message tone recommended by the writer?

A. Just pick me up at the airport, okay?

B. You’ll pick me up at the airport, won’t you?

C. Can you meet me at the airport? I owe you one.

D. I’d appreciate it if you would pick me up at the airport.

35. According to the writer, a business email message should NOT be too A. long

To: jhsmith@djshop.com Subject: London visit Cc:

Dear xxx:

Sincerely, Jane S.H. Wang


B. short C. polite D. casual

Questions 36-40

It’s not uncommon for a student in Taiwan to shake with fright before a mathematics quiz. “Math anxiety” begins influencing many students in elementary school. A 1997 survey by the Ministry of Education indicated that one-third of elementary school students were most nervous about their math classes, and the percentage of students who disliked math grew from grade to grade.

Beginning in 1996, the math curriculum (as well as other curricula) in elementary schools was revised so that classroom teaching would be oriented toward the students’ perspective. Children were encouraged to experiment with solving math problems, to practice logical processes rather than use quick formulas. As a result, the students’ math anxiety decreased. Most parents and educators welcomed the new curriculum at first, and students enjoyed their math classes more. However, the next year it was reported that the students’ ability to do math calculations and their speed in solving problems had dropped.

The question now facing curriculum planners is whether it is possible to lower math anxiety without lowering the level of math achievement.

36. What would be a good title for this article?

A. Reasons Behind Students’ Math Anxiety B. Lowering Math Anxiety Causes New Problems C. New Curriculum May Increase Math Anxiety D. Improving Students’ Quiz Grades Without Anxiety

37. The word “indicated” in line 3 is closest in meaning to A. showed.

B. insisted.

C. believed.

D. reminded.

38. According to the Ministry of Education survey, which group is likely to have the highest “math anxiety?”

A. Junior high school students B. Senior high school students


C. Sixth graders in elementary school D. Third graders in elementary school

39. What is true about the new elementary school math curriculum?

A. It raised students’ test grades.

B. It was unpopular at the beginning.

C. It emphasized learning quick formulas.

D. It created less math anxiety for students.

40. What does the author imply about current attitudes toward the new curriculum?

A. Students dislike it, but educators like it.

B. Parents like it, but educators dislike it.

C. Parents like it less than they used to.

D. Educators like it more than they used to.


Appendix VII

Pretest GEPT Writing Task

Class: No: Name:

說明: 請依下面所提供的文字提示,寫一封約一百二十字 (8 到 12 個句子)的英 文信。信可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段。

提示: 上個月,志中的朋友 Peter 和 Susan 邀請他到他們位於花蓮的家中住了 一星期。在這一星期中,他們一起做了許多事情。現在請你以志中的身份 寫一封信給他們,謝謝他們的邀請,並告訴他們在花蓮作客時,令你印象 深刻的事情。另外,不要忘記邀請 Peter 和 Susan 近期內到你位於台中的 家中拜訪。

December 20,1998 Dear Peter and Susan,











Sincerely, Chih-chung


Appendix VIII

Posttest GEPT Reading Comprehension Task


本測驗分三部份,全為四選一之選擇題,共 40 題,作答時間 45 分鐘。

第一部份 詞彙和結構

本部份共 15 題,每題含一個空格,請就試題冊上 A,B,C,D 四個 選項中選出最適合題意的字或詞,標示在答案紙上。

1. Mr. Peters is famous for his generosity, but we should never ______ it for granted.

A. make B. look C. take D. mean

2. After her parents died in a plane crash, Maria was ______ by her aunt.

A. watched for B. fed up C. carried on D. brought up

3. Although the teacher disliked the girl’s unusual hairstyle, the principal decided that it was ______.

A. received B. recognized C. available D. acceptable

4. Using a microscope, we can examine things that are not ______ to the naked eye.

A. visible B. useful C. voluntary D. separate

5. Jessie ran into her boss on ______ occasions and found he was always wearing a suit.


A. regional B. numerous C. extreme D. illustrated

6. We ______ our host for a lovely evening and drove straight home.

A. thank B. thanked C. are thanking D. were thanking

7. Sorry I’m late. I ______ to stop by the post office on my way here this morning.

A. need B. was able C. had D. ought

8. Wu Bai (伍佰) is ______ the most popular local singers in Taiwan today.

A. around B. across C. along D. among

9. Special features of the new car models ______ a television and a phone.

A. include B. including C. are included D. to include

10. Shirley doesn’t spend all day at her computer. She does have other ______.

A. interests B. interesting C. interested D. interest

11. Between three and five o’clock, the temperature seemed _______ colder.

A. become B. to become


C. to becoming D. becoming

12. By the middle of the 21st century, it is expected that women ______ men in many professions.

A. outnumber B. outnumbered C. will outnumber D. have outnumbered

13. If you are ______ by the television, I’ll turn it off.

A. disturbing B. disturbed C. to disturb D. disturb

14. Every part of Philip’s body ached; his right knee, ______, hurt badly.

A. all in all

B. without a doubt C. as a result D. in particular

15. Gloria lived abroad for seven years.______ she is finally back in Taiwan, her parents want her to stay.

A. Now that B. At times C. Due to D. Whenever

第二部份 段落填空

本部份共 10 題,包含二個段落,每個段落各含 5 個空格。請就試題冊 上 A,B,C,D 四個選項中選出最適合題意的字或詞,標示在答案紙上。

Questions 16-20

Jim and Allen began their overnight hike sown into the Grand Canyon (大峽谷) at around 7 A.M. (16) carried a pack on his back, which held camping gear, food and water. As they walked down the path, they were amazed by the size of the canyon.


Many miles away, they could see rain clouds moving in, (17) the morning sun was still hot on their backs. The boys (18) the Colorado River at the bottom of the canyon after three hours of hiking. They set up their tent and spent the rest of the day (19) the area. The next morning, they began their hike back up the path after sunrise.

It wasn’t until late afternoon (20) they finally arrived at the top of the canyon.

Exhausted but happy, they immediately began to plan their next hike into the canyon.

16. A. He 19. A. finding B. Some B. exploring C. Each C. containing D. They D. spreading

17. A. for 20. A. that B. so B. then C. or C. what D. but D. where

18. A. landed B. appeared C. came D. reached

Questions 21-25

One of the Taiwan’s oldest historical sites is the Chihkan Tower (赤崁樓) in Tainan. It was (21) constructed in 1653 by the Dutch, who used it as an administrative center for the island. Cheng Cheng-kung (鄭成功) (22) it into a military storehouse for storing weapons and military equipment after driving out the Europeans in 1661. (23) the tower was destroyed in a rebellion, and the ruins were further flattened by an earthquake. Since then, several structures (24) on the site, most recently a museum, which today attracts many visitors. Historical (25) inside the building are an important source of information for researchers, while a garden outside provides a comfortable resting place for tired sightseers.

21. A. significantly 24. A. built B. extensively B. have built C. originally C. have been built D. firstly D. are building


22. A. took 25. A. remains B. moved B. functions C. put C. perspectives D. turned D. reasons

23. A. After B. Later C. Though D. Therefore

第三部份 閱讀理解

本部份共 15 題,包含數段短文,每段短文後有 2-5 個相關問題。請就 試題冊上 A,B,C,D 四個選項中選出最適合者,標示在答案紙上。

Questions 26-28

Summer Sale at First Department Store

From July 20th to 28th, enjoy discounts of up to 70 % in selected departments. Don’t miss this great opportunity to save lots of money! Remember – at First Department Store, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. If you are not completely happy with your purchase, just return it to the store, and you will get your money back.

Business hours will be extended during the sale:

Monday- Saturday: 9:30A.M. -10:30 P.M.

Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.

Children’s Department 40% off on Girls’ Summer Dresses 50% off on Boys’ and Girls’ Shoes

Men’s Department 30% off on Suits

60% off on all T-shirts and Shorts Women’s Department

70% off on all Swimsuits 40% off on Purses


25% off on all Televisions

35% off on Computers and Home Appliances


26. What will First Department Store do during the sale?

A. Reduce prices in all departments

B. Offer the largest discounts in Electronics C. Exchange items for unhappy customers D. Stay open longer than usual

27. Who will get the largest discount according to this information?

A. A woman who wants to buy herself a swimsuit B. Parents who are shopping for children’s toys C. A college student who needs a computer D. A man who is looking for a watch

28. What is half price during the sale?

A. Purses

B. Children’s shoes C. T-shirts and shorts

D. Computers and home appliances

Questions 29-30

Important Notice

The National Park Commission announces the reopening of three mountain trails which were temporarily closed after the recent floods. Lorna Trail, Finger Rock Trail, and Swallow Way are all open to the public from 5 A.M. until 9 P.M.

during the summer.

Here are some reminders for trail users. Lorna Trail is open to hikers only;

neither dogs nor horses are permitted on this trial. Dog owners may use Finger Rock Trail, but the fogs must be on leashes. Swallow Way is open to hikers and horseback riders, but not dogs. Bicycles and motorized vehicles are still not allowed on any of these trails.

Benson National Park

29. What is the purpose of this notice?

A. To tell people that the trails can be used now B. To inform people of some new park facilities C. To warn hikers of recent damage to the trails


D. To advise hikers that trails will be closed for a while

30. What trail or trails may be used by dogs?

A. Lorna Trails and Swallow Way B. Only Finger Rock Trail

C. Lorna and Finger Rock Trails D. Only Swallow Way

Questions 31-33

A 15-ton whale was found dead off the coast of the main Hawaiian island of Oahu yesterday.

The whale had been rescued from shallow waters ten days earlier, taken out to sea and released. However, it did not survive. Animal experts say that the whale apparently died from a severe case of sunburn that it suffer when it got stuck in shallow waters. The dead whale was first noticed floating in 1.5 meters of water by fishermen yesterday morning.

31. What would be a good title for this article?

A. Water pollution Takes Whale’s Life B. Whale Saved from Shallow Water C. Sunburn Kills Freed Whale

D. Fishermen Blamed for Whale’s Death

32. What did the rescue mission apparently do?

A. Prevent fishermen from catching the whale B. Release the whale from the ocean park C. Bring back the whale that had escaped D. Return the whale to deep water

33. What does the word “it” in line 5 refer to?

A. The expert B. The sea C. The whale D. Sunburn


Questions 34-37


While many students consider cell phones a great convenience in their social lives, it has been decided that they are a great inconvenience for school life at St.

John Senior High. Classes and auditorium meetings have been regularly interrupted by them; previous regulations about turning phones off during school hours have been ignored.

Beginning this term, students will not be allowed to use cell phones anywhere or at any time on school property, whether for making or receiving calls. If a student is found using a cell phone, or if a phone rings, the device will be taken away by the teacher, and it will not be returned until the end of the school year.

My advice to students is to leave your cell phone at home.

Arthur Chen Principal

34. What is the purpose of this notice?

A. To announce new cell phone rules B. To report a number of lost cell phones C. To remind students of an earlier regulation D. To request courteous use of cell phones

35. According to the notice, when may students use cell phones in school?

A. In emergency situations B. After class

C. At no time

D. When making calls

36. What will happen if students do not follow the instructions in the notice?

A. Students will have to stay an extra hour after school.

B. Students will receive a written warning.

C. Students will have to pay a fine.

D. Students will have to give their phones to their teachers.

37. According to the notice, what did students not pay attention to in the past?


A. The teachers’ requests

B. The original rules about using cell phones C. The noise from pones

D. The principal’s advice

Questions 38-40

SUBJECT: Anniversary

DATE: Wed, 1 May 2002 09:30:47+0800 From: mark106@netmail.net

TO: tom.smith@funmail.com


I tried to call you last night, but apparently you were out, so I decided to try contacting you by e-mail instead.

Regarding Mom and Dad’s 50th anniversary celebration, Marie and I have been thinking about having a surprise dinner at our house. We both know they don’t like big parties, but we could invite a few of their friends and have a barbecue outside if the weather is nice.

Since their anniversary is on a Tuesday this year, we think it would be best to have the dinner on the preceding weekend—either Saturday, June 8th, or Sunday the 9th. Which of these days is more convenient for you?

Finally, have you thought about what to buy the as a gift? Marie has suggested that maybe we should give them money. I’m sure they’d appreciate having a little extra to spend on their trip to Europe in September. What’s your opinion?

Let me know what you think. Talk to you soon!


38. What is the main reason Mark wrote this e-mail?

A. To remind Tom of an anniversary party B. To discuss plans for his parents’ anniversary C. To ask the date of his parents’ anniversary


D. To invite Tom to an anniversary barbecue

39. What is the relationship between Mark and Tom?

A. They are neighbors.

B. They are friends.

C. They are brothers.

D. They are father and son.

40. What is Mark thinking of doing in June this year?

A. Eating a big dinner at a restaurant B. Giving his parents a trip to Europe C. Having a small party

D. Buying his parents an expensive gift


Appendix IX

Posttest GEPT Writing Task

Class: No: Name:

說明: 請依下面所提供的文字提示,寫一封約一百二十字 (8 到 12 個句子)的英 文信。信可以是一個完整的段落,也可以分成兩段 。

提示: 昨天有場為你的好友 Sandy 舉行的大型慶生會,你收到了邀請函, 也以 打算要去。不巧, 臨時有事, 使你無法依約赴宴。 現在請寫封信向 Sandy 致歉,並解釋為何你昨天未出席她的慶生會。

September 26, 2003 Dear Sandy,












Sincerely, Jenny


Appendix X

Subjects’ GEPT Writing Samples


Appendix XI

Subjects’ Summary Samples


Appendix XII

Subjects’ GEPT Reading Comprehension Samples


Appendix XIII

Samples of Experimental Subjects’ Performance during the Treatment




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