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To investigate the role of opioid receptor in neuronal differentiation, we analyzed the effect of opioid agonist


Academic year: 2021

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Delta- 類鴉片受體對神經生長因子在 PC12 細胞所誘發之神經分化的影 響

The Role of Delta Opioid Receptor in NGF-Induced PC12 Cell Different iation .

近年許多的研究論證了於施予神經生長因子 (NGF) 之 PC12 細胞株中

, 內生性類鴉片物質 enkephalin 與其受體之結合量及 delta 類鴉片受 體的表現量皆有昇高的趨勢。 由於 PC12 細胞屬於嗜鉻腫瘤細胞, 此種 細胞的特性為當其受到神經生長因子 (NGF) 的刺激後, 在型態上會被誘 發產生類似神經細胞分化的表徵, 即神經突觸的生長 (neurite

outgrowth) 。 這種型態上的改變使得 PC12 細胞普遍被用來當作研究體 外神經細胞分化機制的模式。 本論文即以此細胞模式設計實驗, 來探討 類鴉片受體於 NGF 所誘發之神經細胞分化路徑中所扮演的角色。 首先參 考前人報告將 PC12 細胞施予 NGF , 以建立一體外的細胞分化模式。 我 們的結果顯示 PC12 細胞內的 delta 類鴉片受體 mRNA 的量會隨著所施 予的 NGF 濃度增加而上升。 PC12 細胞中 delta 類鴉片受體 mRNA 的表 現量則於 NGF 誘發後第五天達到最高。 另外由 NGF 所誘發之 delta 類 鴉片受體 mRNA 的表現量之提昇可被 PKC inhibitor , H7 所抑制。 此 結果顯示 PKC 可能參與在 PC12 細胞內由 NGF 刺激所產生之訊息傳遞至 delta 類鴉片受體基因的過程。 我們分別施予類鴉片受體致效劑

(agonist) , morphine 及拮抗劑 (antagonist) , naloxone , 於 NGF 誘發之 PC12 細胞, 來分析類鴉片受體在神經細胞分化中的角色。 實驗 結果顯示施予細胞 naloxone 十天之後, 會顯著地增加由 NGF 所誘發之 趨向分化細胞的比例, 但並未改變細胞的總數及 neurite outgrowth 的 程度。 而 naloxone 於細胞內所造成之影響可被 morphine 所抑制。 此 結果反應出 naloxone 是透過與類鴉片受體的結合來影響 NGF 誘發之神 經細胞的分化。 我們推測 naloxone 於施予細胞十天後會顯著地增加 NGF 所誘發之趨向分化細胞的比例之現象, 可能是由於進行細胞分裂的 細胞數目降低, 或趨向細胞分化的細胞數目增加, 亦或是分化完全的細 胞趨向自然死亡的速率變慢。 因此我們偵測於不同藥物處理十天後, 細 胞趨向自然死亡的比例。 實驗結果顯示, 單獨給予 NGF 處理的細胞有 較高的細胞自然死亡的比例, 而合併給予 naloxone 及 NGF , 則會降低 由 NGF 所誘發而增加的細胞自然死亡的比例。 因此可推測 naloxone 增 加 NGF 所誘發之趨向分化細胞的比例, 可能是由於降低分化完全的細胞 趨向細胞自然死亡的速率所導致。


Evidences showed that increased enkephalin binding site and delta opioid receptor mRNA expression were found in a cloned rat pheochromocytoma PC12h cell after NGF treatment. Since PC12 cells will undergo a phenotypic transition from chromaffin-like cell to neurite-bearing neuronal cell after NGF treatment, the cell line is thought to be a good in vitro model for studying the NGF-induced neuronal differentiation. We therefore set-up experiments to study the role of opioid receptor in NGF-induced neuronal differentiation. Our data indicated that the mRNA of delta, but not mu or kappa opioid receptor was elevated by NGF treatment in a dose-response and time-dependent manner. The mRNAs of delta opioid receptor reached to the highest level on day 5 post NGF treatment. In addition, a protein kinase C

inhibitor, H7, could partially block the elevated mRNA levels of delta opioid receptor after NGF treatment. This result indicated a protein kinase C might involve in the pathway which transduce the NGF signal to target gene, the delta opioid receptor gene.

To investigate the role of opioid receptor in neuronal differentiation, we analyzed the effect of opioid agonist

(morphine) or antagonist (naloxone) on NGF induced PC12 cell differentiation. Our results showed that naloxone combined with NGF could increase the ratio of NGF-induced differentiated cell (P<0.05) after 10 days treatment. And this effect could be reversed by the addition of morphine, indicating that this effect may be through the opioid receptor, and possibly the

delta-type receptor. However, naloxone combined with NGF did not

affect the NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and total cell number

after 10 days treatment. Furthermore, our data also showed that

the addition of morphine or naloxone combined with NGF could

decrease PC12 apoptosis after 10 days in virto culture.



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