刪 0201.20.10.90-2 其他特殊品級帶骨切割牛肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other special quality cuts of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 MW0
增 0201.20.20.00-9 特選級或精選級肉牛切割之帶骨牛腩、牛腱,生鮮或冷藏 Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0201.20.90.20-0 其他帶骨牛腩、牛腱,生鮮或冷藏
Other shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0201.20.90.21-9 特選或精選級帶骨牛腱、牛腩,生鮮或冷藏
Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
410 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0201.20.90.29-1 其他品級帶骨牛腱、牛腩,生鮮或冷藏
Other grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
410 B01 C01 MW0
修 0201.30.10.10-7 特殊品級去骨切割牛肉排(胸側肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿 肉),生鮮或冷藏
Special quality cuts of steaks (rib, loin, sirloin, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0201.30.10.90-0 其他特殊品級去骨牛肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other special quality meat of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0 Q06
增 0201.30.20.00-7 特選級或精選級肉牛切割之去骨牛腩、牛腱,生鮮或冷藏 Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0201.30.90.20-8 其他去骨牛腩、牛腱,生鮮或冷藏
Other shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0201.30.90.21-7 特選或精選級去骨牛腱、牛腩,生鮮或冷藏 Prime or choice grade shin/shank, intercostals, short plate,brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
410 B01 C01 MW0 Q06
刪 0201.30.90.29-9 其他品級去骨牛腱、牛腩,生鮮或冷藏
Other grade shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, fresh or chilled
410 B01 C01 MW0 Q06
刪 0202.20.10.90-1 其他特殊品級冷凍帶骨切割牛肉
Other special quality cuts of bovine animals, with bone in,
B01 C01 MW0
增 0202.20.20.00-8 特選級或精選級肉牛切割之冷凍帶骨牛腩、牛腱
Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0202.20.90.20-9 其他冷凍帶骨牛腩、牛腱
Other shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0202.20.90.21-8 特選或精選級冷凍帶骨牛腱、牛腩
Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen
410 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0202.20.90.29-0 其他品級冷凍帶骨牛腱、牛腩
Other grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, with bone in, frozen
410 B01 C01 MW0
修 0202.30.10.10-6 特殊品級冷凍去骨四分之一屠體牛肉及切割肉排(胸側 肉、背脊肉、腰脊肉、上腿肉)
Special quality quarter-carcasses & cuts of steaks (rib, loins, sirloins, rump), of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0202.30.10.90-9 其他特殊品級冷凍去骨切割牛肉
Other special quality meat of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 Q06
增 0202.30.20.00-6 特選級或精選級肉牛切割之冷凍去骨牛腩、牛腱
Prime or choice grade shin/shank, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0202.30.90.20-7 其他冷凍去骨牛腩、牛腱
Other shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0202.30.90.21-6 特選或精選級冷凍去骨牛腱、牛腩
Prime or choice grade shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
410 B01 C01 MW0 Q06
刪 0202.30.90.29-8 其他品級冷凍去骨牛腱、牛腩
Other grade shin/shank, intercostals, short plate, brisket, ribs, rib finger, thin flank, of bovine animals, boneless, frozen
410 B01 C01 MW0 Q06 備註:菸酒類產品列於附表三
刪 0203.19.10.10-0 去骨之豬後腿肉、肩胛肉、腰內肉、大里脊、腹肉及其切 割肉,生鮮或冷藏
Hams, shoulders, tenderloin, loins, belly and cuts thereof, boneless, of swine, fresh or chilled
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
刪 0203.19.10.90-3 其他去骨豬肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other meat of swine, boneless, fresh or chilled
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q06
增 0203.19.11.00-1 去骨豬腹肉(包括腩排),生鮮或冷藏
Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, boneless
fresh or chilledB01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.19.19.10-1 去骨之豬後腿肉、肩胛肉、腰內肉、大里脊及其切割肉,生 鮮或冷藏
Hams, shoulders, tenderloin, loins and cuts thereof, boneless, of swine, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.19.19.90-4 其他去骨豬肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other meat of swine, boneless, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0 C01
刪 0203.19.90.10-3 帶骨之豬大里脊、腹肉及其切割肉,生鮮或冷藏 Loins, belly and cuts thereof, of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
刪 0203.19.90.90-6 其他帶骨豬肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other meat of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
增 0203.19.91.00-4 帶骨豬腹肉(包括腩排),生鮮或冷藏
Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.19.99.10-4 帶骨之豬大里脊及其切割肉,生鮮或冷藏
Loins and cuts thereof, of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.19.99.90-7 其他帶骨豬肉,生鮮或冷藏
Other meat of swine, with bone in, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0203.29.10.10-8 冷凍去骨之豬後腿肉、肩胛肉、腰內肉、大里脊、腹肉及 其切割肉
Hams, shoulders, tenderloin, loins, belly and cuts thereof, boneless, of swine, frozen
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
刪 0203.29.10.90-1 其他冷凍去骨豬肉
Other meat of swine, boneless, frozen
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
增 0203.29.11.00-9 冷凍去骨豬腹肉(包括腩排)
Belly(including spare ribs) of swine, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.29.19.10-9 冷凍去骨之豬後腿肉、肩胛肉、腰內肉、大里脊及其切割肉 Hams, shoulders, tenderloin, loins and cuts thereof, boneless, of swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增 0203.29.19.90-2 其他冷凍去骨豬肉
Other meat of swine, boneless, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
刪 0203.29.90.10-1 冷凍帶骨之豬大里脊、腹肉及其切割肉
Loins, belly and cuts thereof, of swine, with bone in, frozen
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
刪 0203.29.90.90-4 其他冷凍帶骨豬肉
Other meat of swine, with bone in, frozen
112 B01 C01 MW0 Q03
增 0203.29.91.00-2 冷凍帶骨豬腹肉(包括腩排)
Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, with bone in, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增0203.29.99.10-2 冷凍帶骨之豬大里脊及其切割肉
Loins and cuts thereof, of swine, with bone in, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
增0203.29.99.90-5 其他冷凍帶骨豬肉
Other meat of swine, with bone in, frozen
B01 C01 MW0 C01
刪0206.10.00.10-8 牛肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪0206.10.00.90-1 食用牛雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Edible offals of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q05 增0206.10.10.00-8 牛肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增0206.10.90.00-1 其他食用牛雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪0206.29.00.10-7 冷凍牛肉骨
Bone with meat of bovine animals, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪0206.29.00.90-0 其他冷凍食用牛雜碎
Other edible offals of bovine animals, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q05 增0206.29.10.00-7 冷凍牛肉骨
Bone with meat of bovine animals, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增0206.29.90.00-0 其他冷凍食用牛雜碎
Other edible offal of bovine animals, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪0206.30.00.10-4 豬肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of swine, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪0206.30.00.90-7 豬雜碎,生鮮或冷藏 111 B01 C01
增0206.30.10.00-4 豬肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of swine, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增0206.30.20.00-2 豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜,生鮮或冷 藏
Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增0206.30.90.00-7 其他食用豬雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other edible offal of swine, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增0206.49.20.00-1 冷凍豬肉骨
Bone with meat of swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0206.49.30.00-9 冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜 Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0206.49.90.00-6 其他冷凍食用豬雜碎
Other edible offal of swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0206.49.90.10-4 冷凍豬肉骨
Bone with meat of swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0206.49.90.90-7 其他冷凍食用豬雜碎
Other edible offals of swine, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q04 刪 0206.80.10.10-1 羊肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0206.80.10.90-4 食用羊雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Edible offals of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0 增 0206.80.11.00-2 羊肉骨,生鮮或冷藏
Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0206.80.19.00-4 其他食用羊雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other edible offal of sheep, lambs and goats, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0206.90.00.10-1 冷凍羊肉骨
Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0206.90.00.90-4 冷凍其他雜碎
Other edible offals, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0206.90.10.00-1 冷凍羊肉骨
Bone with meat of sheep, lambs and goats, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0206.90.90.00-4 其他冷凍羊雜碎
Other edible offal of sheep, lambs and goats, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.13.10.00-4 雞肉肉塊,生鮮或冷藏
Meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q02
增 0207.13.11.00-3 雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞翅,生鮮或冷藏 Drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters ) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.13.19.00-5 其他雞肉肉塊,生鮮或冷藏
Other meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.13.90.00-7 其他雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other offals of fowls of the species gallus domesticus,fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.13.91.00-6 雞心及雞腳,生鮮或冷藏
Hearts and feet of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.13.92.00-5 雞脖子,生鮮或冷藏
Necks of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.13.99.00-8 其他雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.14.10.00-3 冷凍雞肉,肉塊
Meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q02
增 0207.14.11.00-2 冷凍雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞趐
Drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.14.19.00-4 其他冷凍雞肉肉塊
Other meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.14.20.10-9 冷凍雞皮
Skins of fowls, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.14.20.90-2 其他冷凍雞雜碎(肝除外)
Other offals of fowls of the species gallus domesticus, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.14.21.00-0 冷凍雞肝 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.14.22.00-9 冷凍雞心及雞腳
Hearts and feet of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.14.23.00-8 冷凍雞脖子
Necks of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.14.29.00-2 其他冷凍雞雜碎
Other offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.14.30.00-9 冷凍雞肝
Livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.27.20.00-6 冷凍火雞雜碎(肝除外)
Offals of turkeys, other than livers, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.27.21.00-5 冷凍火雞肝
Livers of turkeys, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.27.22.00-4 冷凍火雞心
Hearts of turkeys, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.27.29.00-7 其他冷凍火雞雜碎
Other offal of turkeys, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.27.30.00-4 冷凍火雞肝
Livers of turkeys, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.35.90.00-1 其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other offals of ducks, geese or guinea fowls, fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.35.91.00-0 鴨心及鵝心,生鮮或冷藏
Hearts of ducks and geese, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.35.99.00-2 其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏
Other offal of ducks, geese, or guinea fowls, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0207.36.90.00-0 冷凍其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎
Other offals of ducks, geese or guinea fowls, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.36.91.00-9 冷凍鴨心及鵝心
Hearts of ducks or geese, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0207.36.99.00-1 冷凍其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎
Other offal of ducks, geese or guinea fowls, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.12-7 馴鹿肉及肉骨,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Meat and bone with meat of reindeer, fresh, chilled or frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.13-6 狗肉,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Meat of dogs, fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.19-0 未列名生鮮、冷藏或冷凍肉類 Meat, n.e.s., fresh, chilled or frozen
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.21-6 其他食用動物蹄腳,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Other edible feet of all animals fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.22-5 其他食用哺乳動物及家禽之頭,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍 Other edible head of other mammals and fowl, fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.23-4 其他食用哺乳動物舌,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Other edible tongue of othe mammals, fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.24-3 其他食用哺乳動物尾,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Other dible tails of other mammal, fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.25-2 鱉(甲魚)內臟,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Internal organs of soft-shell turtle (terrapin), fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0208.90.00.29-8 未列名生鮮、冷藏或冷凍食用雜碎 Edible offals, n.e.s., fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.10.00-9 鹿肉,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Meat of deer, fresh, chilled or frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.20.10-5 鹿肉骨,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Bone with meat of reindeers, fresh, chilled or frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.20.20-3 狗肉,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Meat of dogs, fresh, chilled or frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.20.90-8 其他肉類,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍 Other meat, fresh, chilled or frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.30.00-5 第0207節除外之食用家禽雜碎,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍 Edible poultry offal, fresh, chilled or frozen (other than edible offal of heading No. 02.07)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.90.10-0 其他第0206節及家禽雜碎除外之蹄腳,生鮮、冷藏或 冷凍
Other edible feet of animals, fresh, chilled or frozen, other than edible offal of poultry and of heading No. 02.06
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.90.20-8 其他第0206節及家禽雜碎除外之頭,生鮮、冷藏或冷 凍
Other edible heads of animals, fresh, chilled or frozen, other than edible offal of poultry and of heading No. 02.06
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.90.30-6 其他第0206節及家禽雜碎除外之舌,生鮮、冷藏或冷 凍
Other edible tongues of animals, fresh, chilled or frozen, other than edible offal of poultry and of heading No. 02.06
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.90.40-4 其他第0206節及家禽雜碎除外之尾,生鮮、冷藏或冷 凍
Other edible tails of animals, fresh, chilled or frozen, other than edible offal of poultry and of heading No. 02.06
B01 C01 MW0
增 0208.90.90.50-1 鱉(甲魚)內臟,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍
Internal organs of soft-shell turtle (terrapin), fresh, chilled or frozen
增 0208.90.90.90-3 其他第0206節及家禽雜碎除外之食用雜碎,生鮮、冷 藏或冷凍
Other edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen, other than edible offal of poultry and of heading No. 02.06
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.10.10-3 雞、鴨及鵝肝,鹹、浸鹹或燻製
Livers of fowls, geese and ducks, salted or in brine or smoked
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.10.90-6 其他家禽肝,鹹、浸鹹或燻製
Other poultry livers, slated, in brine or smoked
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.11.00-4 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之雞肝
Livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.12.00-3 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞翅 Drum sticks (including leg and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.13.00-2 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之雞心及雞腳
Hearts and feet of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.19.00-6 其他部位雞肉,鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製
Other cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.21.00-2 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之其他家禽肝
Other poultry livers, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.29.11-1 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之家禽砂囊(肫)
Poultry gizzards, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.29.19-3 鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之其他食用家禽雜碎(肝除外)
Other edible poultry offal, salted, in brine, dried, or smoked (other than poultry livers)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.29.20-0 其他家禽雜碎製成之食用肉粉及粗肉粉 Edible flours and meals of other poultry offal
B01 C01 MW0
增 0210.90.90.10-6 鹹、浸鹹或燻製之其他家禽肉類
Other meat of poultry, salted, in brine or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.90.11-5 雞肉,鹹、浸鹹或燻製
Meat of fowls, salted, in brine or smoked
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.90.19-7 其他家禽肉類,鹹、浸鹹或燻製
Other meat of poultry, salted, in brine or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.20-4 其他乾家禽肉類
Other meat of poultry, dried
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.90.41-9 雞、鴨、鵝砂囊(肫),鹹、浸鹹或燻製
Gizzards of fowls, geese and ducks, salted, in brine or smoked
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0210.90.90.49-1 未列名家禽砂囊(肫),鹹、浸鹹或燻製 Poultry gizzards, n.e.s., salted, in brine or smoked
111 B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.60-5 其他乾食用動物蹄腳 Edible feet of animals, dried
B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.70-3 肉類或雜碎肉製成之食用肉粉及粗肉粉
Edible powder, flours and meals of meat and offal, dried, salted, in brine or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.91-8 鹹、浸鹹或燻製之其他肉類
Other meat, salted, in brine or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.92-7 其他乾肉類 Other meat, dried
B01 C01 MW0 C01
修 0210.90.90.93-6 鹹、浸鹹或燻製之其他動物雜碎
Other edible offal, salted, in brine or smoked
B01 C01 MW0
修 0210.90.90.94-5 其他乾食用動物雜碎 Other edible offal, dried
B01 C01 MW0
增 0302.61.00.00-1 沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)、錦沙丁魚、鯡魚或魚(正
Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or other sprats (Sprattus sprattus), fresh or chilled
A02 MW0
刪 0302.61.00.10-9 灰海荷(丁香魚),生鮮或冷藏
Silver anchovy (spratelloides gracilis), fresh or chilled
刪 0302.61.00.20-7 沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)錦沙丁魚、鯡魚或其他魚(正
Sardines (sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.), sardinella (sardinella spp.), brisling or other sprats (sprattus sprattus), fresh or chilled
111 A02 MW0
增 0302.69.92.00-2 魚,生鮮或冷藏
Carangidae fishes, fresh or chilled
A02 MW0
增 0302.69.93.00-1 其他鯖屬魚,生鮮或冷藏
Other mackerel (Scomber spp.), fresh or chilled
A02 MW0
增 0302.69.94.00-0 灰海荷(丁香魚),生鮮或冷藏
Silver anchovy (Spratelloides gracilis), fresh or chilled
修 0302.69.99.20-1 鮮或冷藏鯡類
Herrings, fresh or chilled
A02 MW0
刪 0302.69.99.30-9 鮮或冷藏鯖屬魚(正鯖、花腹鯖、白腹鯖列入03026 4.00.00)
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus are classified in 030264.00.00), fresh or chilled
111 A02 MW0
增 0303.71.00.00-8 冷凍沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)、錦沙丁魚、鯡魚或魚
Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or other sprats (Sprattus sprattus), frozen
A02 MW0
刪 0303.71.00.10-6 冷凍灰海荷(丁香魚)
Silver anchovy (Spratelloides gracilis), frozen
刪 0303.71.00.20-4 冷凍沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)、錦沙丁魚、鯡魚或其他
Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or other sprats (Sprattus sprattus), frozen
111 A02 MW0
增 0303.79.92.00-9 冷凍魚
Carangidae fishes, frozen
A02 MW0
增 0303.79.93.00-8 冷凍其他鯖屬魚
Other mackerel (Scomber spp.), frozen
A02 MW0 C01
增 0303.79.94.00-7 冷凍灰海荷(丁香魚)
Silver anchovy (Spratelloides gracilis), frozen
增 0303.79.95.00-6 冷凍短擬鱸(藍色鱈魚)
Blue cod (Parapercis colias), frozen
A02 MW0 C01
修 0303.79.99.10-0 冷凍鯡類 Herrings, frozen
A02 MW0 C01
刪 0303.79.99.40-4 冷凍鯖屬魚(正鯖、花腹鯖、白腹鯖列入030374.
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus are classified in 030264.00.00), frozen
111 A02 MW0 C01
刪 0303.79.99.60-9 冷凍短擬鱸(藍色鱈魚)
Blue cod (Parapercis colias), frozen
A02 MW0 C01
增 0304.10.40.00-3 生鮮或冷藏鯰魚片及魚肉(不論是否經剁細)
Catfish fillets and its meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled
A02 B01 MW0
增 0304.10.50.00-0 生鮮或冷藏鱒魚片及魚肉(不論是否經剁細)
Trout fillets and its meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled
A02 B01 MW0 111
刪 0304.10.90.10-0 生鮮或冷藏鯰魚片及魚肉(不論是否經剁細)
Catfish fillets and its meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled
A02 B01 MW0
修 0304.10.90.30-6 生鮮或冷藏鮭魚片及魚肉(不論是否經剁細)
Salmon fillets and its meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled
A02 B01 MW0 111
修 0304.10.90.90-3 其他生鮮或冷藏魚片及魚肉(不論是否經剁細)
Other fish fillets and its meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled
A02 MW0
修 0304.20.20.00-5 冷凍鮭魚片及比目魚片
Salmon and halibut fillets, frozen
A02 B01 MW0 111
增 0304.20.41.00-0 冷凍類(包括沙丁魚)魚片 Sardine fillets, frozen
A02 MW0
增 0304.20.42.00-9 冷凍鯡類魚片 Herrings fillets, frozen
A02 MW0 C01
增 0304.20.50.00-8 冷凍魚片
Carangidae fishes fillets, frozen
A02 MW0 C01
增 0304.20.60.00-6 冷凍鯖屬魚片
Mackerel (Scomber spp.) fillets, frozen
A02 MW0
增 0304.20.70.00-4 冷凍鯰魚片
Catfish fillets, frozen
A02 B01 MW0 C01
增 0304.20.80.00-2 冷凍魚片(詹星魚)
Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) fillets, frozen
A02 MW0 C01
刪 0304.20.90.11-7 冷凍鯰魚片
Catfish, fillets, frozen
A02 B01 MW0 C01
刪 0304.20.90.12-6 冷凍鯖屬魚片
Mackerels, fillets, frozen
111 A02 MW0
刪 0304.20.90.13-5 冷凍魚片
Horse mackerels (incl.carangid fishes), fillets, frozen
111 A02 MW0 C01
刪 0304.20.90.14-4 冷凍類(包括沙丁魚)魚片 Sardines, fillets, frozen
111 A02 MW0
刪 0304.20.90.17-1 冷凍鯡類魚片 Herrings, fillets, frozen
111 A02 MW0 C01
修 0304.90.12.00-0 冷凍鱈魚、明太鱈魚漿 Frozen cod, pollock, minced
A02 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.10-4 乾、鹹或浸鹹魚(包括沙丁魚)之切片,但未燻製 Sardines fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.21-1 乾鯖魚之切片,但未燻製
Mackerels fillets, dried, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.22-0 鹹或浸鹹鯖屬魚之切片,但未燻製
Mackerels fillets, salted or in brine, but not smoked
111 C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.31-9 乾河豚之切片,但未燻製
Ball puffer fillets, dried, but not smoked
111 C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.32-8 鹹或浸鹹河豚之切片,但未燻製
Ball puffer fillets, salted or in brine, but not smoked
111 C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.40-8 乾、鹹或浸鹹秋刀魚之切片,但未燻製
Saury fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.50-5 乾、鹹或浸鹹鯰魚之切片,但未燻製
Catfish, fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.61-2 乾之切片,但未燻製
Carangidae fillets, dried, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.62-1 鹹或浸鹹魚之切片,但未燻製
Carangidae fillets, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.71-0 乾鮭鱒之切片,但未燻製
Salmon and trouts fillets, dried, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.30.00.72-9 鹹或浸鹹鮭鱒之切片,但未燻製
Salmon and trouts fillets, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0 111
刪 0305.30.00.90-7 其他乾、鹹或浸鹹魚之切片,但未燻製
Other fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.10.00-4 乾、鹹或浸鹹鯖屬魚之切片,但未燻製
Mackerel (Scomber spp.) fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.10-5 乾、鹹或浸鹹魚(包括沙丁魚)之切片,但未燻製 Sardines fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.20-3 乾、鹹或浸鹹鮭鱒之切片,但未燻製
Salmon and trouts fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0 111
增 0305.30.90.30-1 乾、鹹或浸鹹河豚之切片,但未燻製
Ball puffer fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
111 C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.40-9 乾、鹹或浸鹹秋刀魚之切片,但未燻製
Saury fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.50-6 乾、鹹或浸鹹鯰魚之切片,但未燻製
Catfish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.60-4 乾、鹹或浸鹹魚之切片,但未燻製
Carangidae fishes fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.30.90.90-8 其他乾、鹹或浸鹹魚之切片,但未燻製
Other fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.49.20.00-1 燻製鯰魚 Catfish, smoked
C01 MW0
增 0305.49.30.00-9 燻製鱒魚 Trout, smoked
C01 MW0 111
增 0305.49.40.00-7 燻製灰海荷(丁香魚)
Silver anchovy (Spratelloides gracilis), smoked
增 0305.49.50.00-4 其他燻製類(包括沙丁魚) C01 MW0
刪 0305.49.90.10-4 燻製鯰魚 Catfish, smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.49.90.21-1 燻製灰海荷(丁香魚)
Silver anchovy (spratelloides gracilis), smoked
刪 0305.49.90.22-0 其他燻製類(包括沙丁魚)
Other sardines, smoked
111 C01 MW0
刪 0305.49.90.40-8 燻製鱒類 Trout, smoked
C01 MW0
修 0305.59.10.00-0 乾明太鱈 Pollock, dried
C01 MW0
刪 0305.59.40.11-1 灰海荷(丁香魚)小魚乾
Silver anchovy (Spratelloides gracilis) small fish, dried
刪 0305.59.40.12-0 鯡類或其他類小魚乾
Herring or other sardines small fish, dried
111 C01 MW0
刪 0305.59.40.90-5 其他小魚乾
Other small fish, dried
C01 MW0
增 0305.59.41.00-3 鯡類或其他類小魚乾
Herrings or other sardines small fish, dried
C01 MW0
增 0305.59.49.10-3 灰海荷(丁香魚)小魚乾
Silver anchovies (Spratelloides gracilis) small fish, dried
增 0305.59.49.90-6 其他小魚乾
Other small fish, dried
C01 MW0
增 0305.59.50.00-1 乾類,不論是否為鹹者(但未燻製)
Dried sardines, whether or not salted, but not smoked
C01 MW0
刪 0305.59.90.20-9 乾
Sardines, dried
111 C01 MW0
增 0305.69.40.00-2 鹽醃鯖屬魚
Mackerels (Scomber spp.), salted or in brine
C01 MW0
刪 0305.69.90.10-9 鹹鯖屬魚
Mackerel, salted or in brine
111 C01 MW0
修 0305.69.90.90-2 其他鹽醃魚類
Other fish, salted or in brine
C01 MW0
修 0306.13.00.90-7 其他冷凍小蝦及對蝦
Other shrimps and prawns, frozen
A02 MW0 C01
修 0307.91.31.10-1 活鐘螺 Top shell, live
修 0307.91.31.20-9 生鮮或冷藏鐘螺
Top shell, fresh or chilled
修 0307.99.12.00-8 冷凍鐘螺(鳳凰螺除外)
Top shell (other than conch), frozen
修 0307.99.23.10-3 乾鐘螺
Top shell, dried
修 0307.99.23.20-1 鹹或浸鹹鐘螺
Top shell, salted or in brine
增 0307.99.31.00-5 冷凍鳳凰螺 Conch, frozen
A02 MW0
刪 0401.10.00.10-1 無糖生乳,含脂重量未逾1%者
Raw milk, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.10.00.21-8 無糖羊乳,含脂重量未逾1%者
Milk, goat's and sheep's, unsweetened, of a fat content, by wieght, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.10.00.29-0 其他無糖乳,含脂重量未逾1%者
Other milk, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.10.00.30-7 無糖乳油,含脂重量未逾1%者
Cream, unsweetend, of fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.10.10.00-1 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之鮮乳(生乳及羊乳除 外),含脂重量不超過1%者
Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.10.20.00-9 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之保久乳(生乳及羊乳 除外),含脂重量不超過1%者
Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
C01 MW0
增 0401.10.90.10-2 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之生乳,含脂重量不超 過1%者
Raw milk, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.10.90.20-0 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之羊乳,含脂重量不超 過1%者
Milk, goat's and sheep's, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.10.90.30-8 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之乳油,含脂重量不超 過1%者
Cream, not concentrated and unsweetend, of fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.20.00.10-9 無糖生乳,含脂重量超過1%,但不超過6%者
Milk, raw, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.20.00.21-6 無糖羊乳(山羊乳、綿羊乳),含脂重量超過1%,但不 超過6%者
Milk, goat's and sheep's, unsweetened of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.20.00.29-8 其他無糖乳,含脂重量超過1%,但不超過6%者 Other milk, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.20.00.30-5 無糖乳油,含脂重量超過1%,但不超過6%者 Cream, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.20.10.00-9 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之鮮乳(生乳及羊乳除 外),含脂重量超過1%,但不超過6%者
Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.20.20.00-7 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之保久乳(生乳及羊乳 除外),含脂重量超過1%但不超過6%者
Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
C01 MW0
增 0401.20.90.10-0 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之生乳,含脂重量超過 1%,但不超過6%者
Milk, raw, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.20.90.20-8 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之羊乳,含脂重量超過 1%,但不超過6%者
Milk, goat’s and sheep’s, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.20.90.30-6 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之乳油,含脂重量超過 1,%但不超過6%者
Cream, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.30.00.10-7 無糖生乳,含脂重量超過6%者
Milk, raw, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.30.00.21-4 無糖羊乳,含脂重量超過6%者
Milk, goat's and sheep's, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.30.00.29-6 其他無糖乳,含脂重量超過6%者
Other milk, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0401.30.00.30-3 無糖乳油,含脂重量超過6%者
Cream, unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.30.10.00-7 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之鮮乳(生乳及羊乳除 外),含脂重量超過6%者
Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.30.20.00-5 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之保久乳(生乳及羊乳 除外),含脂重量超過6%者
Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
C01 MW0
增 0401.30.90.10-8 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之生乳,含脂重量超過 6%者
Milk, raw, not concentrated and unsweetened,of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.30.90.20-6 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之羊乳,含脂重量超過 6%者
Milk, goat's and sheep's, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
增 0401.30.90.30-4 未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他甜味料之乳油,含脂重量超過 6%者
Cream, not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%
B01 C01 MW0
修 0402.99.10.00-4 鮮乳,加糖或其他甜味料者
Fresh milk, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
B01 C01 MW0
增 0402.99.40.00-8 煉乳,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Condensed milk, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0402.99.90.11-4 加糖或含其他甜味料羊乳(山羊乳、綿羊乳)
Milk, goat, and sheep containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0402.99.90.12-3 乳油,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Cream, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0402.99.90.19-6 未列名未濃縮乳(包括脫脂乳)加糖或含其他甜味料者 Milk (incl. skim milk), not concentrated containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, n.e.s.
111 C01 MW0
刪 0402.99.90.21-2 煉乳油,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Cream, condensed, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0402.99.90.29-4 未列名煉乳,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Milk and cream (incl. skim milk), condensed, containing added sugar or other sweeting matter, n.e.s.
111 C01 MW0
增 0402.99.91.00-6 羊乳,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Milk of goat and sheep, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0402.99.92.00-5 其他乳,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Other milk, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0402.99.99.00-8 其他乳油,加糖或含其他甜味料者
Other cream, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
修 0403.10.00.00-1 酸酪乳
Yoghourt (yogurt)
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.21.00-9 鮮或煉酪乳,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或 添加水果、堅果或可可者
Fresh or condensed buttermilk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.22.00-8 乾、塊或其他固狀酪乳,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料 或香料,或添加水果、堅果或可可者
Buttermilk, dry, in block or other solid form, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.29.00-1 其他酪乳,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或添 加水果、堅果或可可者
Other buttermilk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.30.00-8 酵母乳及發酵乳粉,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香 料,或添加水果、堅果或可可者
Yeast milk and fermented milk powder, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.40.00-6 凝固乳,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或添加 水果、堅果或可可者
Curdled milk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.51.00-2 酸調味、改質或發酵之乳,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味 料或香料,或添加水果、堅果或可可者
Flavoured, modified, or fermented milk, sour, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or
flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.59.00-4 其他調味、改質或發酵之乳(包含酸乳酒),不論是否加 糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或添加水果、堅果或可可者 Other flavoured, modified, or fermented milk (including kephir), whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.60.00-1 酸乳油 Cream, sour
C01 MW0
增 0403.90.90.00-5 其他乳油,不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或添 加水果、堅果或可可者
Other cream, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.10-3 鮮酪乳
Buttermilk, fresh
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.20-1 煉酪乳 Buttermilk
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.30-9 酪乳塊
Buttermilk, dry, block
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.41-6 酵母乳 Yeast milk
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.42-5 酸調味乳
Flavoured milk, sour
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.43-4 酸調製乳
Modified milk, sour
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.44-3 酸發酵乳
Fermented milk, sour
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.45-2 發酵乳粉
Fermented milk powder
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.46-1 酸乳油 Cream, sour
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.91-5 未列名酪乳 Buttermilk, n.e.s.
111 C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.92-4 未列名濃縮酪乳
Buttermilk, n.e.s., condensed or evaporated or concentrated, in liquid or semisolid form, incl. those in airtight containers
111 C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.93-3 未列名固狀酪乳,包括密封包裝
Buttermilk, n.e.s., dry, in solid form, incl. those in airtight containers
C01 MW0
刪 0403.90.90.94-2 未列名凝固乳及乳油、酸乳油及其他經發酵或酸化之乳及 乳油,不論是否濃縮
Curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrate, n.e.s.
111 C01 MW0
刪 0408.91.20.00-4 蛋白粉
Egg white powder
刪 0408.99.20.00-6 冷凍蛋白
Egg white, frozen
B01 MW0
刪 0504.00.20.10-5 動物腸肚 Guts of animals
111 B01 C02 MW0 Q04 Q05 刪 0504.00.20.20-3 動物膀胱
Bladders of animals
111 B01 C02 MW0 Q04 Q05 刪 0504.00.20.30-1 動物胃
Stomachs of animals
111 B01 C02 MW0 Q04 Q05 增 0504.00.21.10-4 豬腸(包括大腸、小腸及直腸),整個或切開者均在內,
Guts (including intestines and rectum) of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C02 MW0
增 0504.00.21.20-2 豬胃(肚),整個或切開者均在內,生鮮、冷藏、冷凍、
Stomachs of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C02 MW0
增 0504.00.22.00-5 家禽之腸、膀胱及胃,整個或切開者均在內,生鮮、冷藏、
Guts, bladders and stomachs of poultry, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C02 MW0
增 0504.00.29.10-6 豬膀胱,整個或切開者均在內,生鮮、冷藏、冷凍、鹹、浸 鹹、乾或燻製者
Bladders of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C02 MW0
增 0504.00.29.20-4 其他動物之腸、膀胱及胃(魚類者除外),整個或切開者 均在內,生鮮、冷藏、冷凍、鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製者 Guts, bladders and stomachs of other animals(other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
B01 C02 MW0
修 0507.90.19.00-8 乾鹿茸(包括中藥用)
Deer velvet [Lu jung (Cervi parvum cornu) (incl. for Chinese drugs)], dried
502 B01
增 0507.90.20.00-5 其他鹿茸(包括中藥用)
Other deer velvet [Lu jung (Cervi parvum cornu) (incl. for Chinese drugs)]
B01 MW0
修 0508.00.20.00-3 軟體水產動物,甲殼類或棘皮動物之介殼和墨魚骨,未經 加工或經簡單處理但未切成形者
Shells of molluscs, crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle- bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape 刪 0703.20.00.00-6 大蒜,生鮮或冷藏
Garlic, fresh or chilled
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0703.20.10.00-4 種植用蒜球
Garlic bulb for planting
B01 MW0
增 0703.20.90.00-7 其他大蒜,生鮮或冷藏 Other garlic, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0709.90.30.00-9 南瓜,生鮮或冷藏
Pumpkin or squash, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0709.90.90.17-7 南瓜,生鮮或冷藏
Pumpkin or squash, fresh or chilled
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0710.29.00.10-6 冷凍毛豆
Vegetable soybean, frozen
C01 MW0 454
刪 0710.29.00.20-4 冷凍紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)
Frozen red beans (Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean)
111 C01 MW0
刪 0710.29.00.90-9 其他冷凍豆類蔬菜
Other leguminous vegetables, frozen
C01 MW0
增 0710.29.10.00-6 冷凍紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)
Frozen red beans (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean)
C01 MW0
增 0710.29.90.10-7 冷凍毛豆
Vegetable soybean, frozen
C01 MW0 454
增 0710.29.90.90-0 其他冷凍豆類蔬菜
Other leguminous vegetables, frozen
C01 MW0
增 0710.80.30.00-8 冷凍青花菜 Broccoli, frozen
C01 MW0
刪 0710.80.90.21-0 冷凍青花菜 Broccoli, frozen
C01 MW0
增 0712.90.40.00-2 乾蒜球,整粒、切塊、切片、切碎或粉
Dried garlic bulb, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder
B01 C01 MW0
增 0712.90.50.00-9 乾金針菜 Day lily, dried
C01 MW0
刪 0712.90.90.10-9 乾金針菜 Day lily, dried
111 C01 MW0
刪 0712.90.90.20-7 乾蒜球,整粒、切塊、切片、切碎或粉狀
Dried garlic bulb, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0713.31.00.00-1 乾豇豆屬
Dried beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek
B01 C01 MW0
增 0713.31.10.00-9 乾綠豆
Mung bean, dried
B01 C01
增 0713.31.90.00-2 其他乾豇豆屬
Other dried beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0713.39.10.00-1 乾綠豆
Mung bean, dried
B01 C01
修 0713.39.20.00-9 其他菜豆、豇豆種子
Other bean seed (vigna spp., phaseolus spp.)
402 B01
刪 0801.21.00.00-6 巴西栗,帶殼者 Brazil nuts, in shell
B01 C01 MW0
增 0801.21.10.00-4 鮮巴西栗,帶殼者 Brazil nuts, in shell, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0801.21.20.00-2 乾巴西栗,帶殼者 Brazil nuts, in shell, dried
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0801.22.00.00-5 巴西栗,去殼者 Brazil nuts, shelled
B01 C01 MW0
增 0801.22.10.00-3 鮮巴西栗,去殼者 Brazil nuts, shelled, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0801.22.20.00-1 乾巴西栗,去殼者 Brazil nuts, shelled, dried
B01 C01 MW0
增 0802.90.30.00-5 檳榔,鮮或乾
Areca (betel) nuts, fresh or dried
B01 MW0
增 0802.90.90.00-2 其他食用堅果,無論是否去殼或去果皮,鮮或乾 Other edible nuts, whether or not shelled or peeled, fresh or dried
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0802.90.90.10-0 檳榔,鮮或乾
Areca (betel) nuts, fresh or dried
111 B01 MW0
刪 0802.90.90.90-3 其他食用堅果,無論是否去殼或去果皮,鮮或乾 Other edible nuts, whether or not shelled or peeled, fresh or dried
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.10.00.10-3 鮮柑橘類 Fresh oranges
121 213 B01 C01 MW0 刪 0805.10.00.20-1 乾柑橘類
Dried oranges
C01 MW0
增 0805.10.10.10-1 鮮橙(每年三月一日起至同年九月三十日止進口者)
Fresh oranges (Imported from lst March to 30th September each year)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.10.10.90-4 乾橙(每年三月一日起至同年九月三十日止進口者)
Dried oranges (Imported from lst March to 30th September each year)
C01 MW0
增 0805.10.90.10-4 其他鮮橙
Other Fresh oranges
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.10.90.90-7 其他乾橙
Other dried oranges
C01 MW0
刪 0805.20.00.10-1 鮮椪柑 Fresh ponkan
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.20.00.20-9 鮮桶柑 Fresh tonkan
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.20.00.91-3 其他鮮中國種之柑類(寬皮柑、溫州蜜柑在內);地中海 早橘、螺柑及其他同類雜交果實
Other fresh mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas);
clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
121 219 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.20.00.92-2 其他乾中國種之柑類(寬皮柑、溫州蜜柑在內);地中海 早橘、螺柑及其他同類雜交果實
Other dried mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas);
clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
C01 MW0
增 0805.20.10.10-9 鮮溫洲蜜柑 Satsumas, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.20.10.20-7 乾溫洲蜜柑 Satsumas, dried
C01 MW0
增 0805.20.20.10-7 鮮地中海早橘 Clementines, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.20.20.20-5 乾地中海早橘 Clementines, dried
C01 MW0
增 0805.20.90.10-2 其他中國種之鮮柑橘(包括寬皮柑);螺柑及其他同類雜
Other fresh mandarins (including tangerines); wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.20.90.20-0 其他中國種之乾柑橘(包括寬皮柑);螺柑及其他同類雜
Other dried mandarins (including tangerines); wilkings and similar citrus hybrids
C01 MW0
刪 0805.30.00.00-1 檸檬及雷姆,鮮或乾
Lemon and limes, fresh or dried
121 218 B01 C01 MW0 增 0805.30.10.00-9 檸檬及萊姆(每年一月一日起至同年九月三十日止進口
Lemon and limes, fresh or dried (imported from lst January to 30th September each year)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.30.90.00-2 其他檸檬及萊姆,鮮或乾
Other lemon and limes, fresh or dried
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.40.00.10-7 鮮葡萄柚 Grapefruit, fresh
121 213 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.40.00.20-5 乾葡萄柚 C01 MW0
增 0805.40.10.10-5 鮮葡萄柚(每年一月一日起至同年九月三十日止進口者)
Grapefruit, fresh (Imported from lst January to 30th September each year)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.40.10.90-8 乾葡萄柚(每年一月一日起至同年九月三十日止進口者)
Grapefruit, dried (Imported from lst January to 30th September each year)
C01 MW0
增 0805.40.90.10-8 其他鮮葡萄柚 Other grapefruit, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.40.90.90-1 其他乾葡萄柚 Other grapefruit, dried
C01 MW0
刪 0805.90.00.10-6 鮮柚
Shaddock, fresh
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 0805.90.00.90-9 其他鮮或乾柑橘類果實 Other citrus fruit, fresh or dried
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.90.10.00-6 鮮或乾柚
Shaddock, fresh or dried
B01 C01 MW0
增 0805.90.90.00-9 其他鮮或乾柑橘類果實 Other citrus fruit, fresh or dried
B01 C02 MW0
刪 0809.10.00.00-1 鮮杏
Fresh apricots
B01 C01 MW0
增 0809.10.00.10-9 鮮日本杏(梅)
Fresh Japanese apricot (Mei)
B01 C01 MW0
增 0809.10.00.90-2 其他鮮杏
Other fresh apricots
B01 C01 MW0
增 0810.90.20.00-7 鮮紅毛丹果 Rambutan, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0810.90.30.00-5 鮮柿子
Persimmons, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0810.90.40.00-3 鮮楊桃
Carambolas (starfruit), fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0810.90.50.00-0 鮮榴槤 Durian, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
增 0810.90.60.00-8 鮮釋迦 Sweet Sop
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0810.90.99.30-7 鮮柿子
Persimmons, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0810.90.99.40-5 鮮榴槤 Durians, fresh
B01 C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.10.00-8 冷凍番石榴 Frozen guava
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.11.00-7 加糖或加甜味料之冷凍果實及堅果
Frozen fruit and nuts, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.20.00-6 冷凍荔枝 Frozen litchis
增 0811.90.21.00-5 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍番石榴
Frozen guava, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.22.00-4 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍荔枝
Frozen litchis, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
增 0811.90.23.00-3 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍香蕉
Frozen banana, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.24.00-2 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍芒果
Frozen mango, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.25.00-1 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍橙類
Frozen orange, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.26.00-0 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍鳳梨
Frozen pineapple, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.27.00-9 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍木瓜
Frozen papaya, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.28.00-8 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍櫻桃
Frozen cherries, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.29.00-7 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍紅莓,藍莓,桃子
Frozen cranberries, blueberries, peaches, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.30.00-4 冷凍香蕉 Frozen banana
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.31.00-3 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍蘋果
Frozen apple, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.32.00-2 未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍鱷梨
Frozen avocado, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
增 0811.90.39.00-5 其他未加糖或未加甜味料之冷凍果實及堅果
Other frozen fruits and nuts, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.40.00-2 冷凍芒果 Frozen mango
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.50.00-9 冷凍橙類 Frozen orange
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.60.00-7 冷凍鳳梨 Frozen pineapple
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.70.00-5 冷凍木瓜 Frozen papaya
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.80.00-3 冷凍櫻桃 Frozen cherries
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.91.00-0 冷凍紅莓,藍莓,桃子
Frozen cranberries, blueberries, peaches
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.92.00-9 冷凍加糖果實及堅果
Frozen fruit and nuts, containing added sugar or othersweetening matter
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.93.00-8 未加糖之冷凍蘋果
Apple, preserved by freezing, not containing added sugar
C01 MW0
刪 0811.90.99.00-2 其他冷凍果實及堅果 Other frozen fruits and nuts
C01 MW0
增 0902.30.20.00-9 部分發酵茶,每包不超過3公斤
Partly fermented tea, in immediate packing of a content not exceeding 3 kg
465 C01 MW0
修 0902.30.90.00-4 其他紅茶(發酵),每包不超過3公斤
Other black tea (fermented), in immediate packing of a content not exceeding 3 kg
465 C01 MW0
增 0902.40.20.00-7 部分發酵茶,每包超過3公斤
Partly fermented tea, in immediate packing of a content exceeding 3 kg
465 C01 MW0
修 0902.40.90.00-2 其他紅茶(發酵),每包超過3公斤
Other black tea (fermented), in immediate packing of a content exceeding 3 kg
465 C01 MW0
刪 0904.20.00.00-3 番椒屬或丁子屬之果實,乾、壓碎或研磨者
Fruits of the genus capsicum or of the genus pimenta, dried or crushed or ground
B01 MW0
增 0904.20.10.00-1 種植用之番椒屬或丁子屬之種子
Seeds of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, for planting
402 B01 MW0
增 0904.20.90.00-4 其他番椒屬或丁子屬之果實,乾、壓碎或研磨者
Other fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, dried or crushed or ground
B01 MW0
刪 1103.29.00.10-9 米團粒 Pellets of rice
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 1103.29.00.90-2 其他穀類團粒 Pellets of other cereals
B01 C01 MW0
增 1103.29.10.00-9 米團粒 Pellets of rice
451 B01 C01 MW0
增 1103.29.90.00-2 其他穀類團粒 Pellets of other cereals
B01 C01 MW0
刪 1104.19.00.10-0 滾壓或製成細片之小麥 Rolled or flaked wheat
B01 C01 MW0
刪 1104.19.00.90-3 其他滾壓或製成細片之榖類 Other rolled or flaked cereals
B01 C01 MW0
增 1104.19.10.00-0 滾壓或製成細片之米 Rolled or flaked rice
451 B01 C01 MW0
增 1104.19.90.10-1 滾壓或製成細片之小麥 Rolled or flaked wheat
B01 C01 MW0
增 1104.19.90.90-4 其他滾壓或製成細片之榖類 Other rolled or flaked cereals
B01 C01 MW0
增 1104.29.20.00-6 其他加工米 Other worked rice
451 B01 C01 MW0
刪 1106.10.00.10-7 紅豆粉、細粒及細粉
Red bean flour, meal and powder
111 C01 MW0
刪 1106.10.00.90-0 其他第0713節之乾豆類蔬菜之粉、細粒及細粉 Other flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No. 07.13
增 1106.10.10.00-7 紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、紅竹豆)之粉及細粒 Red bean (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean) flour, meal and powder
C01 MW0
增 1106.10.90.00-0 其他第0713節之乾豆類蔬菜之粉及細粒 Other flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No. 07.13
刪 1108.19.00.10-6 米澱粉 Rice starch
111 C01 MW0
刪 1108.19.00.90-9 其他澱粉 Other starches
增 1108.19.10.00-6 米澱粉 Rice starch
451 C01 MW0
增 1108.19.90.00-9 其他澱粉 Other starches
修 1205.00.10.00-9 油菜子或芥菜子,不論是否破碎
Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken
B01 C01 MW0
刪 1205.00.20.00-7 芥菜子,不論是否破碎
Colza seeds, whether or not broken
B01 MW0
刪 1207.99.00.10-9 大麻子 Hemp seeds
111 B01 MW0
刪 1207.99.00.90-2 其他油料種子及含油質果質 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
增 1207.99.10.00-9 中藥用之大麻子、仁〈火麻子、仁〉,不具發芽活性者 Huo Ma Jen (Cannabis Fructus) for Chinese medicine use, without germinative activeness
502 B01
增 1207.99.20.10-5 其他大麻子、仁〈火麻子、仁〉,不具發芽活性者 Other Huo Ma Jen (Cannabis Fructus), without germinative activeness
B01 MW0
增 1207.99.20.90-8 其他大麻子、仁〈火麻子、仁〉
Other Huo Ma Jen (Cannabis Fructus)
111 B01 MW0
增 1207.99.90.00-2 其他油料種子及含油質之果實,不論是否破碎
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, wheather or not broken B01
刪 1208.90.10.10-5 食用花生粉及細粒
Flours and meals of ground-nuts, edible
111 B01 MW0
刪 1208.90.10.90-8 其他供食用之油料種子或含油質果實之粉及細粒,芥末除 外
Other flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard, edible
B01 MW0
增 1208.90.11.00-6 食用花生粉及細粒
Flours and meals of ground-nuts, edible
B01 MW0
增 1208.90.19.00-8 其他供食用之油料種子或含油質果實之粉及細粒,芥末除 外
Other flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard, edible
B01 MW0
刪 1208.90.20.10-3 非供食用花生粉及細粒
Flours and meals of ground-nuts, inedible
111 B01 MW0
刪 1208.90.20.90-6 其他非供食用之油料種子或含有油質果實之粉及細粒,芥
Other flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard, edible
B01 MW0
增 1208.90.21.00-4 非供食用花生粉及細粒
Flours and meals of ground-nuts, inedible
B01 MW0
增 1208.90.22.00-3 非供食用可樂娜油籽粉及細粒
Flours and meals of canola seed, inedible
B01 MW0
增 1208.90.29.00-6 其他非供食用之油料種子或含有油質果實之粉及細粒,芥 末除外
Other flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other
B01 MW0
刪 1209.91.00.40-9 大蒜球 Garlic bulbs
111 B01 MW0
刪 1211.90.66.00-5 大麻仁〈火麻仁〉
Huo Ma Jen (Cannabis Fructus)
502 B01
增 1404.90.40.00-3 椰殼(整粒、片、碎屑)及其碎片之壓縮塊
Coconut shells (whole, piece, broken residue) and compressed block of broken pieces
B01 MW0
增 1518.00.50.00-2 未列名非食用之動、植物油脂或本章不同油脂餾分物之混 合物或調製品
Inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils of this Chapter, n.e.s.
修 1518.00.90.00-4 其他沸製、氧化、脫水、硫化、吹製,在真空中或惰性氣體 中行聚合化或經其他化學方法改質之動、植物油脂及其餾 分物,但不包括第1516節所列產品
Other animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading No. 15.16
刪 1602.20.00.10-4 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved of liver of any animal, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q04 Q05 刪 1602.20.00.21-1 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,罐頭,500公克及以下包
Prepared or preserved liver of any animal, canned, weighing 500g or less
C01 MW0
刪 1602.20.00.22-0 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,罐頭,500公克以上包裝 者
Prepared or preserved liver of any animal, canned, weighing more than 500g
111 C01 MW0 Q04 Q05
刪 1602.20.00.90-7 其他已調製或保藏之任何動物肝
Other prepared or preserved liver of any animal
111 B01 C01 MW0 Q04 Q05 增 1602.20.10.10-2 已調製或保藏之雞肝,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved livers of fowls, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.10.21-9 已調製或保藏之雞肝,罐頭,500公克及以下包裝者
Prepared or preserved livers of fowls, canned, weighing 500g or less
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.10.22-8 已調製或保藏之雞肝,罐頭,500公克以上包裝者 Prepared or preserved livers of fowls, canned, weighing more than 500g
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.10.90-5 其他已調製或保藏之雞肝
Other prepared or preserved livers of fowls
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.20.10-0 已調製或保藏之牛肝及豬肝,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.20.21-7 已調製或保藏之牛肝及豬肝,罐頭,500公克及以下包
Prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine, canned, weighing 500g or less
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.20.22-6 已調製或保藏之牛肝及豬肝,罐頭,500公克以上包裝
Prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine, canned, weighing more than 500g
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.20.90-3 其他已調製或保藏之牛肝及豬肝
Other prepared or preserved livers of bovine and swine
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.30.10-8 已調製或保藏之鵝肝,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved livers of geese, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.30.21-5 已調製或保藏之鵝肝,罐頭,500公克及以下包裝者
Prepared or preserved livers of geese, canned, weighing 500g or less
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.30.22-4 已調製或保藏之鵝肝,罐頭,500公克以上包裝者
Prepared or preserved livers of geese, canned, weighing more than 500g
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.30.90-1 其他已調製或保藏之鵝肝
Other prepared or preserved livers of geese
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.90.10-5 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved livers of any animal, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.20.90.21-2 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,罐頭,500公克及以下包
Prepared or preserved livers of any animal, canned, weighing 500g or less
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.90.22-1 已調製或保藏之任何動物肝,罐頭,500公克以上包裝 者
Prepared or preserved livers of any animal, canned, weighing more than 500g
C01 MW0
增 1602.20.90.90-8 其他已調製或保藏之任何動物肝
Other prepared or preserved livers of any animal
B01 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.11-0 已調製或保藏之火雞全雞,冷凍者 prepared or preserved whole turkeys, frozen
412 B01 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.12-9 已調製或保藏之火雞肉塊,冷凍者
prepared or preserved meat of turkeys, cut in pieces, frozen
203 B01 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.13-8 已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, frozen
111 B01 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.21-8 已調製或保藏之火雞肉,罐頭
Prepared or preserved meat of turkeys, canned
C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.22-7 已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,罐頭
Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, canned
111 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.91-3 其他已調製或保藏之火雞肉
Other prepared or preserved meat of turkeys
B01 C01 MW0
刪 1602.31.00.92-2 其他已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎
Other prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys
111 B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.31.10.10-9 已調製或保藏之火雞全雞,冷凍者 Prepared or preserved whole turkeys, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.31.10.20-7 已調製或保藏之火雞肉塊,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved meat of turkeys, cut in pieces, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.31.10.30-5 已調製或保藏之火雞肉,罐頭
Prepared or preserved meat of turkeys, canned
C01 MW0
增 1602.31.10.90-2 其他已調製或保藏之火雞肉
Other prepared or preserved meat of turkeys
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.31.20.10-7 已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,冷凍者
Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, frozen
B01 C01 MW0
增 1602.31.20.20-5 已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,罐頭
Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, canned
C01 MW0
增 1602.31.20.90-0 其他已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎
Other prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys
B01 C01 MW0