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軍商兩用貨品及技術出口管制清單及一般軍用貨品清單 新、舊版修正對照與翻譯


1. 軍商兩用貨品及技術出口管制清單列入第一項,一般軍用貨品清單列入第二項。

2. 本對照表列出下列情況:

a. 有增/刪語詞,變更標點符號,且意義有所變更者;

b. 舊版無、新版新增之內容;

c. 舊版有、新版刪除之內容。

3. 本對照表未列出下列情況,但已於檔案中進行修正,與現行公布英文版本一致:

a. 英文編輯改變,未改變原有內容意義者;

b. 排版方式變更,未改變原有內容意義者;

c. 既有版本的錯字與誤植。




第一項:軍商兩用貨品及技術出口管制清單修正對照表... 3 第二項:一般軍用貨品清單修正對照表... 86




修正條目 現行內容 擬修正/新增內容 現行內容英譯 擬修正/新增內容英譯


無 增加網址無須翻譯

- (1)https://www.wassenaar.org/


(3)http://www.nuclearsuppliersgroup.org/index .php?lang=en

(4)http://www.australiagroup.net/en/index.htm l

核能軟體註 解

無 核能軟體註解

(本註解優先於任何第 0 類第 D 節 中之管制)

本清單第0 類D 節不管制用於已獲 得出口許可貨品之安裝、操作、維 護(檢查)及修理等最低限度〝目標 碼〞之〝軟體〞。

核准管制貨品出口,亦同時授權給 該最終使用者安裝、操作、維護(檢 查)與修理該貨品所需之最低限度


說明:核能軟體註解未豁免第 5 類第 2 部分(〝資訊安全〞)所管制 之〝軟體〞。


(This note overrides any control within section D of Category 0)

Section D of Category 0 of this list does not control "software" which is the minimum necessary "object code" for the installation, operation, maintenance (checking) or repair of those items whose export has been authorised.

The approval of goods for export also authorises the export to the same end-user of the minimum necessary "object code" for the installation, operation, maintenance (checking) or repair of the goods.

Note: The Nuclear Software Note does not release

"software" specified in Category 5 - Part 2 ("Information Security").


4 一般軟體註


(本註解優先於任何第 0 類至第 9 類第 D 節中之管制)

本清單第 0 類至第 9 類不管制〝軟 體〞具下列任一特性:


(本註解優先於任何第 1 類至第 9 類第 D 節中之管制)

本清單第 1 類至第 9 類不管制〝軟 體〞具下列任一特性:

GENERAL SOFTWARE NOTE (GSN) (This note overrides any control within section D of Categories 0 to 9.)

Categories 0 to 9 of this list do not control "software" which is any of the following:


(This note overrides any control within section D of Categories 1 to 9.)

Categories 1 to 9 of this list do not control

"software" which is any of the following:

字首集合字 與縮寫

無 區域衛星導航系統

- RNSS/ Regional Navigation Satellite System

簡易可程式邏輯元件 刪除

SPLD/Simple Programmable Logic



無 原子質量單位

- u

專用術語定 義

〝自動目標追蹤〞(第 6 類) 刪除

"Automatic target tracking" (6) -

〝碳纖維預製品〞(第 1 類) 刪除

"Carbon fibre preforms" (1) -

〝混合〞(第 1 類) 刪除

"Commingled" (1) -

〝磨碎〞(第 1 類) 刪除

"Comminution" (1) -

〝補償系統〞(第 6 類)主要由非向 量感測器與 1 個或以上參考感測 器(如向量磁力計)所組成,同時配 有可減輕平台上剛體旋轉噪音之 軟體。

〝補償系統〞(第 6 類)主要由非向 量感測器與 1 個或以上參考感測 器(如〝向量磁力計〞)所組成,同 時配有可減輕平台上剛體旋轉噪 音之軟體。

"Compensation systems" (6) consist of the primary scalar sensor, one or more reference sensors (e.g., vector magnetometers) together with software that permit reduction of rigid body rotation noise of the platform.

"Compensation systems" (6) consist of the primary scalar sensor, one or more reference sensors (e.g., vector "magnetometers") together with software that permit reduction of rigid body rotation noise of the platform.

〝複合迴轉工作台〞 刪除

"Compound rotary table" (2) -

密碼啟用〞(第 5 類)指任何啟動或 〝密碼啟用〞(第 5 類)指任何專門

"Cryptographic activation" (5) "Cryptographic activation" (5) means any


5 啟用一項目密碼之技術,透過該項

目製造商之安全機制實現,該安全 機制之單一範圍如後任一者:

為啟動或啟用一項目密碼之技 術,透過該項目製造商之機制實 現,該安全機制之單一範圍如後任 一者:

means any technique that activates or enables cryptographic

capability of an item, by means of a secure mechanism implemented by the manufacturer of the item, where this mechanism is uniquely bound to any of the following:

technique that specifically activates or enables cryptographic capability of an item, by means of a mechanism implemented by the manufacturer of the item, where this mechanism is uniquely bound to any of the following:

〝可變形鏡面〞 刪除

"Deformable mirrors" (6) -

〝直接作用液壓成形〞 刪除

"Direct-acting hydraulic pressing" (2)


〝電子操控相位陣列天線〞 刪除

"Electronically steerable phased array antenna" (5 6)


〝飛行控制光學感應器陣列〞 刪除

"Flight control optical sensor array" (7)


〝最佳飛行路徑〞 刪除

"Flight path optimisation" (7) -

〝頻率遮罩觸發〞 刪除

"Frequency mask trigger" (3) -

〝頻率合成器〞 刪除

"Frequency synthesiser" (3) -

〝氣體霧化〞 刪除

"Gas Atomisation" (1) -

〝地理分散〞 刪除

"Geographically dispersed" (6) -

〝熱均壓緻密化〞 刪除

"Hot isostatic densification" (2) -

無 〝交錯式類比-數位轉換器

(ADC)〞(第 3 類)係指具有多個 ADC 單元之設備,其可在不同時 間內對相同的類比訊號輸入進行

- "Interleaved Analogue-to-Digital Converter

(ADC)" (3) means devices that have multiple ADC units that sample the same analogue input at different times such that when the outputs are


6 採樣,當彙總輸出時,類比輸入被 更有效的採樣與以更高採樣率轉 換。

aggregated, the analogue input has been effectively sampled and converted at a higher sampling rate.

說明:參照:〝化學雷射〞;〝超 高功率雷射〞; 〝連續波雷射〞;


說明:參照:〝化學雷射〞; 〝連 續波雷射〞; 〝脈衝雷射〞;〝超 高功率雷射〞。

N.B. See also "Chemical laser";

"CW laser";

"Pulsed laser";

"Super High Power Laser";

"Transfer laser".

N.B. See also "Chemical laser";

"CW laser";

"Pulsed laser";

"Super High Power Laser".

〝資料庫〞 刪除

"Library" (1) -

〝主儲存體〞 刪除

"Main storage" (4) -

〝機械合金法〞 刪除

"Mechanical Alloying" (1) -

〝熔融抽取〞 刪除

"Melt Extraction" (1) -

〝熔融紡絲〞 刪除

"Melt Spinning" (1) -

無 〝多頻道類比-數位轉換器

(ADC) 〞(第 3 類)係指整合超過 1 個 ADC 之設備,其設計使每個 ADC 具有單獨的類比輸入。

- "Multiple channel Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC)" (3) means devices that integrate more than one ADC, designed so that each ADC has a separate analogue input.

〝類神經電腦〞 刪除

"Neural computer" (4) -

〝光學電腦〞 刪除

"Optical computer" (4) -

〝電漿霧化〞 刪除

"Plasma atomisation" (1) -

〝功率管理〞 刪除

"Power management" (7) -

〝預先分離〞(第 0、1 類)係指為 增加同位素濃度之先期處理程序。

〝預先分離〞(第 1 類)係指任何為 增加同位素濃度之先期處理程序。

"Previously separated" (0 1) means the application of any process intended to increase the

"Previously separated" (1) is the application of any process intended to increase the

concentration of the controlled isotope.



concentration of the controlled isotope.

〝主飛行控制〞 刪除

"Primary flight control" (7) -

〝即時頻寬〞 刪除

"Real-time bandwidth" (3) -

〝旋轉霧化〞 刪除

"Rotary atomisation" (1) -

無 〝採樣率〞(第 3 類)在類比-數位

轉換器(ADC)中指1 秒時間中類比 輸入所量測到之最大採樣數,除超 量採樣 ADCs 之外。對於超量採樣 ADCs 而言,〝採樣率〞被視為輸 出字速率。〝採樣率〞也被稱為採 樣速率,通常以每秒兆採樣數 (MSPS)或每秒千兆採樣數 (GSPS),或赫茲(Hz)轉換速率加以 說明。

- "Sample rate" (3) for an Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC) means the maximum number of samples that are measured at the analogue input over a period of one second, except for oversampling ADCs. For oversampling ADCs the

"sample rate" is taken to be its output word rate.

"Sample rate" may also be referred to as sampling rate, usually specified in Mega Samples Per Second (MSPS) or Giga Samples Per Second (GSPS), or conversion rate, usually specified in Hertz (Hz).

〝穩定時間〞 刪除

"Settling time" (3) -

無 〝穩態模式〞(第 9 類)定義引擎運

轉條件,當引擎進氣口處周圍空氣 與壓力恆定時,引擎參數如推力/

功率、轉速及其他等沒有明顯的波 動。

- "Steady State Mode" (9) defines engine operation conditions, where the engine parameters, such as thrust/power, rpm and others, have no

appreciable fluctuations, when the ambient air temperature and pressure at the engine inlet are constant.

〝噴濺急冷〞 刪除

"Splat Quenching" (1) -




"Systolic array computer" -

無 〝穩定狀態時間〞(第 6 類)(亦被稱

為重力儀響應時間)為受平台干擾 影響之時間,誘發加速(高頻率雜 訊)之降低。

- "Time-to-steady-state registration" (6) (also referred to as the gravimeter’s response time) is the time over which the disturbing effects of platform induced accelerations (high frequency noise) are reduced.

〝脈動陣列電腦〞 刪除

"Transfer laser" (6) -

〝真空霧化〞 刪除

"Vacuum Atomisation" (1) -

〝可變幾何機翼〞 刪除

"Variable geometry airfoils" (7) -


1A002 〝複合〞結構或積層板,


說明:參照 1A202、9A010 及 9A110。

a. 由 1C010.c.、1C010.d.或 1C010.e.所述之有機〝基質〞與材 料構成;或

b. 由一金屬或碳〝基質〞構成,


1. 碳〝纖維狀或絲狀材料〞且具 下列所有特性:

a. 〝比模數〞超過 10.15 × 10



b. 〝比抗拉強度〞超過 17.7 × 10



1A002 〝複合〞結構或積層板,


說明:參照 1A202、9A010 及 9A110。

a. 由以下任一材料構成:

1. 1C010.c.、1C010.d.所述之有機


2. 1C010.e.所述之預浸體或預製 體;

b. 由金屬或碳〝基質〞構成,且 具下列任一者:

1. 碳且具下列所有特性:

a. 〝比模數〞超過 10.15 × 10



1A002 "Composite" structures or laminates, having any of the following:

N.B. SEE ALSO 1A202, 9A010 and 9A110

a. Consisting of an organic

"matrix" and materials specified in 1C010.c., 1C010.d. or 1C010.e.;


b. Consisting of a metal or carbon

"matrix", and any of the following:

1. Carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" having all of the following:

a. A "specific modulus" exceeding

1A002 "Composite" structures or laminates, as follows:

N.B. SEE ALSO 1A202, 9A010 and 9A110 a. Made from any of the following:

1. An organic "matrix" and "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in 1C010.c. or 1C010.d.: or

2. Prepregs or preforms specified in 1C010.e.;

b. Made from a metal or carbon "matrix", and any of the following:

1. Carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials"

having all of the following:

a. A "specific modulus" exceeding 10.15 × 10 6 m;


b. A "specific tensile strength" exceeding 17.7


9 2. 1C010.c.所述之材料。 b. 〝比抗拉強度〞超過 17.7 × 10



2. 1C010.c.所述之材料。

10.15 × 10 6 m; and

b. A "specific tensile strength"

exceeding 17.7 × 10 4 m; or 2. Materials specified in 1C010.c.

× 10 4 m; or

2. Materials specified in 1C010.c.


1B117 可在 0 至 13,326 kPa 範圍 之真空狀態下進行混合,且其混合 槽具有溫度控制性能之批次混合 器,且具下列所有特性,及為其特 別設計之零件:

a. 總體積容量為 110 公升或以 上;及

b. 具有至少一個安裝偏離中心之


註解:1B117.b.所述之‵混合/捏揉 軸′,並非指粉碎機或刀軸。

1B117 批次混合器具下列所有 特性,及特別為其設計之零件:

a. 設計或改裝可在 0 至 13,326 kPa 範圍之真空狀態下進行混合;

b. 混合槽具有溫度控制能力;

c. 體積容量為 110 公升或以上;

d. 具有至少一個偏離中心安裝之


註解:1B117.d.所述之‵混合/捏揉 軸′,並非指粉碎機或刀軸。

1B117 Batch mixers with provision for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa and with temperature control capability of the mixing chamber and having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

a. A total volumetric capacity of 110 litres or more; and

b. At least one 'mixing/kneading shaft' mounted off centre.

Note: In 1B117.b. the term 'mixing/kneading shaft' does not refer to deagglomerators or knife-spindles.

1B117 Batch mixers having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

a. Designed or modified for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa:

b. Capable of controlling the temperature of the mixing chamber;

c. A total volumetric capacity of 110 litres or more; and

d. At least one 'mixing/kneading shaft' mounted off centre.

Note: In 1B117.d. the term 'mixing/kneading shaft' does not refer to deagglomerators or knife-spindles.


1B118 可在 0 至 13,326 kPa 範圍 之真空狀態下進行混合,且其混合 槽具有溫度控制性能之連續混合 器,且具下列任一特性,及特別為 其設計之零件:

1B118 連續混合器具下列任一 特性,及特別為其設計之零件:

a. 設計或改裝可在 0 至 13,326 kPa 範圍之真空狀態下進行混合;

b. 混合槽具有溫度控制能力;

1B118 Continuous mixers with provision for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa and with a temperature control capability of the mixing chamber

1B118 Continuous mixers having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

a. Designed or modified for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa;


10 a. 具有 2 個或以上之混合/揉拌


b. 具有可振盪之單一旋轉軸,且 軸上及混合槽內壁均有揉拌齒/螺 栓。

c. 具下列任一者:

1. 具 2 個或以上之混合/揉拌軸;

2. 具下列全部者:

a. 具有可振盪之單一旋轉軸,其 有揉拌齒/螺栓;及

b. 混合槽內壁有揉拌齒/螺栓。

and having any of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

a. Two or more mixing/kneading shafts; or

b. A single rotating shaft which oscillates and having kneading teeth/pins on the shaft as well as inside the casing of the mixing chamber.

b. Capable of controlling the temperature of the mixing chamber;

c. any of the following,:

1. Two or more mixing/kneading shafts; or 2. All of the following:

a. A single rotating and oscillating shaft with kneading teeth/pins ; and

b. Kneading teeth/pins inside the casing of the mixing chamber.


c. 由下列任一材料建構而成:

1. 300 系列不銹鋼,具低含硫量,

且其沃斯田(austenitic)美國材料試 驗學會(ASTM)(或等效標準)之晶 粒大小為 5 號或以上者;或 2. 兼具低溫且與氫氣相容之同等 材料;及

c. 由下列任一材料建構而成:

1. 國際汽車工程師協會(SAE)之 300 系列不銹鋼,具低含硫量,且 其沃斯田(austenitic)美國材料試驗 學會(ASTM)(或等效標準)之晶粒 大小為 5 或以上者;或

2. 兼具低溫且與氫氣(H2)相容之 同等材料;及

c. Constructed of either:

1. Stainless steel of the 300 series with low sulphur content and with an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; or 2. Equivalent materials which are both cryogenic and H 2 -compatible;


c. Constructed of either:

1. Stainless steel of the Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE) 300 series with low sulphur content and with an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; or

2. Equivalent materials which are both cryogenic and hydrogen (H 2 )-compatible; and

1B229 1B229 刪除

1B229 -


a. 設計為全部含有相當於 2 kg 重 TNT 爆炸威力或以上;及

a. 設計為全部含有相當於 2 公斤 重黃色炸藥(三硝基甲苯/TNT)爆 炸威力或以上;及

a. Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and

a. Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of trinitrotoluene (TNT) or greater; and

1B235 無 1B235 用於生產氚的組件與零

- 1B235 Target assemblies and components for the


11 件,如下:

a. 含有或由鋰-6 同位素製成之組 件,特別設計用於透過放射生產 氚,包括插入核子反應器;

b. 為 1B235.a.所述之組件特別設 計之零件。


為用於生產氚的組件所特別設計 之零件,可能包括鋰顆粒、氚吸氣 劑與特別塗層襯套。

production of tritium as follows:

a. Target assemblies made of or containing lithium enriched in the lithium-6 isotope specially designed for the production of tritium through irradiation, including insertion in a nuclear reactor;

b. Components specially designed for the target assemblies specified in 1B235.a.

Technical Note:

Components specially designed for target assemblies for the production of tritium may include lithium pellets, tritium getters, and specially-coated cladding.


1C001 特別設計用於吸收電磁 波,或本質上即為導電性聚合物材 料,如下:

1C001 特別設計用於吸收電磁 輻射,或本質上即為導電性聚合物 材料,如下:

1C001 Materials specially designed for use as absorbers of

electromagnetic waves, or intrinsically conductive polymers, as follows:

1C001 Materials specially designed for absorbing electromagnetic radiation, or intrinsically conductive polymers, as follows:


b. 吸收頻率超過 1.5 × 10



但小於 3.7 × 10


Hz 之材料,且 對可見光不具穿透性者;

b. 對可見光而言為不透明之材 料,其特別設計用於吸收波長超過 810 nm 但小於 2,000 nm(頻率超過 150 THz 但小於 370 THz)的近紅 外線輻射;

b. Materials for absorbing frequencies exceeding 1.5 × 10 14 Hz but less than 3.7 × 10 14 Hz and not transparent to visible light;

b. Materials not transparent to visible light and specially designed for absorbing near-infrared radiation having a wavelength exceeding 810 nm but less than 2 000 nm (frequencies exceeding 150 THz but less than 370 THz);

1C002.c.2 2. 在受控制之環境中,以下列任 2. 在受控制之環境中,以下列任

2. Made in a controlled environment 2. Made in a controlled environment by any of the


12 一程序製造:

a. 〝真空霧化〞;

b. 〝氣體霧化〞;

c. 〝旋轉霧化〞;

d. 〝噴濺急冷〞;

e. 〝熔融紡絲〞及〝磨碎〞;

f. 〝熔融抽取〞及〝磨碎〞;

g. 〝機械合金法〞;或 h. 〝電漿霧化〞;及


a. ‵真空霧化′;

b. ‵氣體霧化′;

c. ‵旋轉霧化′;

d. ‵噴濺急冷′;

e. ‵熔融紡絲′及‵磨碎′;

f. ‵熔融抽取′及‵磨碎′;

g. ‵機械合金法′;或 h. ‵電漿霧化′;及

by any of the following processes:

a. "Vacuum atomisation";

b. "Gas atomisation";

c. "Rotary atomisation";

d. "Splat quenching";

e. "Melt spinning" and


f. "Melt extraction" and


g. "Mechanical alloying"; or h. "Plasma atomisation"; and

following processes:

a. 'Vacuum atomisation';

b. 'Gas atomisation';

c. 'Rotary atomisation';

d. 'Splat quenching';

e. 'Melt spinning' and 'comminution';

f. 'Melt extraction' and 'comminution';

g. 'Mechanical alloying'; or h. 'Plasma atomisation'; and


3. 在受控制之環境中,以下列任 一程序製造:

a. 〝噴濺急冷〞;

b. 〝熔融紡絲〞;或 c. 〝熔融抽取〞。

3. 在受控制之環境中,以下列任 一程序製造:

a. ‵噴濺急冷′;

b. ‵熔融紡絲′;或 c. ‵熔融抽取′。

3. Produced in a controlled environment by any of the following:

a. "Splat quenching";

b. "Melt spinning"; or c. "Melt extraction".

3. Produced in a controlled environment by any of the following:

a. 'Splat quenching';

b. 'Melt spinning'; or c. 'Melt extraction'.

1C002 技術 註解

無 技術註解:

1. ‵真空霧化′係指迅速釋放溶 解之氣體,使其暴露於真空裝置 中,而將熔融流動之金屬變為粒狀 熔滴直徑 500 微米或以下之處理 程序。

2. ‵氣體霧化′係指以高壓氣流

- Technical Notes:

1. 'Vacuum atomisation' is a process to reduce a molten stream of metal to droplets of a diameter of 500 μm or less by the rapid evolution of a dissolved gas upon exposure to a vacuum.

2. 'Gas atomisation' is a process to reduce a molten stream of metal alloy to droplets of 500


13 將熔流之金屬合金變為微粒直徑 500 微米或以下之處理程序。

3. ‵旋轉霧化′係指以離心力將 一束或一池液態金屬減為粒狀熔 滴直徑 500 微米或以下之處理程 序。

4. ‵噴濺急冷′係指將金屬熔流 衝擊冷凍塊而‵快速凝固′使形 成片狀產品之處理程序。

5. ‵熔融紡絲′係指以金屬熔液 流衝擊旋轉之冷凍塊,形成片狀、



6. ‵磨碎′指利用壓碎或研磨方 式將物質縮小成為粒子之處理程 序。

7. ‵熔融抽取〞係指‵快速凝 固′及抽取帶狀合金產物之處理 程序,將一小截冷凍′塊旋轉插入 熔融金屬合金槽以抽取帶狀合金。

8. ‵機械合金法′係指由機械衝 擊方式將元素及主體合金粉末,經 過結合、破碎及再結合之合金處理 程序。藉由添加適當的粉末,非金

μm diameter or less by a high pressure gas stream.

3. 'Rotary atomisation' is a process to reduce a stream or pool of molten metal to droplets to a diameter of 500 μm or less by centrifugal force.

4. 'Splat quenching' is a process to 'solidify rapidly' a molten metal stream impinging upon a chilled block, forming a flake-like product.

5. 'Melt spinning' is a process to 'solidify rapidly' a molten metal stream impinging upon a rotating chilled block, forming a flake, ribbon or rod-like product.

6. 'Comminution' is a process to reduce a material to particles by crushing or grinding.

7. 'Melt extraction' is a process to 'solidify rapidly' and extract a ribbon-like alloy product by the insertion of a short segment of a rotating chilled block into a bath of a molten metal alloy.

8. 'Mechanical alloying' is an alloying process resulting from the bonding, fracturing and rebonding of elemental and master alloy powders by mechanical impact. Non-metallic particles may be incorporated in the alloy by addition of the


14 屬粒子可結合至合金中。

9. ‵電漿原子化′係指在惰性氣 體環境中利用電漿炬將熔融或固 態金屬減低成為500μm或以下之 微滴之處理程序。

10. ‵快速凝固′係指在冷卻率 超過 1,000K/s 下,使熔態物質凝 固之處理程序。

appropriate powders.

9. 'Plasma atomisation' is a process to reduce a molten stream or solid metal to droplets of 500 μm diameter or less, using plasma torches in an inert gas environment.

10. 'Solidify rapidly' is a process involving the solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1 000 K/sec.


d. 〝纖維或絲狀材料〞:

1. 由下列任一者組成:

a. 1C008.a.所述之聚醚醯亞胺;或 b. 1C008.d.至 1C008.f.所述之材 料;或;

2. 由 1C010.d.1.a.或 1C010.d.1.b.

所述之材料所組成,且與 1C010.a.、1C010.b.或 1C010.c.所 述之其他纖維〝混合〞者;

d. 〝纖維或絲狀材料〞:

a. 1C008.a.所述之聚醚醯亞胺;或 b. 1C008.d.至 1C008.f.所述之材 料;或;

2. 由 1C010.d.1.a.或 1C010.d.1.b.

所述之材料所組成,且與 1C010.a.、1C010.b.或 1C010.c.所 述之其他纖維‵混合′者;


〝混合〞指熱塑性纖維絲與強化纖 維絲之混合,以生產完全纖維型態 之強化纖維〝基質〞混合物。

d. "Fibrous or filamentary materials", having any of the following:

1. Composed of any of the following:

a. Polyetherimides specified in 1C008.a.; or

b. Materials specified in 1C008.d.

to 1C008.f.; or

2. Composed of materials specified in 1C010.d.1.a. or 1C010.d.1.b.

and "commingled" with other fibres specified in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.;

d. "Fibrous or filamentary materials", having any of the following:

1. Composed of any of the following:

a. Polyetherimides specified in 1C008.a.; or b. Materials specified in 1C008.d. to 1C008.f.;


2. Composed of materials specified in

1C010.d.1.a. or 1C010.d.1.b. and 'commingled' with other fibres specified in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.;

Technical Note:

'Commingled' is filament to filament blending of thermoplastic fibres and reinforcement fibres in order to produce a fibre reinforcement "matrix"

mix in total fibre form.

1C010.e e. 完全或部分以樹脂浸漬或以瀝 e. 完全或部分以樹脂浸漬或以瀝

e. Fully or partially e. Fully or partially resin-impregnated or


15 青浸漬之〝纖維或絲狀材料〞(預

浸體)、鍍金屬或鍍碳之〝纖維狀 或絲狀材料〞 (預製品)以及〝碳 纖維預製品〞,符合下列所有條 件:

青浸漬之〝纖維或絲狀材料〞(預 浸體)、鍍金屬或鍍碳之〝纖維狀 或絲狀材料〞 (預製品)以及‵碳 纖維預製品′,符合下列所有條 件:

resin-impregnated or

pitch-impregnated "fibrous or filamentary materials"

(prepregs), metal or carbon-coated

"fibrous or filamentary materials"

(preforms) or "carbon fibre preforms", having all of the following:

pitch-impregnated "fibrous or filamentary materials" (prepregs), metal or carbon-coated

"fibrous or filamentary materials" (preforms) or 'carbon fibre preforms', having all of the following:


註解 1

註解 1:鍍金屬或鍍碳之〝纖維狀 或絲狀材料〞(預製品)和非樹脂或 瀝青浸漬之〝碳纖維預製品〞,由 1C010.a.、1C010.b.及 1C010.c.所 述之〝纖維狀或絲狀材料〞說明;

註解 1:鍍金屬或鍍碳之〝纖維狀 或絲狀材料〞(預製品)和非樹脂或 瀝青浸漬之‵碳纖維預製品′,由 1C010.a.、1C010.b.及 1C010.c.所 述之〝纖維狀或絲狀材料〞說明;

Note 1: Metal or carbon-coated

"fibrous or filamentary materials"

(preforms) or "carbon fibre preforms", not impregnated with resin or pitch, are specified by

"fibrous or filamentary materials"

in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.

Note 1: Metal or carbon-coated "fibrous or filamentary materials" (preforms) or 'carbon fibre preforms', not impregnated with resin or pitch, are specified by "fibrous or filamentary materials" in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.

1C010.e.技 術註解


1C010.e.所述材料的‵動態機械 性分析玻璃轉換溫度(DMA Tg)′,需採用 ASTM D 7028-07 所述方法,或等效國家標準,使用 乾燥測試樣本進行測定。若為熱固 性材料,該乾燥測試樣本之固化程 度至少達到 ASTM E 2160-04 或等 效國家標準所定義之 90%。



導入形成〝複合材料〞之前,佈或 未塗佈之纖維為了組成一個架構 之有序整齊排列。

2.1C010.e.所述材料的‵動態機械 性分析玻璃轉換溫度(DMA Tg)′,需採用 ASTM D 7028-07 所述方法,或等效國家標準,使用

Technical Note:

The 'Dynamic Mechanical Analysis glass transition temperature (DMA T g )' for materials specified by 1C010.e. is determined using the method described in ASTM D 7028-07, or equivalent national standard, on a dry test specimen. In the case of thermoset materials, degree of

Technical Notes:

1. 'Carbon fibre preforms' are an ordered arrangement of uncoated or coated fibres intended to constitute a framework of a part before the "matrix" is introduced to form a


2. The 'Dynamic Mechanical Analysis glass transition temperature (DMA T g )' for materials specified in 1C010.e. is determined using the


16 乾燥測試樣本進行測定。若為熱固 性材料,該乾燥測試樣本之固化程 度至少達到 ASTM E 2160-04 或等 效國家標準所定義之 90%。

cure of a dry test specimen shall be a minimum of 90% as defined by ASTM E 2160-04 or equivalent national standard.

method described in ASTM D 7028-07, or equivalent national standard, on a dry test specimen. In the case of thermoset materials, degree of cure of a dry test specimen shall be a minimum of 90 % as defined by ASTM E 2160-04 or equivalent national standard.

1C111.a.4.c c. N,N 二烯丙基聯胺(CAS 5164-11-4);

c. N,N-二烯丙基聯胺(CAS 5164-11-4);

c. N,N diallylhydrazine (CAS 5164-11-4);

c. N,N-Diallylhydrazine (CAS 5164-11-4);


無 7. 除軍用貨品管制以外之 4,5 二

叠氮甲基-2-甲基-1,2,3-三唑 (iso-DAMTR);

- 7. 4,5 diazidomethyl-2-methyl-1,2,3-triazole

(iso-DAMTR), other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls.


無 d. 除軍用貨品管制以外之‵凝膠

推進劑′,其專門配置用於‵飛 彈′。


1. 1C111.d.中之‵凝膠推進劑′

指燃料或氧化劑配方使用凝膠 劑,如矽酸鹽、高嶺土(黏土)、碳 或任何聚合型凝膠。

2. 在 1C111.d.所定義之‵飛 彈′,是指航程或射程超過 300 km 的完整火箭系統及無人飛行載 具系統。

- d. 'Gel propellants', other than that specified

in the Military Goods Controls, specifically formulated for use in 'missiles'.

Technical Notes:

1. In 1C111.d. a 'gel propellant' is a fuel or oxidiser formulation using a gellant such as silicates, kaolin (clay), carbon or any polymeric gellant.

2. In 1C111.d. a 'missile' means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

1C118.a a. 具下列所有特性: a. 具下列所有特性:

a. Having all of the following a. Having all of the following characteristics:


17 1. 含鉻重量百分比為 17.0 %至

23.0 %,及含鎳重量百分比為 4.5

%至 7.0 %;

2. 含鈦重量百分比為 0.10 %以 上;及

3. 鐵素體-奧氏體鋼微結構(亦稱 雙相微結構),其中含奧氏體鋼之 體積百分比至少為 10 %(依 ASTM 標準 E-1181-87 或等效國家標 準);及

1. 含鉻重量百分比為 17%至 23.0

%,及含鎳重量百分比為 4.5 %至 7.0 %;

2. 含鈦重量百分比為 0.10 %以 上;及

3. 鐵素體-奧氏體鋼微結構(亦稱 雙相微結構),其中體積百分比至 少為 10 % (依 ASTM 標準 E-1181-87 或等效國家標準)為奧 氏體鋼之;及


1. Containing 17.0 – 23.0 weight percent chromium and 4.5 – 7.0 weight percent nickel;

2. Having a titanium content of greater than 0.10 weight percent;


3. A ferritic-austenitic

microstructure (also referred to as a two-phase microstructure) of which at least 10 percent is austenite by volume (according to ASTM E-1181-87 or national equivalents); and

1. Containing 17.0 – 23.0 % by weight of chromium and 4.5 – 7.0 % by weight of nickel;

2. Having a titanium content of greater than 0.10

% by weight; and

3. A ferritic-austenitic microstructure (also referred to as a two-phase microstructure) of which at least 10 % by volume (according to ASTM E-1181-87 or national equivalents) is austenite;


1C350.64 無 64. 二乙胺(109-89-7);

- 64. Diethylamine (109-89-7);

1C350.65 無 65. N,N-二異丙基胺基乙硫醇鹽酸 鹽(41480-75-5)。

- 65. N,N-Diisopropylaminoethanethiol

hydrochloride (41480-75-5).

1C350 註解

註解 1:對出口至〝聯合國禁止化 學武器公約之非會員國〞,1C350 不管制含有 1 種或以上


、.17、.18、 ..21、.22、.26、.27


.36、.54、.55、.56、.57 及.63 所述

註解 1:對出口至〝聯合國禁止化 學武器公約之非會員國〞,1C350 不管制含有 1 種或以上


、.17、.18、 ..21、.22、.26、.27


.36、.54、.55、.56、.57、.63 及.65

Note 1: For exports to "States not Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention", 1C350 does not control "chemical mixtures"

containing one or more of the chemicals specified in entries 1C350.1, .3, .5, .11, .12, .13,

Note 1: For exports to "States not Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention", 1C350 does not control "chemical mixtures" containing one or more of the chemicals specified in entries 1C350.1, .3, .5, .11, .12, .13, .17, .18, .21 , .22, .26, .27, .28, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35 , .36, .54, .55, .56, .57, 63 and .65 in which


18 化學品之〝化學品混合物〞,惟化

學品混合物中所含上列管制化學 品個別成分之重量百分比不超過 10 %。

註解 2:對出口至〝聯合國禁止化 學武器公約之會員國〞,1C350 不 管制含有 1 種或以上


、.17、.18、.21、 ..22、.26、.27


.36、.54、.55、.56、.57 及.63 所述 化學品之〝化學品混合物〞,惟化 學品混合物中所含上列管制化學 品個別成分之重量百分比不超過 30 %。


惟化學品混合物中所含上列管制 化學品個別成分之重量百分比不 超過 10 %。

註解 2:對出口至〝聯合國禁止化 學武器公約之會員國〞,1C350 不 管制含有 1 種或以上


、.17、.18、.21、 .22、.26、.27


.36、.54、.55、.56、.57、.63 及.65 所述化學品之〝化學品混合物〞,

惟化學品混合物中所含上列管制 化學品個別成分之重量百分比不 超過 30 %。

.17, .18, .21, .22, .26, .27, .2 8, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35, .36, .54, .55, .56, .57 and .63 in which no individually specified chemical constitutes more than 10% by the weight of the mixture.

Note 2: For exports to "States Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention", 1C350 does not control "chemical mixtures"

containing one or more of the chemicals specified in entries 1C350.1, .3, .5, .11, .12, .13, .17, .18, .21, .22, .26, .27, .2 8, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35, .36, .54, .55, .56, .57 and .63 in which no individually specified chemical constitutes more than 30% by the weight of the mixture.

no individually specified chemical constitutes more than 10 % by the weight of the mixture.

Note 2: For exports to "States Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention", 1C350 does not control "chemical mixtures" containing one or more of the chemicals specified in entries 1C350.1, .3, .5, .11, .12, .13, .17, .18, .21 , .22, .26, .27, .28, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35 , .36, .54, .55, .56, .57, .63 and .65 in which no individually specified chemical constitutes more than 30 % by the weight of the mixture.

1C351.c.19 註解

無 註解:志賀毒素大腸桿菌(STEC)

別名包括腸出血性大腸桿菌 (EHEC)、產志賀毒素大腸桿菌 (VTEC)或志賀樣毒素大腸桿菌 (VTEC)。

- Note: Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli

(STEC) includes inter alia enterohaemorrhagic E.

coli (EHEC), verotoxin producing E. coli (VTEC) or verocytotoxin producing E. coli (VTEC).



1C352 1C352 刪除

1C352 -


1C353 遺傳因子及經基因改造 之有機體,如下:

a. 經基因改造之有機體或遺傳因 子,含有與致病性有關之核酸序 列,且該致病性係源自於 1C351.a.、1C351.c.、1C351.e.或 1C354 所述之有機體;

b. 經基因改造之有機體或遺傳因 子,含 1C351.d.所述〝毒素〞或其



1. 基因改造生物體,包括遺傳物 質(核酸序列)已被改變之生物 體,其非通過天然存在的方式如交 配或自然重組,及包括全部或部分 由人為產生者;

1C353 (續)

2. 遺傳因子包括染色體、基因體 組、質體、轉位子及載體,不論其 為經改造或未經改造者,或全部或 部分化學合成者。

3. 與 1C351.a.、1C351.c.、1C351.e.

或 1C354 所述微生物之致病性有

1C353 ‵遺傳因子′及經‵基 因改造之有機體′,如下:

a. 任何‵基因改造之有機體′

含有,或‵遺傳因子′為其編碼下 列任一者:

1. 1C351.a. 或 1C354.a.中任何病 毒之基因。

2. 1C351.c. 或 1C354.b.中之任何 細菌之基因,或 1C351.e.或 1C354.c.中任何真菌之基因,其具 下列任一特性:

a. 自身或通過轉譯或轉譯產品重 現對人類、動物或植物健康的顯著 傷害,或;

b. 能夠‵賦予或增強致病性′,

3. 任何 1C351.d.中之〝毒素〞或 其〝毒素次單位〞。


1. ‵基因改造之有機體′包括通 過特意之分子操作產生或改變核 酸序列的有機體。

2. ‵遺傳因子′包括染色體,基

1C353 Genetic elements and genetically modified organisms, as follows:

a. Genetically modified organisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with pathogenicity of organisms specified in 1C351.a., 1C351.c., 1C351.e. or 1C354;

b. Genetically modified organisms or genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences coding for any of the "toxins" specified in 1C351.d. or "sub-units of toxins"


Technical Notes:

1. Genetically-modified organisms includes organisms in which the genetic material (nucleic acid sequences) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural

recombination, and encompasses

1C353 'Genetic elements' and

'genetically-modified organisms', as follows:

a. Any 'genetically-modified organism' which contains, or 'genetic element' that codes for, any of the following:

1. Any gene or genes specific to any virusspecified in 1C351.a. or 1C354.a.

2. Any gene or genes specific to bacterium specified in 1C351.c. or 1C354.b. or fungus specified in 1C351.e. or 1C354.c., and which is any of the following:

a. In itself or through its transcribed or translated products represents a significant hazard to human, animal or plant health, or b. Could 'endow or enhance pathogenicity', or 3. Any “toxins” specified in 1C351.d. or

"sub-units of toxins" therefor.

Technical Notes:

1. 'Genetically-modified organisms' include organisms in which the nucleic acid sequences have been created or altered by deliberate molecular manipulation.

2. 'Genetic elements' include inter alia


20 關核酸序列,係指清單所列〝微生


a. 本身或透過其轉錄或轉譯之產 品對人類、動物或植物健康會構成 顯著危害;或

b. 已知可增強受管制微生物、以 嵌入或其他方式與受管制微生物 結合之其他有機體之能力,以致對 人類、動物或植物健康造成嚴重損 害。

註解:除類志賀毒素或其子單位之 核酸序列外,1C353 不管制與腸出 血性大腸桿菌、O157 血清型及其 他產生類志賀毒素之血清型之致 病性有關之核酸序列。

因組,質體,轉座子,載體和含有 可修復的核酸片段的非活化有機 體,無論其經基因改造或是未改 造,或是全部或部分由化學合成。

就控制遺傳因子目的而言,由非活 化有機體而來的核酸、病毒或樣 品,若非活化與製備材料為預期或 已知可促進核酸的分離,純化,擴 增,檢測或鑑定,則可認定其為可 回收。

3. ‵賦予或增強致病性′之定義 為插入或整合核酸序列可能刻意 引發有機物受體疾病或死亡的能 力。其可能包括以下方面的轉變:

病毒性、傳播性、穩定性、感染途 徑、寄主範圍、再現性、逃避或抑 制宿主免疫力之能力,以及對於醫 學防疫措施或檢測的抵抗力。

註解:1C353 不管制血清型志賀毒 素大腸桿菌 O26、O45、O103、



O157 血清型及其他產生類志賀毒 素之血清型之致病性有關之核酸

those produced artificially in whole or in part.

2. Genetic elements include inter alia chromosomes, genomes, plasmids, transposons, and vectors whether genetically modified or unmodified, or chemically synthesized in whole or in part.

3. Nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of any of the "microorganisms"

specified in 1C351.a., 1C351.c., 1C351.e. or 1C354 means any sequence specific to the specified

"microorganism" that:

a. In itself or through its transcribed or translated products represents a significant hazard to human, animal or plant health; or b. Is known to enhance the ability of a specified "microorganism", or any other organism into which it may be inserted or otherwise integrated, to cause serious harm

chromosomes, genomes, plasmids, transposons, vectors and inactivated organisms containing recoverable nucleic acid fragments, whether genetically modified or unmodified, or chemically synthesized in whole or in part. For the purposes of the genetic elements control, nucleic acids from an inactivated organism, virus, or sample are considered recoverable if the inactivation and preparation of the material is intended or known to facilitate isolation, purification, amplification, detection, or identification of nucleic acids.

3. 'Endow or enhance pathogenicity' is defined as when the insertion or integration of the nucleic acid sequence or sequences is/are likely to enable or increase a recipient

organism’sability to be used to deliberately cause disease or death. This might include alterations to, inter alia: virulence, transmissibility, stability, route of

infection, host range, reproducibility, ability to evade or suppress host immunity, resistance to medical countermeasures, or detectability.

Note: 1C353 does not control nucleic acid




to humans, animals or plant health.

Note: 1C353 does not control nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.

sequences of shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli of serogroups O26, O45, O103, O104, O111, O121, O145, O157, and other shiga toxin producing serogroups, other than those genetic elements coding forshiga toxin, or for its subunits.


6. N,N-二烷基[甲基、乙基或丙基 (正構或異構)]胺基乙硫醇及其質 子化鹽類,但 1C350 所述之 N,N- 二異丙基-β-胺基乙硫醇除外;

6. N,N-二烷基[甲基、乙基或丙基 (正構或異構)]胺基乙硫醇及其質 子化鹽類,但 1C350 所述之 N,N- 二異丙基-β-胺基乙硫醇

(5842-07-9)與 N,N-二異丙基胺基 乙硫醇鹽酸鹽(41480-75-5)除外;

6. N,N-Dialkyl [methyl, ethyl or propyl (normal or iso)]

aminoethane-2-thiols and corresponding protonated salts, other than

N,N-Diisopropyl-(beta)-aminoetha ne thiol which is specified in 1C350;

6. N,N-Dialkyl [methyl, ethyl or propyl (normal or iso)] aminoethane-2-thiols and corresponding protonated salts, other than

N,N-Diisopropyl-(beta)-aminoethane thiol (5842-07-9) and N,N-

Diisopropylaminoethanethiol hydrochloride (41480-75-5) which are specified in 1C350;

2A001 註解

註解:2A001 不管制經製造商依 ISO 3290 標示之公差為等級 5 或 較次級之滾珠。

註解:2A001 不管制經製造商依 ISO 3290 標示之公差為等級 5(或 其他等效國家標準),或較次級之 滾珠。

Note: 2A001 does not control balls with tolerances specified by the manufacturer in accordance with ISO 3290 as grade 5 or worse.

Note: 2A001 does not control balls with tolerances specified by the manufacturer in accordance with ISO 3290 as grade 5 (or national equivalents) or worse.

2B001.a 註 解 2

註解 2:2B001.a. 不管制僅限棒材 直通進料加工,其可加工之棒材最 大直徑小於或等於 42 mm,且不

註解 2:2B001.a. 不管制僅限棒材 直通進料加工,其可加工之棒材最 大直徑小於或等於 42 mm,且不

Note 2: 2B001.a. does not control bar machines (Swissturn), limited to machining only bar feed thru, if

Note 2: 2B001.a. does not control bar machines (Swissturn), limited to machining only bar feed thru, if maximum bar diameter is equal to or less


22 具加裝夾頭能之走心式車床

(Swissturn)。此類機器可能具有加 工零件直徑小於 42 mm 之鑽孔及/


具加裝夾頭能之走心式車床 (Swissturn)。此類機器可能具有加 工零件直徑小於 42 mm 之鑽孔或 銑削功能。

maximum bar diameter is equal to or less than 42 mm and there is no capability of mounting chucks.

Machines may have drilling and/or milling capabilities for machining parts with diameters less than 42 mm.

than 42 mm and there is no capability of mounting chucks. Machines may have drilling or milling capabilities for machining parts with diameters less than 42 mm.


b. 3 個或 3 個以上之軸可同時協調 進行〝輪廓控制〞;或

b. 3 個或 4 個軸可同時協調進行


b. Three or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for

"contouring control"; or

b. Three or four axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for "contouring control"; or


2B006 尺度檢驗或測量系統、設 備與〝電子組件〞,如下:

a. 電腦控制或〝數值控制〞之座 標測量機具(CMM),依據 ISO 10360-2 (2009)標準測試,在該機 具操作範圍內之任何一點進行測 試時(亦即在軸的長度以內),其 3 維(體積)最大可容許長度量測誤 差(E0,MPE)等於或小於(優於)(1.7

+L/1,000) μm(L 係以 mm 為單 位之可量測長度);


製造商規格上所訂定最精確座標 測量機具(CMM)組態(如下列項

2B006 尺度檢驗或測量系統、設 備、定為回饋單元及〝電子組件〞,


a. 電腦控制或〝數值控制〞之座 標測量機具(CMM),依據 ISO 10360-2:2009 標準測試,在該機具 操作範圍內之任何一點進行測試 時(亦即在軸的長度以內),其 3 維 (體積)最大可容許長度量測誤差 (E0,MPE)等於或小於(優於)(1.7+

L/1,000) μm(L 係以 mm 為單位 之可量測長度);



2B006 Dimensional inspection or measuring systems, equipment and

"electronic assemblies", as follows:

a. Computer controlled or

"numerically controlled"

Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM), having a three dimensional (volumetric) maximum permissible error of length measurement (E 0,MPE ) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of axes) equal to or less (better) than (1.7

2B006 Dimensional inspection or measuring systems, equipment, position feedback units and

"electronic assemblies", as follows:

a. Computer controlled or "numerical controlled"

Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM), having a three dimensional (volumetric) maximum permissible error of length measurement (E 0,MPE ) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of axes) equal to or less (better) than (1.7 + L/1 000) μm (L is the measured length in mm), according to ISO 10360-2:2009;

Technical Note:

The E 0,MPE of the most accurate configuration


23 目之最佳者:探針、針頭長度、運

動參數及環境),並具有〝所有可 補償機制〞者,其最大可容許長度 量測誤差(E0,MPE)須達到 1.7+L/1, 000 μm 之門檻。

說明:參照 2B206。

b. 直線位移及角位移測量儀器,


1. 具下列任一特性之‵直線位 移′測量儀器:

註解:內含有〝雷射〞之干涉儀與 光編碼器位移測量系統僅由 2B006.b.1.c.與 2B206.c.管制。


2B006.b.1.所述之‵直線位移′係 指測量探針和被測量物之間距離 之變動。

a. 量測範圍在 0.2 mm 以內時, 〝解 析度〞等於或小於(優於)0.2 μm 之非接觸式測量系統;

b. 具下列所有特性之線性電壓差 動轉換器(LVDT)系統:

1. 具有下列任一者:

a. LVDTs 其‵全部作業範圍′至

測量機具(CMM)組態(如下列項 目之最佳者:探針、針頭長度、運 動參數及環境),並具有〝所有可 補償機制〞者,其最大可容許長度 量測誤差(E0,MPE)須達到 1.7+L/1, 000 μm 之門檻。

說明:參照 2B206。

b. 線性位移測量儀器或系統、線 性定位回饋單元及〝電子組件〞,


註解:內含有〝雷射〞之干涉儀與 光編碼器位移測量系統僅由 2B006.b.3.與 2B206.c.管制。

1. 量測範圍達到 0.2 mm 時,〝解 析度〞等於或小於(優於)0.2 μm 之‵非接觸式測量系統′;


2B006.b.1.所述之‵非接觸式測量 系統′,其設計用於測量探針或被 測量物在運動時,兩者沿著單一向 量之間的距離。

2. 總〝準確度(或稱〝精度〞)〞小 於(優於)(800+(600 × L/ 1,000)) nm(L 等於以 mm 為單位之可量測

+ L/1 000) μm (L is the measured length in mm), according to ISO 10360-2 (2009);

Technical Note:

The E 0,MPE of the most accurate configuration of the CMM specified by the manufacturer (e.g., best of the following: probe, stylus length, motion parameters, environment) and with "all compensations available" shall be compared to the 1.7 + L/1 000 μm threshold.

N.B. SEE ALSO 2B206.

b. Linear and angular displacement measuring instruments, as follows:

1. 'Linear displacement' measuring instruments having any of the following:

Note: Interferometer and optical-encoder displacement measuring systems containing a

"laser" are only controlled in 2B006.b.1.c. and 2B206.c.

of the CMM specified by the manufacturer (e.g., best of the following: probe, stylus length, motion parameters, environment) and with "all compensations available" shall be compared to the 1.7+L/1 000 μm threshold.

N.B. SEE ALSO 2B206.

b. Linear displacement measuring instruments or systems, linear position feedback units, and

"electronic assemblies", as follows:

Note: Interferometer and optical-encoder measuring systems containing a "laser" are only specified in 2B006.b.3 and 2B206.c.

1. 'Non-contact type measuring systems' with a

"resolution" equal to or less (better) than 0.2 μm within a measuring range up to 0.2 mm;

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 2B006.b.1. 'non-contact type measuring systems' are designed to measure the distance between the probe and measured object along a single vector, where the probe or measured object is in motion.

2. Linear position feedback units specially designed for machine tools and having an overall

"accuracy" less (better) than (800 + (600 × L/1


24 多且包含±5 mm 時,量測 0 至‵全

部作業範圍′,其〝線性度〞等於 或小於(優於)0.1 %;或

b. LVDTs 其‵全部作業範圍′大 於±5 mm 時,量測 0 至 5 mm,其



2. 在標準周圍環境測試室溫±1 K 下,每日之漂移等於或小於(優於) 0.1%;


就 2B006.b.1.b.目的,‵全部作業 範圍′為 LVDT 全部可能之直線 位移的一半。舉例來說,LVDTs 其‵全部作業範圍′至多且包含

±5 mm 時,能量測之全部可能直 線位移為 10 mm。

2B006 (續) c. 如下之測量系統:

1. 含有一〝雷射〞;及

2. 整個量測範圍內之〝解析度〞

為 0.2 nm 或以下(較優);及 3.在 20 ±0.01 ℃溫度下測量 30 秒,經補償空氣折射率後,在量測


3. 測量系統具下列全部特性:

a. 含有一〝雷射〞;

b. 整個量測範圍內之〝解析度〞

為 0.2 nm 或以下(優於);及 c.在 20 ±0.01 ℃溫度下測量 30 秒,經補償空氣折射率後,在量測 範圍內的任何一點,能實現〝量測 不準度〞等於或小於(優於)(1.6 + L/2,000) nm (L 係以 mm 為單位測 得之長度);或

4. 為提供 2B006.b.3.所列系統回 饋能力而特別設計之〝電子組 件〞;

c. 特別為機械工具或角度位移測 量儀器設計之旋轉定位回饋單 元,具有角度位置〝準確度(或稱

〝精度〞)〞小於(優於) 0.9 arcsec 者;



〝雷射〞光)用於偵測鏡面角度位 移。

d. 藉由測量光散射以測量表面粗

Technical Note:

For the purpose of 2B006.b.1.

'linear displacement' means the change of distance between the measuring probe and the measured object.

a. Non-contact type measuring systems with a "resolution" equal to or less (better) than 0.2 μm within a measuring range up to 0.2 mm;

b. Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) systems having all of the following:

1. Having any of the following:

a. "Linearity" equal to or less (better) than 0.1 % measured from 0 to the 'full operating range', for LVDTs with a 'full operating range' up to and including ± 5 mm;


b. "Linearity" equal to or less (better) than 0.1 % measured from 0 to 5 mm for LVDTs with a 'full

000)) nm (L equals effective length in mm);

3. Measuring systems having all of the following:

a. Containing a "laser";

b. A "resolution" over their full scale of 0.200 nm or less (better); and

c. Capable of achieving a "measurement uncertainty" equal to or less (better) than (1.6 + L/2 000) nm (L is the measured length in mm) at any point within a measuring range, when compensated for the refractive index of air and measured over a period of 30 seconds at a temperature of 20± 0.01 °C; or

4. "Electronic assemblies" specially designed to provide feedback capability in systems specified in 2B006.b.3.;

c. Rotary position feedback units specially designed for machine tools or angular

displacement measuring instruments, having an angular position "accuracy" equal to or less (better) than 0.9 second of arc;

Note: 2B006.c. does not control optical instruments, such as autocollimators, using collimated light (e.g. "laser" light) to detect angular displacement of a mirror.


25 範圍內的任何一點,能實現〝量測

不準度〞等於或小於(優於)(1.6 + L/2,000) nm (L 係以 mm 為單位測 得之長度);或

d. 為提供 2B006.b.1.c.所列系統回 授能力而特別設計之〝電子組 件〞;

註解:2B006.b.1.不管制測量干涉 儀系統,其具有不使用回授技術之 自動控制系統,並利用〝雷射〞以 測量工具機、尺度檢驗機具或類似 設備之滑動誤差。

2. 角度位置〝準確度(或稱〝精 度〞)〞等於或小於(優於)0.00025°


註解:2B006.b.2.不管制如自動準 直儀之光學儀器,該儀器乃利用準 直光(如〝雷射〞光)偵測鏡子之角 位移。

c. 藉由測量不同角度之光散射以 量測表面粗糙度(包括表面缺 陷) ,且其靈敏度為 0.5nm 或以下 (更優)者。

註解:2B006 包含除 2B001 管制

糙度(包括表面缺陷) ,其靈敏度 為 0.5nm 或以下(優於)者。

註解:2B006 包含除 2B001 管制 外之可用作測量機具之工具機,其 規格如符合或超過測量機具功能 所列之標準,即受管制。

operating range' greater than ± 5 mm; and

2. Drift equal to or less (better) than 0.1 % per day at a standard ambient test room temperature ±1 K;

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 2B006.b.1.b., 'full operating range' is half of the total possible linear displacement of the LVDT. For example, LVDTs with a 'full operating range' up to and including ± 5 mm can measure a total possible linear displacement of 10 mm.

c. Measuring systems having all of the following:

1. Containing a "laser";

2. A "resolution" over their full scale of 0.200 nm or less (better);


3. Capable of achieving a

"measurement uncertainty" equal to or less (better) than (1.6 + L/2

d. Equipment for measuring surface roughness (including surface defects), by measuring optical scatter with a sensitivity of 0.5 nm or less (better).

Note: 2B006 includes machine tools, other than those specified in 2B001, that can be used as measuring machines if they meet or exceed the criteria specified for the measuring machine function.


26 外之可用作測量機具之工具機,其

規格如符合或超過測量機具功能 所列之標準,即受管制。

000) nm (L is the measured length in mm) at any point within a measuring range, when compensated for the refractive index of air and measured over a period of 30 seconds at a temperature of 20 ± 0.01 °C; or

d. "Electronic assemblies"

specially designed to provide feedback capability in systems specified in 2B006.b.1.c.;

Note: 2B006.b.1. does not control measuring interferometer systems, with an automatic control system that is designed to use no feedback techniques, containing a "laser"

to measure slide movement errors of machine-tools, dimensional inspection machines or similar equipment.

2. Angular displacement measuring instruments having an angular position "accuracy" equal to or less (better) than 0.00025 o ;



Note: 2B006.b.2. does not control optical instruments, such as autocollimators, using collimated light (e.g., "laser" light) to detect angular displacement of a mirror.

c. Equipment for measuring surface roughness (including surface defects), by measuring optical scatter with a sensitivity of 0.5 nm or less (better).

Note: 2B006 includes machine tools, other than those specified by 2B001, that can be used as measuring machines if they meet or exceed the criteria specified for the measuring machine function.


a. 於全 3 維影像處理或全 3 維

‵背景分析′時,可即時產生或修 改〝程式〞,或可產生或修改數值 程式資料;

a. 刪除;

a. Capable in real time of full three-dimensional image

processing or full three-dimensional 'scene analysis' to generate or modify

"programs" or to generate or modify numerical program data;

a. Not used;


28 2B008

2B008 專為工具機或尺度檢驗 或測量系統及設備所特別設計之 組件或單元,如下:

a. 總〝準確度(或稱〝精度〞)〞小 於(優於)(800+(600 × L/ 1,000)) nm(L 等於以 mm 為單位之可量測 長度)之線性定位回饋單元;

說明:〝雷射〞系統,參照 2B006.b.1.c.、2B006.b.1.d.與 2B206.c.之註解。

b. 〝準確度(或稱〝精度〞)〞小於 (優於)0.00025°之旋轉定位回饋單 元;

說明: 〝雷射〞 系統,參照 2B006.b.2.


註解:2B008.a.與 2B008.b.管制項 目,其設計為回饋控制測定之位置 資訊,包括感應式元件、刻度尺、


c. 依據製造商之規範,能提升工 具機等級達到或超越 2B 指定等級 之〝複合迴轉工作台〞及〝擺動式 主軸〞。

2B008 專為工具機特別設計之

‵複合迴轉工作台′及‵擺動式 主軸′,如下:

a. 刪除;

b. 刪除;

c. ‵複合迴轉工作台′具下列所 有特性:

1. 設計用於機械工具車削、銑削 或研磨;及

2. 具 2 個旋轉軸設計用於同時協 調進行〝輪廓控制〞;


‵複合迴轉工作台′指可使工作 物件在 2 個非平行軸線上旋轉與 傾斜之工作台。

d. ‵擺動式主軸′具下列所有特 性:

1. 設計用於機械工具車削、銑削 或研磨;及

2. 設計用於同時協調進行〝輪廓 控制〞;

2B008 Assemblies or units, specially designed for machine tools, or dimensional inspection or measuring systems and

equipment, as follows:

a. Linear position feedback units having an overall "accuracy" less (better) than (800 + (600 × L/1 000)) nm (L equals the effective length in mm);

N.B. For "laser" systems see also 2B006.b.1.c., 2B006.b.1.d. and 2B206.c.

b. Rotary position feedback units having an "accuracy" less (better) than 0.00025 o ;

N.B. For "laser" systems see also Note to 2B006.b.2.

Note: 2B008.a. and 2B008.b.

control units, which are designed to determine the positioning information for feedback control, such as inductive type devices, graduated scales, infrared systems

2B008 'Compound rotary tables' and "tilting spindles", specially designed for machine tools, as follows:

a. Not used;

b. Not used;

c. 'Compound rotary tables' having all of the following:

1. Designed for machine tools for turning, milling or grinding; and

2. Two rotary axes designed to be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”;

Technical Note:

A 'compound rotary table' is a table allowing the workpiece to rotate and tilt about two non-parallel axes

d. "Tilting spindles" having all of the following:

1. Designed for machine tools for turning, milling or grinding; and

2. Designed to be coordinated simultaneously for

"contouring control".



Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Controlled Nucleation Thermal Deposition Complex Programmable Logic Device Central Processing Unit.. Chemical Vapour Deposition

Annular Bearing Engineers Committee American Gear Manufactures’ Association attitude and heading reference systems American Iron and Steel Institute arithmetic logic unit..

Annular Bearing Engineers Committee American Gear Manufactures’ Association attitude and heading reference systems American Iron and Steel Institute arithmetic logic unit..

Annular Bearing Engineers Committee American Gear Manufactures’ Association attitude and heading reference systems American Iron and Steel Institute arithmetic logic unit2.

chemical reaction by isotope selective laser activation chemical vapour deposition.. chemical warfare

Seals, if any, essential for sealing the pressure sensing element, and in direct contact with the process medium, made of or protected by aluminum, aluminum alloy, aluminum

註解 3:就 ML10.a.及 ML10.d.而言,為非軍用之“航空器” 或改裝為軍用 之航空引擎而特別設計之零件及相關設備,僅適用於作為軍事用途

一、申請人、出口人及貨品 製造廠商之姓名、住 所、身分證字號;如 係廠商,其名稱、住 所及統一編號。.