Points to note:
1. The common administrative issues listed below are only for the general reference of aided schools. For the details of the issues and any other issue not included below, staff of aided schools should consult their respective Senior School Development Officers.
2. The updated parts are marked in red.
Staffing Issues
(A) Appointment
1. Appointment of teaching staff (excluding school head and certain types of staff as specified in Codes of Aid) 2. Appointment of school head/principal
[Note: Schools should read this item in conjunction with item 19 of this checklist.]
3. Direct appointment of teachers and other staff to promotion ranks
[Note: For aided primary schools under a sponsoring body with more than one aided primary school, confirmation with EDB on the available promotion teaching vacancies is required.]
4. Appointment of substitute teachers (daily-rated supply and monthly-paid temporary teachers) (excluding temporary Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs))
5. Appointment and re-appointment of Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs) under the Enhanced NET Scheme in Secondary Schools and the NET Scheme in Primary Schools
6. Appointment of temporary Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs)
7. Appointment of English and Putonghua teachers (in relation to the Language Proficiency Requirement for teachers of English/ Putonghua)
8. Appointment of English and Chinese teachers (in relation to the Recommendations of SCOLAR on Language Teacher Education and Qualifications) 9. Appointment of Educational Psychologists
10. Employment of temporary replacements of Educational Psychologists 11. Appointment of Assistant Social Work Officers
12. Employment of temporary replacement of Assistant Social Work Officers 13. Direct appointment of Laboratory Technician II
14. Appointment of School Executive Officers 15. Appointment of clerical and janitor staff
16. Optimising the Use of Teaching Manpower Resources (B) Acting Appointment, Regrading and Promotion
17. Acting appointment to fill vacant posts for substantive appointment
18. Acting appointment for administrative convenience to approved functional posts which are left vacant for not less than 30 consecutive calendar days (excluding the school head post)
19. Regrading to graduate teaching posts 20. Promotion to school head
[Note: Schools should read this item in conjunction with item 2 of this checklist.]
21. Promotion to senior teaching posts other than school head 22. Promotion of Educational Psychologists
(C) Leave for Teachers (including School Heads)
25. Paid or no-pay sick leave, maternity leave, special tuberculosis leave, paid study leave endorsed by EDB in advance and paid paternity leave 26. Paid special leave (maximum 2 days per school year)
27. Paid leave for serving as jurors or witnesses
28. Paid leave for special events as specified (maximum 14 days per school year) 29. No-pay leave (excluding no-pay sick/ maternity/ special tuberculosis leave) 30. Paid study leave which has not been endorsed by EDB in advance
31. Other types of leaves which are not specified above
(D) Leave for Laboratory Technicians, Specialist Staff and School Executive Officers 32. Paid annual leave
33. Paid or no-pay sick leave, maternity leave, special tuberculosis leave, paid study leave endorsed by EDB in advance and paid paternity leave 34. Paid leave for serving as jurors or witnesses
35. Paid study leave which has not been endorsed by EDB in advance (E) Leave for other Non-teaching Staff
36. Various types of leave in accordance with the Employment Ordinance, Codes of Aid and guidelines issued by the EDB from time to time
37. Annual leave for other non-teaching staff in special schools such as house-parents, nurses, cooks and the like if their leave cannot be staggered (F) Teaching Staff Management
38. Deployment of redundant teachers/ over-ranked school heads/ redundant senior teachers/ excess graduate teachers 39. Suspension of teachers from normal duties
40. Termination of service / Non-renewal of contracts 41. Summary dismissal
42. Withholding salary increment due to unsatisfactory performance
43. Staff required to step down to a lower rank for reasons other than reduction of classes (G) Remuneration Matter
44. Assessing salaries for teaching and non-teaching staff according to the salary scales as laid down in the Codes of Aid 45. Approving responsibility / acting allowance, and special education allowance for teachers
46. Rectification of overpayment or underpayment of salaries to teachers 47. Handling Long Service Payment/ Severance Payment for school staff
48. Permission on taking teaching experience earned outside Hong Kong for incremental credit on appointment 49. Permission on retention of existing salary for stepped-down teaching staff
50. Keeping teachers’ Provident Fund Account open
51. Payment of Salary for August (for teachers with less than one academic year of service)
53. Waiver of salary payment in lieu of notice upon resignation of teaching staff
54. Extension of service of principals, teachers, Educational Psychologists, Assistant Social Work Officers, Laboratory Technicians and School Executive Officers after the end of the school year in which they reach the age of sixty
(I) Others
55. Teaching staff taking up paid or no-pay outside duties 56. Staff injured on duty
School Administration Issues
(A) School Premises and Facilities
57. Change of room use without structural alteration 58. Conversion work with structural alteration
59. Use of school premises other than approved activities of the school 60. Capital subvention for major repairs/emergency repairs
(B) Other General Items
61. Uploading the endorsed Capacity Enhancement Grant Plan, School Development Plan, Annual School Plan (including the annexes of 3-year plan(s) for Diversity Learning Grant (DLG)) and School Report (including the annex of a programme evaluation report of Gifted Education Programme funded by DLG) to the school website
62. Class structure and expansion of school by operating additional classes
63. Disposal of records of books of accounts of permanent nature
64. Rent, Government Rent and Rates reimbursement actually paid for school purposes 65. Submission of holiday list in the form of school calendar and time-tables
66. Submission of leave record of teaching staff annually for endorsement (III)
Financial Issues
(A) Procurement Activities
67. Inviting, vetting and approving quotations/tenders
68. Appointment of different persons to handle the opening and vetting of written quotations/tenders as well as approval of tenders 69. Insufficient number of suppliers invited
70. Sub-contracting to third party by the supplier/contractor (B) Trading Operation
71. Conducting trading operations
72. Acceptance of donations or advantages from trading operators/ suppliers 73. Sale of textbooks on school premises
74. Delegation of trading operations to Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or School Sponsoring Body (SSB) (C) School Income
75. Fund-raising activities under the conditions specified by EDB 76. Hire of accommodation
78. Collection of subscription/ tong fai 79. Collection of boarding fees
80. Acceptance of advantages and donations
81. Acceptance of donation which may incur recurrent government expenditure (D) Government Subvention
82. Transfer of Special Domain surpluses to Administration Grant/ Revised Administration Grant for meeting contractual obligation to the continued employment of janitor / clerical staff
Student Issues
83. Admission of students (other than allocation of places in Primary 1, Secondary 1 and Secondary 4) and upholding students’ right to education 84. Promotion of students
85. Suspension of students
86. Expulsion of students at senior secondary level with full justification acceptable to the Permanent Secretary for Education 87. Expulsion of students aged under 15 years at or below junior secondary level
88. Maximum rate of repetition
89. Pupils taking more than seven years to complete six-year primary course
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
(I) Staffing Issues
(A) Appointment
1. Appointment of teaching staff (excluding school head School School EO S42, S44, S45, S46, S47, S48, S49, S50, S51, S52
and certain types of staff as specified in Codes of Aid) ER R68, R69, R70, R76(1), R77, R78
COA S19, S49-S56, App 2A, App 2/Att A1-A2, App 3, App 4/Att C-I, App 5 para 4, App 8 [P];
S19,S48-S56, App 2, App 2/Att A, App 2/Att B, App 3, App 4, App 4/Att C-I, App 8, App 9 para 4- 6[S];
S53-S61, App 2, App 2/Att B, App 2/Att C, App 3, App 4, App 4/ Att A-J [excluding Att A-C,
F(ii) ,G(ii) and H(iii)], App 6 [Sp];
S13.1(c) & S13.2(a) [A];
S1 & S4 [Comp]
SAG S7.1 para 1, 2 & 4,S7.2.1, S7.3-S7.4, App 3 & 4 of Chap 7
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) Cir EDBC No. 5/2005, 10/2015,16/2017, 11/2019
(para 8)
EDBCM No.179/2011, 133/2018
WSite On appointment
http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
On All-graduate teaching force policy:
admin/admin/about-sch-staff/graduate-teacher- posts/index.html [P]
admin/admin/about-sch-staff/graduate-teacher- posts-sec/index.html [S]
2. Appointment of school head/principal EDB EDB EO S53, S54, S55, S56, S57, S57A
[Note: Schools should read this item in conjunction with item 19 of this checklist.]
COA S50(a)(i), App 2A(B)(a), App 2/Att A1-2, App 3, App 4/Att A-C [P];
S49(a)(i), App2, App3, App4/Att A-C, App 9 para 1(b) [S];
S54(a)(i), App 2/Att A, App 3, App 4/Att A-C, F(ii), G(ii), H(iii)[Sp];
S13.2(a) [A]
SAG S7.1 para 3e, S7.2.1 para 3, S7.3.2, App 1 of Chap 7
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) Cir EDBC No. 31/2002, 5/2005,2/2019, 3/2019,
4/2019, 6/2016
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
EDBCM No. 16/2017, 179/2011
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
3. Direct appointment of teachers and other staff to EDB School COA S50(a)(ii), S60, App 5I(1) [P];
promotion ranks S49(a)(ii), S59, App 9 para 1(b) [S];
[Note: For aided primary schools under a sponsoring body with S54(a)(ii), S65, App 5A1(b) [Sp];
more than one aided primary school, confirmation with EDB on the S13.3(e) [A]
available promotion teaching vacancies is required.] SAG S7.1 para 3e
Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) EDBC No. 30/2000 (para 2 & 6), 11/2019 (para 15)
EDBCM No. 16/2017, 179/2011
http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
4. Appointment of substitute teachers
(daily-rated supply teachers and monthly-paid temporary teachers)
School School COA S31-32 [P];
S32-33 [S];
S35-36 [Sp];
(excluding temporary Native-speaking English Teachers S13.11 [A];
(NETs)) S7B para1, 2 & 4-6, S12 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.1 para 4 , S7.4, App 3 & 4 of Chap 7 (Relevant paras as appropriate)
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) Cir EDBC No. 60/1999
EDBCM No. 179/2011, 125/2018
https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/teacher/appointments- related/supply-teachers/index.html
5. Appointment and re-appointment of Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs) under the Enhanced NET
School School Cir EDBC No. 7/2013 (for primary schools), 8/2013 (for secondary schools);
Scheme in Secondary Schools and the NET Scheme in Primary Schools
EDBCM No. 44/2019 (for primary schools), 45/2019 (for secondary schools), 16/2017, 179/2011
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum- development/resource-support/net/index.html
6. Appointment of temporary Native-speaking English EDB EDB COA S50(a) [P];
Teachers (NETs) S49(a) [S];
S54(a)(vi) [Sp];
S13.2(a) [A]
SAG S7.1 para 3e
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) Cir EDBCM No. 179/2011
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/net-scheme/net-appointment-
matters.html/data/sch-admin/admin/about-sch- staff/net-scheme/net-appointment-matters.html
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
Appointment of Temporary NET (Primary Schools) (Secondary Schools)
7. Appointment of English and Putonghua teachers School School SAG S7.4.2 para 5b
(in relation to the Language Proficiency Requirement for English/ Putonghua teachers)
Cir EDBCM No.106/2009, 112/2019 (to be updated annually)
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/lpr
8. Appointment of English and Chinese teachers School School SAG S7.4.2 para 5c
(in relation to the Recommendations of SCOLAR on Cir EDBCM No. 54/2004, 106/2009
Language Teacher Education and Qualifications) WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/sr
9. Appointment of Educational Psychologists School School COA S19, S49-53, App 2A, App 3, App 4/Att J and K [P];
S19, S48-52, App 2, App 3, App 4/Att J and K [S];
S20, S27, S53-57, S60-63, App 2 para 7, App 3, App 4/Att J [Sp]
S13.2 [A];
S4.22-4.23 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.3 para 9, S7.4.2 Para 4, App 2 of Chap 7 GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec)
Cir EDBC No. 5/2005, 179/2011, 10/2015
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
10. Employment of temporary replacements of Educational School School COA S32(c) [P];
Psychologists S33(c) [S];
S37(a) [Sp];
S13.11(b) [A]
11. Appointment of Assistant Social Work Officers School School COA
S19, S49-53, 58, App 2A, App3, App 5/ Att L [P], S20, S53-57, S60-63, App 2(para 3), App 3, App 4 C1 [Sp];S13.2 [A];S4.24 [Comp]
S7.4.2 Para 4 & 5(e), App 2 of Chap 7 Relevant sections as applicable (Pri)
EDBC No. 5/2005, 179/2011, 10/2015, 36/2018 http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
12. Employment of temporary replacements of Assistant Social Work Officers
School School COA S32(c) [P]
S13.11(b) [A];
S37(a) [Sp]
13. Direct appointment of Laboratory Technician II School School COA App 5 para 6 [S];
App 6 para 6 [Sp];
S4.21 [Comp]
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Sec) Cir EDBC No. 12/2016
EDBCM No. 179/2011, 77/2019
14. Appointment of School Executive Officers School School COA S19, S49-50, S52-53, 58, App 2A, App3, App 4/
Att N [P]
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
S19, S48-49, S51-52, S55-56,App 2, App 3, App 4/Att M [S]
S20, S53-54, S56-57 [Sp]
S7.1 para1, 2 & 5, S7.2.3 para1 & 2, S 7.4.2 para 4 EDBC No. 5/2005, 10/2015
EDBCM No. 179/2011, 37/2019 https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-
admin/admin/about-sch-staff/staff-entitlement- aided-schools/index.html
15. Appointment of clerical and janitor staff School School COA S20, S33, App 2B & App 4/ Att 0 [P];
S34, App 14/Att A [S];
S21, App 2, App 4 [Sp];
S13.10 [A]
SAG S7.1 para 1&2,S7.2.3 Cir EDBC No. 5/2005, 10/2015
EDBCM No.179/2011
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/appointment/index.html
16. Optimising the Use of Teaching Manpower Resources School School Cir EDBC No. 10/2017
(B) Acting Appointment, Regrading and Promotion
17. Acting appointment to fill vacant posts for substantive School School COA S62, App 3C, App 5 para I(1)&(3) [P];
appointment S62, App 3 para 2, App 9 para 1(b), 3 & 10 [S];
S67, App 3IID, App 5A1(b), App 5B [Sp];
S5 para 1(b) & 2, S8B [Comp]
SAG S7.2.4, App 5 of Chap 7 Cir EDBC No. 30/2000, 8/2004
18. Acting appointment for administrative convenience to School School COA S62, App 3(C) [P];
approved functional posts which are left vacant for not S62, App 3 para 2 [S];
less than 30 consecutive calendar days S67(b), App 3IID [Sp];
(excluding the school head post) S13.4 [A];
S8B [Comp]
SAG S7.2.4, App 5 of Chap 7
Cir EDBC No. 30/2000, 8/2004, 11/2019 para 14
19. Regrading to graduate teaching posts School School COA S60 [P];
S59 [S];
S65 [Sp];
S13.3(a)-(d) [A]
SAG S7.2.2,App 6 of Chap 7 Cir EDBC No. 11/2019 (para 9-12)
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/graduate-teacher-posts/index.html (for primary schools)
http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about- sch-staff/graduate-teacher-posts-sec/index.html (for secondary school)
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
20. Promotion to school head EDB EDB COA S60(a), App 4/Att A-C, D1&H1[P];
[Note: Schools should read this item in conjunction with item S59(a), App 4 / A - D [S];
2 of this checklist.] S65(a), App 4/ Att A, B, C, D, F(ii) G(ii), H(ii) &
H(iii) [Sp];
S13.3(a) [A] S4.1-4.3, S4.6-4.8 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.4, S7.3.1, S7.3.2
Cir EDBC No. 30/2000, 31/2002, 2/2019, 3/2019, 4/2019, 6/2016
21. Promotion to senior teaching posts other than school head School School COA S60-61, App 4/Att C-D2, App 5 [P];
S59-60, App 4/Att C-D, App 4/Att F-H, App 9 [S];
S65-66, App 4/ Att C, D, F, G(i), H & App 5A [Sp];
S13.3(a)-(d) [A];
S5 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.4 para 1 & 3, S7.3.1, S7.3.2, App 5 of Chap 7 Cir EDBC No. 30/2000, 11/2019 (para 14)
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/teacher/qualification- training-development/development/training- requirements-teacher-promotion-in-aided-sch.html
22. Promotion of Educational Psychologists School School COA S61, App 4/Att K, App 5 [P];
S60, App 4/Att K, App 9 [S],
S66, App 4/Att J (ii), App 5 (A) 1 (a)[Sp]
S4.23, S5 [Comp]
SAG S7.2
GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Pri) (Sec) Cir EDBC No. 30/2000
23. Promotion of Laboratory Technicians School School COA App 2/Att C para 4(a), App 9 para 1, 8 & 9 [S];
App 4B, App 5A1, A3(l) & (m), App 6 [Sp];
S4.21 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.4 para 1, App 5 of Chap 7 GSA Relevant sections as applicable (Sec)
Cir EDBC No. 12/2016 EDBCM No. 77/2019
24. Acceptance of training courses for promotion purpose EDB School COA App 6 para I(3) [P];
App 9 para 3 [S];
App 5A 1(c) (d) [Sp];
S5 para 2, S5/Att A [Comp]
WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/teacher/qualification- training-development/development/training- requirements-teacher-promotion-in-aided-sch.html
(C) Leave for Teachers (including School Heads)
25. Paid or no-pay sick leave, maternity leave, special School School COA S26-30 & 35, App 9 & 10 [P];
tuberculosis leave, paid study leave endorsed by EDB S25-29 & 31, App 11& 12[S];
in advance and paid paternity leave S28-32 & 34, App 10 & 11 [Sp];
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
26. Paid special leave (maximum 2 days per school year) School School S13.9 [A];
27. Paid leave for serving as jurors or witnesses School School S7A [Comp]
28. Paid leave for special events as specified School School SAG S7.5.3, App 7, 9&10 of Chap 7
(maximum 14 days per school year) SSAG App H
29. No-pay leave
(excluding no-pay sick/ maternity/ special tuberculosis leave)
EDB School
[Note: Schools under IMC should notify EDB of the no-pay leave granted and seek EDB’s approval for keeping the relevant teacher’s Grant/ Subsidized Schools Provident Fund account open and adjustment of salary incremental date (if necessary).]
Cir EDBC No. 1/2006, 16/2015, 16/2018
30. Paid study leave which has not been endorsed by EDB in advance
31. Other types of leaves which are not specified above EDB EDB
SMC IMC (D) Leave for Laboratory Technicians,Specialist Staff and School Executive Officers
32. Paid annual leave School School COA S26-28, S34 & 35, App 9-11D [P];
33. Paid or no-pay sick leave, maternity leave, special School School S25-27, S30-31, App 11-13D [S];
tuberculosis leave, paid study leave endorsed by EDB S28-S30, App 10-12, S33&S34 [Sp];
in advance and paid paternity leave S13.9 [A];
34. Paid leave for serving as jurors or witnesses School School S7A [Comp]
35. Paid study leave which has not been endorsed by EDB in EDB EDB SAG S7.5.3, App 7, 9 & 10 of Chap 7
advance SSAG App H
Cir EDBC No. 1/2006, 16/2015, 16/2018
(E) Leave for other Non-teaching Staff
36. Various types of leave in accordance with the School School COA S34, App 11E-12 [P];
Employment Ordinance, Codes of Aid and guidelines S33, App 10, App 11 & App 12 [Sp];
issued by EDB from time to time S13.9 [A];
S7A [Comp]
SAG S7.5.3 para 3b, App 7, 9 & 10 of Chap 7
Cir EDBC No. 1/2006, 16/2015, 16/2018
37. Annual leave for other non-teaching staff in special School School COA S33, S39(b), App 12 [Sp];
schools such as house-parents, nurses, cooks and the S7A para 3 [Comp]
like if their leave cannot be staggered SAG S7.5.3 para 3b, App 8-9 of Chap 7
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC (F) Teaching Staff Management
38. Deployment of redundant teachers/ over-ranked school School School EO S40AG
heads/ redundant senior teachers/ excess graduate COA S13.6 [A]
teachers SSAG App E
Cir EDBCM No. 50/2019 (for primary schools), 77/2019 (for secondary and special schools)
39. Suspension of teachers from normal duties School School COA S57(f) [P] ; S57(f) [S];
S62(f) [Sp];
S13.5(d) [A]
SAG S7.8.3
40. Termination of service / Non-renewal of contracts School School ER R76(2)
COA S57(a)-(e), App 6-8 [P];
S57(a)-(e), App 6-8 [S];
S62(a)-(e), App 7-9 [Sp];
S13.5(a)-(b) [A];
S6 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.1 para 2J, S7.5.1,S7.8.3,S7.10 para 1-2
41. Summary dismissal School School ER R76(2)
COA S57(g), App 7-8[P];
S57(g), App 6-7 [S];
S62(g), App 7-8 [Sp];
S13.5(c) [A];
S6 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.1 para 2J, S7.5.1,S7.8.3, S7.10 para 2
42. Withholding salary increment due to unsatisfactory EDB School COA S24(b) [P];
performance S23(b)[S];
S25(b) [Sp];
S10.1(b) [A]
SAG S7.8.3
43. Staff required to step down to a lower rank for reasons EDB School COA S13.7 [A]
other than reduction of classes SSAG App F
(G) Remuneration Matter
44. Assessing salaries for teaching and non-teaching staff School School ER R78 [Applicable to teaching staff only]
according to the salary scales as laid down in the Codes COA S22, S50(b), App 3(A) [P];
of Aid S21, S49(b), App 3 para 1 [S];
S23, S54(b), App 3I [Sp];
S10.1(a), S13.1(g), S13.2(b) [A];
S2 [Comp]
SAG S7.2.1 para 2g, S7.2.3 para 1
GSA App 6A-App 6D (for secondary schools) App 6A-App 6D (for primary schools) (Other relevant sections as applicable) Cir EDBC No. 5/2005 (para 2), 8/2010
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
45. Approving responsibility / acting allowance, and special School School COA S22, App 3(C)-(D), App 4/Att A [P];
education allowance for teachers S21, App 3 para 2, App 3/Att A [S];
S23, App 3 II[Sp];
S10.1(a) [A];
S8 [Comp]
Cir EDBC No. 8/2004, 12/2007
46. Rectification of overpayment or underpayment of School School COA S19(b) [P] [S];
salaries to teachers S20(b) [Sp];
S13.2(b) & (c) [A]
Cir EDBC No. 5/2005 (para 11), 8/2010
47. Handling Long Service Payment/ Severance Payment for School School COA S11 para 3&4 [Comp]
school staff SAG S7.5.5
Cir EDBCM No. 150/2019 (para 4)
48. Permission on taking teaching experience earned outside EDB EDB COA S25 [P];
Hong Kong for incremental credit on appointment S24 [S];
S26 [Sp];
S10.1(d) [A]
GSA App 3, Part A, para 5 (Pri) (Sec)
49. Permission on retention of existing salary for stepped- EDB EDB COA S13.7(c) [A]
down teaching staff Cir EDBCM No. 50/2019 (for primary schools),
77/2019 (for secondary and special schools)
50. Keeping teachers’ Provident Fund Account open EDB EDB GSPFR S13(3)
SSPFR S13(3)
SSAG App H para 6
WSite (i) Provident Fund (ii) Form EDB72 Cir EDBC No. 1/2006 (Annex : para 5(b) & 6)
51. Payment of Salary for August EDB EDB COA App 9 para 1(d) [P];
(for teachers with less than one academic year of service) App 8 para 1(d) [S];
App 9 para 1(d) [Sp];
S3 para (B)1(d) [Comp]
(H) Resignation and Retirement
52. Staff tendering resignation or due for retirement School School COA S57(a)-(d), S58, S59[P];
S57(a)-(d)&(h), S58 [S];
S62(a)-(d), S64 [Sp];
S13.1(c), 13.5(a), (f) & (g) [A];
S3 para(B)1, S6 [Comp]
SAG S7.10 para 1 & 2
53. Waiver of salary payment in lieu of notice upon resignation of teaching staff
School School COA S57(e) [P] ; S57 (e) [S];
S62(e) [Sp];
S13.5(e) [A];
S6 para1 [Comp]
SAG S7.10 para 1a & 2
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
54. Extension of service of principals, teachers, Educational EDB EDB EO S58A, S58B Psychologists, Assistant Social Work Officers, Laboratory
Technicians and School Executive Officers after the end of the school year
S59 [P];
S64 [Sp];
S13.2(a), S13.8 [A]
in which they reach the age of sixty
Cir EDBCM No. 176/2018(to be updated annually)
(I) Others
55. Teaching staff taking up paid or no-pay outside duties School School COA S63 [P];
S63 [S];
S68 [Sp];
S13.13 [A]
SAG S7.4.4 para 3f, S7.4.4 para 4c, S7.8.2 para 3, App 7 para 7 of Chap 7
56. Staff injured on duty School School SAG S7.5.2 para 2
(II) School Administration Issues
(A) School Premises and Facilities
57. Change of room use without structural alteration School School COA S16.3 [A]
SAG S8.6.2, App 6 & 7 of Chap 8
58. Conversion work with structural alteration EDB EDB EO S19, S20
ER R10
SAG S8.6.1
Cir EDBC No. 3/2002
59. Use of school premises other than approved activities of EDB EDB COA S48(a) [P];
the school S47(a) [S];
S52(a) [Sp];
S16.1 [A]
SAG S8.2.1 para 1
60. Capital subvention for major repairs/emergency repairs EDB EDB COA S39(a), App 18 [P];
S39(a), App 17 [S];
S45(a), App 17 [Sp];
S11.1, S16.2 [A];
S13B [Comp]
S6.2.1 para 3c, S8.5.2, S8.5.3
WSite School Maintenance Automated Rapport Terminal (SMART) system
Procedure for Major Repairs (Non-Estate Aided Schools)
Procedure for Major Repairs (Estate Aided Schools)
(B) Other General Items
61. Uploading the endorsed Capacity Enhancement Grant School School COA S17.1 [A]
Plan, School Development Plan, Annual School Plan SAG S5.3.4
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC (including the annexes of 3-year plan(s) for Diversity
Learning Grant (DLG)) and School Report (including the annex of a programme evaluation report of Gifted Education Programme funded by DLG) to the school
Cir EDBCM No. 1/2018 [Adapted Applied Learning Courses], 147/2017 [Applied Learning Courses], 58/2018 [Other Languages and Other
Programmes], 150/2019
website WSite http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/sch-quality-
http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/fin- management/subsidy-info/ref-capacity- enhancement-grant/index.html
62. Class structure and expansion of school by operating EDB EDB COA S12 [P] ; S12 [S];
additional classes S11 [Sp];
S7.3 [A]
EDBCM No. 196/2018 (for primary schools), 68/2019 (for secondary schools)
63. Disposal of records of books of accounts of permanent EDB EDB COA S66(b) [P];
nature S66(b) [S];
S71(b) [Sp]
SAG S6.8
64. Rent, Government Rent and Rates reimbursement EDB EDB COA S38 [P];
actually paid for school purposes S37 [S];
S43 [Sp];
S10.2(b)(ii) [A]
SAG S6.2.1 para 2d Cir EDBC No. 14/2007
65. Submission of holiday list in the form of school calendar EDB EDB ER R79, R80, R81, R82, R83, R92 COA App1, para 19. 22-23, 25-26 [P] [S];
App1, para 18, 21-22, 24 & 26 [Sp];
S15.3 [A]
SAG Appendix of Chap 2 Cir EDBC No. 7/2005
EDBCM No. 167/2019
66. Submission of leave record of teaching staff annually for EDB EDB COA S35(a) [P];
endorsement S31(a) [S];
S34(a) [Sp];
S13.9(e) [A]
S7.5.3 para 2
Cir EDBC No. 1/2006
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
(III) Financial Issues
Note(A) Procurement Activities
67. Inviting, vetting and approving quotations/tenders School School SAG S6.4.2 para 2b Cir EDBC No. 4/2013
68. Appointment of different persons to handle the opening School School COA S14.6 [A]
and vetting of written quotations/tenders as well as SAG S6.4.2 para 2j & k
approval of tenders Cir EDBC No. 4/2013
69. Insufficient number of suppliers invited School School SAG S6.4.2 para 2e Cir EDBC No. 4/2013
70. Sub-contracting to third party by the supplier/contractor School School Cir EDBC No. 4/2013
(B) Trading Operation
71. Conducting trading operations EDB School ER R99A, R99B
App 1 para 32-34 [P] [S] [Sp]
S6.2.2 para 3, S6.3, S6.5.2 para 4 GFM S3.3, 6.2(ii) & 6.3(a)
Cir EDBC No. 10/2016
Note The following files on financial issues are also provided for schools’ reference and use and can be downloaded from EDB’s Website:
1. Report on Financial and Personnel Matters Approved by SMC/IMC for Aided Schools
<http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/checklist/report%20on%20financial%20and%20personnel%20matters%20approved%20by%20smc_imc%20for%20 aided%20schools.doc>
2. Points to Note on Financial Management of Aided Schools
3. Exception Report on Procurement Activities for Aided Schools
72. Acceptance of donations or advantages from suppliers School School SAG S6.3 para 3b & c
/ contractors
S2.3.4 para 2a & 2b
EDBC No. 10/2016 (para 3, App 2 para 3 & App 5 para. g, h, l, m & n), 14/2003 (para 16)
EDBCM No. 30/2019 (para 5 & Annex 1 para 4) EDBCM No. 172/2015 (para 5)
73. Sale of textbooks on school premises School School Cir EDBC No. 10/2016 (App 3 para 3) EDBCM No. 30/2019 (Annex 1 para 5.5)
74. Delegation of trading operations to Parent-Teacher School School SAG S6.3 para 3e
Association (PTA) or School Sponsoring Body (SSB) Cir EDBC No. 10/2016 (App 2 para 3 & App 5 para a
& j)
(C) School Income
75. Fund-raising activities under the conditions specified by School School ER R66
EDB SAG S6.2.2 para 1d & 3, S6.5.2 para 3, App 5 of Chap 6
76. Hire of accommodation School School SAG S6.2.2 para 1f, S8.2.2, App 1 of Chap 8
Cir EDBC No. 5/2011
77. Collection of fees and charges (other than boarding fee EDB School ER R61, R63, R66
and subscription/ tong fai) exceeding the approved COA S14(c) [P];
ceiling as stipulated by EDB for educational use S14(d) [S];
S15(d) [Sp];
S14.3(d) [A]
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
SAG S6.2.2 para 1b & 1c, App 3 & 4 of Chap 6
SSAG Page 13 & 14 GFM S3.4, 6.2(iii) & 6.3(d)
Cir EDBC No. 14/2012
78. Collection of subscription/ tong fai EDB EDB ER R60A, R61
COA S14-16 [P] [S];
S15-17 [Sp];
S14.3(c) [A]
SAG S6.2.2 para 1a Cir EDBC No. 6/2008
79. Collection of boarding fees EDB EDB ER R60A(2), R66
COA S12-14 [Sp];
S14.3(b) [A]
80. Acceptance of advantages and donations School School COA S17 [P] [S];
S18 [Sp];
S14.2(a)& 14.4 [A]
SAG S6.2.2 para 1e S2.3.4 para 2a & 2b Cir EDBC No. 14/2003
EDBCM No. 30/2019 (para 5 & Annex 1 para 4) EDBCM No. 172/2015 (para 5)
81. Acceptance of donation which may incur recurrent EDB EDB COA S17(a) (b) [P] [S];
government expenditure S18(a) (b) [Sp];
S14.4(a) (b) [A]
SAG S6.2.2 para 1e
Cir EDBC No. 14/2003 (para 17(c))
(D) Government Subvention
82. Transfer of Special Domain surpluses to Administration Grant/ Revised Administration Grant for meeting contractual obligation to the continued employment of janitor / clerical staff
EDB N.A. WSite OEBG User Guide S.4.9
(IV) Student Issues
83. Admission of students (other than allocation of places in School School EO S74
Primary 1, Secondary 1 and Secondary 4) and COA S43, App 1 para 11 [P];
upholding students’ right to education S43, App 1 para 11 & 15 [S];
S49, App 1 para 11 [Sp];
S15.1 [A]
SAG S3.2.1, S3.2.3
Cir EDBC No. 1/2009, 19/2019
84. Promotion of students School School COA S44, App 1 para 15 [P]
SAG S3.3.2 para 1
85. Suspension of students School School COA S45, App 1 para 14 [P];
S44, App 1 para 14 [S];
S50, App 1 para 14 [Sp];
S15.2(c) [A]
Approval AuthorityMajor Reference Materials
Schools under SMC
Schools under IMC
SAG S3.6.4 para 5 Cir EDBC No. 1/2009
86. Expulsion of students at senior secondary level with full School School EO S74
justification acceptable to the Permanent Secretary for COA S44, App 1 para 12 & 13 [S];
Education S15.2 [A]
SAG S3.6.4 para 6 Cir EDBC No. 1/2009
87. Expulsion of students aged under 15 years at or below EDB EDB EO S74
junior secondary level COA S45, App 1 para 12 & 13 [P];
S44, App 1 para 12 & 13 [S];
S50, App 1 para 12 & 13 [Sp];
S15.2 [A]
SAG S3.6.4 para 6 Cir EDBC No. 1/2009
88. Maximum rate of repetition EDB EDB COA S46 [P];
S45 [S];
S15.4(a) [A]
SAG S3.3.2 para 2
89. Pupils taking more than seven years to complete EDB EDB COA S44 [P];
six-year primary course S15.4(b) [A]
SAG S3.3.2 para 2e
SMC refers to School Management Committee
EO refers to Education Ordinance (CAP 279) https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap279 ER refers to Education Regulations (CAP 279A) https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap279A GSPFR refers to Grant Schools Provident Fund Rules
(CAP 279C)
SSPFR refers to Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules (CAP 279D)
COA refers to Code of Aid
[P] refers to Code of Aid for Primary Schools https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/codes-of-aid/coa_pri_e.pdf [S] refers to Code of Aid for Secondary Schools https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/codes-of-aid/coa_sec_e.pdf [Sp] refers to Code of Aid for Special Schools https://www.edb.org.hk/EDNEWHP/resource/edu_doc/coa/ss_coa/ss1_coa/coa_ss_e.pdf [A] refers to Code of Aid for Aided Schools https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/codes-of-aid/code-of-aid-
and-related-documents-for-aided-imc-schools/coa_english_1.13.pdf [Comp] refers to Compendium to Code of Aid for Aided
https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/codes-of-aid/code-of-aid- and-related-documents-for-aided-imc-schools/Compendium%201.13a%20.pdf
SAG refers to School Administration Guide https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/sch-admin- guide/SAG_E.pdf
SSAG refers to Supplement to SAG for Aided Schools Operated by IMC
https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/regulations/codes-of-aid/code-of-aid- and-related-documents-for-aided-imc-schools/supplement%20to%20sag_2019.pdf Cir refers to EDB Circular/Circular Memorandum http://applications.edb.gov.hk/circular/circular.aspx?langno=1
GSA refers to Guide to Salary Assessment http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about-sch-staff/salary-assessment/guides.html GFM refers to Guide to Financial Management for https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/sbm/corner-imc-
Aided Schools Operated by Incorporated Management Committees
WSite refers to EDB Website http://www.edb.gov.hk/
App refers to Appendix Att refers to Attachment Chap refers to Chapter para refers to paragraph R refers to Regulation S refers to Section Education Bureau
September 2019 (updated)