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A study of medical quality indicators project appropriately with system dynamics modeling approach in Emergency Departme 林靜怡、羅世輝


Academic year: 2022

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A study of medical quality indicators project appropriately with system dynamics modeling approach in Emergency Departme


E-mail: 9403795@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The issue of medical quality is noted in the world. Hospitals have been asked for high quality, especially at quality control. In Taiwan, we do that with medical quality indicators, and select indicators by professional administrator’s opinion. Nowadays, there has no evidence to prove that indicators are tantamount to quality. So we try to check up the interrelationship of these indicators.

The emergency department indicator is the target in this paper. We select some indicators to simulate the visit process in emergency room by system dynamics. The result showed that account of medical serves is non-relation with triage degree, stay time, waiting time for doctor, and admission number. If doctors need extra time for diagnosing, patient’s waiting time and triage flow will be increased. The first class triage rate is related to admission rate. When ICU lacked for sickbeds, it will cause patients to switch to other hospital.

Keywords : medical quality, medical quality indicators, emergency department, system dynamics.

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 ---iii 中文摘要 ---v 英文摘要 ---viii 誌謝 ---viii 目錄 ---viii 圖目錄 ---viii 表目錄 ---viii 1. 緒論 ---1 1.1 研究背景與動機 ---1 1.2 研究問題與研究目的 ---3 1.3 研 究範疇與限制 ---4 1.4 研究流程 ---5 2. 文獻查證 ---7 2.1 醫療品質 ---7 2.1.1 醫療品質的內涵 ---7 2.1.2 醫療品質管理模式 ---11 2.2 醫療品質指標 ---17 2.2.1 醫療品質指標的定義 ---17 2.2.2 醫 療品質指標系統 ---20 2.3 醫療品質指標變項 ---26 2.3.1 醫療品質評估變項探討 ---26 2.3.2 急診部門品質 評估變項 ---29 2.4 系統動力學 ---31 2.4.1 系統動力學理論架構 ---31 2.4.2 系統動力學於品質議題之應用 ---33 3. 研究方法 ---35 3.1 系統動力學方法論 ---35 3.2 研究架構 ---37 3.3 研究設計 ---38 4.

動態模擬與測試 ---42 4.1 模式建立 ---42 4.2 模式測試 ---55 5. 分析與結論 ---68 5.1 研究結果與分 析 ---68 5.2 研究限制與建議 ---76 參考文獻 ---78 附錄一:THIS 指標項目明細 ---82


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