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The Relationship between R&D and Performance for Biotechnology Industry - A Case Study of Biotechnology Companyin Taiwan 洪志銘、徐泰浩


Academic year: 2022

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The Relationship between R&D and Performance for Biotechnology Industry - A Case Study of Biotechnology Companyin Taiwan


E-mail: 384357@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Over the past years, driven by the government and all sectors of government and academic research efforts, Taiwan's biotech industry flourished until the end of 2011 had 58 biotech companies listed or OTC registration of these biotech companies including pharmaceutical, medical equipment and emerging biotechnology fields. Operating profit biotech key is whether to make the most efficient allocation of resources and utilization in order to further get good business performance. R&D activities is the biotech industry to earn profits and gain a competitive advantage of the main factors, each biotech inject money into R&D activities, hoping to improve business performance to achieve an operating advantage. However, each company has invested R&D activities in varying degrees, and its R&D investment can really play a benefit for an interesting and worthy of further exploration of the issue. In this study, the development of the biotechnology industry for the current situation and characteristics to data envelopment analysis as a tool for research and development and business performance discussed in Taiwan 2011 58 listed or OTC biotechnology for the study. The results showed that different areas of biotech business performance there are differences, but in the field of medical devices better operating performance, excellent performance with the use of biotechnology in the most efficient allocation of resources. However, the performance of R&D and operating performance and not much relevance, R&D costs are not the more the better performance, look at this study biotechnology industry developed at birth and operating performance showed no significant correlation exists.

Keywords : Biotechnology industry、Research and development(R&D)、Performance、Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要iii 英文摘要iv 誌謝v 目錄vi 圖目錄ix 表目錄x 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究 目的3 第三節研究流程4 第二章文獻回顧6 第一節生技產業的現況與發展6 一、製藥領域8 二、醫療器材領域9 三、新興生 技領域10 第二節生技產業研發的重要性11 第三節生技產業研發與經營績效相關研究17 一、國內生技產業研發與經營績效 相關研究17 二、國外生技產業研發與經營績效相關研究20 三、小結24 第四節資料包絡分析法24 一、資料包絡分析法的介 紹24 二、資料包絡分析法在生技產業的應用25 三、資料包絡分析法在生技產業應用的配適性32 第五節文獻綜合評論33 第 三章研究方法35 第一節研究對象與資料搜集35 第二節績效評估指標建構40 一、投入項目44 二、產出項目44 第四章結果與 討論45 第一節基本資料分析45 第二節整體經營績效51 一、整體效率分析51 二、整體效率分類62 第三節研發與經營績效的 關連65 一、局部效率分析65 二、局部效率分類73 第四節不同領域生技公司研發與經營績效之比較74 第五節整體經營績效 改善模式87 第五章結論與建議92 第一節研究結論92 第二節研究建議94 一、研究限制94 二、未來研究發展方向95 參考文 獻96 圖目錄 圖1.1研究流程圖5 圖3.1績效評估指標架構40 表目錄 表2.1研發重要性文獻整理14 表2.2國內生技產業研發與經 營績效文獻整理19 表2.3國外生技產業研發與經營績效文獻整理22 表2.4DEA在生技產業的研究結果整理30 表2.5績效評估 方法整理32 表3.1上市上櫃生技公司及主要產品35 表3.2上市上櫃生技公司財務報表資料38 表3.3DEA投入產出項文獻整 理41 表3.4投入項和產出項的皮爾森相關係數分析43 表4.1生技公司投入產出基本資料46 表4.2生技公司投入產出統計資 料49 表4.3生技公司總體績效模式52 表4.4生技公司總體績效模式參考次數及排名58 表4.5生技公司局部模式分析結果66 表4.6生技公司局部績效模式參考次數及排名69 表4.7製藥領域總體績效模式參考次數及排名76 表4.8醫療器材領域總體績效 模式參考次數及排名78 表4.9新興生技領域總體績效模式參考次數及排名80 表4.10製藥領域局部績效模式參考次數及排 名82 表4.11醫療器材領域局部績效模式參考次數及排名84 表4.12新興生技領域局部績效模式參考次數及排名86 表4.13生技 公司總體績效改善模式88


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