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Effect of Education Intervention on Breakfast Diet knowledge and behavior of Elementary School Senior Students 陳愛華、陳信泰


Academic year: 2022

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Effect of Education Intervention on Breakfast Diet knowledge and behavior of Elementary School Senior Students


E-mail: 365040@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study is aimed at understanding how the introduction of nutrition education affects the breakfast dietary knowledge and behavior of school children in the fifth and sixth grades. The study subject are 127 five graders studying at an elementary school in Taichung City, with 68 of them being boys and 59 girls. This study then selects two out of the five classes randomly as the

experimental group and the rest three classes are the control group. The former group contains 51 children and the latter 76 ones.

Afterwards, the experimental group is given the course of nutrition education, including how to select appropriate diet, how the combination of different food provides a balanced diet, and how to read the food label to choose healthy processed food. In this case, they will realize different family members may have various demands of nutrition because of their ages. Besides, a nutritious

balanced diet and regular exercise is beneficial to an individual’s health. After attending the course, they may discover the advantages and disadvantages of restaurants and make use of information to select healthy, safe, and nutritious food and to comprehend the content of food labels. The introduction of nutrition education course lasts for five weeks. This study then adjusts

“The Questionnaire of Five and Six Graders’ Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude, and Dietary Behavior” developed by Mr. He, Yingzhong (2003) to be the study tool. It focuses on discovering information related to “background,” “breakfast dietary knowledge scale,” and “breakfast dietary behavior scale.” The collected data is processed by the software of SPSS. It is discovered that the introduction of nutrition education is significantly beneficial to five and six graders’ dietary knowledge of breakfast, while it has little significant impact on their breakfast dietary behavior. In other words, five and six graders tend to have better dietary knowledge of breakfast, yet their dietary behavior of breakfast is relatively poor. On the other hand, school children’s dietary knowledge of breakfast is related to their breakfast dietary style and perception of school performance, while their breakfast dietary behavior is related to their breakfast dietary style and their parents’ capability of preparing breakfast at home.

Keywords : nutrition education、breakfast dietary knowledge、breakfast dietary behavior.

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 誌謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 1            第二節 研究目的 3        第三節 研究問題 4       第四節 研究之範圍與限制 4    第五節 名詞釋義 4          第二章 文獻探討 第一節 營養教育探究 6          第二節 營養 教育介入之相關研究 7       第三節 影響營養知識和飲食行為之相關因素 11  一、影響營養知識的因素 11 二

、影響飲食行為的因素 15 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構 20  第二節 研究假設 21 第三節 研究流程 21   第四節 教學 活動設計 23 一、教材內容 23 二、教學目標 23 二、教學活動設計 25 第五節 研究設計 26 第六節 研究對象 27 第七節 研究 工具 28 第八節 資料處理與分析 30 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 研究樣本的基本資料 32        一、社會人口學 變項 32 二、家庭環境因素 38 第二節 學生早餐飲食知識及 早餐飲食行為的狀況 41        一、早餐飲食知識 41 二、早餐飲食行為 43 第三節 學生早餐飲食知識及早餐飲食 行為與基本資料變項之關係 47     第四節 教學活動介 入後對學生早餐飲 食知識與早餐飲食行為之影響 71    一、後測早餐飲食知識與早餐飲食行為的得分狀況 71 二、實 驗組與對照組對早餐飲食知識 與早餐飲食行為前後測之差異 72 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 75                 第二節 建議 76        參考文獻 78          附錄 國小高年級學生早餐飲食知識與早餐飲食行為調查問卷 87        


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