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Prince George


Academic year: 2021

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1 英國王室著裝守則大揭秘

The Royal Family's dress code uncovered ANN@The China Post August 11, 2017, 4:02 pm TWN

2The outfits worn by the Royal Family have fascinated many - from the Queen's rainbow coats to

the Duchess of Cambridge's tiaras.

很多人都對王室家族的衣著裝扮感興趣——從女王的彩虹色外套到劍橋伯爵夫人的精美頭 飾。

3But fans of the royals will have noticed that they have never seen Prince George in a Spiderman

T-shirt or Catherine in a tracksuit.

但是王室成員的粉絲們可能已經發現,他們從沒見過喬治小王子穿印有蜘蛛俠圖案的 T 恤,也沒見過凱特王妃穿運動服。

4There are etiquette rules governing what members of the Royal Family wear to public

engagements - from gloves, to military uniforms, and skirts instead of jeans.

王室家族有一套禮儀規範來約束他們在出席公開活動時的著裝——從手套到軍裝到不穿牛 仔褲穿裙子等等。

5Here we reveal the dress code the royals aim to follow.


6When the Queen will wear a hat


7The Queen has become known for her bright and bold hats which she is often pictured wearing

while performing official engagements.

女王以其顏色鮮豔、設計大膽的帽子而聞名,她時常在參加官方活動時被拍到戴著這樣的 帽子。

8Dress code etiquette states that women wear hats for formal events, says Diana Mather, a senior

tutor for The English Manner etiquette consultancy.

英國禮儀諮詢公司資深導師戴安娜•馬瑟說,著裝禮儀守則規定女性在出席正式場合時要 戴帽子。

9"Up until the 1950s ladies were very seldom seen without a hat as it was not considered 'the

thing' for ladies to show their hair in public.

"20 世紀 50 年代以前,女士們出門基本都戴帽子,當時人們不覺得在公眾場合秀出頭髮是 流行時尚。

10"But all that has changed and hats are now reserved for more formal occasions."


11One of the Queen's hats became a hot topic on social media when she officially opened

Parliament last month.


12Using the hashtag #QueensSpeech, many users compared her floral blue hat to the EU flag.

參與話題#QueensSpeech 的許多人把女王戴的藍色花朵帽子比作歐盟的國旗。

13Why Prince George always wears shorts


14Unlike many three-year-olds, Prince George has yet to be seen wearing a T-shirt of his favourite

TV character or even a pair of trousers.

和許多三歲小孩不同的是,人們從未見過喬治王子穿著印有他最愛電視角色的 T 恤,甚至 沒見過他穿長褲。

15Experts say this is because it is royal tradition for young princes and princesses to be formally

dressed when they are in public.


16Instead, Prince George is much more likely to wear a pair of smart shorts and a shirt.


17Etiquette expert Grant Harrold, known as The Royal Butler, says the tradition dates back to the

times of breeching in the 16th Century.

號稱"王室管家"的禮儀專家格蘭特•哈樂德說,這個傳統可以追溯到 16 世紀的馬褲時代。

18He said: "This saw young boys wearing gowns or dresses until the age of eight, if not before.


19"Thankfully in late 19th Century and early 20th Century this developed into shorts. This tradition

is carried on by the Royal Family to this very day."



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An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) as appropriate, is provided to each primary

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