Optimising Senior Secondary English Language Series:
Effective Curriculum Planning and Implementation for English Panel Chairpersons
3 December 2021
English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau
to introduce the optimising measures for senior secondary English Language;
to discuss effective strategies for planning and implementing the optimised senior secondary English Language curriculum (e.g. promoting creative and academic uses of English); and
to explore effective ways to enhance students’ English learning
through making differentiation arrangements and planning
co- and extra-curricular activities holistically
Part 1: Effective Strategies for Planning and Implementing the Optimised Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum
Part 2: Infusing Elements of Creative and Academic Uses of English into Daily Teaching
Break Part 3: School Sharing
Part 4: Wrap-up and Q&A
Warm-up Activity :
How much do you know about the optimising measures for Senior Secondary English Language?
1 The rationale of optimisation is to create space and cater for learner diversity.
2 Depending on school contexts, schools may reduce up to 50 hours of English lesson time per year.
3 In the 2024 HKDSE Writing Paper, there will be 4 questions in Part B, 2 on language arts and 2 on non-language arts modules.
4 For SBA in the 2024 HKDSE Examination, schools should submit two marks: one from the reading and viewing programme, one from the Elective Part.
5 The English lesson time for the same cohort of students may vary in a school.
True or False?
Reduce up to 50 hours of English lesson time in 3 years
4 Qs delinked from the 8 elective modules
Submit two marks based on 2 - 4 texts read and viewed True
Measures to optimise senior secondary English Language Curriculum – In a nutshell
Adjust the lesson time according to that suggested in the curriculum and assessment guide
Integrate the Elective Part into the Compulsory Part
Offer English-related Applied Learning
Promote academic and creative uses of English Assessment
Refine the writing paper by reducing the number of questions and delinking it from the Elective Part
Streamline the SBA by allowing flexibility in the number of texts to be
read and viewed and delinking it from the Elective Part
Review of School Curriculum
Optimisation of the Four Core Subjects
Optimisation of Elective
Guiding Principles:
Catering for learner diversity (in terms of interests, abilities and needs) and creating room and opportunities for students to:
- take an additional elective subject or ApL
- engage in remedial/enrichment programmes
- participate more actively in OLE / life-wide learning activities
Holistic school curriculum planning Reallocation of lesson time, flexible time-tabling & regrouping of students
How to implement the optimising measures?
Tips for ‘Packing’
Review School-based Curriculum Plan School-based Curriculum
Horizontal Curriculum
(Knowledge & skills to be learnt throughout the same year level)
Vertical Curriculum
(Knowledge and skills to be learnt across different year levels)
Compulsory Part + Learning Elements
Integration of Elements of Elective Modules
The Elective Part can be used for extension,
application and consolidation of what has been learned in the
Compulsory Part.
1) Using the learning elements as enrichment materials
Target students: S4
It’s a cyber world.
Final Task
Writing a letter of advice to a victim of cyber-bullying
Task 1 Understanding why photos are shared on social media and privacy
Task 2 Reading a
newspaper article on the pros and cons of
social media
Task 3
Viewing a video and analysing a suspected cyber-
bullying case
Add elements that widen students’
exposure to different text types
2) Using the learning elements as extension components
A school-based life-planning education programme
“Reaching out to your dream job”
• Understand the dynamics of an interview and how to prepare for one
• Demonstrate oral English skills in a job interview A job fair
Workshop on analysing job advertisements
Workshop on writing an application letter
and a CV
Workshop on job interview etiquette
2 lessons 4 lessons 2 lessons
Activity: Having a mock job interview
An extension activity on Careers Day
3) Creating a learning programme using the released time
Social Issues
Analyse issues, identify and define problems,
consider related factors, justify views/arguments
and draw conclusions
Teaching of common and transferable skills
Links to OLE and life-wide
learning activities
3) Creating a learning programme using the released time
Short stories
Techniques and language for
plot development, characterisation,
narration and themes
Teaching of common and transferable skills
Links to OLE and life-wide
learning activities
Review School-based Curriculum – Horizontal Curriculum
1. Are the different language skills to be learnt in the same term purposefully put together to facilitate the learning and teaching of certain types of texts?
2. How can elements of elective modules enrich / complement the learning and teaching?
Reading Skills
Writing Skills
What to learn from a text?
Examples of Text Types for Key Stages 1 – 4 (P1 – S6)
What are the differences between these two text types?
Format vs. Purpose/Feature
Letters to the Editor Speeches
Purpose(s) of Text
Language Feature(s) / Item(s)
• to express opinions
• to give suggestions
• to call to action
• to express opinions
• to give suggestions
• to call to action
• to express opinions
e.g. adjectives
• to give suggestions
e.g. modal verbs
• to call to action
e.g. language appealing to emotions
Q4. You work for the Park Hotel in Hong Kong. You would like to apply for a work transfer to the Shanghai branch of the hotel.
• Write a letter to Mr Wong, your manager.
• Highlight your work experience, why you would like to transfer and how your transfer will benefit the organisation.
2020 HKDSE Paper 2 (Writing) Part B
Q5. Some people think that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) should include a greater variety of sports in the Olympic Games. However, for a sport to be considered a new Olympic event, it must meet the following criteria: 1) appeal to young people; 2) promote gender equality; 3) attract media coverage.
The IOC is inviting the public to suggest sports to be included in future Olympics. You would like to propose Dragon Boat Racing.
• Write a letter to the President of the IOC.
• Give reasons to support your opinion.
Q6. To raise public awareness of healthy eating, some countries now legally require food manufacturers to put warning labels on foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and salt.
• Write an argumentative essay.
• Argue either for OR against the effectiveness of food warning labels in changing people’s eating habits.
Persuasive Writing – Questions 4,5 & 6
Similarities Differences
Purpose To persuade Format
Letters/ An Essay
FormalAudience Manager / President of IOC / the Public
Structure Text & Paragraph Levels 1. Introduction
• Title
• Hook
• Background 2. Body Paragraphs
• Topic Sentences
• Explanation/Elaboration
• Evidence / Examples
• Link (back to the sentence / to the next point)
3. Conclusion
Language Job Transfer
More personal, high level of confidence
Sport Suggestion Letter:
Impersonal, with some features of a proposal (Propose a sport
reasons benefits)
Argumentative Essay for OR Against Food Warning Labels:
More authoritative with evidence, more complex language, with
jargons of food labels
Structure of a Paragraph
SS Curriculum: - 4 language skills - grammar
- learning elements from elective modules - creative and academic uses of English
Review School-based Curriculum – Vertical Curriculum
JS Curriculum: - 4 language skills - grammar
- language arts - RaC / LaC
Development of enabling skills
Importance of Enabling Skills
Enabling skills are essential skills that help students learn to learn. They
“enable” students to apply their existing knowledge (both linguistic and cognitive) in their learning. Some important enabling skills include:
1. Phonics skills: essential skills for spelling, speaking and listening
2. Vocabulary building skills: essential skills for working out word meaning, spelling and reading
3. Paraphrasing and summarising skills: essential skills for academic studies, reading and writing
4. Elaboration skills: essential skills for writing and speaking
Resource packages
Paraphrasing and Summarising Skills
The (i) ______________ of our staff members is the key to our success in environment goals. For this reason, we would like to implement three
initiatives that aim to increase participation. To raise their awareness of all Star Resort
environmental policies, (ii) _________________ will be mandatory for all new employees. We know that all employees like to receive (iii)
___________________ when they reach their targets. So these will be provided as our second initiative. Also, employee ownership of initiatives is a motivator so we can hold competitions to
encourage employees’ (iv)______________ in finding new solutions.
Text 3
[6] Central to our stewardship program, however, is employee engagement. Last year, we had about 60
‘Go Green Ambassadors’ but less than 50 percent of our employees attended our sustainability events. We have three measures to improve employee
[7] All new staff need to attend training sessions to increase awareness of environmental issues facing Southeast Asia as well as Singapore, with a focus on solutions that our company promotes to solve these problems. Additionally, we should provide rewards for different teams and departments when they meet their key performance indicators. Finally, we plan to host innovation contests for our employees to
promote solutions that are unique and applicable to their specific departments.
Elaboration skills
Study the tasks in the activity sheets. Discuss what knowledge/skills
students need in order to complete the tasks successfully.
Elaboration skills
Developing students’ elaboration skills through enhancing their understanding of:
Word relations (e.g. synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, part-whole relation)
Types of adjectives (e.g. opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin,
material, purpose)
Integration of Elements of Elective Modules
Review the learning and teaching elements of the existing school-based EL curriculum
Identify learning elements in elective modules (no longer limited to 2-3 elective modules) that suit the interests / needs of students or
complement OLE/LWL/co-curricular activities
Map the elements of elective modules to the Compulsory Part of the school-based Senior Secondary EL curriculum
Adjust the breadth and depth of learning and teaching
Curriculum restructuring
task design
Differentiation Programmes
Provision of English-related Elective Subject/ApL
Cat. A Subject
Literature in English
250 hours
Conducted by teachers in schools
Cat. B Subjects
- ApL (Vocational English) - ApL(Translation Studies) 180 hours
Conducted by course providers
A) Study the school cases and decide whether the differentiation measures taken are appropriate based on the following guiding principles:
- Catering for learner diversity in terms of interests, abilities, needs & career aspirations - Providing choice for students
- Promoting academic and creative uses of English
Extending English learning to English-related to OLE and life-wide learning
Promoting cross-curricular learning and collaboration
B) Share your school’s optimising measures with your partners. Discuss whether you
would like to fine-tune your school practice to better align with the guiding principles.
- Catering for learner diversity in terms of
* interest (e.g. drama, public speaking)
* abilities (e.g. remedial & enrichment programmes)
* needs (e.g. writing & speaking programmes)
* career aspirations (e.g. ApL) - Providing choice for students
- Adopting a flexible timetable to facilitate regrouping and whole-form/school activities - Promoting academic and creative uses of English (e.g. RaC/LaC, creative writing
Promoting cross-curricular learning & collaboration (e.g. ApL(Translation Studies), LaC/RaC, LaC+STEM)
Extending English learning to English-related to OLE and life-wide learning (e.g. school- based and inter-school student activities/competitions, community services & visits)
Considerations for Planning Differentiation Programmes
When do students need academic English?
Prepare students for further studies
Support students in learning other subjects through
What is the purpose of
promoting academic use of
Characteristics of Academic Texts
Formal Objective
Nominalisation Academic vocabulary
Hedging words The passive voice Complex sentences
Cohesive devices
Language features that help achieve an
academic style
Academic Vocabulary
verbs for instruction and presentation of ideas
• state
• declare
• observe
• report
• point out
Description &
• describe
• depict
• define
• illustrate
• demonstrate
• explain
• discuss
• examine
• account for
• believe
• suggest
• claim
• opine
• express
• analyse
• consider
• examine
• evaluate
• justify
• argue
• contend
• refute
• insist
• assert
Academic Vocabulary
• General vs. Specific (e.g. teenagers/adolescents vs. young people)
• Informal vs. Formal (e.g. vaccination vs. jab)
• Layman vs. Technical (e.g. fear of height vs. acrophobia)
Common academic prefixes
Common academic suffixes
Why is the use of nouns and noun phrases common in academic texts?
• obscure context and agency
• turn action into more abstract forms (e.g. facts, processes, concepts, ideas, possibilities)
When do you teach students about the need to use nouns / noun phrases in the curriculum?
gerund & to infinitives
despite / in spite of
because of / due to / owing to / in view of
Compare these sentences:
• Cooking refers to the transfer of heat from a heat source to the food.
• The cooking of rice involves both a physical and chemical change
• The cooking of Italy is very regionally diverse because until its unification in 1870, Italy was divided into many separate states.
• Underweight people can eat more protein and carbohydrates to gain weight.
• A higher intake of protein and carbohydrates helps underweight people to gain weight.
• Obsolete information should be removed from the website to keep it up to date.
• Removal of obsolete information is needed to keep the website up to date.
Hedging Words cautious & tentative language
The Passive Voice Activity:
Discuss in groups the following with reference to the grammar book materials provided:
1. What is special about the use of the passive voice in academic texts? How is it different from its use in general everyday English?
2. How can I build on the foundational grammar knowledge to extend SS students’ mastery of the passive voice in academic contexts?
A picture showing sample sentences of the active voice and the passive voice.
Embedded modifiers (adverbial phrases)
• regardless of …
• subject to…
• in accordance with…
• in consideration of…/ in light of … / in view of …
• on the basis of … / based on
Complex Sentences
Cohesive devices
• connectives/conjunctions
• signposting words
• transition/linking words
• discourse markers They:
indicate the change and development of ideas within and across
sentences, paragraphs and text
enhance logical flow of
Awareness-raising and Noticing Activities Embedded in Reading
HKDSE Practice Paper Reading (Part A)
How to promote Academic Use of English and implement it from Sept 2021?
Language across the Curriculum
Reading across the Curriculum
Co-curricular or life-wide
learning activities
Other Learning Experiences
At the school/cross-curricular level:
School contexts
Collaboration and communication with other
Subject choice
What to do in English Language Identify generic skills common to subjects
Reading Part B2 Q57 Photosynthesis flow chart
e.g. Reorganising and presenting ideas and information in the form of tables and charts
e.g. Describing Graphs and Trends
Describing Graphs
e.g. Writing comparisons
What is Creativity?
‘Creativity brings in changes or transformations and is manifested in new ideas, acts or products.’
(A73, English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 6))
• novelty
• think out of the box
Must students create or invent something new?
e.g. writing a poem or short story
Demystifying Creativity
Transformation – refreshing change (new perspective/presentation)
Re-create old things to add a breath of freshness and break conventions
Invention – imaginative ideas + practical know-how Come up with new ideas and present them in original ways
Discovery – new knowledge and understanding (awareness & sensitivity) Realise or find out something unnoticed before
Promoting Creative Use of Language in Senior Secondary English Language Classroom
Example of Activities
Close reading and textual analysis (comprehension to appreciation)
• Read texts (e.g. a poem, an advertisement, a flyer) to discuss the themes and give personal responses (e.g. choose the most powerful line /
impressive part).
• Analyse how words (e.g. sensory language, rhyming words, pun) and
literary techniques (e.g. symbolism) are used to convey meaning and create effects.
Adaptation into another form Rewriting of existing texts
(re-creation and re-presentation)
• Turn an extract from a novel / short-story into a script / conversation.
• Draw a picture on a poem.
• Rewrite the lyrics to present another theme
• Change a part of the story (add a new character, give a new ending).
• Re-write a story using another point of view / narrative voice / plot sequence.
Generation of ideas and
presentation in engaging ways (production of written and multi- modal texts)
• Brainstorm ideas and select quality ones to develop
• Learn and practise using different writing techniques in focused ways
• Edit writing to polish language, add variety and achieve effects
Common Techniques in Creative Writing
Narrative Techniques (Fictional narratives) Literary Devices
• Characterisation (e.g. round or flat
characters, portrayal of their look, thoughts, speech and actions)
• Use of setting
• Dialogue
• Narrative perspectives and point of view (e.g. 1
stor 3
• Plot development (e.g. conflict, climax)
• Narrative sequence (e.g. foreshadowing, flashback and flashforward)
• Strategies for opening (e.g. into the middle or from the end of the event) and closing (e.g. resolution, twist, enigma, cliff-hanger)
• Imagery (vivid & sensory descriptions)
• Similes and metaphors
• Personification
• Symbolism
• Contrast
• Repetition of words / sentence structures (e.g. parallel structure)
• Pun
• Repetition of sounds (e.g. alliteration, assonance, rhyming words)
• Rhythm (patterns of intonation and stress)
What to do in the Senior Secondary English Language Classroom
Encourage students to play and experiment with the language (fun and risk taking VS. rules and accuracy)
Help students generate fresh ideas, see things and present ideas from fresh perspectives
Design learning activities to heighten awareness and sensitivity to creative use of language in texts
Teach writing techniques in an explicit manner and provide opportunities for focused practice and application
Limited rules can produce unlimited sentences – Chomsky
Explicit teaching of Writing Skills and Techniques
(2012 HKDSE Writing Paper: Part B Q7)
What writing techniques and creative language can be taught in a focus
way through these writing topics?
Vivid Descriptions
powerful adjectives & sensory language to appeal to our senses
Senses Example
Sight There I saw my brother step out of a fiery red convertible and walked into the classy hotel with white pillars and glowing chandeliers.
He wore a stylish slim-fit suit in smoky grey, looking sleek and smart.
Sound Vroom! His car sped past me and vanished around the corner of the street.
Taste Seeing how well my brother seemed to be doing, I couldn’t help feeling sour and bitter with envy.
Touch My brother was clean-shaven and his hair was slicked
back with gel, looking as smooth as an egg tart.
S-T-E-A-L Characterisation
Showing feelings through actions
Integrating creative use of language into the learning and teaching of writing
(2018 HKDSE Writing)
Poems about birds, e.g.:
• Maya Angelou’s “Caged Birds”
• Emily Dickinson’s “A Bird Came Down”
Denotation & Connotation of birds Literal vs figurative
(metaphorical / symbolic meaning)
Writing techniques in focus:
Effective and engaging story opening (description of character and setting)
Use of language in focus:
Repetition – Anaphora / Parallel structure
Use of quotation
(2020 HKDSE Writing Paper)
Writing techniques in focus:
Effective and engaging opening and closing
(Closing echoing the opening)
Use of language in focus:
Parallel structures
Rhetorical questions
Using quotes and sayings
SOW Campaign – Sayings of Wisdom
To buy or not to buy – that’s the dilemma (To fly or not to fly, to leave or not to leave)
Your Turn
Writing techniques in focus:
Use of language in focus:
Writing techniques in focus:
Playing with plot sequence and narrative techniques, e.g.
• chronological (starting from the beginning)
• in medias res (into the middle)
• flashback (beginning with the end)
Use of language in focus:
sensory language (to describe the eerie setting and create a scary mood)
precise verbs (to talk in fear)
• shrieked / screamed / yelled
• gasped
• whispered
• panted
• groaned / complained grumbled / whined / ranted
• murmured / mumbled
• sighed
Different ways to start telling the story Character
My colleague Bob always slacks and dozes off during his work hours. Last night, he was drooling and snoring terribly as usual when the alarm went off.
Setting Description
It was the coldest night of the year, making night shift more unbearable than ever. The piercing wind brushed my icy hands. I was literally frozen. All of a sudden, the light in the security room kept flickering. Before I could figure out what to do, it went off completely, leaving me alone in an eerie darkness.
Peak moment
I couldn’t believe my eyes. Fear seized me as I saw a faceless figure in a white cloak with blood hanging from the ceiling. I let out a terrible scream and dashed out of the room.
Dialogue “Wake up! Wake up!” I yelled at the top of my voice, “a ghost is at the staircase!”
“Are you dreaming?” Bob, my colleague, asked in disbelief while rubbing his sleepy eyes.
Begin with the end
“Safe at last!” I heaved a sigh of relief after a narrow escape from the “ghost”. What a scary night! It all began when the alarm in the carpark went off at midnight.
Awareness-raising and Noticing Activities Embedded in Reading
2020 HKDSE Reading (Part B2)
Awareness-raising and Noticing Activities Embedded in Reading
2020 HKDSE Reading (Part B2)
To bring Academic & Creative Uses of English into your SS English Language Classroom
Exploit the potential of existing materials used for the learning and teaching of four skills, vocabulary and grammar extend and deepen learning from there
Highlight the academic and creative elements in reading texts and design appropriate noticing or awareness raising activities
Provide opportunities for application and practice of target academic and creative writing skills
Holy Family Canossian College
Resources and Curriculum Documents on Optimisation
https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/eng- edu/optimising_SS_English_Language.html
English Language Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 - 6) (2021) [effective from Secondary 4 in the 2021/22 school year]
References and Resources
Activities and Resources
Student Activities
Poetry Remake Competition (Jan - Apr 2022)
SOW Creativity Contest:
A Moment in Time (Nov 2021 - Feb 2022)
School-based activity
“Week of Hope”
(Mar - Apr 2022)
Learning and Teaching Resources
A Resource Kit for Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom
A Resource Kit on Inspirational
Campaign on “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom 2021/22”
Learning and Teaching Materials for Poetry Remake
When Language Arts Meets Phonics
Enhancing English Vocabulary Learning
and Teaching at Secondary Level
Connecting Students’ Learning
Experiences through Promoting Reading and Writing across the Curriculum in the
Junior Secondary English Classroom (2020)
Online Resource Package on Developing
Students' Multimodal Literacy in the
Secondary English Classroom (2020)
Resources and References
on English Language Education
ELE KLA Website
All learning & teaching resources and references for
ELE can be accessed at the ELE KLA website.