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高雄市小港國中 107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科試題


Academic year: 2021

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高雄市小港國中 107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科試題

科目代碼:12 班級:一年 班 座號: 號 姓名:____________

※監考老師注意: 請將 8K 題目卷和 A4 手寫答案紙分開收回,謝謝您。


※聽力測驗:CD 只播放一次,每大題均唸兩遍。

※第一部分請用 2B 鉛筆將答案畫在電腦卡上面作答。


第一部分:選擇題75%,共 48 題 (請在電腦卡上劃卡作答) 一、聽力測驗 (20%) :每題將播放兩次,仔細聆聽後作答。

I. 辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片 (5%) ( )1.

(A) (B) (C)

( )2.

(A) (B) (C)

( )3.

(A) (B) (C)

( )4.

(A) (B) (C)

( )5.



II. 基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應或最適合的問句 (5%)

( )6. (A) Sorry, I can’t say that. (B) Oh, it is terrible. (C) Yes, I like it very much.

( )7. (A) It is at 5:30 p.m. (B) It is on Sunday. (C) He does that every Saturday.

( )8. (A) Yes, I have. (B) No, I don’t. (C) Just like a piece of cake.

( )9. (A) That’s enough for a bottle of water. (B) Great! Let’s get some cola. (C) How much money do you have?

( )10. (A) How about going to a movie? (B) What is the work about? (C) I can help you.

III. 言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案 (10%)

( )11. (A) One hundred and fifty dollars. (B) Two hundred dollars. (C) Three hundred and fifty dollars.

( )12. (A) Two days a week. (B) Five times. (C) Six days a week.

( )13. (A) This Sunday morning. (B) This Saturday afternoon. (C) This Sunday afternoon.

( )14. (A) It is Wednesday. (B) It is on Wednesday. (C) It is on Thursday.

( )15. (A) A place for birthday parties. (B) The name of chocolate cookies. (C) A food shop with chocolate cookies.

二、單題選擇 (21%;16~26 題,每題 1 分; 27~31 題, 每題 2 分)

(  )16. Gina:     does Jeremy Lin practice basketball? Tina: Every day. 

(A) How long  (B) How often  (C) What time  (D) What day

( )17. Lisa: How much juice     there on the dining table? Roy: There     five glasses of juice on it. 

(A) is; are   (B)  are; is  (C)  is; is (D) are; are

( )18. Kate: Does your mother have to help your father with his business ? Harry: No, she _______.

(A) does (B) hasn’t (C) doesn’t have (D) doesn’t have to ( )19. We need     drinks and pizza for the party. Let’s go and buy    . 

(A) any; a lot  (B) much; some  (C) some; some (D) many; a lot ( )20. David often cooks dinner for his wife, but Mr. Jin _____.

(A) never does (B) always cooks (C) seldom cooks (D) never doesn’t (  )21. Ben’s mother has_____up at 5:30 and _____breakfast for her family every morning.

(A) gets; prepares (B) to get; prepares (C) getting; preparing (D) to get; prepare ( )22. Mr. Wang has two sons. _____ is a doctor, and _______is a teacher.

(A) First; second (B) One; other (C) Each one; other (D) one; the other

(  )23. Allen: Hello. ________ Mia. Is Michelle there? Betty: Yes. Just a minute, please.

(A) I’ m (B) It is (C) This is (D) There is

( )24. Leo: Do you ever(曾經)fight with your classmates? Max: ______ .  (A)No, I do never  (B) Yes, I seldom do (C) No, I never  (D) No, I never do

(  )25. Mom: It is almost dinner time. What can we have ______dinner? Dad: Maybe we can ____ some noodles.

(A) of ; do (B) for; make (C) at ; cook (D) with ; prepare

(  )26. Policeman: Stop! ______you _________ to ride a motorbike (機車) ? Boy: Sorry, Sir.

(A) Do; enough old (B) Do ; old enough (C) Are ; old enough (D) Can; enough old

( )27. Henry: Does Molly often go to the beauty shop? Mary: ________ Her mother is a hairdresser(美髮師).

(A) Yes, she always does. (B) No, she seldom does.

(C) Every week. (D) No, not very often.

( )28. Mom: You can’t have the pizza. Boy: ________ I can eat a horse.

(A) Watch out! (B) All right! (C) Come on! (D) Why?

(  )29. 選出使用同一個介係詞的雙句組合。

(A) My brother usually goes to bed ______ 10:00 p.m. / We have to go to school _____weekdays.

(B) Fiona calls me _______help. / I need ten eggs _______ the cake.

(C) Ella is good _____ dancing. / Grandma is looking _____her missing dog.

(D) Rita needs two cans _____ cola. / My brother usually helps _____my homework.

(  )30. Joe: Do you want any sugar(糖) in your coffee? Liz:     I drink black coffee. 

(A) Of course I do.  (B)  No, I don’t want any.   (C) How about a bag of sugar?  (D) OK. I need one.

( )31. John: ______? Lisa: On Friday. We still have time for it.

(A) When is the sports day of our school ? (B) When do we have lunch?


三、題組 (34%, 每題 2 分) (A.)

Rose is 70 years old. She has a pet dog, Nikii. She 32. it. She feeds it and cleans it every day. She 33. it 33.

in the park on weekends. 34. , Rose and Nikii are good friends. They listen to music, watch TV, and even sleep together. They love 35. very much.

( )32. (A) is like (B) tells stories to (C) talks with (D) takes good care of ( )33. (A) walk; around (B) takes ; for a walk (C) has ; walks (D) does ; a walk ( )34. (A) Also (B) Beside (C) However (D) Then

( )35. (A) their friends (B) each one (C) the other (D) each other


Name: Happy

Happy is two months old.

She has short white hair and big ears.

Call Miss Lin at 0920-111-876

Be a good owner:

Feed Happy twice a day. Wash Happy once or twice a month.

Walk Happy every day. Take Happy to the vet twice a year.

※owner 主人 vet 獸醫 ( )36. Which is True(正確的)?

(A) Happy has small ears. (B) Happy's owner now is a man.

(C) Happy has long white hair. (D) Happy is two months old.

( )37.Which is Not True(不正確的)?

(A) A new owner has to wash Happy every month. (B) Happy has two meals a day.

(C) A new owner can know Happy more on the Facebook. (D) Happy sees her doctor every six months.

(C) Here is Luke’s schedule (行程).

( )38. What does Luke do on the weekend?

 (A) He surfs the Net at home. (B) He goes to the movies with his classmates. 

(C) He has an English class.   (D) He exercises at the gym with his parents.

( )39. Doesn’t Luke surf the Net or listen to music on Mondy, June 27th? 

(A) Yes, he surfs the Net and listens to music.  (B) No, he only surfs the Net.

(C) Yes, he also reads comic books.  (D) No, he goes swimming.

( )40.Which(哪一個)is True(正確的)? 

(A) Luke watches TV at home on Friday.   (B) Luke has an English class every day. 

(C) Luke flies a kite on Thursday.  (D) Luke stays home on Sunday.




How to make ice cream sandwich?


Two brownies  Two cups of ice cream  Some apples Some strawberries  Some cookies Step :

1. Put some ice cream between two brownies.

2. Cut the apples and strawberries into small pieces.

3. Put the apple and strawberry pieces in the ice cream.

4. Put some cookies 41. the ice cream sandwich.

5. Enjoy your ice cream sandwich

* brownie 巧克力小蛋糕 strawberry 草莓

( )41. (A) on the top of (B) on top of (C) on the back of (D) on the side of ( )42. Which one is the ice cream sandwich?

(A)    (B)   (C)    (D) 

( )43. What are “Ingredients ” ?

(A) A kind of ice cream.  (B) What you do to make ice sandwich. 

(C) A special sandwich.  (D) What you need to make ice sandwich.


* will 將 supermarket 超市 until 直到 pick… up 接送 bakery 麵包店 on my way home 回家路上

( )44. Who is Jack?  (A) Eric’s classmate. (B) Amy’s brother. (C) Helen’s husband. (D) Eric’s brother.

( )45. What DOESN’T Jack have to do tonight? 

(A) Pick up Eric. (B) Pick up Amy. (C) Go to the bakery. (D) Walk the dog.

( )46. Which(哪一個)is True(正確的)?

 (A) Helen has to work late today and asks Jack for help. 

(B) Eric has a Christmas party with his classmates on Saturday. 

(C) Jack doesn’t work today , and he has to pick Eric up at the supermarket.  

(D) Jack has to buy milk and bread at the supermarket.



* donut 甜甜圈 original 原味的 snack 點心

( )47. Today is June 25th. Alex is buying 15 strawberry donuts. How many donuts can he get? 

(A) Fifteen. (B) Sixteen. (C) Seventeen. (D) Eighteen.

( )48.Which is NOT True(不正確的)? 

(A) Yummy Donut is open six days a week. 

(B) Jim can have a date with Mia on June 26th at Yummy Donut.

 (C) Yummy Donut sells American snacks.

 (D) People can buy at least(至少)three kinds of donuts at Yummy Donut.

※另有一張(A4 大小)非選擇題題目,請繼續作答※


小港國中 107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科答案紙

班級:一年 班 座號: 號 姓名:____________


四、單字測驗 (10%;每題1 分)

1.餐廳 ________________________

2.頑皮的 __________________________

__ 3.好奇的 _______________________________

4.科學 ______________________________ 5.萵苣 ________________________________

________________6.Susan: Can I have a b____e of your apple pie? Mia: No way.

________________7.Mrs. Smith buys two l_____es of toast and some milk for breakfast.

________________8. Mom s______es the tomato and puts it in the soup.

________________9. After the accident(事故), Michael learns a l_____n from it.

He has to follow the traffic(交通) rules all the time.

_______________10. Ted works as a c____k at McDonald’s at night. He doesn’t make a lot of money.

五、依提示作答(6%,每題 2 分,錯一處扣一分)

1. Mrs. Carson has one child. (依畫線處,造原問句) ___________________________________________


2. Helen has music class on Thursday morning.(依畫線部分,造原問句)


3. Alice goes to church four times a month.(依畫線部分造原問句)______________________________


六、整句式翻譯 (9%,每題 3 分,錯一處扣一分)

1. 你的貓多常在院子裡追逐小鳥呢?






3. 我又餓又渴。買一些爆玉米花和飲料好嗎?



小港國中 107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科聽力稿

I. 辨識句意: 根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片

1. Jimmy wants some popcorn and a cup of coffee. L4 2. Mrs. Brown goes to the beauty shop every two weeks. L6

3. In Taiwan, we can go out and play with our friends and don’t have to go to school on weekends. L5 4. We eat out in a restaurant to show our thanks to Dad on Father’s Day. L5

5. Today we’re making a sandwich. We have bread, ham, cheese, some lettuce, and tomato slices. First, get one piece of bread. Second, put the ham, cheese, and tomato slices on it. Then put some lettuce on tomato slices.

非選擇題 選擇題 總分


/75 /100


II. 基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應

6. How’s my new hairstyle? L6 7. When does your father wash his car? L5

8. Don’t you have to do a lot of homework this evening? L5 9. I only have twenty dollars. L4

10. I have no work to do tonight. L6

III. 言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案 11.(M) Let’s get a basketball ll and a tennis ball.

(W) A basketball is two hundred dollars. A tennis ball is one hundred and fifty.

(M) OK! I can use my pocket money.

Question: How much are a basketball and a tennis ball? L4

12. (W) I play frisbee every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I also play tennis from Monday to Friday.

How about you?

(M) Well, I am very busy at school. I play basketball only on weekends.

Question: How often does the boy play sports? L6 13. (B) Can you play badminton with me this Saturday afternoon?

(G) Sorry, I have science class. How about Sunday morning?

(B) I have a basketball game at 8: 00 a.m. on Sunday. Are you free on Sunday afternoon?

(G) That is OK with me.

Q: When are they going to play badminton together? L5 14. (G) Jason, please be quiet. I am studying for today’s math test.

(B)Today is Thursday, and we don’t have math class.

(G)Are you sure? Today is Wednesday.

(B)Really? Let me check! Oh, no! I don’t study for it.

Q: What day is their math test? L5 15. (M) How many bags of chocolate cookies do we have at home?

(W) Three. What for? Do you need some?

(M) Yes. I need five bags for Peter’s birthday party.

(W) Let’s get two at Mr. Buns. Its chocolate cookies are very yummy.

Question: What is “Mr. Buns”? L4

小港國中 107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英語科試卷解答 一

(1~10 每題 1 分; 11~15 每題 2 分)

01. BABAC 06. BCBAA 11. CACBC 二

(16~27 題,每題 1 分; 28~48 題, 每題 2 分)

16. BADCA 21. DDCDB 26. CACBB 31. A

三 32. DBAD 36. DC 38.DAC 41.BCD 44. CBA 47. DB

四 10% (每題 1 分)

1.restaurant 2. naughty 3.curious 4. science 5. lettuce 6. bite 7. loaves 8.slices 9.lesson 10.clerk 五 6 % (每題 2 分;錯一處扣一分)


1. How many children does Mrs. Carson have?

2. When does Helen have music class?

3.How many times a month does Alice go to church?

六 9% (每題 3 分;錯一處扣一分)

1.How often does your cat run after the birds in the yard?

2. Sorry, (but) I can’t go. I have to do my history report at home.

3. I’m hungry and thirsty. Why don’t we buy some popcorn and drinks?

(或 I’m hungry and thirsty. Why not buy some popcorn and drinks?) (或 I’m hungry and thirsty. How about buying some popcorn and drinks?)



How can our teaching of English reading and listening cater for these dimensions of learner diversity.. auditory

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

自 111 學年度開始,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試數學考科」將依據 108 學年度 實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校—數學領域」

1.1.3 檢視分三個階段 。 在過去第一、第二階段 (即由1999年 1月至2000年

if left_sum>=right_sum and left_sum>=cross_sum return (left_low,left_high,left_sum). else if right_sum>=left_sum and right_sum>=cross_sum

mid: 左半部 array 的最大 index high: array 最大的 index.. 股市大亨 之

