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The Influences of Administrative Support and Teacher's Computer Self-Efficacy on Teaching Effectiveness of Information I 許金發、莊維貞


Academic year: 2022

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The Influences of Administrative Support and Teacher's Computer Self-Efficacy on Teaching Effectiveness of Information I


E-mail: 9707174@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study was to understand the relevant relationships among administrative support, teachers’ computer self-efficacy, and information incorporating teaching in the elementary schools. The participants were 683 elementary teachers randomly selected in Changhua county. The respondents’ scores from the scales of administrative support, teachers’ computer self-efficacy, and information incorporating teaching were keyed in SPSS for Window. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression were used for statistical analysis. The study results were: (1) The score of administrative support was above the average. (2) Teachers’ perception in computer self-efficacy was above the average. (3) The elementary school teachers’ scores in information incorporating teaching was above the average. (4) Elementary school teachers with different environmental variables had significant differences in information incorporation teaching effectiveness. (5) School administrative support and teachers’ effectiveness of information incorporating teaching was significantly positive-related in the elementary schools. (6) School administrative support was used to positively predict teachers’ information incorporating teaching, whose variance predicted was up to 18.3%. (7) Elementary school teachers with different personal variables had siginificant differences in computer self-efficacy. (8) Computer self-efficacy was positively related to effectiveness of information incorporating teaching. (9) Teachers’ perception for computer self-efficacy could be used to predict information incorporating teaching. Predicting variance was up to 12%. The study results can be considered as suggestions for the educational authority and elementary school teachers and as references for future studies.

Keywords : computer self-efficacy ; administrate support ; teaching effectiveness Table of Contents

中文摘要...................... iii 英文摘要......................

iv 誌謝辭....................... vi 內容目錄.....................

. vii 表目錄....................... ix 圖目錄....................

... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1 第一節  研究動機.............

.... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 5   第三節  待答問題..........

..... 6   第四節  名詞釋義............... 7   第五節  研究範圍與限制......

...... 10 第二章  文獻探討................. 12   第一節  資訊融入教學效能探討.

........ 12   第二節  教師電腦自我效能理論與研究...... 44   第三節  學校行政支援理論探 討......... 59   第四節  學校行政支援與資訊融入教學效能相關之        探究.......

.......... 74   第五節  電腦自我效能與資訊融入教學效能相關之        探究.......

.......... 87 第三章  研究方法................. 95   第一節  研究架構...

............ 95   第二節  研究假設............... 96   第三節  研究對象.

.............. 97   第四節  研究工具............... 98   第五節  資料處 理與分析............ 107 第四章  研究結果與討論.............. 109   第一節   研究樣本之基本資料分析........ 109   第二節  學校行政支援、教師電腦自我效能與資訊         融入教學效能之現況分析........ 113   第三節  不同環境變項在行政支援與資訊融入教學         效能之差異分析............ 116   第四節  學校行政支援與教師資訊融入教學效能之         相關................. 127   第五節  學校行政支援對資訊融入教學效能之預測         作用................. 130   第六節  不同背景變項在教師電腦自我效能與資訊         融入教學效能之差異分析........ 132   第七節  教師電腦自我效能與資訊融入教學效能之         相關................. 153   第八節  電腦自我效能對資訊融入教學效能之預測         作用................. 155 第五章  結論與建議................ 158   第一 節  結論................. 158   第二節  建議................. 161 參 考文獻  .................... 167 附錄  正式問卷..................




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Experiment a little with the Hello program. It will say that it has no clue what you mean by ouch. The exact wording of the error message is dependent on the compiler, but it might

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The main purpose of this research is to compare how a traditional narrative teaching method and a GeoGebra-based computer-assisted instructional method affect

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

This purpose of study was to realize, as well as the factors of influence of information technology integrated in teaching by junior high school special education teachers in