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Academic year: 2022

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博幼英文課程綱要 單字



基本名詞 book, school, table, home 等 基本數量 0~10

顏色 課輔第 2 年


博幼 Fun English 400 words L6~L17 80 單字

生活常用名詞、動詞 (職業、吃、喝、動物等) 課輔第 3 年


博幼 Fun English 400 words L18~L31 100 單字


擴充各類基本單字 課輔第 4 年


博幼 Fun English 400 words L32~L45 150 單字


課輔第 5 年 (國中一年級)

博幼 Fun English 800 words L1~L15 共 300 字

進階數量 10, 20, 30 … 各類詞彙擴充

課輔第 6 年 (國中二年級)

博幼 Fun English 800 words L16~L30 共 300 字

受詞 me, him, them 等

反身代名詞 yourself, himself, themselves … 各類詞彙擴充

課輔第 7 年 (國中三年級)

博幼 Fun English 800 words L31~L40 共 200 字


1 依照進入博幼區分為 1~7 年,學校年級區分為 3~9 年級


博幼英文課程綱要 發音


1 博幼第一年前半

基礎子音與 英文發音的概念:

(子音) + 母音 + (子音) 的單音節構成

如 bad, sit, at, in, god, dog 等單音節發音結構口說

捲舌音 r 與擦舌音 l 的特殊性 r~ 開頭的發音,如 run, ring, red

~r 結尾的發音,如 ~ar: far, ~er: sister, ~ir: stir, ~or: for, ~ur: fur l~ 開頭的聲音,如 lid, lamp

~l 結尾的聲音,如 fell, all, mall fill 鼻音 m, n 的特殊性 m, n 開頭音,如 mix, mic, nut, net m, n 結尾音,如 Tim, jam, pin, Dan


AEIOU 長母音基礎 知道如

bite 與 bit、sack 與 sake、bore 與 bot、juke 與 jug 的 的長短母音差異

複合/特殊音規則 複合音

th, sh, ch, ck , ar, er, ir, or, ur, ou, ow, oa, oo, ch, ph, sh, wh, qu, ng

補充特殊音 C 的特殊音 ce, ci, cy

G 的特殊音 ge, gi, gy T、D 與 S 的特殊音 ts, ds

複合母音 ae, ai, au, ea, ee, ei, eo, eu, ia, ie, io, oa, oe, ue, ui 等





1 學習進程1

編號 指標說明 範例

課輔第 1 年 (小學三年級)


1-1 辨識印刷體大小寫字母。 區分 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

1-2 辨識英文的單字詞彙。


1. 單字中的字母沒有間隔

2. 單字與單字之間需要有適當間隔 3. 大寫的使用時機

apple 而非 a p p l e

good morning 而非 goodmorning

1-3 了解英文的正確標點符號與句子的開始與結束

了解英文的句子開頭「字母」要大寫,而句子結尾需要有句 號、問號或驚嘆號。


This is a book.

Is that a dog?

Yes, I am!

1-4 指讀英文學習過的單字詞句 (能順利認讀句子)


I am a student.

She is a student.

I am a student.

They are brothers and sisters.

1 依照進入博幼區分為 1~7 年,學校年級區分為 3~9 年級



博幼英文課綱 閱讀

2 學習進程1 指標

編號 指標說明 範例

It has many friends.

We have four white erasers.)


課輔第 2 年 (小學四年級)




閱讀字彙量目標 150 字 (閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但 不一定能拼寫的單字數量)


“Good morning. My name is Bob. I am a student. This is Jack. He is my friend. Nice to meet you!”

“Amy is a tall girl. She likes dogs. She has two dogs and they are very cute.”

<專門替中國人寫的英文練習本> A~B

“I am Andy. My dad and mom are teachers. My brother is three. I often play with Tim. He is my friend. Tim and I ride bikes to a park every day. We play ball there. On

weekends, we read books. We are good students.”

Boyo Reading:初級 “Tim and I are good friends. We go to school together every day. We like sports. We often play dodge ball after school. What sports do you like?”


根據段落內容,回答直接相關的問題,並能指出段落中 相關的句子。



“I am Andy. My dad and mom are teachers. My brother is three. I often play with Tim. He is my friend.① Tim and I ride bikes to a park every day. We play ball there.② On weekends, we read books. We are good students.③”




① Who is Tim? 回答: Tim is Andy’s friend.

② Where do Tim and Andy play? 回答: A park.

③ Are they good students? 回答: Yes.

2-3 能根據段落內容選擇適當的標題 (訓練基礎的大意提取能力)


“I am Andy. My dad and mom are teachers. My brother is three. I often play with Tim. He is my friend. Tim and I ride bikes to a park every day. We play ball there. On

weekends, we read books. We are good students.”

 Who is Andy?

“Tim and I are good friends. We go to school together every day. We like sports. We often play dodge ball after school. What sports do you like?”

 Tim and I (good friends)

課輔第 3 年 (小學五年級)




閱讀單字量目標 300 字

(閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但不一定能拼寫的單字數 量)

Boyo Reading:初下 C~D 例初下 D6:

“Lucy’s Homework

Lucy likes movies. She watched two movies last night and went to bed at 1:30 A.M. She didn’t do her homework.

The alarm clock didn’t go off in the morning. Lucy arrived at school at 8:30 A.M. and didn’t bring her homework.

Lucy’s teacher was angry.”

3-2 提取段落細節能力 同 2-2 指標



博幼英文課綱 閱讀

4 學習進程1 指標

編號 指標說明 範例

3-3 提取主題大意能力 同 2-3 指標

課輔第 4 年 (小學六年級)





閱讀單字量目標 400 字

(閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但不一定能拼寫的單字數 量)

Boyo Reading:中級

<專門替中國人寫的英文練習本初級> D

<專門替中國人寫的英文練習本> D5 Walking the Dog

Willy: Stan, it's Saturday. Can you go swimming?

Stan: Sorry, I can't. I have to stay home. My sister has a big dog and I have to walk the dog today.

Willy: Is it easy to walk a dog?

Stan: No, it is not easy because I am too short. I think that the dog is even bigger than a tiger. Can we go swimming tomorrow? I don't have to stay home tomorrow.

Willy: Of course we can!

4-2 提取段落細節能力 同 2-2 指標

4-3 提取主題大意能力 同 2-3 指標

4-4 了解前後文意相關的推理能力

“Walking the Dog

Willy: Stan, it's Saturday. Can you go swimming?

Stan: Sorry, I can't. I have to stay home. My sister has a big dog and I have to walk the dog today①.

Willy: Is it easy to walk a dog?

Stan: No, it is not easy because I am too short. I think



that the dog is even bigger than a tiger. Can we go swimming tomorrow? I don't have to stay home tomorrow②.

Willy: Of course we can!”

①問: Why can’t Stan go swimming?

答: Have to stay home.  Have to walk his sister’s dog.

②問: Does Stan want to go swimming?

答: Yes. “Stan: ……Can we go swimming tomorrow? I don't have to stay home tomorrow.”

課輔第 5 年 (國中七年級)



完整的故事閱讀、雜誌閱讀、報紙短文閱讀 段落有 3 段以上、字數在 300 字以上 或是複合圖表、區塊資訊等應用文章

閱讀單字量目標 700 字

(閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但不一定能拼寫的單字數 量)

<專門替中國人寫的英文練習本中級> A~C Boyo Reading:中~高級


“Christmas presents

Monica used to think the thin old man who lives next to her must be very poor and lonely. She often saw him wearing old clothes and sitting in the park by himself.

Last Christmas, when Monica was jogging in the park, the old man came up to her with a large bag on his shoulder.



博幼英文課綱 閱讀

6 學習進程1 指標

編號 指標說明 範例

Monica guessed the old man would ask her for some money or help. But she was surprised to find many children following him.

The old man took out a box from his bag and said to her with a big smile, “Merry Christmas! I bought presents for everybody. This one is for you.”

At that moment, Monica understood her mistake and changed her idea about the old man. Since then, she has tried not to judge people by how they look.

5-2 提取段落細節能力 同 2-2 指標

5-3 提取主題大意能力 同 2-3 指標

5-4 了解前後文意相關的推理能力 同 4-4 指標

5-5 推論文章段落的目的(非大意)


How did Monica understand her mistake?

 因為第三段:

 The old man took out a box from his bag and said to her with a big smile, “Merry Christmas! I bought presents for everybody. This one is for you.”

What’s the Christmas presents for Monica?

 Understand her mistake and change her idea.



 Try not to judge people by how they look.

課輔第 6 年 (國中八年級)




閱讀單字量目標 1000 字

(閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但不一定能拼寫的單字數 量)

金安閱讀本 朗文片語本 會考題型本

6-2 提取段落細節能力 同 2-2 指標

6-3 提取主題大意能力 同 2-3 指標

6-4 了解前後文意相關的推理能力 同 4-4 指標

6-5 推論文章段落的目的(非大意)


同 5-5 指標

課輔第 7 年 (國中九年級)




閱讀字彙量目標 1200 字

(閱讀字彙量指學生能認讀,但不一定能拼寫的單字數 量)

金安閱讀本 朗文片語本 會考題型本

7-2 提取段落細節能力 同 2-2 指標

7-3 提取主題大意能力 同 2-3 指標

7-4 了解前後文意相關的推理能力 同 4-4 指標

7-5 推論文章段落的目的(非大意)


同 5-5 指標






a mother, a sister, a son, ……

對等連接詞 and 的使用:

a boy and a girl, a father and a mother……

主詞與 Be 動詞肯定句基礎 (初上 L2)

名詞複數概念:複數字尾加上 s 變化 fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, books …

不同人稱的主詞與 Be 動詞對應

第一人稱單數: I am a boy. I am a friend.

第二人稱單數: You are a son. You are a girl.

第三人稱單數: He is a boy. She is a girl. It is a dog. Jack is a boy.

複數主詞: You are boys. They are friends. Students are good.

一般動詞直述句基礎 (初上 L3)

原形時機: 主詞第一人稱單數/第二人稱單數/複數

I have a cat. You have a book. They have a friend. He and she have a brother.

字尾加 s 變化時機: 主詞第三人稱單數

He has a book. She has a brother. Mary has a son.

特殊不規則變化:have -> has (不規則變化) 數字與複數名詞

(初上 L4)

0~10 的英文數字介紹:

zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten 數字做為冠詞的使用法

1 依照進入博幼區分為 1~7 年,學校年級區分為 3~9 年級


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

one 與 a 一樣,使用名詞為單數 one cat, one sister, one boy … 其他數字使用時,名詞為複數

two boys, three sisters, four sons, five books, six tables, eight pens, nine teachers, ten brothers

課輔第 2 年 (小學四年級)

所有格概念 (初上 L5)

所有格 my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their 的認識與使用

 所有格是名詞的補充,不影響名詞的單複數以及主格人稱地位

 例句:

 My boy is a student.

 My boys are students

 Our student is a girl.

 Our students are girls.

名詞所有格的變化 => 字尾加’s

 mother => mother’s

 father => father’s

名詞原本字尾有 s 時(如複數狀態),則直接加’即可

 mothers => mothers’

 father => fathers’

Be 動詞否定句

(not 使用)

(初上 L6)

否定詞 not 的介紹,與 Be 動詞配合使用:

Be 動詞後加上 not 成為否定句 I am not a teacher. He is not a boy.

You are not a mother. We are not boys.

Be + not 的縮寫 am not => 無縮寫


3 一般動詞否定句

(助動詞 do/does 使用)

(初上 L7)

助動詞 do/does 使用規則:

do/does + 原形動詞 例句:

I have a book. => I do not have a book.

She has a book. => She does not have a book.

It has a table. => It does not have a table.

助動詞 do/does 與 not 的縮寫:

do not => don’t does not => doesn’t 一般動詞擴展




(初上 L8)

補充直接及物的動詞,如:drink, eat, like, read 例句:

 He drinks water.

 My mother likes cats.

 I eat breakfast every day.

 Mary doesn’t read comic books.

補充動詞,不直接及物,移動性質的動詞,如: go 移動的目的地前必須加上介係詞:to


 He goes to school.

 We go to school every day.

 We don’t go to school every day.


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

動詞現在式使用的時態基礎:日常、習慣做(或不做)的事情 日常、習慣的時間表示方法:句尾加上時間片語 every … 例句:

 He drinks water every day.

 We don’t eat dinner every day.


除了少數例外的動詞外,句子裡不能直接使用兩個動詞,只能有一個主要動詞 若需要使用第二個以上的動詞,就需要對這個動詞做變化或補充


 錯誤: He goes to school reads books.

 正確: He goes to school to read books.

 錯誤: Jack likes eats rice.

 正確: Jack likes to eat rice.

 錯誤: We don’t like sleep.

 正確: We don’t like to sleep.

句子使用的第二個動詞,不單只有 + to 變化 其他的變化在後續課程中補充

Be 動詞問句

(初上 L9)

英文 Be 動詞直接問句句型:Be 動詞與主詞倒裝 I am …=> Am I …?

You are …=> Are you …?

It is => Is it …?



 Are you my teacher?

 Is he your father?

 Am I your friend?

 Are we friends?



 Yes, he is my student.

 Yes, I’m your teacher.

 Yes, he is my father.

 Yes, you are my friend.

 Yes, we are friends.


 No, he is not my student.

 No, I’m not your teacher.

 No, he is not my father.

 No, you are not my friend.

 No, we are not friends.


(初上 L10)

英文動詞直接問句句型:加入助動詞與主詞倒裝 I like …=> Do you like…?

It eats …=> Does it eat…?

You drink …=> Do you drink…?



博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

 Does he have a student?

 Do you like my teacher?

 Does he drink milk?

 Do I like your friend?

 Do we have friends?



 Yes, he has a student. => Yes, he does.

 Yes, I like your teacher. => Yes, I do.

 Yes, he drinks milk. => Yes, he does.

 Yes, you like my friend. => Yes, you do.

 Yes, we have friends. => Yes, we do.


 No, he does not have a student.

 No, I do not like your teacher.

 No, he does not drink milk.

 No, you do not like my friend.

 No, we do not have friends.

課輔第 3 年 (小學五年級)

問句(wh 型問句)

(初上 L11)

疑問詞 what, who, when, where, which, how 的用法:


疑問詞用來取代想問的人、事、時、地、物、狀況等 回答時,直接回答該事物、狀況即可:




 詳答: He has a book. (完整句子回答)

 問:Who is the boy?

 簡答: His brother.  回答 Who 要問的

 詳答: He is his brother. (完整句子回答)

 問:When does he drink milk?

 簡答: Every morning.  回答 When 要問的

 詳答: He drinks milk every morning. (完整句子回答)

 問:Where does he go to?

 簡答: School.  回答 Where 要問的

 詳答: He goes to school. (完整句子回答)

 問:Which book do we have?

 簡答: This book.  回答 Which book 要問的

 詳答: We have this book. (完整句子回答)

 問:How are you?

 簡答: Fine.  回答 How 要問的

 詳答: I am fine. (完整句子回答)


詢問職業句型,可以使用 do 動詞表達,並以 What 疑問詞詢問 例句:

What do you do?

What does he/she do?


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

回答時,可用 Be 動詞句子回答職業即可

I am a student. He is a teacher. We are actors. They are singers.


(初上 L12)

Be 動詞與一般動詞連用的變化:

一般動詞字尾加 ing 表示事件正在發生的狀態。


 She is watching TV.

 He is sleeping.

 You are reading my book.

 She is drinking water.

進行式的主要句型動詞仍然是 Be 動詞

因此否定、疑問句型都以 Be 動詞為中心變化 例句:

 She is not watching TV.

 Is he sleeping?

 What are you reading?

 Is she drinking water?


(初下 L13)


 動詞都有過去式變化

 變化有規則與不規則二種

 Be 動詞不規則變化重點:

am/is  was are  were



 規則變化簡言之就是字尾 + ed 兩種使用狀況:

Be 動詞:過去的狀況 例句:

 She was a teacher.

 We were not in the school yesterday.

 He was happy before.

一般動詞:過去發生的事件、做過的事等 例句:

 She watched TV.

 Jack ate an apple.

 Mary liked the book.

過去式 Be 動詞否定、問句

(初下 L14)

過去式 Be 動詞的否定句型與疑問句型跟現在式相同 只需把 Be 動詞改過去式即可

過去式 Be 動詞與 not 的縮寫: was not  wasn’t, were not  weren’t 例句:

 She was not a girl.

 Were you at home yesterday?

 I was not your teacher.

 Where were your friends?


(初下 L15)

一般動詞否定句及疑問句會使用到助動詞 do/does 此時只需要把 do/does 變化為過去式 did 即可


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

縮寫:did not  didn’t

剩下的否定與一般動詞使用原形不變 例句:

 She did not eat.

 Did you go home yesterday?

 I didn’t see your teacher.

 What did you play?


(初下 L16)


1. 使用助動詞 will (肯定、否定、疑問句都加上 will) ,此時一般動詞都使用 原形,另外,will 與 not 縮寫不規則,為 won’t


 I will go to school.

 He will not play baseball.

 Jack won’t drink milk.

 Will you go home?

 What will she see?

2. 未來式的 Be 動詞句子,需要把 Be 動詞還原成原形,也就是不再有 am/are/is ,而是在 will 後面加上原形 Be


 She will be good.

 Jack will not be your student.

 Will Mark be an actor?

 Who will be my teacher?

 Which dog will be in our room?



(初下 L17) See you later.

How are you?

I am fine.

Have a nice dream.

介紹、描述人物 文法綜合練習

(初下 L18)

Nice to meet you.

What is one’s name?

One’s name is……

Where is someone from?

Someone is from …..

助動詞 can 文法綜合練習

(初下 L19)

助動詞 can,表達能力、可不可以,用法與 do/does/did/will 一樣,後接原形 動詞,可參考十六課 will 用法

 如何與簡單未來式 will 區分

 will  將要發生(或將不發生)

 can  有能力、可以發生(或沒有能力、不可以發生)

can not 縮寫  cannot 或 can’t 例句:

 I can go to school.

 He can not play baseball.

 Jack can’t drink milk.

 Can you read this book?

 Where can the dog go?

 What can he sing?


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

星期幾與時態變化句型 文法綜合練習

(初下 L20)


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sun., Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat.


 不須再加介係詞,只需加指定詞:this, last, next 等即可

 由於是特定的某一個日期,加上 next 時用未來式,last 用過去式,this 兩 者皆有可能,絕對不可以用現在式。

 此規則不單適用星期幾,也適用早晨、下午、月份、年份等時間名詞

 例:

 We will go to the USA next Sunday.  next 用未來式

 She won’t come next Thursday.  next 用未來式

 We didn’t play baseball last Monday.  last 用過去式

 He took my book this Saturday.  this 時態依脈絡判斷

 Will he come this Monday?  this 時態依脈絡判斷

搭配介係詞的使用,星期幾用介係詞 on on 星期幾

由於星期的日期不是特定日期(星期一~星期天不斷循環出現),因此用 on 星期幾時,句子時態大多為現在式

 例:

 We go to the park on Sundays.

 She comes on Thursdays.

 Does Jack eat eggs on Fridays?

 What does your teacher play on Sundays?



What day is today?

What day  問什麼日子  問星期幾 購物對話,疑問詞應用


(初下 L21)


May I help you?  May 是助動詞,可簡單介紹

Here you are. Here someone is.  表示東西/人/事/物在此 look for  尋找

would like  想要  可說明 would 是助動詞


用 How 詢問數量,搭配不可數 much 可問價格、可數 many 可問多少個 How much .…..? 問物品價值 (價值為不可數的概念)

How many …...? 問物品數量 (數量為可數的概念) 顏色、大小、尺寸等詢問方式:

What + 名詞

例: What color 問顏色 What size 問尺寸 比較、描述事物


否定祈使句 Don’t ….用法

(初下 L22)

形容詞在 Be 動詞句型的使用 主詞 + Be + (not) + 形容詞


如: 大 => 更大 小 => 更小)

 形容詞比較級變化

 規則變化字尾加 er

 tall => taller, small => smaller


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

 若單字尾音本來是 短母音 + 單子音結尾,如 big,則需重複 字尾子音

 big => bigger, sad => sadder 等

 不規則變化極少,學生只需記得 good 好與 bad 不好的不規則即可

 good => better

 bad => worse

 形容詞音節 3 個以上,則不需字尾變化,只需單字前加副詞 more 即可

 more expensive, more beautiful

 可在比較的形容詞後,加上 than 介係詞,來描述比的對象:

 句型例句:

 She is taller (than you).

 The cat was smaller (than the dog).

 Are you better (than your brother)?

祈使句不需主詞,肯定時直接用原形動詞,否定時用 Don’t 開頭即可

 例句:

 Don’t worry.

 Go home.

 Don’t drink Coke.

表達喜好與描述喜好程度 How 疑問詞應用 簡單的程度複詞概念


How 用於動詞的程度問法

本課教的是特殊句型:問感覺如何,用 How 問 like 的程度 How do you like this?  等於問感覺 this 如何,而不是真的問 like 例句:



程度的回答用副詞:not 否定詞,very much, not at all 等都是副詞(片語)

描述外觀,形容詞應用 Like 的介係詞用法


(初下 L24)

like 可當介係詞,當作「像……」解釋  like + 名詞  像 名詞 例:

 like a boy  像個男孩

 like the book  像這本書

搭配 What 疑問詞與 look(看起來) 動詞,就可以詢問東西/人看起來是什麼 樣子,句型:

What does/do someone(人)/something(事物) look like?


Someone(人)/Something(事物) look(s) like ….

而可以自由描述這個人/事物的長相即可 例如

 Q: What does your father look like?

 A: He is very tall and has black hair.

 Q: What do the boys look like?

 A: They are all very small and cute.

描述人的長相/五官/身體部位時,可以用 have 動詞 例:

 She has very long hair and a small nose.

 They have big eyes.

課輔第 5 年 現在式 Be 動詞基礎使用 人稱變化:


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

(國中七年級) I am a boy. You are a man. She is a girl. They are students.

現在式一般動詞使用 人稱變化:

I go to school. He goes to the park.

現在式 Be 動詞否定句、疑問句 否定句變化:

I am not a student. He is not a girl.


Are you a doctor? Is he a teacher? Am I late?

現在式一般動詞否定句、疑問句 否定句變化:

You do not like dogs. He does not eat eggs.


Do you have a pen? Does he eat fish? Do they sing?

動詞不可連用概念 I am go home. => I go home.

He likes plays baseball => He likes to play baseball.

WH 疑問詞使用 配合 Be 動詞:

 What is her name? Where is she? Who is your teacher…


 What does your father do? Where do we go? When does she come?

冠詞、數量與存在句型 冠詞概念: the book, this door, that day, my mother, her sister 數量使用: a/one day, two/three/four… days


肯定:There is/are something.

否定:There is/are not/no something.

疑問句: Are/Is there something?

過去式變化 Be 動詞 am/is => was


17 Are => were

 You are a student. => You were a student.

 They are friends. => They were friends.

過去式變化一般動詞 規則過去式變化 +ed

 He plays football. => He played football 不規則變化介紹(went, took, had 等)

 We go to school. => We went to school.

助動詞變化 do/does => did

 Does he like TV? => Did he like TV?

未來式 助動詞 will 使用(be going to 句型補充) 搭配 Be 動詞句型 => will be

 He is good. => He will be good.

搭配一般動詞 => will 原形

 She watches TV. => She will watch TV.

課輔第 6 年 (國中八年級)

進階助動詞介紹 can, should, would, could, must

搭配 Be 動詞句型 => can/should/would/could/must be

 He is good. => He can/should/would/could/must be good.

搭配一般動詞 => can/should/would/could/must 原形

She watches TV. => She can/should/would/could/must watch TV.

形容詞比較級與最高級變化 2 音節以下:

比較級字尾加 er

 tall => taller, big => bigger


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

最高級字尾加 est,前加冠詞

 tall => the tallest, big => the biggest

2 音節以上:

比較級前加 more

 more beautiful, more expensive 最高級前加冠詞與 most

 the most beautiful, the most expensive


good => better => the best bad => worse => the worst

副詞使用 情態/時間/地方/頻率副詞的使用:


 He plays the guitar well.

 We ran fast.



由短的時間到大的時間、由小的地方到大的地方 先地方再時間

 Jack ran on the field in our school at 10 o’clock yesterday.

 Mary bought a book in the bookstore in Taipei in June last year.

頻率,一般放動詞構句前、助動詞/Be 動詞後:

 He is often late.



連綴/感官/使役/授予動詞 連綴動詞加形容詞:

You look tired. The music sounds great.


I saw the bird fly. He heard the girl crying.


He made the students sleep. My father let us play.


直接: He gave a book to me.

間接: He gave me a book.

動名詞+不定詞 動名詞與不動詞介紹

play/playing/to play 句型一:作主詞(二者皆可) Reading/To read is wonderful.

句型二:做一般名詞(動名詞可) We have some readings.

句型三:做動詞補充敘述,依動詞、情況不同採取動名詞或不動詞 I like singing/to sing.

Please stop crying.

I didn’t want to go there.

現在完成式 介紹過去分詞




博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

play => played => played 不規則:

go => went => gone

現在完成式助動詞:have/has I have done this before She has not slept for hours.

Have you been to Japan before?

課輔第 7 年 (國中九年級)

過去完成式 have/has => had 使用時機:


 He had gone to USA before you came.


 They had eaten when the boys went away.


 The girl came after you had gone.

強調在過去時間點以前已經完成的事 被動語氣 be + p.p. 用法

由誰做的 by 介係詞用法 例:

The door was opened by me.

What was bought by the boys?

連接詞+過去習慣用語 進階連接詞、特殊連接詞使用

I was sleeping when the birds were caught.



They are neither good nor bad.

You have either to sleep or to do homework now.

He waited until the police went away.


used to V(原形動詞)

I used to play the piano. (我以前彈鋼琴)


Be used to N(名詞) (Ving 動名詞也可使用) My mother is used to the noise.

He was not used to singing before.

Jack is used to the puppy now.

現在分詞和過去分詞 動詞的分詞作為形容詞用法的差異

The book is exciting to me.  引起刺激的 I am excited about the book.  感到刺激的 I have a very surprising news.  引起驚訝的 She is a surprised child.  感到驚訝的 過去分詞用來形容時,搭配的介係詞變化:

She is interested in the news.

The teacher is not surprised at his teacher’s words.

I am tired of the class.


博幼英文課綱 文法


學習進程1 觀念 範例與說明

Please don’t be bored with me.

He is worried about you.

子句 who/which/where/whom/that 關係、名詞子句 The student who bought that bike is my sister.

I don’t like the girls who are sitting on that bench.

Summer is a time when people wear short shirts.

He bought the chair which the teacher wanted.

if/whether/so…that 條件子句

If you buy the book, you should keep it.

If I slept last night, I would be much better now If I had done the work, I would be rich now.

I will go to the park if my father gives me a computer.



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