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目 錄


Academic year: 2022

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目 錄

* 此書編輯方向是以博幼國中教學課綱搭配專門替中國人寫的英文課本所設計出的

改錯、填空及翻譯等題目,其依主題分類,而不按課次排序,希望能讓孩子突破課 次學習觀念,而達到學習整合的目的。

主題一 代名詞


代名詞的小概念/中上 L1/中上 L2/

中上 L3


主題二 數詞 數詞的小概念/中上 L4/中上 L5/

中上 L6/中上 L7


主題三 形容詞比較級和助動詞 形容詞比較級和助動詞的小概念/

初下 L19/初下 L22/中下 L19/

中下 L20/中下 L21


主題四 副詞及動名詞與不定詞 副詞及動名詞與不定詞的小概念/

中上 L8/中上 L9/中上 L10


主題五 完成式與過去進行式 完成式與過去進行式的小概念/

中上 L11/中上 L12/中下 L13/

中下 L14


主題六 被動式 被動式的小概念/中下 L15 PP.109-115 主題七 過去和現在分詞 過去與現在分詞的小概念/

中下 L16






代名詞,就如同字義,是用來代替名詞的。比方說,我們可以用 he 來代替 Mr. Wang;mine 代替 my pen。而代名詞除了人稱代名詞外,也有所有代名詞及反身代名詞。此外,人稱代名 詞在不同的使用時機下更有主格、所有格、受格的區分。


人稱 主格 所有格 受格

第一人稱單數 I my me

第二人稱單數 you your you


he his him

she her her

it its it

第一人稱複數 we our us

第二人稱複數 you your you

第三人稱複數 they their them


1. 主格:用來當主詞。

例句:(1) I am a teacher.

(2) He is handsome.

2. 所有格:用來表示歸屬權,後面要加名詞,比方說:我的書、你的車

例句:(1) Your house is very big.

(2) Her mother is a nurse.

(3) My dog is very cute.

3. 受格:用來當受詞,放在動詞片語的介系詞或動詞後面。

例句:(1) I will take care of him. (我將會照顧他。)

→此句中,of 是介系詞,所以後面是接用 him,而非 he 或 his。

(2) Our son and daughter love us very much.(我們的兒女非常愛我們。)

→此句中,love 是動詞,所以後面是接用 us,而非 we 或 our。



1. 所有代名詞有以下幾個

人稱 所有代名詞 人稱 所有代名詞

第一人稱單數 mine 第一人稱複數 ours

第二人稱單數 yours 第二人稱複數 yours


his 第三人稱複數 theirs

hers its ** 所有代名詞 = 所有格+名詞

2. 所有代名詞的使用時機

(a) 代替前面已經出現過的名詞,避免重複。


(1) This is my pen, not his.→ his = his pen

(2) Your car is new, but mine is old.→ mine = my car

(3) My books are new, but yours are old.→ yours = your books

(b) 所有格不可與 a、an、the、this/that 連用,所以要使用雙重所有格,而所有代


★★雙重所有格:… + 名詞 + of + 所有代名詞 例句:(1) May 是我的一個好學生。

May is my a good student.(X)

May is a good student of mine.(O)

例句:(2) Jim 是一位她的新朋友。

Jim is her a new friend.(X)

Jim is a new friend of hers.(O)



1. 反身代名詞有以下幾個

人稱 反身代名詞 人稱 反身代名詞

第一人稱單數 myself 第一人稱複數 ourselves

第二人稱單數 yourself 第二人稱複數 yourselves


himself 第三人稱複數 themselves

herself itself ** 中文翻譯成:~自己

2. 反身代名詞的使用時機

(a) 當「副詞」:放在動詞之後,表示「靠自己或單獨做某事」。

例句:(1) I cooked dinner (by) myself yesterday.(我昨天自己煮晚餐。)

(2) She goes to school (by) herself every day.(她每天自己去上學。)


(b) 當「受詞」:受詞與主詞相同時,則使用反身代名詞。

例句:(1) This dog is looking at itself in the mirror.(這隻狗正看著鏡中的自己。)

(2) The little girl is talking to herself.(這個小女孩正在跟自己說話。)

(3) These old men take care of themselves.(這些老人家自己照顧自己。)


中級上 第一課 第一回


1. My mother read two books last night.

She read ______________ last night. (填入two books的人稱代名詞) 2. He likes my sisters.

He likes _____________. (填入my sisters的人稱代名詞) 3. She didn’t like that movie.

She didn’t like _____________. (填入that movie的人稱代名詞) 4. We are watching a movie now.

We are watching _____________ now. (填入a movie的人稱代名詞) 5. How do you like this computer game?

How do you like _____________? (填入this computer game的人稱代名詞) 6. She gave her son milk yesterday.

She gave _____________ milk yesterday. (填入her son的人稱代名詞) 7. We called my grandmother last week.

We called _____________ last week. (填入my grandmother的人稱代名詞) 8. Does he write her friends a letter every day?

Does he write _____________ a letter every day? (填入her friends的人稱代名詞) 9. Do you like Coke?



12. Mr. Lin is our teacher.

He gives _____________ a lot of homework every day.

13. When will you meet _____________?

I will meet her next Monday.

14. My father likes my mother a lot.

My father likes _____________ a lot. (填入my mother的人稱代名詞) 15. Amy calls her daughter every day.

Amy calls _____________ every day. (填入her daughter的人稱代名詞)


1. They like she daughter very much. ( ) 2. My grandparents met he yesterday. ( ) 3. Did you find they? ( )

4. He will come to I house tomorrow. ( ) 5. How do you like they? ( )

6. I call you last night. ( ) 7. She didn’t read they. ( ) 8. That is not you pencil. ( )

9. She parents gave me a toy car for my birthday. ( ) 10. They is not my gifts. ( )

11. He doesn’t likes them. ( ) 12. We meeted him last night. ( )

13. Do you call your brother last night? ( ) 14. How does you like that movie? ( )

15. When does your daughter plays the piano? ( )



1. 他爸爸昨晚打電話給他。


2. 昨天我在公園(in the park)看到她。


3. 媽媽上星期給我 100 元。


4. 她爸爸去年給她一輛腳踏車。






1. My son reads books every day.

My son reads _____________ every day. (填入books的人稱代名詞) 2. Her daughter likes computer games very much.

Her daughter likes _____________ very much. (填入computer games的人稱代名詞) 3. Amy gave my brother and me two pens.

Amy gave _____________ two pens. (填入my brother and me的人稱代名詞) 4. My father likes his students a lot.

My father likes _____________ a lot. (填入his students的人稱代名詞) 5. Who gave you this pencil?

My friend gave _____________ to me.

6. Does her friend want to watch TV now?

Yes, he wants to watch _____________.

7. When did their son do homework?

He did _____________ last night.

8. Who drank milk yesterday?

Her daughter drank _____________ yesterday.

9. How does he like that movie?

He likes _____________ very much.

10. My brother likes this movie a lot.

He likes _____________ a lot. (填入this movie的人稱代名詞) 11. He called my sister last night.

He called _____________ last night. (填入my sister的人稱代名詞)


12. We are playing a computer game.

We are playing _____________. (填入a computer game的人稱代名詞) 13. He loves his mother very much.

He loves _____________ very much. (填入his mother的人稱代名詞) 14. Who ate that fish yesterday?

Her friend ate _____________ yesterday.

15. Where did you see my brother?

I saw _____________ in the park.


1. Who call her yesterday? ( )

2. Where does he meet you last week? ( ) 3. When did he readed that book? ( )

4. Did he called his grandfather this morning? ( ) 5. Can he plays the piano? ( )

6. I read they last night. ( )

7. Did he gave her a book for her birthday? ( ) 8. What do you called your cat? ( )

9. How does he likes this book? ( ) 10. I watched TV every day. ( ) 11. They doesn’t like this movie. ( )




1. Mark 每天教我英文。


2. 我們的父母親很愛我們。


3. 我昨天給她 2 支鉛筆。


4. May 很喜歡他。



中級上 第二課 第一回


1. That is your pen.

→ That is _____________. (填入your pen的所有代名詞) 2. Those are my sister’s flowers.

→ Those are _____________. (填入my sister’s flowers的所有代名詞) 3. This is his cell phone.

→ This is _____________. (填入his cell phone的所有代名詞) 4. These are my toy cars.

→ These are _____________. (填入my toy cars的所有代名詞) 5. They are her brother’s cats.

→ They are _____________.

(A) his (B) theirs (C) hers 6. These are my uncles’ houses.

→ These are _____________. (填入my uncles’ houses的所有代名詞) 7. It is that cat’s fish.

→ It is _____________. (填入that cat’s fish的所有代名詞) 8. Those are our cars.

→ Those are _____________.



11. These are his mother’s books.

→ These are _____________. (填入his mother’s books的所有代名詞) 12. This milk is my brother’s milk.

→ This milk is _____________. (填入my brother’s milk的所有代名詞) 13. That chair is that student’s chair.

→ That chair is _____________. (填入that student’s chair的所有代名詞) 14. Those tables are our father’s tables.

→ Those tables are _____________. (填入our father’s tables的所有代名詞) 15. This bird is their sister’s bird.

→ This bird is _____________. (填入their sister’s bird的所有代名詞)


1. Whose pencils is these? ( ) 2. That is her car. That is her. ( ) 3. This are my daughter’s book. ( ) 4. This are his car. ( )

5. These is my computer. ( ) 6. Those is her cats. ( ) 7. Whose pen are it? ( ) 8. Whose cats is they? ( )

9. They are their cats. They are their. ( ) 10. These are our dogs. These are our. ( ) 11. This is my house. This is mys. ( ) 12. That are her car. ( )

13. Is those her cats? ( )

14. Those are my grandmother’s book. ( )


15. Whose desk are this? ( )


1. 這隻狗是我的。


2. 那張桌子是我們的。


3. 他們是誰的兒子?


4. 這支鉛筆是他的。






1. That computer is our mother’s computer.

→ That computer is _____________. (填入our mother’s computer的所有代名詞) 2. That lunch is Judy’s(女子名) lunch.

→ That lunch is _____________. (填入Judy’s lunch的所有代名詞) 3. These bicycles are their friends’ bicycles.

→ These bicycles are _____________. (填入their friends’ bicycles的所有代名詞) 4. This pencil is that girl’s pencil.

→ This pencil is _____________. (填入that girl’s pencil的所有代名詞) 5. Those pens are our sister’s pens.

→ Those pens are _____________. (填入our sister’s pens的所有代名詞) 6. That desk is your father’s desk.

→ That desk is _____________. (填入your father’s desk的所有代名詞) 7. It is her and her mother’s computer.

→ It is _____________. (填入her and her mother’s computer的所有代名詞) 8. These are my dogs.

→ These are _____________. (填入my dogs的所有代名詞) 9. This desk is my desk.

→ This desk is _____________. (填入my desk的所有代名詞) 10. That cat is her cat.

→ That cat is _____________. (填入her cat的所有代名詞) 11. Those pencils are her students’ pencils.

→ Those pencils are _____________. (填入her students’ pencils的所有代名詞)


12. It is my brother’s fish.

→ It is _____________. (填入my brother’s fish的所有代名詞) 13. These cakes are her cakes.

→ These cakes are _____________. (填入her cakes的所有代名詞) 14. These books are my daughter’s.

→ These books are _____________. (填入my daughter’s的所有代名詞) 15. That is my parents’ car.

→ That is _____________. (填入my parents’ car的所有代名詞)


1. Whose flower are those? ( )

2. That is her parents’ cat. That is their. ( ) 3. This is her bicycle. This is her. ( ) 4. Those are my cake. ( )

5. These is her daughter’s cell phones. ( ) 6. Are they his cat? ( )

7. These computers are my students’. They are his. ( ) 8. Are that your parents’ car? ( )

9. Is this her uncle’s cars? ( ) 10. Whose Coke are it? ( )

11. Those are her parents’ houses. Those are their. ( )




1. 這是誰的腳踏車?


2. 這輛車是她的。


3. 這本書是你的。


4. 它是他們的。



中級上 第三課 第一回


1. We made this cake _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

2. He played basketball by _____________ last night. (填入反身代名詞) 3. I go to school by _____________ every day. (填入反身代名詞)

4. You and your mother went to Japan by _____________ last year. (填入反身代名詞) 5. They bought comic books _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

6. She wrote her book _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

7. My uncle and aunt made lunch _____________ yesterday. (填入反身代名詞) 8. His uncle bought that house _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

9. Their brothers made breakfast by _____________. (填入反身代名詞) 10. She and her sister made this cake _____________. (填入反身代名詞) 11. I went to the park by _____________ yesterday. (填入反身代名詞) 12. He called Amy _____________ last week. (填入反身代名詞)

13. Her son makes his bed _____________ every day. (填入反身代名詞) 14. They will do it by _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

15. She will make cakes _____________. (填入反身代名詞) 16. My father made lunch _____________. (填入反身代名詞)



5. Is that hisself own room? ( ) 6. Do he have his own room? ( )

7. Do your brother have his own computer? ( ) 8. Did she go to school by her own yesterday? ( ) 9. She buyed that house by herself. ( )

10. Her daughters maked some tea for themselves. ( ) 11. Their uncles will make cakes by himself. ( )

12. Do these your uncle’s pencils? ( ) 13. She don’t have her own room. ( ) 14. We made some tea for ourself. ( ) 15. She maked a cake for sheslef. ( )


1. 我用我自己的筆。


2. 昨晚你自己煮晚餐嗎?


3. 他有他自己的車。


4. 她昨天自己去上學。





1. He makes breakfast _____________ himself (為他自己).

2. They make lunch _____________ themselves (為他們自己).

3. We bought these books _____________ ourselves (為我們自己).

4. Her students did it _____________. (填入反身代名詞) 5. Please make yourself _____________ home.

6. Please help yourself _____________ tea.

7. Our grandfather is talking to _____________. (填入反身代名詞) 8. Her grandmother is talking _____________ herself.

9. My sister and I played baseball by _____________ yesterday. (填入反身代名詞) 10. Their uncle went to Japan by _____________. (填入反身代名詞)

11. Our grandparents have _________ _________ house.

12. Amy (女子名) likes to use _________ _________ computer.

13. You and your sister have _________ _________ rooms (房間).

14. His brother has _________ _________ desk.

15. Their mother has _________ _________car.


1. She live in Taiwan by herself. ( )



7. Does she have hers own house? ( )

8. Does your brother has his own computer? ( )

9. Our grandmother doesn’t have herself own piano. ( ) 10. My teacher buyed some flowers for herself. ( ) 11. Please made yourself at home. ( )

12. Please make yourself in home. ( ) 13. Please made yourself to tea. ( ) 14. Please make yourself of tea. ( )

15. They bought some books for theirself. ( )


1. 他們有他們自己的房子嗎?


2. Kelly 上星期自己做一個蛋糕。


3. 你自己買了這部電腦嗎?


4. 那些是他自己的書。






我們的日常生活總離不開數字,比方說 6 隻鳥、1 歲、100 個人、3 杯水…等等。從前面的例



( i )可數名詞可直接在前面加上 a、an 或 one 來表明單數,1 個、1 張或 1 枝…;而 2 個、2 張或 2 枝…以上的複數,則在名詞字尾加上“s”或“es”。

( ii )不可數名詞則要藉由「單位詞」(比方說:…碗、…杯、…塊)才可以表明單、複數。

一、0 到 100 的英文說法

數字 英文說法 數字 英文說法 數字 英文說法

0 zero 10 ten 20 twenty

1 one 11 eleven 30 thirty

2 two 12 twelve 40 forty

3 three 13 thirteen 50 fifty

4 four 14 fourteen 60 sixty

5 five 15 fifteen 70 seventy

6 six 16 sixteen 80 eighty

7 seven 17 seventeen 90 ninety

8 eight 18 eighteen 100 one hundred

9 nine 19 nineteen

** 數字當然不是只有上述幾個,在日常中我們仍會用到,比方說:21、34、58、…

等等。而這些數字的英文說法則是把數字拆成 2 部分來說,例如:21 則是 20 和 1

=twenty-one、34 則是 30 和 4=thirty-four、58 則是 50 和 8=fifty-eight

** 由上面 3 個例子,我們可以知道,2 個部分的英文說法中間要有連字號(-)。


1. 單位詞

單位詞 中文意思 單位詞 中文意思

a / one bowl of 一碗… a / one glass of (玻璃杯)一杯…

a / one bottle of 一瓶… a / one cup of (馬克杯)一杯…

a / one piece of 一片…、一張… a / one pot of 一壺…

a / one bag of 一袋… a / one loaf of 一條…

a / one scoop of 一球…(冰淇淋的單位)


2. 其他單位詞

a little


形容不可數名詞,例如:a little rice(一些米/飯)、a little water(一些水)、

a little money(一些錢)

a few


形容可數名詞,例如:a few cars(一些車)、a few students(一些學生)、

a few apples(一些蘋果)



可用來形容可數名詞與不可數名詞,例如:some cars(一些車)、

some money(一些錢)、some apples(一些蘋果)、some water(一些水)



形容不可數名詞,例如:much rice(許多米/飯)、much water(許多水)、

much money(許多錢)



形容可數名詞,例如:many cars(許多車)、many students(許多學生)、

many apples(許多蘋果)

a lot of


可用來形容可數名詞與不可數名詞,例如:a lot of cars(許多車)、

a lot of money(許多錢)、a lot of apples(許多蘋果)、a lot of water(許多水)

3. 不可數名詞與單位詞的搭配

不可數名詞(如:米/飯、水)只要加上單位詞就可進行數量上的計算,比方說:1 碗

米/飯、2 瓶水。

單數 在單位詞前面加上 a、an 或 one,例如:a bowl of rice(1 碗米/飯)、

one bottle of water(1 瓶水)

複數 在單位詞字尾加上 s 或 es,並在前面加上數量,例如:two bowls of rice(2 碗

米/飯)、three bottles of water(3 瓶水)、three glasses of water(3 杯水)

** 不可數名詞不論如何,都不能加 s 或 es,所以我們可以從上面的表格中發現到,即 使是複數,也只能在單位詞後加上 s 或 es,後面的不可數名詞是不加 s 或 es 的。

三、There is/are 與 How much/many

1. There is 和 There are

There is


There is+單數名詞 / 不可數名詞

例句:(1) There is an apple on the table.(桌上有 1 顆蘋果。)



** There is 和 There are 要形成疑問句中時,把 be 動詞往前移。因為是用 Be 動詞開頭 的問句,所以要以 Yes 或 No 開頭回答。


Q: Is there an apple on the table?(桌上有 1 顆蘋果嗎?)

A: Yes, there is an apple on the table.(是的,桌上有 1 顆蘋果。)

2. How much 和 How many 的問句與答句

How much


How much+不可數名詞…?


(1) Q: How much money do you have?(你有多少錢?)

A: I have one hundred. (我有 100 元。)

(2) Q: How much milk did he drink? (他喝了多少牛奶?)

A: He drank one glass of milk. (他喝了 1 杯牛奶。)

How many 多少…

How many+複數名詞…?


(1) Q: How many cups of coffee did you drink?(你喝了多少杯咖啡?)

A: I drank three cups of coffee. (我喝了 3 杯咖啡。)

(2) Q: How many books does Jane have?(Jane 有多少書?)

A: She has ten books. (她有 10 本書。)

(3) Q: How many students are there in the classroom?(教室裡有多少學生?)

A: There are thirteen students in the classroom. (教室裡有 13 個學生。)

** How much/many 問句的答句不需以 Yes 或 No 開頭。


1. 詢問年齡的句子

a. How old+be 動詞+主詞?


(1) Q: How old are you?(你幾歲?)

A: I am twelve (years old).(我 12 歲。)

(2) Q: How old is Jane? (Jane 幾歲?)

A: She is thirty (years old).(她 30 歲。)

b. Which year+was/were+主詞+born in?


(1) Q: Which year were you born in? (你哪一年出生?)

A: I was born in 2000. (我出生於 2000 年。)

(2) Q: Which year was Jane born in? (Jane 哪一年出生?)

A: She was born in 2005. (她出生於 2005 年。)


2. 表達年齡較…大/小(幾歲)

a. A+be 動詞+older/younger+than+B+ (be 動詞).(A 比 B 年紀大/小。)

例句: (1) I am younger than you are. (我比你年輕。)

(2) Jane is older than I am. (Jane 比我年紀大。)

(3) Ken is younger than May. (Ken 比 May 年輕。)

b. A+be 動詞+數字+year(s)+older/younger+than+B+(be 動詞).(A 比 B 大/小…歲。)

例句: (1) I am one year younger than you are. (我比你小 1 歲。)

(2) Jane is five years older than I am. (Jane 比我大 5 歲。)

(3) Ken is two years younger than May. (Ken 比 May 小 2 歲。)


中級上 第四課 第一回


1. They like to buy ____________________(一片) bread and ____________________(一杯) milk for breakfast.

2. There are ____________________(兩碗) rice on the table.

3. There is ____________________(一壺) tea.

4. We drank ____________________(三瓶) Coke last night.

5. He ate ____________________(四塊) cake yesterday.

6. My grandfather makes ____________________(一壺) tea in the afternoon.

7. That boy is drinking ____________________(一杯) orange juice.

8. My students eat ____________________(三碗) rice every day.

9. Would you like to drink ____________________(一杯) coffee?

10. My son drinks ____________________(八杯) water every day.

11. May I have ____________________(一張) paper?

12. I drink ____________________(兩杯) milk every day?

13. My father made ____________(一些) rice for us.

14. There __________ a piece of paper on the desk.

15. There __________ two glasses of milk on the table.


1. I would like a glasses of milk. ( ) 2. He drink a cup of coffee every day. ( ) 3. They made two cup of tea last night. ( ) 4. Would you like something to eating? ( ) 5. He drink a glass of water every day. ( )


6. They eated some bread for breakfast today. ( ) 7. Who maked that pot of tea? ( )

8. Their daughter use some pieces of paper yesterday. ( ) 9. There is two bags of rice in the room. ( )

10. There are a glass of water on the table. ( ) 11. Who makes that pot of black tea? ( ) 12. Would you like something to drinking? ( ) 13. May I have two piece of paper? ( )

14. She ate three piece of cake last night. ( ) 15. There is four bags of rice in the room. ( )


1. 房間裡有一袋米。


2. 你要喝一些茶嗎?


3. Ken 昨天晚上吃了 3 碗飯。


4. 書桌上有 10 本書。





1. __________ you __________ something to eat? (你想吃些什麼嗎?) 2. His uncle __________(吃了) two bowls of rice yesterday.

3. Her aunt __________(喝了) three cups of tea this afternoon.

4. Who __________(泡了) this pot of tea?

5. After dinner, he likes __________ drink a cup of tea.

6. The rice __________ on the table. Please help yourself.

7. My daughter wants __________(一顆) egg, ____________________(兩片) bread, and _____________________(一杯) orange juice.

8. There are ___________________(三袋) rice in the room.

9. Our teacher __________________ a cup of coffee now.

10. I only ate _________________(一點點) bread for breakfast today.

11. My grandmother bought ____________________(一條) bread this morning.

12. He ate two bowls of rice __________(當) breakfast.

13. She made that pot of black tea ______________. (她自己) 14. There __________ three bottles of milk on that table.

15. Her daughter ate three ___________(條) of bread this morning.


1. I drink a cups of tea every day. ( )

2. He drinked two cups of coffee this morning. ( ) 3. May I have a bowls of rice, please? ( )

4. Please helps yourself. ( )

5. After dinner, they likes to drink some tea. ( )


6. My grandmother ate two cups of rice. ( ) 7. I made this lunch myselves. ( )

8. There is a bottles of milk on the table. ( ) 9. He drink four cups of tea every day. ( ) 10. He likes to eating an egg in the morning. ( ) 11. She drinks some milk last night. ( ) 12. My daughter bought two glasses of rice. ( ) 13. Who made two glass of orange juice? ( ) 14. There are a bag of rice on the table. ( )

15. He ate a egg and drank a cup of milk this morning. ( )


1. 他們想喝些什麼嗎?


2. 桌上有 6 瓶牛奶。


3. Gigi 每天喝 1 杯咖啡。


4. 他昨天吃了 5 片麵包當午餐(for lunch)。



中級上 第五課 第一回


1. He gave her _____________ (30) flowers for her birthday.

2. Altogether, he bought _____________ (11) loaves of bread.

3. There are _________________ (42) students in our class.

4. There are _________________ (22) pieces of bread on the table.

5. She found _________________ (8) cats in the park.

6. Who has _________________ (82) dollars?

7. We will meet _________________ (14) students this afternoon.

8. Altogether, they gave us _________________ (13) books last week.

9. There are _________________ (21) boys and girls.

10. There are _________________ (44) computers in the classroom.

11. I have __________________________________ (138) NT dollars in my pocket.

12. He spent _________________ (50) NT dollars buying a pen.

13. There are _________________ (12) cups of coffee on the table.

14. That man gave Ms. Chen __________________ (99) flowers.

15. There are _________________ (14) pieces of bread on my desk.


1. There is fifty NT dollars in my pocket. ( ) 2. Last week her uncle gived him fourteen books. ( ) 3. She have twenty dollars in her pocket. ( )

4. Last month they buyed fifty flowers. ( ) 5. Last week, my father gived us fifteen pencils. ( )


6. There is fifty-two chairs in the classroom. ( ) 7. Altogether, she writed five books. ( )

8. They drinked eighteen cups of tea this morning. ( ) 9. Their sister make five hundred NT dollars a day. ( ) 10. Our father makes nine hundreds NT dollars a day. ( ) 11. There is sixty NT dollars in his pocket. ( )

12. There are a pen on his desk. ( )


1. 教室(classroom)裡有 30 個學生。


2. 桌上有 14 瓶牛奶。


3. 他們昨天喝了 23 杯咖啡。


4. 我有 100 元台幣(NT dollar)。





1. Altogether, we drank _________________ (62) glasses of water.

2. She found ______________ (4) dogs in the park.

3. There are _________________ (16) cups of coffee.

4. They drank _________________ (18) glasses of milk this morning.

5. I have _________________ (50) dollars in my pocket.

6. Last week, my grandmother ___________ (給了) me _____________ (18) pencils.

7. There are _________________ (45) bowls of rice on the table.

8. Altogether, they ___________ (喝了) _________________ (15) cups of milk.

9. We _____________ (買了) _________________ (71) bags of rice.

10. There are _________________ (37) students ______ the classroom.

11. Yesterday my uncle made _____________________ (900) NT dollars.

12. He made ___________________ (21) loaves of bread yesterday.

13. She will meet ____________________ (34) new students tomorrow.

14. Where can he find _______________________ (600) dollars?

15. This desk is _________________________________ (569) NT dollars.


1. This doctor readed thirteen books this month. ( ) 2. That pen are fifteen NT dollars. ( )

3. This desk is five hundreds and ninety-nine NT dollars. ( ) 4. Altogether, his cousin drank five bottle of milk. ( )

5. He maked twenty-one loaves of bread yesterday. ( ) 6. There is twenty students in her class. ( )


7. There are fiveteen chairs in our classroom. ( ) 8. Where can she finds her fifty NT dollars? ( ) 9. Who have seventy NT dollars? ( )

10. Our uncle bought five loafs of bread. ( ) 11. Altogether, our teacher have fifteen students. ( )

12. Her daughter makes ninety-five NT dollars yesterday. ( )


1. May 昨天買了 30 本書嗎?


2. 我們昨晚吃了 18 碗飯。


3. 他們班上(class)有 52 名學生。


4. 我妹妹有 70 元台幣。



中級上 第六課 第一回


1. How ________ are you? (問年齡) 2. How ________ is he? (問年齡) 3. How ________ is she? (問年齡) 4. How ________ is your father? (問年齡) 5. How ________ is your mother? (問年齡) 6. How old ________ you?

7. How old ________ he?

8. How old ________ she?

9. How old ________ your sister?

10. How ________ you? (你呢?) 11. How ________ you? (你好嗎?) 12. How ________ he? (他好嗎?)

13. How ________ your parents? (你的父母好嗎?) 14. You ________(看起來) beautiful.

15. She ________(看起來) younger.


1. How old is you? ( ) 2. How old are their father? ( )

3. Her friend is five years old than she. ( ) 4. We are ten years young than our teacher. ( ) 5. They are born in 1985. ( )


6. They were born at 1985. ( ) 7. Her sister is younger that I. ( ) 8. She goed to America in 2005. ( )

9. Our grandfather went to Japan at 2007. ( ) 10. She look very happy. ( )

11. He look older than his wife. ( ) 12. He looks young than my father. ( ) 13. Our friends looks very happy. ( ) 14. I don’t know she is old than I. ( )

15. I am not know you are older than your wife. ( )

三、翻譯 1. May 幾歲?


2. 我比你年輕。


3. 他年紀比我大嗎?


4. Ken 生於 1954 年。





1. Which year ________ he born in?

2. Which year ________ you born in?

3. Which year ________ she born in?

4. Which year is your son born ________?

5. Her husband ________(看起來) younger than she.

6. She ________ eighteen years old.

7. His brother ________ seven year__ old.

8. He is eight years ____________ ________ I. (他比我大八歲。) 9. She ________ born in 1984. (她生於1984年。)

10. Her parents ________ born in 1975. (她的父母生於1975年。) 11. My uncle is thirty __________ ________(30歲).

12. I ________ ________(不知道) you are older than I.

13. I ________ born ________ 1990. (我生於1990年。)

14. She ________ five years _____________ ________ I. (她比我小五歲。) 15. You ________ ten years _____________ ________ she. (你比她大十歲。)


1. Her daughter is born in Taipei(台北). ( ) 2. My grandparents born in Japan. ( )

3. They daughter is younger than my daughter. ( ) 4. I don’t know you were older than your husband. ( ) 5. She is looks younger than her brother. ( )

6. Their parents was born in America. ( )


7. We didn’t know your wife is older than you. ( ) 8. How old was your grandmother? ( )

9. This books are older than those books. ( ) 10. Which year was her daughter born at? ( ) 11. She mother is younger than her father. ( ) 12. His wife look younger. ( )

13. Their grandfather is born in 1984. ( ) 14. His grandfather was ninety years old. ( ) 15. Our mother is thirty year old. ( )


1. Paul 生於哪一年?


2. 他媽媽看起來很年輕。


3. 你比我大 8 歲。


4. 我們不知道你比 Gigi 年長。



中級上 第七課 第一回


1. ________________ pieces of cake did your brother eat yesterday?

2. ________________ chicken would he like?

3. ________________ flowers did he give you last week?

4. ________________ bags of rice are there in this room?

5. ________________ bowls of rice did he just eat?

6. ________________ shirts do you have?

7. ________________ cell phones does your father have?

8. ________________ fish would you like?

9. ________________ dogs are there in his house?

10. _________________ fruit would Ms. Lin like?

11. _________________ cups of coffee are there on the table?

12. _________________ chicken would Mr. Chen like?

13. _________________ Coke did you drink?

14. _________________ houses do her aunts have?

15. _________________ milk did her cat drink?


1. How much pieces of paper did you use? ( ) 2. How many pork did he eat for dinner? ( ) 3. How much pork did he ate for lunch? ( )

4. How many bowl of rice did your students eat? ( ) 5. How many ice cream do you want? ( )


6. How many brothers and sisters do your mother have? ( ) 7. How much dollars do you have in your pocket? ( ) 8. How many dollars does she has? ( )

9. How many pen do you have? ( )

10. How much chicken would she likes? ( ) 11. She only eats three pieces of pizza. ( ) 12. My son just use ten pieces of paper. ( ) 13. She have twenty dollars in her pocket. ( )

14. How much pieces of watermelon did your aunt eat? ( ) 15. Her students eated four boxes of ice cream. ( )


1. 你昨天吃了多少冰淇淋?


2. 他昨晚吃了多少蘋果?


3. Candy 吃了多少披薩當午餐?


4. 你要多少瓶牛奶?





1. _______________ pieces of cake did they eat for lunch?

2. _______________ water does he drink every day?

3. _______________ watermelons did your aunt buy?

4. _______________ ice cream does she eat every day?

5. _______________ pizza did you eat for dinner?

6. How much water ________ her sister drink every day?

7. How many pieces of cake ________ you eat last night?

8. How many glasses of milk ________ you drink every day?

9. How much pork w_______ you like?

10. ________ she like pork or chicken? She likes pork.

11. How many pieces of watermelon ________ your uncle just eat?

12. She ________(吃了) two boxes of ice cream.

13. How many pieces of paper ________ she just use?

14. She _________(用了) ____________(11) pieces of paper.

15. How many pieces of paper ________ he have?


1. Our brother ate two box of ice cream. ( )

2. Altogether, he drinked four glasses of milk this morning. ( ) 3. How many cups of coffees does your father drink every day? ( ) 4. How many desk are there in your classroom? ( )

5. How many bags do your brother have? ( ) 6. How much pork did she ate today? ( )


7. How much pieces of paper did their teacher use? ( ) 8. How many mango did he eat? ( )

9. How much porks would your sister like? ( ) 10. How many watermelon are there in the room? ( )

11. How many pieces of pork did your father ate for lunch? ( ) 12. How many piece of bread did her uncle eat at breakfast? ( ) 13. How many fruit would he like? ( )

14. How much fruit would he likes? ( ) 15. I would like three pieces of chickens. ( )


1. 你有多少書?


2. 他每天喝多少杯水?


3. 你爸爸吃了多少飯當晚餐?


4. 你要多少雞肉?




範圍 初下 L19 初下 L22 中下 L19 中下 L20 中下 L21




日常生活裡,我們常會對人或事物進行比較,比方說 A 比 B 便宜。我們也常會聽他人說:你必須…、




1. 形容詞比較級的形成方式

a. 通常在形容詞後面加上“er”,例如:small→smaller、fast→faster

b. 形容詞字尾為“子音 + y”時,則「去掉 y,再加 ier」,例如:dirty→dirtier、


c. 形容詞字尾已有“e”時,則只加 r,例如:brave→braver、nice→nicer

d. 單音節形容詞字尾是子音字母加單一母音字母加子音字母(即「子母子」排列)

時,則要重複字尾,再加 er,例如:big→bigger、hot→hotter、slim→slimmer

e. 三個音節以上的形容詞,在形容詞前面加 more,即「more+形容詞」

例如:comfortable→more comfortable、expensive→more expensive

f. 不規則變化,只能來一個背一個。例如:good→better、well→better、bad→worse、


2. 比較級的句型

A+be 動詞+形容詞比較級+than+B. (A 比 B…)

例句:(1) Jim is taller than me.(Jim 比我高。)

(2) Kelly is more beautiful than May.(Kelly 比 May 漂亮。)

(3)Your car is bigger than mine.(你的車比我的大。)


★★ 形容詞除了有比較級之外,還有最高級,用來表示「最…」,是三者以上的比較,

例如:May 是她班上最高的學生。





A+be 動詞+the+形容詞最高級(+ in/on/at/... + 群體). (A 是最…)

例句:(1) Jim is the tallest in his class. (Jim 是他班上最高的。)

(2) Kelly is the most beautiful among these girls. (Kelly 是這些女孩中最漂亮的。)

(3) Your car is the biggest. (你的車是最大的。)

**由上面 3 個例子,我們可以知道,形容詞最高級的前面要加 the。

二、can、can’t (cannot)、must、mustn’t、have to、should、had better

a. can(能、會)與 can’t (cannot)(不能、不會)

例句:(1) You can drink coffee. (你能喝咖啡。)

(2) He can play the piano. (他會彈鋼琴。)

(3) Can she sing? (她會唱歌嗎?)

(4) You can’t (cannot) drink coffee. (你不能喝咖啡。)

(5) He can’t (cannot) play the piano. (他不會彈鋼琴。)

** can 和 can’t (cannot)除了表示「允許」(意思是「能」、「不能」)外,也可以用來 表示「能力」(意思是「會」、「不會」)。

** 由上面例子,我們可以知道,can 的否定可寫成 cannot,也可縮寫成 can’t。

** can 與 can’t (cannot)後面要接原形動詞。

** 疑問句時,將 can 放在句首。回答時,以 Yes 或 No 開頭。

b. must(必須、一定)與 mustn’t(不行、不能)

例句:(1) You must be tired now. (你現在一定累了。)

(2) He must go to school today. (他今天必須去學校。)

(3) You mustn’t (must not) go to bed now. (你現在不能去睡覺。)

** 由上面例子,我們可以知道,must 的否定是在後面加上 not,也可縮寫 mustn’t。

** must 與 mustn’t (must not)後面要接原形動詞。

c. have to(必須)→【過去式】had to

例句:(1) I have to study tonight. 我今晚必須讀書。)

(2) I had to go to Taipei last Sunday.(我上星期天必須去台北。)

(3) You don’t have to go there tomorrow.(你明天不須去那裡。)

** have to 的否定是在前面加上 don’t 或 doesn’t。

** have to 後面要接原形動詞。

** have to 比 must 常用,也比 must 口語化。


例句:(1) He should help you. (他應該幫你。)

(2) You shouldn’t (should not) buy this car. (你不應該買這輛車。)

(3) You should exercise more. (你應該多運動。)

** 由上面例子,我們可以知道,should 的否定是在後面加上 not,也可縮寫成 shouldn’t。

** should 與 shouldn’t (should not)後面要接原形動詞。

e. had better(最好)

例句:(1) You had better leave now. (你現在最好離開。)

(2) You had better not buy this car. (你最好不要買這輛車。)

(3) He had better exercise more. (他最好多運動。)

** 由上面例子,我們可以知道,had better 的否定是在後面加上 not。

** had better 與 had better not 後面要接原形動詞。

** had better 的語氣比較委婉,但有時帶有威脅的語氣。

三、May I…?與 Do you mind…?

a. May I…?(我可以…嗎?)

例句:(1) May I borrow your pen? (我可以借你的筆嗎?)

(2) May I borrow this bike from you? (我可以跟你借這輛腳踏車嗎?)

(3) May I use your phone? (我可以用你的電話嗎?)

** May I 後面要接原形動詞。

** May I 用來請求允許,其語氣是比較委婉、有禮貌的。

b. Do you mind…?(你介意…嗎?)

例句:(1) Do you mind if I borrow your pen? (你介意如果我借你的筆嗎?)

(2) Do you mind if I use your phone? (你介意如果我用你的電話嗎?)

(3) Do you mind closing the window?(你介意關這扇窗嗎?)

(4) Do you mind coming here later?(你介意待會兒來這裡嗎?)



例句:(1) Let me play the piano.(讓我彈鋼琴。)

(2) Let him go home. (讓他回家。)

(3) Let’s(= Let us) go shopping.(我們去購物吧!)

(4) Let’s play computer games.(我們來玩電腦遊戲吧!)

** Let 用來表達「建議」,如上面第 3、4 句例子;也可表達「允許」,如上面第 1、

2 句。

** Let 是動詞,所以後面要接用受詞。

** Let 後面的動詞要用原形動詞。


初級下 第十九課 第一回

一、 填空

1. Can you swim?

Yes, _____________. I can swim.

2. Can you play baseball?

No, I __________. I can’t play baseball.

3. Can you walk to school?

No, I __________. I can’t walk to school.

4. Can you read this book?

Yes, I _________. It’s a good book.

5. Can you find that book?

Yes, I __________.

6. Can you play soccer?

No, I ____________, but I __________ play baseball.

7. Can your dad play baseball?

No, he ___________. He can’t play baseball.

8. Can your son play the guitar?

No, he ___________, but he __________ play the guitar.

9. Can your sister play soccer?


12. Can his daughter play the piano?

Yes, she _________. She _________ play the guitar, too.

二、 改錯

1. I can’t found my dog. ( ) 2. My mom can swims. ( )

3. My cat was drinking water now. ( ) 4. You can’t listened to music now. ( ) 5. Can you playing soccer? ( ) 6. Can your son drank Coke? ( )

7. Can your dog drank milk? ( )

8. Can your brother playing the piano? ( ) 9. Can your cat playing piano? ( ) 10. He can’t met you now. ( )

11. He can goes to school by bus. ( ) 12. Can he plays soccer? ( )

13. His mother can plays soccer. ( ) 14. His mother can played the piano. ( ) 15. His aunt can played computer games. ( ) 16. His daughter can played computer games. ( )


1. 你會彈鋼琴嗎?


2. 我弟弟現在不能看電視。



3. 我爸爸會打籃球。


4. Jim 不會唱歌。





1. Can his daughter cook?

No, she __________.

2. Can she swim?

No, she _________. She can’t swim.

3. Can she play baseball?

No, she ___________, but she ________ play basketball.

4. Can she play the piano?

No, she ____________, but she _______ play the guitar.

5. _________ she play computer games?

Yes, she _________. She can play computer games.

6. Can they play basketball?

Yes, they __________. They can’t play baseball.

7. Can they play the guitar?

Yes, they ________. They _______ play the piano, too.

8. Can they drive?

Yes, they ________.

9. ________ they play basketball?

Yes, they _________. They can play basketball.

10. _________ he watch TV every day?

Yes, he watches TV every day.

11. ________ your father go to America last week?

No, he went to Japan last week.



1. His daughter can drank milk. ( ) 2. His daughter can played computer games. ( ) 3. She can’t reads this book. ( )

4. She can walks to school. ( )

5. Her friend can’t plays baseball. ( ) 6. Her sister can’t played baseball. ( ) 7. Her cat can’t swims. ( )

8. It can’t drinks milk. ( )

9. It can’t drank water. ( ) 10. We cans walk to school. ( )

11. You cans go to school by bus. ( ) 12. Their dad can plays cards. ( ) 13. Their sister can not played soccer. ( ) 14. The boy can not drinks milk. ( ) 15. Their dad can plays cards. ( )


1. Ken 會游泳嗎?


2. 我不會煮飯。


初級下 第二十二課 第一回

一、 填空

1. I’m _____________ than he is. (old)

2. I am slow, but my sister is ______________. (更慢的) 3. My friend is _____________ than I am. (short)

4. She is ____________ than her son. (tall) 5. Your cat is _____________ than her cat. (big) 6. He’s _____________ than his sister is.(slow)

7. His bag(袋子) is ______________ than my bag. (light) 8. They’re _______________ than she is.(young)

9. The black cat is ______________ than the white cat.(dirty)

10. Amy’s car is too small. She wants a _____________ car. (比較大的) 11. John is old, but Mary is _______________. (比較老)

12. This house is _______________ than that house is.(clean) 13. This car is good, but that one is _______________. (比較好) 14. This cat is _______________ than that cat is.(dirty)

15. This house is big, but that house is ______________. (比較大)

二、 改錯

1. My cat is biger than her cat. ( )

2. Her teacher is oldder than my mother. ( ) 3. Their bag is heavyer than her bag. ( ) 4. This house is cleanner than that house. ( ) 5. Our son is shortter than their daughter. ( ) 6. This apple is badder than that apple. ( )


7. Her dogs are dirtyer than my dog. ( ) 8. My hands(手) are small than your hands. ( ) 9. Her car is gooder than our car. ( )

10. Don’t worries. I am shorter than you. ( ) 11. Trains(火車) is faster than cars. ( ) 12. That dog is even big. ( )

13. She want a bigger car. ( )

14. Doesn’t play baseball on Tuesday. ( ) 15. Didn’t watch TV tonight. ( )


1. Ken 比我高。


2. 我的鉛筆比你的鉛筆短。


3. 你比我年長。


4. 他姊姊比我哥哥年輕。





1. This room is clean, but that room is _______________. (比較乾淨) 2. This dog is young, but that dog is _________________. (比較年輕) 3. This chair is high, but that chair is _________________. (更高) 4. This book is good, but that one is __________________. (比較好) 5. This book is bad, but that book is __________________. (比較差) 6. This desk is heavy, but that box is __________________. (更重) 7. This book is ________________ than that book. (heavy)

8. That bag is even _______________ (big).(那個袋子甚至更大。) 9. ___________ worry. (別擔心。)

10. She ________ shorter than I am.

11. This cat is ___________ than that cat. (heavy) 12. We are ___________ (fast) than they are.

13. This boy ________ _________ (dirty) than my brother.

14. This shirt _______ __________ (clean) than that shirt.

15. He ________ __________ (young) than I am.


1. He is short than I am. ( ) 2. Her sister are taller than he is. ( ) 3. That dog is even biger. ( )

4. We are slow than they are. ( )

5. That movie is long than this movie. ( ) 6. That chair is even heavyer. ( )


7. That dog is even dirtyer. ( ) 8. That book is even gooder. ( )

9. This book is old. That book is even badder. ( ) 10. Her cat is old than my cat. ( )

11. He is oldder than my mother. ( ) 12. Their mother are so beautiful. ( ) 13. Don’t watches TV tonight. ( )

14. Doesn’t play baseball this Monday. ( ) 15. Don’t take a shower in night. ( )


1. 這張椅子比那張椅子好。


2. 你們比我們快樂。


3. 那張桌子比這張桌子小。


4. 她的頭髮比我的頭髮長。



中級下 第十九課 第一回


1. He ____________ ____________ finish homework before he goes to bed. (最好)

2. The dress ____________ (一定) be expensive. You ____________ ____________ ____________

buy it. (最好不要)

3. We ____________ ____________ exercise three times a week. (最好)

4. My daughter has a lot of homework. She ____________ ____________ do homework every day. (必 須)

5. I can’t talk to you now. I ____________ ____________ call my mother before 9. (必須) 6. It’s too late. You ____________ watch TV now. (不行)

7. The shirt is too expensive. You ____________ ____________ ____________ buy it. (最好不要) 8. I ____________ ____________ ____________ go to the party with him. (最好不要)


1. You must went to school tomorrow. ( ) 2. She has better not buy that shirt. ( )

3. They don’t have to doing homework today. ( ) 4. You have to made the bed by yourself. ( ) 5. We had better to visit Mr. Lin next week. ( ) 6. I mustn’t playing computer games now. ( )


1. 這本書一定很棒。



2. 你們不行喝可樂。(用 must 來寫)


3. 他應該每天寫功課。


4. 你現在最好去上學。





1. He ____________ ____________ ____________ live with his parents. (不必) 2. Her books _____________ be interesting. (一定)

3. They ____________ ____________ finish homework before 10:00 P.M. (必須) 4. You ____________ ____________ take a rest now. (最好)

5. We ___________ play computer games today. (不行)

6. I ____________ ____________ do the dishes today. (必須) 7. I ____________ drink milk every day. (一定)

8. He ____________ ____________ ____________ go with you. (最好不要)


1. They had to read books every day. ( )

2. She had better not calls her friends every day. ( ) 3. He must takes a rest now. ( )

4. You had better not to take a taxi by yourself. ( ) 5. He had better not putted the glass here. ( )


1. 今晚 Ken 必須去台北。(用 have to 造句)


2. 你現在最好休息了。



3. 他不應該每天看電視。


4. 我姊姊今天不必上學。



中級下 第二十課 第一回


1. Do you mind ____________ juice? (喝)

2. Do you mind if I ____________ you? (打電話) 3. May I ____________ the taxi with you? (搭) 4. May I ____________ TV now? (看)

5. Do you mind ____________ baseball at night? (打) 6. Do you mind if they ____________ to music? (聽) 7. May I ____________ for him here? (等)

8. May I ____________ that piece of cake? (吃)

9. Do you mind if she ____________ computer games in your room? (玩) 10. Do you mind ____________ a shower in my house? (洗澡)

11. May I ____________ a ____________ ____________ the book? (看一下) 12. May I ____________ computer games with you? (玩)

13. May I ____________ to music in your room? (聽) 14. Do you mind ____________ TV with my friends? (看) 15. Do you mind ____________ to school by bus? (上學)

16. Do you mind if I ____________ to your house next Monday? (去) 17. Do you mind if I ____________ a picture of you? (照相)

18. May I ____________ your pen? (用)

19. Do you mind if I ____________ (borrow) your bicycle tomorrow?

20. May I ____________ (take) a look at your cell phone?

21. Do you mind ____________ (lend) me ten dollars?

22. May I ____________ (use) your computer?



Sam: I scraped my knee and bumped my head.. Smith: What happened

My sister didn’t drink Coke last night because she had drunk too much.. May had learned some English before she went to America

We play ball there.② On weekends, we read books... My dad and mom

My friend doesn’t likes movies.. He don’t

(B) The girl who having a book in her hand is my sister.. (C) The girl with a book in her hand is

(B) Some students went to the concert last night; the other stayed at home studying. (C) Some of the students went to the concert last night; others stayed at

Jane: Her mother went to Taipei for work yesterday, so Tina lived in my house last night!. Laura: What does her

Playing computer games is interesting for my brother.(To play computer games is interesting for my brother.)(It is interesting for my brother to play computer