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The Perception of Leadership Style and Decision Making Style among Secondary Schools Sport Coaches 賴榮源、林明宏


Academic year: 2022

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The Perception of Leadership Style and Decision Making Style among Secondary Schools Sport Coaches


E-mail: 9901053@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aims to explore secondary school sports coaches’ perception of leadership behavior and general decision making styles.

Meanwhile, the relationship and the prediction caused from the interaction of the two elements are included. Whether the coaches’

background has an influence on the difference of leadership behavior is also discussed. The subjects of the research are fifteen kinds of sports coaches from junior high schools in Taichung County. 83 questionnaires are delivered and 67 valid questionnaires are retrieved. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, stepwise regression analysis, and one-way ANOVA analysis are applied to data analysis. The conclusions proved that Rational Style, Training and Instructional Behavior, Social Behavior, and Positive Behavior interacted and illustrated a positive connection. The use of Rational Style and Training and Instructional Behavior are most common among secondary school sports coaches, with the manipulation of Social Behavior and Positive Behavior as auxiliaries. Based on the study, the researches hypothesized further that Training and Instructional Behavior of secondary school sports coaches would influence the training efficacy, while Social Behavior, Positive Behavior, and Democratic Behavior / Autocratic Behavior would be moderator variable.

Keywords : secondary school sports coaches ; coach leadership behavior ; general decision-making style Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................

... iv 誌謝辭 ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................

... vi 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ................

..... xi 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機......

...... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 5 第三節 研究問題............

... 6   第四節  研究範圍............... 7   第五節  名詞限制...........

.... 8   第六節 名詞解釋及操作型定義......... 8 第二章 文獻探討...............

.. 10   第一節 教練領導模式............. 10   第二節  決策風格.............

.. 35 第三節 領導行為與決策風格.......... 42 第三章 研究方法................. 46   第一節  研究架構............... 46 第二節 研究對象............... 47    第三節  研究工具............... 47   第四節  研究過程............... 49   第五節  資料處理............... 50 第四章 結果分析................. 52 第一節 描述性統計.............. 52 第二節 問卷回收與信度分析.......... 58 第三節 教練 知覺教練領導行為與一般決策風格之 現況................. 60 第四節 教練知覺教練領導行為與一般 決策風格之 相關情形............... 61 第五節 教練知覺教練領導行為與一般決策風格預 測之情形..

............. 63 第六節 不同背景變項教練知覺教練領導行為之差 異情形..............

.. 66 第七節 不同背景變項教練一般決策風格之差異情 形.................. 73 第五章 討論..

................. 80 第一節 教練知覺教練領導行為及一般決策風格各構面順序之探討......

....... 80 第二節 教練知覺教練領導行為與一般決策風格之相關探討................ 81 第三 節 教練知覺教練領導行為與一般決策風格之預測情形之探討............. 84 第四節 不同背景變項教練知 覺教練領導行為之探討.................. 86 第五節 不同背景變項教練一般決策風格之探討.. 87 第六章 結論與建議................ 89 第一節 發現................. 89 第二節 結論................. 91 第三節 建議................. 95 參考文獻 ....

................. 98 附錄A 教練領導行為與決策相關調查問卷...... 106 附錄B 教練分佈表

................ 110 附錄C 不同運動種類中等學校教練領導行為差異情形摘要表.........

.......... 114 附錄D 不同運動種類中等學校教練一般決策風格差異情形摘要..............

.... 117



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