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考 試 別:警察人員考試 等 別:四等考試


Academic year: 2022

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國家安全局國家安全情報人員考試及110年特種考試 交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公務人員考試試題

考 試 別:警察人員考試 等 別:四等考試

類科組別:行政警察人員、交通警察人員 科 目:中華民國憲法與警察專業英文

考試時間: 1 小時 座號:


本科目共50 題,每題2 分,須用2B 鉛筆在試卡上依題號清楚劃記,於本試題上作答者,不予計分。


1 依據憲法及增修條文規定,下列何者有統一解釋法令之權限?

檢察總長 司法院 最高法院 行政院

2 依憲法增修條文規定,下列何者應經公民複決?

解散立法院案 總統彈劾案 總統罷免案 承認或限制同性婚姻案

3 依憲法增修條文規定,關於司法概算,下列敘述何者正確?





4 依憲法前言,下列何者不是憲法制定之目的?

增進人民福利 鞏固國權 保障民權 消除內戰

5 依司法院大法官解釋意旨,有關人民居住、遷徙、行動自由之敘述,下列何者正確?





6 依司法院大法官解釋,下列何者不構成財產權特別犧牲?





7 關於我國總統選舉,下列敘述何者錯誤?




總統候選人須年滿 40 歲

8 依司法院大法官歷來關於人身自由之解釋,下列何者得不經法院事前審查?





9 依司法院大法官解釋,下列那一種差別待遇應適用較寬鬆的審查基準?






代號:2601 頁次:4-2

10 依憲法增修條文之規定,關於立法院對行政院院長提出之不信任案,下列敘述何者錯誤?


不信任案提出 72 小時後,應於 48 小時內表決



11 關於立法院權力之行使,下列敘述何者正確?





12 依憲法增修條文規定及司法院大法官解釋,下列關於考試權之敘述,何者錯誤?





13 下列有關監察委員之敘述,何者錯誤?





14 依憲法規定,下列何種事項不屬於中央立法並執行,或交由省縣執行之事項?

合作事業 公共衛生 郵政 警察制度

15 依司法院大法官解釋,有關總統之刑事豁免權,下列敘述何者正確?





16 依據憲法增修條文,下列何者非屬監察院之職權?

彈劾權 糾舉權 審計權 同意權

17 依憲法及司法院大法官解釋,關於立法委員之言論免責權,下列敘述何者正確?





18 依司法院大法官解釋,有關宣告法律違憲並定期失效的大法官解釋之效力,下列敘述何者錯誤?





19 下列何機關之正副首長是由該機關之委員互選產生?

立法院 考試院 監察院 司法院

20 憲法第 148 條規定,中華民國領域內,一切貨物應許自由流通。下列敘述何者正確?






21 現行憲法及增修條文保障之參政權,不包括下列何者?

縣自治事項之創制 領土變更案之複決 監察委員之選舉 立法委員之罷免

22 依司法院大法官解釋,關於憲法第 14 條結社自由之保障,下列敘述何者錯誤?





23 依司法院大法官解釋,關於婚姻制度,下列敘述何者錯誤?





24 依司法院大法官解釋,下列何者不屬於憲法第 80 條所稱之法官?

司法院大法官 地方法院庭長 行政法院法官 懲戒法院法官

25 依司法院大法官解釋,有關訴訟權,下列敘述何者錯誤?




以訴訟標的之金額限制第三審上訴之權利,違反訴訟權之保障 26 The police usually use ____ to prevent a criminal suspect from escaping.

 batons  fingerprints  handcuffs  posters

27 The United States will make more medical aid _____ to India in an effort to fight an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases.

 available  compatible  dependable  flexible 28 The claims could well be aired by the two ___________ when the case goes to trial.

 referees  clienteles  defendants  judiciaries 29 Many children have become ____________ disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.

 emotionally  passionately  sympathetically  apathetically

30 Some recruitment websites are run by ______________ attempting to steal personal details to commit crimes.

 charismas  celibacies  fraudsters  felinities 31 The President faces 54 __________ of corruption and tax evasion and will appear in court soon.

 charges  appraisals  disclaimers  disputes 32 If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy _________.

 penalty  reward  fine  detention

33 The policeman took him down to the station to ____ him on suspicion of attempted murder.

 book  bribe  capture  chase

34 The police are calling for ____ now that they know the burglar has a gun.

 back-up  criminal record  street crime  walkie-talkie

35 Through _________ duties the police perform a number of broad functions, including the prevention and detection of criminal behaviors.

 researching  examining  patrol  pretentious

36 He said that he had received three gifts at that time, one of which ___________ disappeared shortly afterward.

 unwittingly  mischievously  mysteriously  disagreeably 37 Murder is considered a _____ and is punishable by life in prison.

 delinquency  felony  misdemeanor  treason

38 Having a credit card and paying the _____ regularly is a great way to establish a good credit record.

 diagnoses  installments  refreshments  symptoms 39 The explosives had been _____by the police just before being loaded into the jet.

 bombarded  intercepted  ransomed  shoplifted 40 The police are looking for _____ artists who have committed multiple offenses in the park.

 conspiracy  gangster  smuggling  vandalism


代號:2601 頁次:4-4 請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:

All new cars sold in Europe from 2022 will have technology to limit their speed. New safety rules from the European Union will 41 new cars to have "intelligent speed assistance" systems. These will be 42 equipment on cars, just like seatbelts and airbags. There are 43 things that cars will be fitted with. All cars will have breathalyzers that 44 allow driving if the driver has drunk too much alcohol. Cars must also have advanced emergency braking, a built-in data recorder, drowsiness and distraction monitoring, and sensors to help 45 reversing.

The EU said 25,000 people are killed each year on Europe's roads. Most accidents are caused by human error. The new safety systems will reduce road deaths.

41  accelerate  collide  escort  require 42  additional  domestic  standard  vulnerable

43  brutal  other  regional  urgent

44  can  should  will  won’t

45  how  when  where  who

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:

Someone who is naturally curious and is continually willing to grow their knowledge and abilities has the potential to make a sizeable impact as a police officer. Even though law enforcement officials endure a substantial amount of training before they find themselves in uniform, there’s always more they’ll have to learn on the job.

“One of the things people don’t realize about police work is that you have to be a jack-of-all-trades,” McKenna explains. “Expectations for officers are really high, and new things are always getting added to their plates.”

Back when he began his career as an officer, for example, squad cars were outfitted with simple radios—a way for officers to call something in and have dispatch take care of it. Police cars today, McKenna notes, are equipped with computers, calling upon the officers not only to master new technology but also to absorb the duties that previously fell to people in other positions. It’s also true that the equipment officers now carry is twice as extensive as it was in prior years.

“Additionally, there are more drugs on the market than ever, and laws change and update,”McKenna says, adding that departments don’t always have the funding to ensure everyone receives the training they need in these areas. That’s why he took it upon himself to take various classes throughout his law enforcement career, committing to learn the different skill sets and laws he’d need. “Lots of police officers attend conferences and classes on the side of their jobs.”

46 Which of the following statements is NOT true about this passage?

 Police officers should always be informed about amendments in relevant laws.

 Police officers may need to keep abreast with adequate computer skills.

 Police officers may be subject to expectations from different corners of society.

 Police officers are resistant to new ideas and new skills.

47 What does “you have to be a jack-of-all-trades” mean in the passage?

 Someone who is an expert in card games.

 Someone who has very good and broad knowledge.

 Someone who cannot master anything.

 Someone who works all day and becomes dull.

48 What can we infer from the passage?

 A police officer needs to savor a variety of drugs so as to be more competent at work.

 A police officer may be busy taking relevant classes when he is off duty.

 A police officer may need to take weight training courses to handle his equipment.

 A police officer may have abundant funding to empower his abilities.

49 What is the main reason that a police officer’s workload keeps increasing?

 He has to attend conferences.

 He has to pay attention to drug trafficking.

 He needs to use the computer when he is on duty.

 He needs to take up duties that did not belong to him previously.

50 What is the best title of this passage?

 The Importance of Being Hardworking.

 How to Become a Police Officer.

 The Eagerness to Learn.

 Police Officers: The Birth of a Career.



110年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員、國家安全局國家安全情報人員考試及 110年特種考試交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公務人員考試

科目名稱:中華民國憲法與警察專業英文(試題代號:2601) 考試名稱:


單選題數:50題 單選每題配分:2.00分

題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案

第1題 B

第2題 第3題 第4題 第5題 第6題 第7題 第8題 第9題 第10題

第11題 第12題 第14題 第15題 第16題 第17題 第18題 第19題 第20題

第21題 第22題 第23題 第24題 第25題 第26題 第27題 第28題 第29題 第30題

第31題 第32題 第33題 第34題 第35題 第36題 第37題 第38題 第39題 第40題 第13題

第41題 第42題 第43題 第44題 第45題 第46題 第47題 第48題 第49題 第50題

第51題 第52題 第53題 第54題 第55題 第56題 第57題 第58題 第59題 第60題

第61題 第62題 第63題 第64題 第65題 第66題 第67題 第68題 第69題 第70題

第71題 第72題 第73題 第74題 第75題 第76題 第77題 第78題 第79題 第80題

第81題 第82題 第83題 第84題 第85題 第86題 第87題 第88題 第89題 第90題

第91題 第92題 第93題 第94題 第95題 第96題 第97題 第98題 第99題 第100題








複選題數: 複選每題配分:


備  註:



26 假設 2000 年的年利率為 10%,2001 年的年利率為 5%;則 2001 年年底的 100 元,在 2000 年的年初約等於 多少?.  80 元  83 元  87 元 

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本次評量採電腦讀卡作業,皆單一選 擇題含題組。請耐心閱讀、仔細作 答,最後一定要檢查並注意班級、座 號有無畫錯卡,畫錯卡一律直接總分 扣三分。.. 英文科

各班別符合口試資格之考生人數若超過 40 人以上,口試場次將分為上、下午場辦理

直線運動是運動學中的入門款,首 重圖形的判讀,不要去死記圖形的意義 及運動模式,而是確切的去理解,甚至 可以和生活中的運動結合來幫助記憶。..

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