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The Domain of PR Research in Taiwan---The Comparison between Academic Articles and Non-Academic Articles 黃梅芳、沈介文


Academic year: 2022

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The Domain of PR Research in Taiwan---The Comparison between Academic Articles and Non-Academic Articles


E-mail: 9125883@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The Purpose of this essay is to explore the domain of public relations in Taiwan further. We proposed two sorts of hypotheses, which were, the development in the PR academic articles and non-academic ones should be difference, and there should be a correlation between the developments in the PR academic articles and the evolution in the PR non-academic reports. To make a comparison between academic articles and non-academic articles in public relations domain, a total of 278 public relations journal articles were content-analyzed. The following three issues were examined: article purpose, article topic and theoretical paradigm. The findings were showed as follows. First, the result indicated that the distribution of the PR academic articles was different from the distribution of the PR non-academic articles in article purpose and theoretical paradigm. Second, the research pointed out the relationship between the development of the PR academic articles and development of the PR non-academic articles only in the two issues, applications in article purpose and the article topic was mentioned PR management. The Purpose of this essay is to explore the domain of public relations in Taiwan further. We proposed two sorts of hypotheses, which were, the development in the PR academic articles and non-academic ones should be difference, and there should be a correlation between the developments in the PR academic articles and the evolution in the PR non-academic reports. To make a comparison between academic articles and non-academic articles in public relations domain, a total of 278 public relations journal articles were content-analyzed. The following three issues were examined: article purpose, article topic and theoretical paradigm. The findings were showed as follows. First, the result indicated that the distribution of the PR academic articles was different from the distribution of the PR non-academic articles in article purpose and theoretical paradigm. Second, the research pointed out the relationship between the development of the PR academic articles and development of the PR non-academic articles only in the two issues, applications in article purpose and the article topic was mentioned PR management.

Keywords : public relations ; journal article ; content analysis

Table of Contents

第一章 緒論---1 第一節 研究背景---1 第二節 研究動機---4 第三節 研究目的--- 4 第二 章 文獻探討--- 7 第一節 公共關係文章之屬性--- 8 第二 節 公共關係文章之主題---10 第三節 公共關係理論學派---14 第三章 研究方法---21 第一節 研究架構與假設---21 第二節 內容分析法---24 第三節 研究設計---25 第四節 分析 單元與類目建構---26 第五節 統計分析方法---30 第六節 研究信度 與效度---30 第四章 研究結果---32 第一節 公關學術 與非學術文章版圖分佈特性與差異性描述 ---32 第二節 公關學術與非學術文 章發展之相關性分析 ---35 第五章 研究結論與建

議---38 第一節 研究結論---38 第二節 研究限 制---44 第三節 未來研究趨勢---45 附件一:台灣公關 文章樣本搜尋策略---46 附件二:文章登錄範例---47 參考文獻 ---49


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