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Academic year: 2022

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榮譽第一 ※考試時間,請關閉手機


科目名稱: 實用英文

一律橫式作答 第一頁

注意: 請依照題號排列的順序作答。

一、選擇題 --- 60% (單選二十題,每題三分。請依據句子的意思為空格選出最適當的答案。) 1. We were just talking about ______ shopping.

1) go 2) to go 3) going

2. We had to listen for the bells of the mules ______.

1) carrying supplies to the villages 2) carry supplies to the villages 3) carried supplies to the villages

3. On the night before Christmas all through the house not a creature ______, not even a mouse….

1) stirring 2) was stirring 3) was stirred

4. “Football couches” are buses ______ by fans ______ to soccer games.

1) chartering, traveled 2) chartering, traveling 3) chartered, traveling

5. In our daily life, we often feel we _________ unfairly; like when we receive an incorrect bill.

1) were being treated 2) are treating 3) are being treated

6. You have asked them several times to solve your problem by exchanging the car for another one, but they are unwilling to do this. 這句子裡的 this 代表什麼意思?

1) 這個 2) 換車 3) 退錢

7. Mikki: Well, I admit, when I was a little girl I liked playing baseball and basketball much better than playing with dolls. 請問 Mikki 比較喜歡做哪一件事?

1) playing baseball and basketball 2) playing with dolls 3) 都喜歡 8. Laura: Are there any books in Chinese?

John: Fat chance! You’d have to go to a book store in the city to find that. We’re just a country town here.

John 說的 Fat chance! 是什麼意思?

1) 油水不少 2) 大好機會 3) 沒啥機會

9. Oh, wonderful! Just in time for the weekend. Let’s see, these are the CD ROMs I ordered. 畫線 的部份是什麼意思?

1) 正好是周末 2) 剛好趕上周末 3) 周末剛結束

10. People wait around for a huge lighted ball to drop down a pole. As the ball gets close to the bottom of the pole, people count down the seconds till the beginning of the New Year. 畫線的 部份是什麼意思?

1) 倒數計時 2) 等一下再算帳 3) 順時針轉動秒針

11. We’ve talked about all these things before. So let’s not go around in circles. 畫線的部份是什 麼意思?

1) 繞著舊話題打轉 2) 去逛圓形廣場 3) 繞著圓圈找找看


科目名稱: 實用英文【正題】

一律橫式作答 第二頁

12. It’s a great way to find something you need and save a few bucks at the same time.


1) way 2) something 3) a few bucks

13. Whoever comes to the intersection and stops first will have the right to pass first. 這句子的主 詞是哪一個?

1) Whoever 2) the intersection 3) Whoever comes to the intersection and stops first 14. They are gathered around a Christmas tree talking and Mrs. Roberts tells the story, “The Night

Before Christmas.” 這句子的主要結構是哪一部份?

1) They are gathered…..

2) They are gathered ….. and Mrs. Roberts tells…..

3) They are gathered around a Christmas tree….

15. They are talking about where they went, what they did, and how they felt. 請問 and 連接哪 幾部份?

1) went, did, how 2) where, what, how 3) where they went, what they did, how they felt

16. 下面哪一個答案,是可以顯示出每一小分段意思完整性的合理分段?

1) Well now // you can revisit the Gallery // as often as you wish // with the help // of this CD-ROM.

2) Well now // you can revisit // the Gallery as often as you // wish with the help // of this CD-ROM.

3) Well // now you can revisit the Gallery as // often as you wish with // the help of // this CD-ROM.

17. It’s very important for families to be together // during the holiday season, // especially around the beginning of the new year. 這句子分成三段,哪一段可以最先捨去,暫時不看?

1) It’s very important for families to be together 2) during the holiday season,

3) especially around the beginning of the new year.

18. Laura: Your sister invited us too?

Jade: Sure—the more ________.

1) the merry 2) the merrier 3) the merrily 19. Mrs. Roberts: Did anyone check the spare?

Mr. Roberts: _________


1) Sure did. 2) I know. 3) I did.

20. Carol: I’m calling to bounce some ideas off you.

Susan: Great. _________

Carol: British is quite surprising to me. I’ve traveled here before.


1) I don’t have time now. 2) Wait a second. 3) Go ahead.


科目名稱: 實用英文【正題】

一律橫式作答 第三頁

二、閱讀測驗 --- 40% (每格四分。請依照 1,2,3,4,5,…..作答) 題目一

Nicole: We have similar signals in Taiwan. Red means “stop.” Yellow means “slow,” and green means “go.” But I think here in the United States you have many more traffic signs. I saw one yesterday that was a red “Stop” sign with a “4 way” sign below it.

John: That means you will come to an intersection that has no traffic light. Whoever comes to the intersection and stops first will have the right to pass first. In this way people will wait for his/her turn to pass the intersection safely.

1. Nicole 說美國的 traffic signs 比台灣多,她舉了一個例子,請把這個例子完整抄寫出 來。(寫英文)____________

2. 請用圖畫方式畫出 a “Stop” sign with a “4 way” sign below it 。(畫圖題)__________

3. John 說的 In this way,….. 是代表前面的哪一段話?請把那段英文完整抄寫出來。(寫 英文)____________


Yard Sale: 731 Barker Ave. Moving! Everything must go! Refrigerator; like new. $220. Beds, chairs and table. Reasonable.

4. 什麼原因要賣傢俱?請把英文部份完整抄寫出來。(寫英文) ____________

5. Reasonable 是指什麼很合理?(寫中文即可) _________________


Pierre: Well, the unemployment rate seems to be setting a high water-mark of over ten percent now and three million people don’t have a job. Some Frenchmen say that this is

because many jobs are occupied by immigrants, but that’s a superficial argument.

Tee-ying: Why?

Pierre: Because if you take a hard look at the facts, you will see that many immigrants are doing jobs that French people don’t want to do.

6. 根據 Pierre 的說法,部份法國人認為失業率高的原因是什麼?請把那段英文抄寫出 來。(寫英文)____________

7. Pierre 同意他們的看法嗎?為什麼?請完整抄寫出佐證的英文。(這一小題有兩個問



Carol: Britain is quite surprising to me. As you know, I have traveled here before. I thought I would be writing about the topics I already knew. But, in fact, there are so many new places to explore and people to meet. I’ve been modifying the outline of my book all the time.

Susan: I hope you are not planning to skip London.

8. Carol 原來打算寫些什麼內容?請把英文完整抄寫下來。(寫英文)____________

9. Susan 最可能聽到哪一句話,才會說出 I hope you are not planning to skip London.?請 把那一句話抄寫出來。(寫英文)__________



10. What kind of music is played on the Berlin 3 radio station?(寫中文或英文都可以)




一、選擇題 --- 60% (單選二十題,每題三分。請依據句子的意思為空格選出最適當的答案。) 1. (p126) 3) going

2. (p167) 1) carrying supplies to the villages 3. (p222) 2) was stirring

4. (p228) 3) chartered, traveling 5. (p216) 3) are being treated 6. (p217) 2) 換車

7. (p153) 1) playing baseball and basketball

8. (p133) 3) 沒啥機會

9. (p233) 2) 剛好趕上周末 10. (p256) 1) 倒數計時 11. (p239) 1) 繞著舊話題打轉 12. (p137) 2) something

13. (p128) 3) Whoever comes to the intersection and stops first 14. (p221) 2) They are gathered ….. and Mrs. Roberts tells…..

15. (p156) 3) where they went, what they did, how they felt

16. (p234) 1) Well now // you can revisit the Gallery // as often as you wish // with the help // of this CD-ROM.

17. (p254) 3) especially around the beginning of the new year.

18. (p143) 2) the merrier 19. (p147) 2) I know.

20. (p227) 3) Go ahead.

二、閱讀測驗 --- 40% (每格四分。請依照 1,2,3,4,5,…..作答) 題目一(p127)

1. I saw one yesterday that was a red “Stop” sign with a “4 way” sign below it.

2. (畫圖題)

3. Whoever comes to the intersection and stops first will have the right to pass first.

題目二(p136) 4. Moving!

5. 物品價格 題目三(p248)

6. this is because many jobs are occupied by immigrants

7. 1) 不同意;2) (Because if you take a hard look at the facts,) you will see that many immigrants are doing jobs that French people don’t want to do.

題目四 (p227)

8. I thought I would be writing about the topics I already knew.

9. I’ve been modifying the outline of my book all the time.

題目五 (p246)(寫中文或英文都可以)

10. modern music



 civilian life and opportunities ©2011 Yen-Ping Shan All rights reserved

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