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科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 3-1 頁


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 108 學年度上學期期中考試題【 正參】003

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 3-1 頁

壹、 簡答題: 閱讀方法測驗。40% 這門課的教學節目與課本的導讀都一再的強調學習與閱讀的方


A. 請找出下列 5 個句子中的主詞和動詞,做答時請只寫出重點字的部份,否則不算分。(20%) 例句: Each Indian tribe is deeply rooted to the land and nature and its own customs.

請在答案紙上寫出所有和主詞與動詞直接相關的字: 主詞: Each Indian tribe (2%);

動詞: is deeply rooted (2%)。


1. A lot of books in the bookstores are made in the U.S. (p132)

2. The first day one guy was carried back to the ski lodge on a stretcher. (p117)

3. One native leader, King Philip, as he was called by whites, waged a war against all Europeans to drive them out of New England. (p71)

4. All we had to do was to show up. (p118)

5. Yard sales are often held outdoors in people’s yards. (p136)

B. 請同學判定以下句子中的 V-ing 是現在分詞還是動名詞的用法. (20%) 1. It is different from learning science courses. (動名詞)

2. I have been waiting for you. (現在分詞)

3. By understanding sentences, you will understand vocabulary and grammar rules better. (動名詞) 4. In those places, do you need ropes and other mountain climbing equipment? (動名詞)

5. But right now, the issue seems to be causing a lot of controversy. (現在分詞)

貳、 選擇題(對話排序)。請同學將選項填入適當的對話空格中,以完整對話。10%

1. (The customer has found a pair of pants which he likes and wants to try them on. p24) Clerk: What a wonderful choice! This item just arrived last week.

Customer: 1

Clerk: It’s cotton. It’s quite soft, isn’t it?

Customer: 2

Clerk: Sure. Let me take you to the fitting room.

(The customer comes out of the fitting room.) Clerk: Well, 3

Customer: 4 (He points to his waist.) Could you show me a smaller size?

Clerk: Sure. 5 I’ll be right back.

a. Can I try them on?

b. What material is this?

c. Please wait here.

d. how do you like them?

e. They don’t fit too well here.

完整答案請參見第 3 頁


科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 3-2 頁

參、 填充題(介係詞):請由提供的單字中,選擇適合的單字填入句中的空格。在提供的 15 個單字中只

有用到10 個,請同學小心依題意選擇後,將正確答案依照題號將單字抄到答案紙上。20%

concerns discriminated lightweight most cooperate

best reverse places of interest wedge reasonable

vary sign license variation wasteful

1. This guidebook says that along Michigan Avenue, called the “Magnificent Mile,” there are lots of places of interest. (p72)

2. Your cares and concerns remain earthbound as the balloon rises gently and floats effortlessly on a gentle breeze. (p.81)

3. In the U.S., there is often a focus on group activities in class where students learn to cooperate with each other and be less dependent on the teacher. (p.92)

4. The quality of public schools can vary from place to place. (p.93)

5. The French speaking population in Quebec feels discriminated against by the English speakers. It seems that the English culture is too dominant. (p.102)

6. The Appalachian Trail is not that rugged, but hikers need good hiking shoes and a lightweight, well-balanced backpack. (p.107)

7. A student needs to sign up for a class before he or she can actually join the class. (p.118)

8. In the U.S., a person cannot drive a car with only a permit; he or she has to have a regular license to drive a car by oneself. (p.127)

9. Sometimes, people buy something new and the old thing is still usable. It might be wasteful to throw it away. (p.137)

10. Yard sales are a great way to recycle useful things. This way people get the most out of their goods.


肆、 填充題(介係詞): 請在下列常用的片語中,填入正確的介係詞。10%

1. To talk me into it 說服我去做這件事 (p.82) 2. To get to the point 說到重點 (p.90)

3. To fall behind 落後、跟不上(p.93)

4. To chip in 分擔一份(力量、金錢)(p.130) 5. To show off 愛表現;搶鋒頭;炫耀 (p.119)



科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 3-3 頁


正確的答案依題號,利用選項的代號(A, B, C……)答題。20%

題目 選項

1 “Play it by ear” (p.87) A It’s twenty past ten.

2 Hang in there (p.86) B eat a small amount

3 “Eat like a bird” (p.125) C 一石二鳥

4 Haste makes waste. (p.88) D No, go ahead.

5 To kill two birds with one stone. (p.88) E to act without a definite plan 6 Do you have the time? (p. 17) F I’m afraid not. I need it this week.

7 How are you doing these days? (p.14) G 欲速則不達

8 Excuse me, is this seat taken? (p.19) H Not now, I’m just looking around now.

9 Excuse me. Can I borrow this book? (p.18) I to continue doing something even though it may be very difficult

10 Hi. Is there anything I can help you with?

(p.24) J Well, I’m kind of just fooling around at the


壹. A. 1. 主詞: A lot of books in the bookstores; 動詞: are made 2. 主詞: one guy ; 動詞: was carried

3. 主詞: One native leader, King Philip, as he was called by whites ; 動詞: waged 4. 主詞: All we had to do ; 動詞: was

5. 主詞: Yard sales; 動詞: are often held B. 1 動名詞

2. 現在分詞 3. 動名詞 4. 動名詞 5. 現在分詞

貳. 1. b ; 2. a ; 3. d ; 4. e ; 5. c

參. 1. places of interest; 2. concerns; 3. cooperate; 4. vary; 5. discriminated; 6. lightweight; 7. sign;

8. license; 9. wasteful; 10. most 肆. 1. into 2. to 3. behind 4. in 5. off

伍. 1. E 2. I. 3. B. 4. G. 5. C 6. A 7. J. 8. D 9. F 10. H



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