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Mechanisms of actin filament assembly


Academic year: 2022

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Mechanisms of actin filament assembly

Unbranched filament: formins

Branched filament: Arp2/3


Formins nucleate formation of unbranched actin filaments, such as those in stress fibers.

Formins are found at the plus ends of actin filaments.

Formin is said to be processive(前進的),

because it remains bound to the plus end of an actin filament as actin monomers are added at the plus end.

The continued presence of formin prevents binding of plus-end capping proteins that would inhibit filament growth.

Formins assemble unbranched filament

FH2 domain

Induced actin polymerization


Each formin includes an actin-binding FH2 domain that dimerizes to form a ring-like structure with flexible links.

Models have been proposed involving “stair stepping” (階梯式的步驟) by the dimeric formin to explain its ability to remain at the plus end as actin monomers are added.

Regulation of formins by an intramolecular interaction Second messenger regulation

RBD: Rho binding domain


The Arp2/3 complex nucleates branched filament assembly

WASp: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein


Arp2/3 complex binds at 70


to the side of actin filaments to nucleate a daughter filament.

Actin-related protein (Arps) about 50 % similarity with actin.

Arp2/3 can stimulates actin assembly.

Arp2/3 combined mother and daughter filaments → created ends of filament elongate and create the force to push the membrane forward


The Arp2/3; active state

The Arp2/3; active state


The actin-related proteins: ARP 2/3


Regulation of the Arp2/3 complex by WASp

Rho is a family of small GTP-binding proteins that regulate the actin


Some members of the Rho family:

Š Rac activates formation of lamellipodia, in part through activation of WASP.

Š Cdc42 activates formation of

filopodia, in part through activation of the WASP family protein Scar


Š Rho activates formation of focal adhesions & stress fibers, in part through activation of formins.

In each case the active form of the Rho family protein has bound GTP.


Listeria utilizes the power of actin polymeration for intracellular movement

Intracellular movement can be powered by actin


ActA →activated

→Arp2/3→nucleate new filament→→


Actin polymerization can generate forces that move certain intracellular bacteria & viruses.

Intracellular movements and changes in cell shape are driven by actin polymerization

Red: surface protein


Intracellular pathogens


Toxin perturb (擾亂) the pool of actin monomers.

Cytochalasin D:

– A fungal alkaloid.

– Binds to (+) end of F-actin & blocking further addition of subunits.


– A toxin secreted by sponges.

– Binds to G-actin & inhibits it from adding to a filament.

When these two toxins are added to live cells, actin cytoskeleton disappears and cell locomotion & cytokinesis are inhibited.


– Isolated from the "angel of death" mushroom.

– Binds between subunits in F-actin, locks adjacent subunits together

& prevents actin filaments from depolymerizing.

– Fluorescent-labeled phalloidin is commonly used to stain actin filaments for microscopy.




Organization of actin based cellular structures

Cross-linking proteins organize actin filaments

Adaptor proteins link filaments to membrane


Cross-linking proteins organize actin filaments

TEM of microvillus

Long cross- linking protein such as filamin are flexible


Fimbrin, villin, & α-actinin cross-link actin filaments into



Filamin cross-links actin filaments into a three-dimensional gel-like network.

Polymer actin


Adaptor proteins link filaments to membrane


Scaffolding protein

EM of RBC Maintain cell surface or shape


Genetic defect in spectin, band 4.1 and ankyrin

球形紅細胞貧血(spherocytic anemia)、


Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) 裘馨氏肌肉萎縮症




(Dystrophin),此症患者的細胞內完全缺少肌肉 萎縮蛋白,肌纖維膜變得無力脆弱,經年累月伸 展後終於撕裂,肌細胞易死亡。


Affects structure (DGC) involved in linking muscle cell to basal lamina This structure provides strength to cell membrane

disruption leads to weakening of mechanical stability of cell Affects cytosolic adapter protein-Dystrophin

Interacts with dystroglycan (glycoprotein


Muscular dystrophy: connections between the ECM and cytoskeleton are defective

About 1/3300 boys, heat or lung failure

Mutation of dystrophin (a cytoslic protein), bind to dystroglycan

Dystroglycan: α-subunit (peripheral protein) plus β-subunit

(transmembrane protein); the a- subunit also has O-linked

oligosaccharides to bind various basal lamina components

DGC (dystrophin glycoprotein

complex) links extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton and singling pathways enzyme for muscle’s function

Mutations in components of this pathway (e.g. muscular dystrophy) results in mechanical instability of muscle cells.


Actin Cross-Linking Proteins (Fascin, Villin, Fimbrin, α-Actinin, Spectrin, Dystrophin, Filamin)

Membrane-Microfilament Cross-Linking Proteins (Ponticulin, Ankyrin, Dystrophin)

G-Actin Sequestering Proteins (Thymosin β4, Profilin)

Actin Severing Proteins (Gelsolin)

Actin Capping Proteins (CapZ, Tropomodulin)

Actin Dynamizing Proteins (profilin, cofilin) Structure



How is the polymerization of actin filaments regulated?

Actin Binding Proteins

• Regulation of filament assembly

– [monomer] available for polymerization – Promoting nucleation (rate limiting step) – Regulating nucleotide exchange

• Filament severing – Creates new ends

• End capping

– Prevents addition/loss at specific ends

• Filament branching

– Actin Related Proteins (ARP)

• Cross-linking filaments

– Formation of networks & bundles


1. They can bind to specific filament types 2. They can travel along filaments

3. They hydrolyze ATP 肌凝蛋白

Motor proteins are enzymes that couple the hydrolysis of ATP to a conformational change

17.5 Myosins: actin-base motor protein


1. Actin-based: myosins

Myosin families: myosin I-XVIII

2. Microtubule based motors (next chapter) a. Dynein

Flagellar and cytoplasmic dyneins. MW~500kDa They move towards the minus (-) end of MT

b. Kinesin

Cytoskeletal kinesins

Neurons, cargo transport along the axons

Kinesin family: conventional kinesins + isoforms. MW~110 kDa

They move towards the plus (+) end of MT

3. Nucleic acid based

DNA and RNA polymerases

They move along a DNA and produce force

Types of motor proteins


All myosins have head, neck, and tail domains with distinct functions

Different myosins has different function

Conformational changes in the myosin head couple ATP hydrolysis to movement

Myosin (肌凝蛋白)


Structure of myosin II

All myosins have head, neck, and tail domains with distinct functions

HMM: heavy mero-myosin LMM: light meromyosin Myosine II isolated from skeletal muscle. Myosin II assembles into bipolar

filaments, and head exposed. 2 heavy chain

4 light chain



Motor proteins

convert chemical energy (derived from ATP hydrolysis) into mechanical force (movement)


Globular Head

mechano-chemical transduction force generating domain

ATPase activity

MF(actin) binding site,

ATP hydrolysis results in unidirectional movement

Helical Tail:

binds cargo:

attachment to vesicles → transport attachment to filaments →sliding attachment to itself → formation of filaments Neck


binds regulatory chains


2 heavy chain

4 light chain


Myosin: the actin motor protein

All myosins have head, neck, and tail domains with distinct functions


~40 genes


Functions of myosin tail domains.


Myosins are associated with

intracellular membrane vesicles or the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane

Tail domains of myosins bind the plasma

membrane or the membranes of intracellular organelles → membrane-related activities vesicle


Sliding-filament assay is used to detect myosin-powered movement.


Fixed to myosin ATP add

Mysoin heads walk along actin filaments in discrete steps




Myosin superfamily in human

Myosins make up a large family of mechanochemcial motor proteins

S1 head domain from 40 human genome Loss specific induced disease


Myosins have diverse, well-defined, functions

All myosin move to + end of actin, exception is myosin VI Myosin VI: move to – end of actin for endocytosis

8 genes encode heavy chains for myosin I family; 14 genes for myosin II family; and three for myosin V.

only assembly to bipolar filament Class I, II and V are most common.


Motor domains of most myosins move along actin filaments toward the plus ends of the filaments.

This movement is ATP-dependent and is accompanied by ATP hydrolysis.

An exception is myosin VI, which moves toward the minus

ends of actin filaments.


May be other cargo

1. Binding ATP → disrupting actin-binding site

2. Hydrolysis ATP → head, conformational change → move to new position → rebind

3. Pi release → head

conformation second change

→ move the actin

4. Release ATP → new cycle



Conformational changes in the myosin head couple ATP hydrolysis to



ATP hydrolysis to movement


The length of the myosin II neck domain determine the rate of movement

Recombinant DNA

Different length neck domain



More fast


Optical trap determines force & step size generated by a single myosin molecule.

Myosin II moves in a step of 5-10 nm & generates 3-5 piconewtons (pN) of force.

Step size of a myosin is correlated to its neck length. Myosin V, with a long neck, moves in a 36-nm step. However, the correlation is not absolute, e.g. myosin VI.

Can measure the force from myosin

Move to +


The processivity of myosins



The movment of Myosin V

Myosin V has two heads, how to work?

Hand over hand Inchworm model



Myosin-powered cell movements


Organized thick and thin filaments in skeletal muscle slide past one another during contraction.

Typical skeletal muscle cell called a myofiber, 1-40 mm in length and 10-50 um in width;

multinucleated (100).


cytoplasm is packed with a regular repeating array of filament bundles into a specialized. And contain two type: thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments Contraction: sarcomere

about 70% shorten

(thin filament)

(thick filament)


The sliding-filament model of contraction in striated muscle


Skeletal muscle is structured by stabilizing and scaffolding proteins

Attach to z-disk, extends to the middle of thick filament; it elastic protein that holds the thick

filament in the middle

Repeat, bind to actin.


+ - + -

+ -

+ -


Contraction of skeletal muscle is regulated by Ca


and actin- binding proteins.

Action potential → neuromuscular junction → opening Ca2+ voltage channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum → Ca2+ release →bind to troponin (C subunit) with I and T subunit → control Tropomysion movement

No Ca2+ → myosin can bind thin filament but TM-TN complex prevent move

Ca2+ → bind → triggered TN-C →conformational change → slight movement of TM

→ expose the myosin-binding site on actin → when Ca2+ high lead contraction (thin filament; actin filament)


Thin filament:

(1). Actin (肌動蛋白)

(2). Tropomyosin (原肌球蛋白,旋轉肌球素) (3). Troponin (肌鈣蛋白,旋轉素) :

a. troponin I (strong affinity for actin);

b. troponin T (for tropomyosin);

c. troponin C (for Ca)


Myosin-dependent mechanisms regulate contraction in smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.

Calcium-dependent activation of myosin II.

LC: light chain

Ca2+ → bind to calmodulin → activate calmodulin → bind to myosin LC kinase (MLCK) → phosphorylation of mysoin LC → contraction



dependent regulation of smooth muscle contraction


Actin and myosin II form contractile bundles in nonmuscle cells


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathies


Mutation of cardiac myosin heavy chain Heat arrhythmia


Myosin V bound vesicles are carried along actin filament

Myosin V carry many different cargoes in budding yeast


Budding SV: secretory vesicle



Myosin-bound vesicles are carried along actin filaments.

Vesicle trafficking (myosins I, V, & VI)

– These myosins have high duty ratio (the fraction of time spent attached to filaments during ATPase cycle).

Cytoplasmic streaming (myosin XI)

Large vesicle, is part of the ER

network, contacts the stationary (不增 減) actin filaments and moves along them by a myosin motor protein



Cell migration: signaling and chemotaxis

Steps in keratinocyte movement.

lamellipodium: Actin filaments at the leading edge are rapidly cross linked into bundles and net works in a protruding region.

Filopodia: Slender fingerlike membrane projections.

絲狀偽足 瓣狀偽足 lamellipodium



Cell movement coordinates force generation with cell adhesion

1. Membrane extension 2. Cell substrate adhesions 3. Cell body translocation

4. Breaking cell attachments


Actin-based structures involved in cell locomotion


1. Membrane extension.

Arp2/3 complex, formed 70o angle branch

(a) Actin filaments → assembled into

branched network

(b)Elongation of filament → generated pushing force; elastic brownian ratchet model.

Profilin promotes ADP/ATP exchange by G-actin, to

yield the ATP-bound form competent to polymerize, at the leading edge of an

advancing cell.

Capping protein adds to the plus ends of actin

filaments shortly after they are nucleated by Arp2/3, keeping actin filaments at the leading edge short &

highly branched.


Cell locomotion by Controlled Actin Assembly

Focal contacts are made with

extracellular matrix Cause cross talk between cytoskeletal elements Actin nucleation is initiated

Web formation occurs Mediated by Arp2/3 (actin-relatedprotein) complex

Newly nucleated actin filaments are attached to the sides of old

filaments at a 70o angle

In a steady state, ends are capped After ATP hydrolysis, filaments are

depolarized by cofilin

This allows spacing of filament Result: actin filament network moves forward, moving cell


The polymerization “motor”

How can polymerization push ?

However, a single filament is too weak…

Cantilever 懸臂

Elastic Brownian ratchet


2. Cell-substrate adhesions.

• Prevent the leading lamella (薄板) from retracting (縮進).

• Allow the cell to push forward.

3. Cell body translocation.

Myosin-dependent cortical contraction.


Keratinocyte (角質細胞) actin


4. Breaking cell attachments.

Measuring the rate of movement in cells that express varying levels of integrins Æ The fastest migration occurs at an intermediate level of adhesion.

Ameboid movement entails reversible gel-sol transitions of actin networks.

• At the front of the cell, actin polymerizes (profilin) to form gel-like network (filamin, α-actinin).

• At the tail of the cell, actin depolymerizes (cofilin, gelsolin) to form the more fluid endoplasm.



The small GTP-binding proteins Cdc42, Rac, and Rho control actin organization

GEF: guanine nucleotide exchange factor GAP: GTPase activating protein

GDI: guanine nucleotide displacement inhibitor


Extracellular signals induce global actin


rearrangements via the Rho protein family – cdc42, Rac,

and Rho.

Contractile stress

filopodia ruffles


Cell migration involves the coordinate regulation of Cdc42, Rac and Rho

絲狀偽足 瓣狀偽足 lamellipodium



The wounded cell monolayer assay can be used to dissect signaling pathways in directed cell movement


Contribution of cdc42, Rac, and Rho to cell movement


Chemotaxis involves elevated levles of signaling

phosphoinositides, which signal to the actin cytoskeleton



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