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國立空中大學 100 學年度上學期期中考試題【正參】01 科目:實用英文


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 100 學年度上學期期中考試題【正參】01

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 2 頁

壹、閱讀方法測驗,70%。這門課的教學節目帶、課本的導讀與學訊上的文章都一再的強調學習與閱 讀的方法,請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問甚麼,再去找答案;


1. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是動名詞?

(a) Let me take you to the fitting room.

(b) I saw someone sitting here earlier and I think she will be back soon.

(c) Hang in there” means to continue doing something or to stay with some situation, even though it may be very difficult.

(d) And there is a reading room with newspapers and magazines.

2. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是現在分詞?

(a) They want to be able to speak English when meeting foreigners or visiting foreign countries.

(b) And how is life treating you?

(c) But I see a street vendor selling sugarcane juice and coconut juice.

(d) How about going to St. Louis?

3. Bob: Yes, the school system here has a pretty good reputation ___ to a lot of others.空格中的正確答案應是 (1) compared (2) comparing (3) compare (4) to compare

4. Joy: There are two ski courses ____ here; one is downhill and the other one is cross-country. 空格中的正確答 案應是 (1) listed (2) listing (3) list (4) to list

5. My dad is a farmer and he says a big breakfast gives him a lot of energy for ____ outdoors. 空格中的正確答 案應是 (1) worked (2) working (3) work (4) to work

6. 句子的分段,請依據最合理、最常見的方式將句子分段。

It sounds like there are many customs we must follow.請將這句話分成三段,只需寫出每一段的開頭與結尾 的英文字即可,錯二段以上就全錯。

7. But when they drive carelessly, they are putting their lives in the hands of forces they can not control. 請將這 句話分成至少四段,只需寫出每一段的開頭與結尾的英文字即可,錯三段以上就全錯。

8. It’s a great way to find something you need and save a few bucks at the same time.請將這句話分成五段,只需 寫出每一段的開頭與結尾的英文字即可,錯三段以上就全錯。

9. It feels so good to be on my feet and walking again.

請問:and 這個字連接這句話中的哪些部分?抄整句不給分。

10. Did you know that the building over there on the left is the National Concert Hall and the one on the right is the National Opera House? 請問:and 這個字連接這句話中的哪些部分?只需寫出每一段的開頭與結尾的 英文字即可。

11. One native leader, King Philip, as he was called by whites, waged a war against all Europeans to drive them out of New England. 請問:(一)劃線的這二段話在句中是針對句中的那個字在說明?

(二)them 指的是甚麼?

12. I guess we don't have to worry because we'll be in the hands of someone who knows what she is doing. (一)

這個句子中有個形容詞子句,請將它的開頭與結尾的英文字抄下即可;(二)這個形容詞子句是修飾句 中的那個字?

13. I saw it on the labels in many of the clothes I looked at. (一)這個句子中有個形容詞子句,請將它完整抄 下;(二)這個形容詞子句是修飾句中的那個字?

14. Chen: It is a nightmare if you are in a hurry to go to some place.

Conner: How bad does it get? 請問:依文意,劃線的字指的是甚麼?


貳、閱讀測驗,30%。請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問甚麼,再去 找答案,另外,這不是考翻譯,所以在看題目時請不要浪費時間在翻譯句子。

1. Harry: I've never thought of a forest full of hard trees as soft and tender. What do you mean?

Ah-mei: It's kind of hard to explain.


2. Ah-mei: Oh, don't wear that. It's not like a supermarket in the States. It's very crowded and all the food is out in the open. It's a really casual place. Don't worry about how you look. 請問:如果你收到個請柬,上面註明:

This is a casual meeting.,意思是你的穿著應如何?

3. Ah-mei: Yes, but not very often. He prefers to wear the traditional Chinese robe. He's the traditional patriarch of our family.

Harry: What does that mean? Do you have to ask his permission to do everything? Is he like a godfather in Italian families?

Ah-mei: Yes. He tells my grandmother what kind of noodles he wants today and how he wants his pig's feet cooked.



4. Grant Park is off to the right, and beyond that is Lake Michigan. 請問:(一)Grant Park 和 Lake Michigan 那 一個距離說話者較遠?(二)從那二個字可以看出來?

5. 「You name it, we got it.」的意思是甚麼?

--- 參考答案


1. B 2. D 3. 1

4. 1 5. 2

6. It sounds like/ there are many customs/ we must follow.

7. But when they drive carelessly/, they are putting their lives/ in the hands of forces/ they can not control.

8. It’s a great way/ to find something/ you need/ and save a few bucks/ at the same time.

9. on my feet; walking again

10. the building… Hall; the one… House

11. (一)one native leader; (二)all Europeans 12. who… doing; someone

13. (一)I looked at; (二)clothes 14. 交通狀況,堵車的情形


1. 不一樣:第一個是堅硬的,第二個是困難的 2. 輕鬆、休閒

3. (一)(1)Do you have to ask his permission to do everything?

(2)Is he like a godfather in Italian families?

(3)He tells my grandmother what kind of noodles he wants today and how he wants his pig's feet cooked.

(二)一個大家長似的、威權的人物 4. (一)Lake Michigan;(二)beyond that 5. 你講得出來的,我們都有
