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貳、英文【第 31-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 20 題,佔 40 分】


Academic year: 2021

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105 年臺灣銀行受託經理新臺幣發行附隨業務需要甄選檢券員試題


普通科目:國文、英文 *請填寫入場通知書編號:________________



本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」



應考人僅得使用簡易型電子計算器(不具任何財務函數、工程函數功能、儲存程式功能),但不得 發出聲響;若應考人於測驗時將不符規定之電子計算器放置於桌面或使用,經勸阻無效,仍執意 使用者,該科扣 10 分;該電子計算器並由監試人員保管至該節測驗結束後歸還。


壹、國文【第 1-30 題,每題 2 分,共計 30 題,占 60 分】







神「荼」鬱壘/如火如「荼」 百「乘」之家/「乘」風破浪

面「數」其罪/不可勝「數」 默而「識」之/博聞多「識」


朝如「青」絲暮成雪:綠色 曉看紅濕處,花重「錦官城」:成都

「居處」恭,執事敬,與人忠:住的地方 「紅顏」棄軒冕,白首臥松雲:美麗的女子

【2】4.「因為他首鼠兩端,所以錯過了投資的良機」。請問上句中的「首鼠兩端」跟下列哪一項成語意義 相近?

因循苟且 舉棋不定 前後不一 當機立斷


名詞、名詞、名詞 名詞、動詞、名詞

動詞、動詞、動詞 動詞、名詞、名詞

【3】6.譬喻的基本結構有三個部份:「喻體」、「喻詞」及「喻依」。喻體是被比喻的事物,喻詞是連接 喻體及喻依的詞彙,而喻依則是用來比方的事物。請問「人生就像一面鏡子,你對着鏡子笑,鏡中人就對 你笑;你發怒,鏡中人也會向你展現怒容。」一句中的喻依為哪一選項?

人生 像 鏡子 笑


三日入廚下,洗手作羹湯 烽火連三月,家書抵萬金

天生我才必有用,千金散盡還復來 後宮佳麗三千人,三千寵愛在一身

【4】8.形聲造字法是漢語最常見的一種造字方法,由形符與聲符組成,形符表義而聲符表音。請問下列何 者為形聲字?

信 武 本 誠


豐功偉業 席豐履厚 金科玉律 甘言厚幣


德政可風 仁民愛物 作育英才 造福人群

【4】11.中國古代以十二地支來標示一天的二十四小時,子時從半夜十一點開始起算,那麼端午節的「午時 水」應當是哪一個時段取的水?

上午十二點到下午兩點 上午九點到上午十一點

上午十點到上午十二點 上午十一點到下午一點

【3】12.廚房裡的人類學家莊祖宜提到飲食評論人麥可波倫批評現代營養主義,認為「現代營養科學的興起 造成食物的抽象化,人們追求飲食均衡往往跳過蔬果五穀雞鴨魚肉這些真正的食物,只考慮膳食纖維、礦 物質、膽固醇、飽和脂肪酸等等的多寡。」據此,可推斷波倫選擇食物時以何為優先?

營養成份 價格高低 天然新鮮 取得容易

【2】13.依照樂器製作使用材質不同,中國古代有金石絲竹種種分別。蔣勳在《美的覺醒》提到「金是金屬 的樂器;石是石頭的樂器;絲就是採用絲弦的樂器……..至於竹是將竹子截取一段,中間鑿一些孔洞,隨 著吹氣及按壓指孔,就可以發出音階來,所以屬於管樂器。」請問下列哪一種樂器屬於「竹」?

鑼 嗩吶 二胡 胡琴

【2】14.陳進郎先生說:「就我聽過和看過的投資人中,凡事多一分感動、少一分抱怨的人比較能成功;他 們成功後對自己的專業總能侃侃而談,對自己的成就卻總是輕描淡寫。」據此,則下列哪一種人比較接近 陳先生所謂成功投資人的作為?

上電視誇耀自己找到飆股 出書分享自己投資研究心得

以自己的獲利成就與他人相較量 指責政府的財經政策導致股市下跌

【1】15.「大多數的模特兒在二十歲左右到達事業高峰,但羅西卻與眾不同,她擔任模特兒四十年,表現如同美 酒一般愈來愈醇厚。」羅西在二十歲時開始擔任模特兒,請問下列哪一項詞語可以用來描述羅西現在的年紀?

耳順之年 花信之年 古稀之年 二八年華

【2】16.描寫紅色的語詞相當豐富多樣,如「朱門」的「朱」、「丹頂鶴」的「丹」都是紅色。請問下列哪 一項「」中的詞語也是紅色?

她擅長女「紅」,作得一手好衣服 「彤」霞滿天的美景令人流連忘返

以前小孩子喜歡打「赤」腳在田裡跑 「朱」陳之好這句話是比喻兩姓締結婚姻的情誼

【4】17.外來語翻譯類型中有一種是半音半義譯,如「摩托車」一詞中「摩托」是音譯 motor;而「車」則是 義譯說明此一物品為一種交通工具,下列哪一項詞語也屬於此一類型?

波羅蜜 麥克風 象牙塔 吉普車


小鳥高聲鳴唱 子女孝敬父母 燦爛朝陽升起 百花盛開於原野


一樹 桃花 原野 春風



床前明月光 紅豆生南國 伯仲之間見伊呂 點水蜻蜓款款飛


我昔釣白龍,放龍溪水旁 吏呼一何怒,婦啼一何苦

我欲因之夢吳越,一夜飛度鏡湖月 黃河之水天上來,奔流到海不復回


長安是百年的歷史古城 政局多變化,時常易主

街道縱橫可以行車如下棋 長安人擅長下棋,棋藝高明

【3】23.「小孩是天生的生活家,隨時懂得在旅程中放慢腳步,享受生活中稍縱即逝的樂趣;大人卻常為了 追趕下一個計畫中的行程,錯過了當下最美的風景。」這句話透露出作者欣賞哪一種旅行方式?

事先規劃所有的行程,並照表定時間走 參加旅行社,走訪越多景點越好

悠遊慢活,品味旅途中的各種風土人情 高價奢華的飯店與米其林美食

【4】24.「無心的一句話,可能解救一顆快崩潰的心。但無心的一句話,也可能造成無法磨滅、殘留在心底 的傷口。語言是個強大的工具,正因為如此,我覺得必須慎重使用。因為救命的解藥也可能變成奪人性命 的毒藥。」在這段文字中作者最想要傳達下列哪一種想法?








名成八陣圖 曲有誤周郎顧 東風不與周郎便 三顧頻煩天下計


佳木秀而繁蔭 飄蕭北風起,皓雪紛滿庭

暮春三月,江南草長,雜樹生花,群鶯亂飛 白露橫江,水光接天。縱一葦之所如,淩萬頃之茫然


「愈」有「超越勝過他人」的意義,以相反意義的「退之」作為字號。請問下列名與字號關連與此相同者 是哪一選項?

魏延,字文長 吳升,字潛夫 韓擇,字從善 孟光,字德耀


紅樓夢 西遊記 儒林外史 三國演義


曉風殘月』;學士詞,須關西大漢,銅琵琶、鐵綽板,唱『大江東去』。」由此可見蘇詞豪放的一面,請 問下列哪一選項為豪放的東坡詞?

欲報傾城隨太守,親射虎,看孫郎 舞低楊柳樓心月,歌盡桃花扇底風

無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來 淚眼問花花不語,亂紅飛過鞦韆去

【2】30.「我相信啟動廚房魅力的永遠是人---人無拘的心與萬能的手,因此設備再簡單的廚房劇場,也會因 為上戲的人認真投入而發光變暖。」就這段話中,若要能端出好菜,最重要的是下列哪一選項?

昂貴的進口食材 廚師的巧手妙心 齊全的鍋具設備 美麗的餐具盤飾

貳、英文【第 31-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 20 題,佔 40 分】


【1】31. It’s the exception that will work with online education ___________ thinking that online education for the masses is going to work.

 as opposed to  as well as  as long as  as far as

【3】32. Globalization continues to expand much as it has since the 1990s, ___________ the United States remaining as the world’s lone financial and military superpower.

 in  as  with  for

【1】33. It was not until he arrived at the airport ___________ realized that he had forgotten to bring his passport.

 that he  he  since he  and he

【3】34. Since 1776, a variety of treaties, purchases, wars, and Acts of Congress ___________ the territory of the United States to what we know today.

 has extended  extended  have extended  had extended

【1】35. At the country club, the coach and his assistant give lessons, ___________ the golf shop, and do their best to keep the members content.

 run  running  to run  ran

【2】36. Jerry climbed as ___________ as he could under the weight of his backpack.

 swift  swiftly  so swift  so swiftly

【3】37. My classmate put me in the room once ___________ by her two sisters.

 was shared  sharing  shared  was sharing

【1】38. The rules of the company require that employees ___________ properly dressed.

 be  being  are  were

【1】39. Our flight from Taipei to Tokyo was delayed ___________ the thunderstorm.

 because of  as a result  despite  since

【2】40. Melissa would certainly have attended the reception ___________

 if she has an accident.  had she not had the car accident.

 if she did not have the car accident.  whether she had a car accident.


Are you fortunate enough to live in an area where getting around on public transpo rtation or through bicycling and walking is a realistic possibility? Then make every effort to live a public transit -based or a pedestrian/bicycle-based lifestyle for as 41 as you can.

Remember that gasoline isn't your only car related 42 . Every month that you own a car, you're also paying for insurance, repairs, maintenance, and vehicle depreciation.

That last point, vehicle depreciation, is the 43 as it's not an expense that people feel. That's because it’s not a literal bill that you pay. 44 , that doesn't make it any less of an expense. Vehicle depreciation wipes away your net worth, sometimes to the 45 of thousands of dollars a year.

The longer you can get by without having a car, the better. But if you must buy a car, make every effort to pay cash for an old car.

Buying an inexpensive used car, ideally with cash, will lower your financial stress, improve your liquidity, and give you more options.

【2】41.  soon  long  far  simple

【1】42.  expense  expanse  expensive  expansion

【1】43.  worst  best  better  worse

【3】44.  Likewise  Moreover  However  Otherwise

【4】45.  money  income  interest  tune 三、閱讀測驗

Environmental abuse occurs as humans violate basic principles of ecology. Polluting the air and water, spreading radioactivity into the atmosphere, increasing levels of noise, creating numerous wastes, and consuming irreplaceable resources—all affect the global ecosystem. Since human beings are part of the ecosystem, we are too affected by these activities.

There are a number of major types of environmental abuse. Air pollution is known to have harmful effects on health and property. Pollution of water brings the threat of disease, shortages of clean water, and destruction of aquatic life. Nuclear power poses dangers of radioactive contamination. Solid wastes, many of which are not biologically decomposable, accumulate. Noise and visual pollution are on the increase, the former affecting health and both harming the appeal of our environment.

Land is being lost to misuse, often to the detriment of vegetation and wildlife. Finally, irreplaceable resources—e.g., energy-producing fuels and ores crucial to manufacturing—are facing rapid depletion. Conflict over scarce resources — many of which are located primarily in poor Third World countries—promises to emerge in the future.

【4】46. What is the main idea of this article?

 Air pollution has harmed humans’ health and property.

 The increasing levels of noise create a lot of disasters.

 Nuclear power is so dangerous that we should ban the use of it.

 Human beings ruin their environment because they violate basic principles of ecology.

【3】47. In this article, which one of the following factors is NOT mentioned as a kind of environmental abuse?

 air pollution  nuclear power  deforestation  noise pollution

【3】48. In line 7, What does the word “which” stand for?

 nuclear power  noise pollution  solid wastes  water pollution

【1】49. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

 Environmental abuse is caused by human beings’ unlawful behaviors.

 Most of the solid wastes are not biologically decomposable.

 The increase of noise pollution will harm humans’ health.

 Human beings are running out of some irreplaceable resources.

【2】50. According to the author, what is likely to happen if the energy producing fuels are running out?

 Nations will work together to resolve the problem.

 Wars might break out especially among the Third World countries.

 Other energy resources will be used to replace them.

 The United Nations is going to regulate the use of energy resources.



- small spheres (based on Maxwell’s equations; good model for scattering in the atmosphere due to water model for scattering in the atmosphere due to water droplets and fog)..

 Solid wastes comprise all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted.. 重金

Topic: Curriculum sharing and implementation: Integrating English into alternative curriculum at the first learning stage in the elementary school. 主題

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