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Evaluating Factors on Affecting Consumer''''s Willingness to Pay for Performing Arts 陳佳慧、邊瑞芬


Academic year: 2022

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Evaluating Factors on Affecting Consumer''''s Willingness to Pay for Performing Arts 陳佳慧、邊瑞芬

E-mail: 9226403@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study located weight percentage of each factor on affecting consumer’s willingness to pay for performing arts in order to construct the decision model about willingness to pay. According to the evaluating factors’ weights, this study intended to provide the best marketing strategy for performing art or how to improve it. This study includes two stages. The first stage, the researcher held an interview with experts and an informal discussion with consumers in December 2001. By collecting experts’ options, this study constructed the evaluating model about affecting consumer’s willingness to pay for performing arts. Five layers and some factors under each layer describe as below: (1) the quality of performing arts layer includes performing contents, performing place, performing group and chamber order; (2) advertising activities layer includes media, advertisement and network resource; (3) customer’s individual differences layer includes customer’s resource, values, attitude and level of education; (4) customer’s financial affairs layer includes ticket price and earnings; (5) influence of performing environment layer includes regional resource, influence of people and convenient traffic at performing place. The second stage, this study designed a questionnaire according to the evaluating model. Using questionnaire survey with audience investigated consumers who real saw music, dance, drama or traditional folk at Taipei ChungShan Hall or Taizhong ChungShan Hall in 2002. According to the investigation data, using Fuzzy AHP measure each evaluating factors’ weights percentage. According to data analysis, the important evaluating layer and factors on affecting consumer’s willingness to pay for performing arts describe as below. Comparing five layers of evaluating model, the quality of performing arts layer is more important than others. Comparing factors under each layer of evaluating model, the most importance evaluating factors are performing contents, media, consumer’s resource, ticket price and influence of people. However, the important evaluating layer and factor combinations are the quality of performing arts layer plus performing contents, the quality of performing arts layer plus performing group, the quality of performing arts layer plus chamber order, influence of performing environment layer plus influence of people, financial affairs layer plus ticket price and the quality of performing arts layer plus performing place. According to the decision model about willingness to pay, the performing arts manager should enhance the quality of performing arts plus performing contents, the quality of performing arts plus performing group, the quality of performing arts plus camber order, influence of performing environment plus influence of people, customer’s financial affairs plus ticket price and the quality of performing arts plus performing place to increase or improve the performance about performing arts activities. Key Words: Performing Arts, Willingness to Pay, Evaluating Factors, Fuzzy AHP

Keywords : Performing Arts ; Willingness to Pay ; Evaluating Factors ; Fuzzy AHP Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書……… iii 中文摘要………

……… v 英文摘要……… vii 誌謝………

……… ix 目錄……… x 圖目錄………

……… xiii 表目錄……… xiv 第一章 緒論………

……… 1 1.1 研究背景與動機……… 1 1.2 研究問題與研究目的……… 2 1.3 名 詞釋義……… 3 第二章 文獻探討……… 5 2.1 付費意願之定 義……… 5 2.2 消費者付費決策之評估……… 6 2.3 付費意願之相關研究應用………

……… 14 2.4 層級分析法……… 14 2.5 模糊理論……… 22 2.6 模糊層 級分析法……… 25 2.7 應用各種研究方法探討付費意願之優缺點… 29 第三章 研究設計………

……… 32 3.1 專家訪談……… 32 3.2 消費者焦點座談………

……… 33 3.3 消費者自填式問卷調查……… 33 3.4 研究對象與抽樣……… 35 3.5 樣本特 性……… 36 第四章 研究結果……… 37 4.1 結果分析………

……… 37 4.1.1 建立層級結構………. 37 4.1.2 模糊數的群體意見整合………. 46 4.1.3 整合模糊數後的模糊正倒值矩陣……. 48 4.1.4 模糊權重值………. 49 4.1.5 解模糊化後之權重值……

………. 50 4.1.6 權重百分比………. 51 4.1.7 評估層面與評估因素評選值…………. 51 4.2 評估層面與 評估因素的比較……… 52 第五章 結論與建議……… 58 5.1 研究結論………


……… 59 5.1.1 評估因素權重比………. 59 5.1.2 消費者的付費決策參考模式…………. 63 5.2 實 務上的意涵……… 64 5.2.1 提升表演藝術活動的演出內容吸引消 費者付費觀賞………

…. 65 5.2.2 票價應符合消費者的需求………. 66 5.2.3 針對目標族群設計行銷策略…………. 66 5.3 後續研究方向與建議

……… 67 參考文獻……… 69 附錄一 訪談綱要與記錄………

……… 75 附錄二 問卷……… 95 附錄三 模糊層級分析法的計算表格…


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